Does flashing GPU kill your motherboard ?

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yes it's true AMD hates me so much they sent this 6800 XT to kill the motherboard that got me famous in the first place this motherboard is responsible for fixing too many Nvidia gpus why don't you take a red pill and [Music] relax yes swallow it deep now let's get out of here before you realize your motherboard is dead hello internet today we have this 6800 XD in for repair customer stated something that I cannot remember very clearly so I'll just go straight into the lazy diagnostic process using this device and see what we find according to the emper disc car pulse it seems to work so it's safe to plug it into the motherboard and see if it produces a picture card does not produce a picture so I took the HDMI cord and plugged it into the motherboard instead so I can run a memory test but the motherboard is refusing to boot not sure why that is resistances on the main power looks good data clock and reset pin looks fine and when I tried it on my other motherboard the motherboard stopped working I thought maybe memory went bad or the BIOS got corrupted or something but no the board is now dead thanks AMD so now we have a GPU assassin that travels the world killing every motherboard it comes in contact with I am dying wanting to take it apart and see if someone planted some kind of an EMP device inside of it okay I did not find anything abnormal so I started checking for resistances which by the way all looked normal then I check for voltages suspecting a high voltage feeding back into the motherboard but I didn't find that either the only thing to do at this point is to try again and see if it works because I find absolutely nothing wrong with it nope black screen motherboard refuses to boot and we're back to square one I even tried to look for abnormalities using thermal camera but no everything is looking as normal as it gets so the very last thing on my mind and I mean the very last will be to reflash the bias chip okay so I took the chip out of the board and read it and I found that it is full flashed with sapphire bios so I dug around for AMD bios flash that instead put the chip back on the board and Bam it works even the memory test [Music] passed anyway special thanks to AMD enthusiasts out there flashing their AMD cards with random garbage not even realizing the damage it can do not only to your GPU itself but to your whole system i a have never heard of a GPU flash with the wrong bias can kill a motherboard and I bet I'm not alone in any case car does work and the only issue I have with it is that it's a bit too high on the hot spot I'm guessing the original carbon pad was long gone and whoever did it forgot to put a nylon spacers to compensate for lack of clearance as you can see it did help quite a bit but we're still over 20 on Delta that's typical for a MD so we can only ignore that it constantly runs at its peak high temperature so that it would die sooner it's all by Design and there we have it the story of this AMD killing my old motherboard is over my question now is what exactly is dead motherboard or the CPU I took a CPU from my other board but I'm not 100% sure it's compatible because this is a slightly older board but it behaves exactly the same so I guess it doesn't matter I suspected The Hub is toast but I have no way of testing it so I'll just order another board and this repair will have to pay for it because even though this board is not the latest and greatest it is still pretty pricey for whatever reason in any case that's it for this repair hope you've learned not to flash your GPU with anything other than the stock bios or maybe you learn something else in which case let me know in the comment section below goodbye
Channel: northwestrepair
Views: 20,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtx, gpu, amd, nvidia, gaming, gameplay, artifacts, crashes, repair, fix
Id: 6i5E6VFabSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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