Does GSoC Help in Career? My Honest Experience

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now before we get started with this video I want to share an exciting opportunity with you all rise is coming up with a new free boot camp on Solana so if you don't know what Solana is it is a blockchain platform and the deadline to register has now been increased to 3rd October now it may extend or may not extend but I'd highly recommend you to sign up right now for which you can find the links in the description below you'll get to learn how to build blockchain Technologies on you know the Solana platform and also a chance to win 1000 US dollars as prices so pretty exciting stuff and lots to learn to network with people showcase your knowledge and get live hands-on experience as well so check out the links in the description below and register today because the last date is tomorrow welcome back to my channel another new video in this video I'm answering a most asked question people say connolluted Google summer of code in your first year of college did it help in your career how did it help and is it like a ride or die thing meaning it is mandatory if you want to make it big being from a not so good University or college and how did you approach it and how did it help your career what to do if you get in what to do if you not get in so let's talk about it I did Google Sound record in my first year that was in 2019 now 2023 is going on so a lot of things have changed so one thing I want to say is that if you don't know who sum of code is you probably do people ask me first of all they ask me Kunal how did you come to know about Google summer of code okay you're in University you have so many opportunities you don't know about the question beginners have is like how do you know about this opportunity and you know about Google sum of code because it is one of the most popular programs in India not just Google sort of code I think Indian students dominate whatever opportunity they are given in the field if there is no physical restriction like let's say you have to fly or the money part or something like that Indians will dominate and that's the example you know Google sounds quote like more than 50 percent of students are from India and uh so many hackathon companies are there uh like mlh is there for example join any mlh hackathon doesn't matter the time zone U.S time zone India time zone dominated by Indian students I was an mlh coach and what I'm talking about organize any Meetup any conference anything in India dominated by Indian students if the price is if you let them in um now recently LFX mentorship dominated by Indian students CNC have just released a blog like the mentees who just graduated dominated by Indian students I think it's nice that you know folks from India show so much interest but uh I run my own student like a community of Learners we make devs and I've tried so hard to find communities outside India to get involved get active more people more foreigners watch my YouTube channel which now they do because I'm focusing more on the professional side of things but it's very hard cs50 is doing it really well cs50 audience with a lot of Indian people watch it I know but still they have a good mix but anyway one thing you have to realize is such opportunities when they come you will know about it and because in India people eat it like you know so I want it I want it I want it so that's a that's a nice thing like so much awareness we have in our country but uh that's to answer the question how do you know about these opportunities you will because you live in India if you don't then I just say subscribe to mailing list or subscribe to my YouTube channel uh networks people be active on social media so on and so forth okay to answer the question how much does the gsoc help in career um before 2019 I believe correct me if I'm wrong in the comment section that everyone who did Google summer code used to get a referral from Google I don't think that's that's not the case anymore and they stopped doing it when I did Google's owner code in 2019 they stopped giving out Google referrals so you should not do it for Google referrals anymore if you feel like you do Google sound of code you will get a Google interview interview referral no it does look good on your resume okay and some of the things it provides is like okay you get to work on open source what are the benefits let's talk about the benefits let's put on the resume contribute to large scale open source projects network with amazing people mentors learn new skills get pull requests merged so on and so forth right and you get the money part so you get a stipend and I think the networking opportunities specifically if you want to network with other Google summer code students I think for Indian students this is a downside now hear me out it may look like a little controversial thing when you network in the Google summer course so when you get into Google some code they add you in like a Channel or something and most people there are from India and the downside is that most of these people are very egoistic and with a competitive mindset they're not trying to help you they're just in for the money competition and just get it on the resume so that they can work at a big tech company like Fang or whatever multiple times once as a student three times as a mentor with Google coding as well Google sum of code as well so I know that the networking opportunities in Google Sound code not very good because most people are with a competitive mindset which is not what open source is all about so all these things that I mentioned the Google server code offers maybe things have changed now I don't know but all these things that Google sum of code offers only one thing is which you may not directly get from regular open source contributions which is the money and that's fine it's okay you will get money later on when you get a job so what to do to be quite Frank apart from this depend you are not missing out on anything so there are if you don't get into Google server code a lot of other programs are out there I've made a video on this already 20 plus open source programs you can apply to and I'd say the best thing you can do is contribute to open source is open source irrespective of whether you get into these programs or not it doesn't matter if you get into open source just contribute to open source irrespectively but then you can still apply to these programs and we'll be like oh they contribute to open source already so open source period you can select them or whatever I'll make another video on how I approach Google source code but that's what I would recommend today starting today contribute to open source don't worry about these programs or anything just contribute in your free time so to sum up does it help in your career Google summer of code just like any other opportunity yes it helps but it's not mandatory if you don't get it to Google search code then all the benefits that Google server code provides all the ways in which Google summer of code helps that you can do without Google somewhere of code also so to sum up start contributing to open source today and do apply for Google summer of code if you get in amazing if you don't get in don't worry you will be already getting all the benefits that this program provides if you have any questions leave me those in the comment section below also make sure to check out the links to the resources in description below of the amazing boot camps that I have shared and you can sign up today because the last date is coming very soon I'll see in the next one have a great day [Music]
Channel: Kunal Kushwaha
Views: 24,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: open source contribution, how to start contributing in open source, how to start contributing to opensource, open source guidance, open source roadmap, open source programs, gsoc web development, gsoc first year, Google Summer of Code, outreachy, gsoc proposal, btech, cse, how to crack gsoc, how to make gsoc proposal, gsoc timeline, how to prepare for gsoc, what is Google Summer of Code, how to find gsoc organisations, gsoc 2024
Id: LiPviePfAM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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