Does God Exist? Reply by Shaikh Ahmed Deedat

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I seek your guidance regarding a question posed by a non-muslim regarding existence of Allah existence of God I was having argument with a Hindu fellow who was worshiping his God he said this is the God of Lakshmi this is the God of power this is god of success so I said these are all stones and you are worshiping them why don't you become Muslim and worshiping Allah he said that if you prove to me that'll exist then I will become Muslim I told him that he is God has created you go respected me he has created the entire world the mountains the sky the earth the Sun the moon and so God is there he said these are all the indirect evidences of existence of God he said if you give me some direct evidence of existence of God then I will become Muslim I told him that okay if you know you are not convinced with this then you tell me what is the direct evidence of God existence of God then he said I don't have that's why I am worshipping these gods so many gods so I seek your guidance in this connection what should I tell him now you see depends upon the capacity of the individual everyone you haven't got a pet set line of arguments devices the person what are his capacities understanding with regards to the existence of God the very simplest of thing is this is God exists because we exist Allah tells us in the holy quran is a line of approach he says kafir that furro Nabila how can you not believe in Allah see if this man is an educated and really educated not just you know a fellow who's passed class one two or three and he can speak English but really he's got some sense in him his reasoning with us Allah is reasoning with us Sekai fatigue for you Nabila how can you not believe in Allah what come on what seeing that you a non-existent you were dead non-existent for a vehicle and you brought you into being from Mayumi token it will cause you to die from my frequent it will bring you back to life again from my life to zone and to him will be your return so it's setting a thought process think think back if this man is what sense is a think back man today we are having what is called a population explosion we are on the world today about five billion people if you can grasp that five billion today we are on earth he said no no I know that population explosion they're trying to sell different countries reduce your birth rate it's a population explosion but as you go back into history the population such didn't Lee until let's say six thousand ten thousand fifty thousand years ago you come to almost nothing a pair and even before that according to your understanding who if you have got some education is talking about evolution taking place let's agree with him for a moment as I look when this evolution day there was no man from the pyre primordial substance in the mire in the sea the amoeba started and you know according to his explanation let's agree with him these things came into be right man came into being and the elephant and the snake and the flea everything came from that primordial substance said yes before that you say that the earth was a molten mass nothing no life no plans no animal nothing yes he agrees with you that's what they say you're only using his knowledge what he knows if he knows now you can talk to him so look there was nothing say how did life come where did it come from so he said well it just came like that is what you explained how it started a group of amoeba protoplasm they thought for themselves that none we will collate and break up and collate and eventually we will make ourselves into an elephant huh is that what they did this neither groups are we make us on the gorilla neither shall make myself into a monkey not only am ia chimpanzee now I'll make myself into a donkey nose I'll make myself into a pig come on come on tell me now they thought out all these things this ME bar is got no brains it had the brains now created this man he said most of eyebrows you know look at the eyes how it is protected how many times we had blue eyes and your eye was not damaged because of this construction then each and everything is a miracle man is a miracle but we are so close to ourselves with that we don't see it ask the doctor the biologist the physiologist and then you start speaking about the heart the lungs the kidneys each and every day fingernails in your teeth you know when you go to the dentist and you go and see the diagrams of the teeth the teeth what it consists of each and everything is America you thought it out that any batata doubt he said yes he said look you had the most superstitious guy on earth any little thing you see you said somebody made it this little pin I have a pin yeah this one has a big head I think I don't know whether you can see it from there I said you know it came by itself it's another guy's mad somebody made it a match match stick as if team by itself somebody made it look if somebody told you just came by to see his bad he's a lunatic nothing income bites up somebody made it this most complex machine became by itself if thought out for yourself everything what you doing about yourself each and every little thing about him you know in the year terms the balance the that I can keep on standing here you know not fall down I know I'm straight all this what is being it all this is come by accident there is a creator the only thing is in the concept you see his worshipping men and monkeys elephants and snakes and he wants to justify that see it's the concept reason with him but of course as I said now it depends upon his background and experience you know I can't just give you a pat ancestor look just tell him this and he'll be satisfied you got to find out from him like suppose now I had chance of meeting the fellow and as soon as it starts opening his mouth I said what is this man so everybody you have to deal with them individually according to the background and experience and there is a tape available you might enjoy it you know tape available from Hinduism to Islam in other words I'm explaining my people ancestors were Hindus and how we became Muslims and from what what and it explains all this most of this what we have this bra show him he'll enjoy tennis in shallower you'll also enjoy it
Channel: Bukhari Records
Views: 1,225,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: does, God, Exist, shaikh, Ahmed, Deedat, Best, Reply, Ahmed Deedat (Author), Muhammad, Quran, Existence Of God (Literature Subject), Religion (TV Genre), Koran, Prophet
Id: JfzTlK074eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2013
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