Does saddle pad selection matter?

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afternoon everybody Stephen Brandon alive subsection tag rhythm Tex want to take a little time and answer some questions we get every day here at the store whether it's in person online or by phone their self had set up in selection and there's so many pads out there and I don't like we need to take the time and kind of give you some go to ideas on maybe narrow down a little bit point there's there's so many options between blanket top health different materials contoured on contours we kind of want to walk through what we have is a selection and kind of what we suggest so we've seen work well so start us off a popular on that the Duberstein lose a lot lately is the one piece belt that has a crease bottom on it has a contour top which speaking part a little bit more about there's a lot of different options here some have more comp or less contour but if anything just suggest going concord on counter at the end of the day whatever the takeaway us from here is any contours better no Connor just remember that so the conquer fund is a two piece country has its own down the spine two functions you have your Tantra functioning or whether relief but be mindful of the pad you have or the pad you've got to purchase the future of the pattern and branded just talked about the next time he goes far inside of your holds your horses stand back and get a good profile on horse you're going to see what's dealing with so I'm not yet we need self it's every day here in South Texas Tech 90s be a pad offer too much relief this particular pad is tremendous a lot of weather relief and you'll notice when you get into some of the pads that maybe are built by people that don't own a horse that they're basically looked like a contoured with their flat top and they just don't really have any troops on this they'll be mindful the pattern so what are some other options the guy doesn't want to felt calm I mean there are Michonne had more of a more blanket very question we get a lot of people in this did this one have one had one set up do the same things what you have here is a blanket top with a contour pad actually with the blanket top itself its own in a contour function to where the symmetry is is awesome so this is actually a great setup as a 3/4 inch pad with the quarter inch blanket on top which is really kind of your max which is a 1 inch and we here complex attack guard 1 inch is plenty if you're not going to roll you're not ranch and 3/4 really all you need if you're going to roll if you're going to range 1 inch is really all you need there's kind of that old school as awesome some more pad is better and ok my cell is not big not anymore fast what you're saying is actually if you have a good fit saddle you really must act me better exactly in close contact if the solution actually can be a new set up a new saddle not the pad so what the pad can do is if the pad is the setup is incorrect and actually D leverage your current setup so if it's never really going to take a beep abby's title fit to an A but if you're sure taking a to a B if you're doing circle be mindful this is what we call a blanket cos contour really popular and for somebody to discuss a little color so so with that taxi we'll talk about how the blanket and the powder actually cut it the same pattern now you see a lot of especially more open range world that they're using more of a blanket top and that straight top pocket so they're using a pad that has the contoured cut on it so what's the difference between that and what you show what is really counterproductive so this would actually go on profit up on the bottom that's the first thing I want to point out and then if you do put this on the top it's not concert so it's not going to actually sit down and it's going to pucker you can clear that up kind of complementing complete if you'd actually do it it's going to pucker here and that displacement is going to cause the problem going to pull your saddle creek right here and throat nothing sit down problem what we see is everybody doing this we put this on top so what happens now is you feel like you're doing more for your horse you've actually done a lot less fear so you're actually too thick you're going to lose your contour function and you're definitely going to use your to lose your wither relief so you're really the whole setups counterproductive so we encourage good clear exotic okay go home keep your saddle drying or close enough and get rid of the blanket on the bottom a tribe and real affirm is if you can see your horse's feet they can steal your seat the whole experience one better you're going to be more than offensive posture to the defensive you can exalt more out of your horse and their whole experience some people well this is a real traditional setup we just encourage people to break tradition and try something new here's another what we're on that topic Brendon here's one it's a true cause of the other is that it's a fad it's a tradition for Mexico great quality they've been around forever pants on wire letters laced really a cool pan I know it's hard for people to leave these on homes are so cool too so traditional really at the end of the day if you're just a lover they just use one or two of these with nothing else if you touch something on top of it you're really going to have some problem you can see why people have a hard time leaving these in the barn and I'm clicking on the horse it's the end of the day they could be counterproductive so someone they like a contoured pad they want to try it as well there's some material on right now I wanted to show you is kind of felt on them the whales is out there well the two things really that are offered in today's market is we're going to have what we call a merino wool bottom which is real non abrasive which is really nice to the horse real natural it wicks moisture really good is really well really quick and in order for the world in here when they get top humidity so intense that they might not dry out quick enough where you get into these will dry out putting us when you get into a felt bottom they have a tendency not to dry out quicker this setup will be a little more rigid where we don't feel like that's on it conforms but as well and they just don't dry out great off so you have a lot of people like if somebody asked us we put our hands on one form we're going to pull out complete like yourself one other thing we ran and I will touch on all these hasn't pulled up before have two offices as far as the liner every more these pads have some technology in them and really the standard is a three three-quarter inch in sir we this particular company and all the other the other company to come out with half inch insert which really gives you a total 3/4 in with which we really feel like it's great even if you're going to rope and you're going to range you're working hard all day long that will drive with you call you so I'm a fellow fits we do here still where every day I can have member Brandon a last time of the shuttle fit when somebody settles to wide well they didn't have enough pad that'll draw is too narrow and got too much man clearly off so you know the Indians had to ride 150 years ago they riding bareback that's close contact so we want to be as close as we can with a saddle the tree of the pad and don't leave velvety leverage yourself really important so one other material they don't leave much the neoprene bottom and this is something that if I have the wheezing abilities that maybe you know a police or a bulldozer but it's so easy to clean forgot us me riding every day hose it off go again tomorrow real functional you'll see people when they use these I'll go back to the to pad system we talked about earlier it's not a really recommendation here at South Texas tax the one thing you want to be mindful of is here if you're a die-hard neoprene style fat fan is is your horse thin skin and the way to determine a thin skinned horse in the winter they won't grow a lot of hair this time years a shed off you can almost see through their hair feel they have a real translucent haircut so be mindful if you know or think you have horses fenced in the air frame on the back is not a good idea you can get away with it on the fence not a good idea in the back he causes friction causes heat cold you know Authority so so Brent a great quality something else we want to point out Brandon I want to point out here South Bay connect the pad market and business in the last 10 years really evolved or write-offs and great companies doing some great work and we are actually offering this suggestions and they're simply suggesting some go to choices for us that we we know work for us every day as we do our self if you still world a variety of horses battle outside of what we do here and are simply just breakfast day but it all comes down to is your Orson you and you know what you prefer along so we're events are you in these are just some things that we've seen works work really well Mike Steve mission there's there's so many good food brands out there right now so we good technologies out there if anything I will just believe in goods this we carry them all by everyone mo cell types of tags I think some of them just serve a better purpose and certain set up we'd love to see you and your horse is really the way to get turn that C or beef it into an A or an A+ we can help you either on the phone online feel free to email or you can e-mail brandon at South Texas Tech or Steven Stiles exercise you can call us at nine seven nine four two one 8800 we love to see you first reset y'all stop them in thank you
Channel: South Texas Tack
Views: 32,187
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Keywords: saddle, pads, saddle pads, South Texas Tack, south, texas, tack, video, marketing, pet, horse, equine
Id: Cb86K0AwtRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2017
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