Does Wynn Have the Best Buffet in Las Vegas? 😲 Let's Find Out!

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[Music] yes [Music] hey guys it's ruby and today it's time for another buffet review we are back at the wynn buffet now we tried this one and when it was like a sit-down situation and it was a little weird we're excited to come try it as a full real buffet experience now i want to give you a couple tips during the week they are close tuesdays and wednesdays but on monday thursday and friday you can come here before 10 and get 39 price point after 10 it's 46 which is really expensive so highly recommend you get here around 9 30 so you can experience brunch for a cheaper price point another tip for you guys they have a save your seat option here that you can do basically you scan the qr code or go on their website and pre-pay for a time you want to come and you'll be able to skip the line and if you go in the prepay line it goes a lot faster than the standby line kind of weird i haven't seen that a lot of the face but we did do the prepay to skip the line let's go on and just got seated here at win buffet we are seated like right by the buffet so we can see all the delicious looking options so we're here right around 9 30 so we did beat that brunch pricing and saved a little money so that's great now i think we're gonna go ahead and start with breakfast our server is bringing us orange juice and coffee and we will go find what breakfast options they have all right let's start with some scrambled eggs wow those look great crispy breakfast potatoes yes please bacon wow that looks delicious this is chili chiles don't mind if we do all right we need some sweets amazing [Music] white chocolate and orange brioche french toast holy buckets blintzes and then i want to put one of these hash brown guys [Music] okay there was so much to grab on the buffet it's busy already it looks incredible i'm so excited so we grabbed a ton of breakfast let me show you everything we got chili chiles this is a like a hash brown like a square hash brown and then they had breakfast potatoes not sure the difference we're gonna find out scrambled eggs there was like all kinds of peppers and onions some delicious looking bacon and then in the sweets department we got the confetti pancake made to order with sprinkles this is an orange marmalade brioche white chocolate french toast wow and then we got some blueberry blinds i also grabbed country fried steak and some breakfast tater tots okay i need to dig in i'm starving i cannot wait this looks so good server already brought us coffee orange juice water let's give these scrambled eggs a shot you can taste the peppers and the onions they're creamy not those like massive free pre-made eggs that you get at other buffets [Music] i am honestly not a big eggs for breakfast person these are delicious i'm gonna have to get rolled out of here let's try these these breakfast potatoes perfectly cooked well seasoned i'm gonna try this hash brown and see what the difference is between the two they're different colors and everything so let's see how these hash browns are compared to the breakfast potatoes they're both really good the hash products cheese so i'm team hash brown obviously both are delicious so far the entire plate has been amazing let's do the chili key lace so that is breakfast tortilla they add all kinds of seasonings and flavors it looks amazing [Music] oh the chili chiles are really good there's a little bit of heat and spice nothing horrible but there's definitely spice and like a ton of flavor in the chili chiles it's like all the textures have been perfect everything's cooked absolutely perfect so far wow oh my god the presentation of everything was beautiful so i was hoping that it would taste amazing the bacon tastes like incredibly expensive bacon oh oh man this whole plate was delicious the chili chiles big standout all right i'm gonna try the tater tot we'll do all the savory before we cut to the sweets so let's try this there's like a little sauce in here i'm not a big tater tot girl those just kind of taste like fried potatoes this looks so good country fried steak with gravy country gravy i love the size of the portions and the plates that they did already that's delicious delicious wow my favorite still so far is the chili chiles so good so good all right let's get some sweets go in here sweet time okay we have to try the maid to order pancake what a cute idea i love that they have someone there just with a griddle they cook them up fresh for you so the pancakes aren't sitting they had all these different flavors you could have them however you wanted he put sprinkles all on the inside it tastes like funfetti cake like funfetti cake batter oh that's delicious children would love that all right blueberry blintz wow looks amazing the cheese already looks really good i can taste the vanilla and the cream i taste cinnamon and the blueberries i love when they put cinnamon and blueberry together it's such a good combination the blend strapper is perfectly cooked wow i don't know how we're gonna eat everything i really don't okay this french toast looks ridiculous hold on i'm gonna cut it in half there are candied orange pieces on the top a white chocolate drizzle i didn't put any maple syrup because i just wanted to try it as is it looks thick it looks fried that candied orange on the top makes it like a little bit more fruity brings around how sweet the white chocolate it has a flavor of like a grand marnier crepe sort of thing going on with that orange my favorite is the pancake mainly because i loved the presentation and how it was made to order the chili chiles i mean nothing was bad everything was delicious and mr ruby would like me to make sure to point out the country fried steak he just had it and he's dead he loves it so much so watermelon radish goat cheese and orange shrimp and papaya for mr ruby maine lobster eggs benedict flop oh they have fisherman stew this is shrimp and grits we'll get that for you as well i know you'll like that meat lovers that looks incredible let's get that oh my god all right tamale absolutely then they've got chicken enchiladas that looks amazing i just want a little i'm never gonna be able to eat everything in this buffet this is insane i will get my cha-cha i don't even know what this is but i'm gonna get it it looks delicious and then we have to get elote let me get a little one this little guy right here pop them in the middle you guys i've never been so overwhelmed at choices because everything is so beautifully presented and there's so many options let me show you everything we just grabbed okay meat lover's pizza hey tamale enchiladas ilote i don't know how to say this a chicken machacha so sorry i did my spanish speakers it looks incredible whatever it is then on the seafood side we had shrimp and grits then there was a cold shrimp and papaya salad a like goat cheese radish sort of watermelon salad thing it looked good and a lobster benedict okay so it's a little mix of everything seafood italian mexican if the chili chiles are any example of the mexican food it's gonna be amazing but let me try the pizza you guys always want me to try the pizza i generally skip pizza at the face because my there's so many other things but let's give it a shot it's good it's like very very meaty pizza sembra tamale i'm so excited i cannot believe how good their latin section looks it looks amazing oh my gosh there's like cheese like melting oh man oh it's so well seasoned the flavor is perfect the masa is absolutely perfectly made it's so fluffy a nice light fluffy tamale oh my gosh i'm gonna try the enchilada now it's so good i don't even have words to describe they have played with the seasoning so so well i'm perfectly cooked all the mexican food a little elote [Music] like sweet corn so it's super sweet but then all the seasonings make it savory so it's a perfect sweet and savory option oh my god i've died and gone to heaven you guys i'm truly overwhelmed by the amount of food they have here and that everything's so good okay i'm gonna try this thing oh it's like a torta let's break up a little piece all right crispy bottom chicken that's very good but the tamale and the enchiladas are rocking my world let's do the seafood i got the majority of this for mr ruby to be totally honest with you guys we'll start with the benedict i'm not a huge benedict person there were like three options there was a reuben a classic this is the lobster all right let's get a little of the runny egg egg looks perfect and i'm not sure what the biscuit is on the bottom it looks almost like a rye it's very rich as i said not a benedict person if you eat all this you're gonna get so full soulful it's so rich the hollandaise and the creamy yolks too filling oh my gosh delicious but i don't have time to eat all that let's try some of the seafood okay we'll do shrimp and grits i'm gonna leave the beautiful little piece of shrimp for mr ruby to try i'm just gonna try the brits fritz could be creamier to be totally honest not my favorite they're a little watery a little runny they could be a little more thick red is salad man i just want to go back to all the mexican food you guys should have tried all this first that was my mistake that's fresh and pleasant the radish is kind of spicy and then the goat cheese gives it kind of a funky taste with walnuts that is a lovely light side made a full salad section over there as well i'm still leaving this piece of shrimp for mr ruby to do the shrimp test let me try the papaya ooh the papaya in this is delicious this is the better shrimp dish already i can tell mr ruby let's do this shrimp test wow oh he says wow he loves the shrimp loves the shrimp the shrimp is delicious okay the shrimp is absolutely delicious the papaya there was very very delicious greatly seasoned i loved how there was a little bit of a spice to it so the papaya shrimp salad yes mr ruby tried this shrimp as well it's good good i like the other one better this is the winning shrimp it's more fishy okay like way more fishy so the shrimp grits we both didn't care if i thought the grits were kind of watery mr ruby thought the shrimp was kind of fishy this fresh shrimp and papaya salad was very very delicious tamales enchiladas elote absolute yes okay let's get some seaweed salad [Music] we got sesame edamame let's get a couple of those shrimp tempura roll one of those is this a new york city roll i want to get this one this looks delicious spicy tuna we need two of those one for each that's our favorite and then veggie your pickled veggie roll yum variety of sushi there's veggies spicy tuna shrimp and then i've got a seaweed salad some ginger and some edamame i'm getting so full there's a whole seafood section the asian food section is probably delicious they had egg rolls fried rice but i honestly don't think i can eat anymore i'm having to make some sacrifices here so i can show you guys the carving station and we still have dessert too i'm getting so full let's try the seaweed salad [Music] hmm restaurant quality very good delicious try the sushi it's a buffet fife sushi is notoriously bad let's see how it is that's delicious pickled vegetable roll so just veggies the rice is perfect perfect rice tastes incredibly fresh they must be rotating it very quickly because it tasted like they had just brought it out to me really excited i'm gonna try the spicy tuna because that one was good so i'm sure this is delicious okay i'm calling it best buffet sushi here it's excellent it's so fresh very fresh we still have to go to the carving station and dessert so i don't want to grab too much the selection in here is great hi can i get some turkey please just a small slice yes nice and small thank you okay there you go oh my god look at that wow looks delicious okay turkey ham sirloin i'm too full this is so sad i want to keep eating there's so much to eat but i'm getting too full we got really small pieces from the carving station so that you guys can see the meats i got a turkey a ham and these crusted sirloin that looks really excellent let's try the turkey not that much flavor it's not dry or anything it's just tastes like turkey honestly i'm also getting really full let's try the ham turkey was okay we're gonna try the ham [Music] the ham is absolutely delicious salty super flavorful really really tender falls apart the ham is delicious the turkey is totally skippable ham is amazing let's try the sirloin looks very very rare i like rare we'll see how it is tastes like very good quality rare steak perfectly prepared tastes delicious super super rare so if you don't like that you're gonna have to have them cook more of it they did have like an extensive amount of sausages there was pork wine chicken there's so much the ham was the standout for sure i would absolutely try the ham if you're a carving station fan but there's a huge variety i'm pretty sure you'll be happy i think we need to try dessert i don't think i can do anymore we'll start with cheesecake we love cheesecake let's get one of these oh they're all so beautiful um i want to try one of these mooses assorted mousse let's get this one this looks interesting let's get one of these i'm gonna need help here sir pull one of these i want one of these and we need our creme brulee i don't even know what this is but it looks amazing pecan all right this has got to be enough we moved on to dessert so many to try i'm gonna try all these there were so many they had made to order crips there was stuff along the other side as well there's so much to try here i can't even begin we're gonna do creme brulee first let's try to do a crack test crispy they must be bringing them out very few at a time well done well done let's give it a try excellently made creme brulee the caramelized sugar is perfect the texture of the cream underneath perfect i'm very impressed for a buffet they are rotating things so frequently to keep it fresh i'm incredibly impressed by that wow let's move on the creme brulee is absolutely incredible i'm going to try the tiramisu cup [Music] so we'll go in oh so the cup is actually chocolate and then on the inside they've got like a tiramisu and there's whipped cream let's give this a shot i mean the creme brulee already pretty much told me how amazing this is gonna be nice and light how you want to tiramisu to be i can taste the coffee the cream perfectly fluffy and light the textures of both desserts were perfect very happy with that the creme brulee is not where i should have started though because i'm so impressed let's keep up with the moosie textures let's do this moose it just said assorted they don't even tell you what they are it's like a little surprise top is absolutely mango puree delicious raspberry on the bottom this will probably be mr ruby's favorite let's try this pecan thing guessing this is like a chocolate pecan sandy something like that [Music] tastes like thanksgiving pecan is delicious crunchy the dessert is so warm the crust is flaky and buttery and delicious i'm like having trouble telling you guys how delicious everything is because it's just like everything is good it's very hard to critique when stuff's delicious but i'm i'm not mad everything's really good i'm gonna try the carrot cake now carrot cake i love the portion size it's a nice size of carrot cake because carrot cake is really filling great good yummy however after just having this this warm deliciousness that's not as good i will say so far standouts amazing amazing amazing these two are good not as amazing let's try the no sugar added for my people watching their sugars looks very fluffy and delicious i have no complaints i have nothing bad to say the buffet's killing it and it's amazing just finished up at the buffet at win i did sneak in a little bit of lychee ice cream and it was so good you guys i think the reason i got so full was wanting to just keep eating everything i put on my plate because there were no bad items everything was delicious there is such a great selection i want to come back to eat all the things that i missed out on to be totally honest i think for the price of the early morning during the week it's a great price for all of this food the quality is amazing this may be my favorite right now and i'll tell you why i think it's presentation the buffet area itself is the most beautiful one that i've seen and the way they present the food is so appealing that it makes it taste even better the whole experience is amazing i hope you guys enjoyed this one definitely recommend it i hope to see you all in my next buffet review
Channel: Travel Ruby
Views: 300,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best buffet las vegas, wynn buffet, las vegas buffet, vegas, las vegas, las vegas changes, las vegas reopening, las vegas grand reopening, las vegas saftey, las vegas 2021, new las vegas 2021, whats new in las vegas 2021, las vegashotel rooms, mgm grand, wynn, ceasers, mandalay bay, luxor, las vegas hotel, vegas hotels, vegas review, vegas vlog, las vegas tour 2021, las vegas news, las vegas cheap eats
Id: MJf1yRQWbE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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