Does Far Cry 6 Do Enough? REVIEW "Buy, Wait for Sale, Never Touch?"

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oh [Music] pretty entertaining huh but is that all far cry 6 can offer is there something more that's the expected kind of video you guys are probably going to see and far cry 6 is exactly the expected kind of game that brings those out if you assumed it was going to be something more then you might as well go back and try to sue the never-ending story for false advertising in the meantime here's a review for far cry 6 for the pc playstation and xbox consoles subscribe to the channel if you like the videos speaking of expectations graphically the far cry games have always tried to shoot for it's the tropical feel of that pearlescent water as you look out from a cliff and see a 1957 chevy roll by with a giant construction sled on his front a machine gun strapped onto it like it's from the mask 1980s cartoon in fact you're warned in the game that the entire island is pretty much stuck in a time not literally but more figuratively and traversal through yara is going to feel instantly familiar if you played the third title it's basically far cry 3 if a ton of people knew about it and moved there but forgot their wallets and had to make do it's less tropical paradise more reflection if you don't take the travel agent's advice it's a land of poor and poor where those who are in the top are firmly entrenched in the pyramid of money and tyranny only real life huge video games and movie bond villains can actually inspire while mostly main island or two the main geography is spread out a great deal larger than i originally envisioned with dany traipsing through swamps to figure out symbolic puzzles to grab ancient artifacts or submarine and through subterranean caves investigating ghost stories and their origination or just blown people away in the center of a coffee plantation while in every far cry game the locations are indeed characters themselves here some changes have actually occurred on the player's side it's first person mostly at times though the game does transition to an over-the-shoulder third person view mostly in camps where the cut scenes show your character fully does this change much sure i guess sometimes it shows your dank ass rocking a weird-looking bullproof suit or a medieval helmet during a cut scene and while ubisoft has stated this was done to give a different feel to the games and a more personalized feel it's not like we as players didn't already imagine that we look like complete goofballs already if you've played most ubisoft games you've seen this view already as the cutscenes and the bases third person is directly equivalent to division's viewpoint without divisions hud masquerading as its own how much can one person take before they snap meter i dug the character designs i went with my male danny who careens through situations both with the seriousness that reflects the situations as well as an offhand goofiness when things get wild he's laid-back flip-flops and therapy gator one second and once you've stapled everything metal within 100 feet to your face and you encroach warhammer space marine levels of armor he actually has a nice solidified leadership to him later in the game he does what's asked he figures out what needs to be done and when he needs help he isn't afraid to actually ask for it something that happens here in the game a bit more than i expected side characters who do help you usually look excellent in fact some of the cutscenes look incredibly detailed those skin designs are awesome i did notice a bug speaking of the skin designs where the hd pack made one of the creatures that you take along with you actually look worse it's the first downgrade hd pack that i think i've ever seen you have some low poly enemies here and there and some city locations that aren't the greatest with some drab textures but as a world goes in an open world this size not bad also not completely gone but definitely fixed is the graphical animation sticking that we saw in far cry 5. you will still see some people switching out their weapon 30 times in the discussion and someone looking very intently at nothing unless this game was from its start to finish consistent bugs it would still be less than far cry 5. traversal and verticality pay off greatly here because that sandbox design is so open there's a lot of spaces in this game where you look at a spot and you figure three four maybe five different ways to get into it i didn't like the performance though at least on a couple systems first of all dlss shouldn't be a crutch but its absence here is noticeable amd's system doesn't look nearly as good and that's what you're stuck with performance wise the xbox series x and s actually stick to mostly 60fps the original though is far from perfect shape and we have been informed there's a patch particularly for the base consoles this is nowhere near cyberpunk level at all but it does drop fps quite a bit when it comes to the series x and s a little bit of stutter here and there but i've been quite happy with both those systems pc bit more nuanced first the game has that ray tracing for shadows and reflections but it has no dlss as i said and it swaps it out for amd's cast and super fidelity systems and while both can help definitely get you some more fps from this game it's just not that well optimized i also got a question is it a single cpu thread issue which happens with some ubisoft games no at least not on mine testing on four different systems results in a 2080 ti and a current i7 at 4.9 not able to get 4k 60fps at ultra which is fine because sometimes there's some future settings but that's not it because it also was having issues at high it's not all the time diving into the settings you see fog and shadows definitely do impact the game and honestly ray trace shadows are not really worth it for the fps hit reflections i think look really nice but overall the game definitely needs a patch it still performs better like for like than far cry 5 did with a 1080 ti you're looking at 1080p or 1440p and taking some hits on those different settings the game still looks good even on the low to mid settings but be aware you're probably going to be diving in there what surprises me graphically is that the consoles delivered such smooth performance or overall smooth performance they weren't perfect and the pc once dialed in looks really good there are times where this game is absolutely gorgeous only let down at other times when you definitely get some low detail textures here or there or those animation sticks that we see in a lot of ubisoft games one place i want to talk about though the excellence here is in the audio this is incredible what can you tell me danny want to turn some evil sordados into dead ones we're throwing together a squad for an ambush and we want the best [Music] so why are you here i'm with clara from liberta didn't she say i was coming that's a big name to throw around let's go [Music] first it takes a bit of finessing on the pc the console is actually easier with its settings but windows is always a little bit behind the times when it comes to dialing in good sound however with 5.1 or atmos dts settings the audio is awesome other than of course the headshot which sounds like a dude throwing a watermelon against the wall the gun sounds themselves are great they have a perfect envelope to them you come over a hill there's a dude just vigorously tapping away a death note of random spurts with his flamethrower burning down a village and your resistance fighters are battering him with grenades and useless bullets around his head and shoulders because he's too heavily armored and you can actually hear them hit and ping off silenced weapons are still that movie style suppressor with a dude whispering into the mic once the suppressor heats up and the full gun sound comes right back in awesome audio explosions missile barrages over the head i was surprised by the side bits as well for example if someone's wearing flip-flops you can actually hear the secondary slap at the bottom of that material hitting their heels while they run it's not perfect there's some issues here there with layering for sure probably the best far cry sound in any of these series that brings us to music you guys know i was a huge fan of far cry 5 this music took a long time to grow on me in fact it was a couple hours before i realized i was actually digging it it's more authentic to the jazz stylings and that mixed 1970s electric guitar and caribbean influences than i've ever expected and it's just usually not my jam for a bit of time i found myself really enjoying it i also love the mixture the very militant style propaganda music that pounds out in these specific areas that offers you this audible split between the rebels and the rulers the best part though is when the game cuts away to cut scenes and it's an entirely unique feel and finding out that this is the narcos composer is the one who actually did those cut scenes it makes perfect sense leap out of the car the car's still rolling plain 1970s electric guitar and i'm taking down people those are some epic moments in gaming and speaking of epic of course the voices we can't ignore the fact that a triple a actor one of the best actors that probably has ever been in a video game is the main antagonist but as expected you're not always interacting with that character otherwise it'd be a pretty weird game the best part here is that as the game rolls through into the middle and it's later parts you can pick up some stuff and learn things and experiences part way through the game at the very least have you seen the entire situation and his son and yourself in a pretty different light both the male and female voice actors lending voices to danny do a good job as you would expect their situations are pretty much directed usually inside the cutscenes theme and tone there isn't a ton of variation between the two but i like them both i did also like parts where you're running away from battle or riding away from one or various one-liners as you're going into battle and the character has all these different little one-liners that he's spouting out also pet all the animals trust me but can you trust ubisoft to deliver a good game so this game starts out with you and your friends partying out on a rooftop like a nintendo commercial only to see everyone get attacked almost instantly by this fascist regime that currently rules the location barely escaping with a friend you inevitably end up running face to face with the game's main antagonist who after killing the entire crew and passing your list on a ship does the typical bad guy thing and walks off allowing for you to luckily escape you know games serious when they shoot up a bunch of friends who are rooftop barbecuing well maybe not exactly serious you play as danny rojos versus the dude from breaking bad a guy who wants to be cobra commander on the entire island chain but unlike cobra commander who couldn't be bothered to do anything other than sit at a table and at destro this dude is pretty much everywhere seriously he's everywhere he's on the tv then he's on a boat then in a car then he's home somewhere then he's landing in helicopters back on tv the only person who has this much fluidity with their travel plans on the island is actually danny so it's only right that you're the one tasked with taking him out and while you can pick to be the male or female whichever version you go with danny should just be having you're the best around be playing as his theme song wherever he goes because you are a badass and wherever you go you're shooting it up in this overall plot that has to do with the bad guy wanting to bring power to the island poison coffee beans and raise mutant dogs and yes all those are actually in the story it's not just revolution it's the wonkiness in between far cry games deliver quickly recognized as probably one of the few people on the island who can shoot straight the resistance most of them at least takes an instant liking to you involving you in plans execution strategies at the highest level that means you're quickly donning the mantle of leader as you clear out bases search through locations to find more clues as to how to take out the main bad guy and more each of the main island sections is broken off into territories most of them ruled by friends who need to be coaxed into joining you as well as a general level that you should probably be to take them on now the variety of missions here in far cry is bog standard at least at first a mixture of various games in the past and all their quests sort of smashed into one saving bases saving people so they'll join you buying upgrades to your various outposts and hideouts that offer all manner of gear and bonuses for you and the others around you there's even a sort of a mini mission game here where you send out leaders who you've recruited as well as spare fighters to take on jobs and then walk them through a mini choose your own adventure as they go about it which we've seen in some mmos as you go further and further into the game and level up the enemies do in prior places as well which actually makes sense because you'd think if a two-legged murder vehicle came out of the mountains once a month to bloodbath the entire government someone would think of buying a bulletproof vest occasionally and they do here it never makes those older locations impossible but it does make it so that you don't have that odd feeling of collapsing on an older spot and mulching 50 soldiers like it's nothing only to quit travel and suddenly some dude in just jeans can swallow down four shots with a shotgun without staggering luckily the game still has good control with danny able to wing suit and parachute and jump jet emergency land helo out run away drive into pretty much every confrontation or experience each is reminiscent in all ways of the prior far cry games with a follow this path ai driving system that also allows for you to do shootouts while rip snorting through someone's ripe coca field weaponry is the name of the game here for you from your supremo think of it like various jet packs assorted and assembled from questionable items you found around the game world each with a special item and ability usually a secondary skill as well one might allow for you to jump jet forward quickly and battle while at the same time it's special just straight up squirts out the entire content so the packs fuel onto the ground ignites it throwing all the enemies into the sky or at the very least running around on fire another might allow for you to shoot poison into enemies and cause them to attack one another and this is going to be the hit and miss for far cry 6 right here because there's a difference between the other far crys that far cry 6 has and that's ammo it's not just the environmental stuff that we've seen before like poison arrow which this game also has it's that has a variety of ammo and some enemies are specifically vulnerable to it for example armor piercing for the heavies soft jacketed for those without extra protection the problem is it sort of sucks i get the idea but the only problem is in the midst of battle remembering which weapon was the right one for a particular armor seems a bit delicate add this to the special enemies that you can find when you're tagging spots and bases if he has a name by the way he's sort of a special harder than the rest enemy or they may have a particular class like a healer or otherwise that can turn the tide if you don't take them out because they're going to run up to some dude and heal them up that you've tagged in the bean bag from like a thousand yards away with your flame tip nine millimeter beretta but by the time you get in there you may not have the exact right bullet type you need again you can kill them with any kind of bullets it just may take longer and it's a messier dive into inventory than i would have liked and the return isn't really excellent reflected here in the gameplay despite that i actually enjoyed how the silencers would heat up as i talked about in audio and slowly failed as you fired and you have to wait for them to cool off before they started working again and how for the better or worse that would make you take a little bit longer and decide exactly how many shots you had before going loud or figuring out another way around it and while there are silent weapons of course like the bow and arrow sometimes they don't have enough punch to get through an enemy's helmet or kill them prior to them maybe setting off the alarm and when they do it is a damned disaster and not only can you get unique weapons that can't be upgraded but the normal ones can be upgraded so can the supremos and the cars they can have different mod spots for each one not only for various ammo types and the weapons like explosive and soft hard incendiary in other words but also paint jobs you can find around locations you can get scopes and suppressors like i mentioned prior equipment is separated between pants and shoes gloves coats and headgear each that offers various unique takes on upgraded bonuses that can be matched and set if you get all the pieces with some upgrades offering and fostering better defense while others really give you these unique abilities like running faster after killing an enemy or a pair of gloves i found that actually stopped you from being on fire if you wore them they were flame retardant which was a huge bonus in some events of course when you go out there like prior games healing is done by hurting yourself more a self-harm nightmare you may burn a cigar into a bullet hole or grab your fingers and just yank them back into straightness far cry is never less than brutal and speaking of brutal do you know why there's no such thing as a stealth alligator because the world would never be the same afterwards alligators versions of stealth is probably just pretending to be other animals so they could sneak into zoos and eat people you get roosters and dogs and alligators and a couple secret ones nowhere near as many as you got with far cry primal but be aware some of these guys go ape if you don't control them but it's not just the animals that you have to team up with danny's not the only one who can see the posh circumstances of leadership and financial shields that look strangely like humans as being corruption beyond and above and the land of yarr is actually filled with people who want to join you or at least help you out you can even bribe some bad guys to get behind the scenes information about the illicit empire of evil that you're fighting but that does bring up the issue that the far cry series have always had and that's the ai as you're moving through the locations you're clearing out bases you're saving hostages and hitting the x button like 150 billion trillion times to pick up stuff the game will sometimes spawn informants wherever it thinks is cool so sometimes you're there rolling around on fire from a mortar and you hear another dude trying to sell you a map who's also rolling around on fire i like the maps they actually help i think everyone does there's not an official map hating convention but seriously couldn't you guys have waited just a moment until i wasn't on fire but at the same time reverse that completely 180 when it comes to the ai for the world itself you leap into a car guess what enemies don't notice you and sent you from 8 000 miles away like far cry 5. in fact if you holster your gun you can walk right past a good deal of the enemies unless you're in a trespassing zone or you fly into the zone you haven't taken the anti-aircraft missiles out the flexibility and the sandbox feel and reward that goes with that is so much higher but what is surprisingly not higher here is a level of anarchy i think half the time sequels are just living off the stored fat of the past game's nostalgia far cry 6 has made two distinct improvements for me one without any caveats the other bringing its own issues the first is there is far less random anarchy it does happen happens more when you engage and go out and try to take on enemies but trying to fish in a stream and being attacked every 20 seconds by honey badgers in far cry 5 is replaced by encounters at least a bit more stretched out and i would have to say at times far cry 6 felt a bit empty and i think the developers understood that because they have added in horses something for whatever reason far cry 5 and montana didn't have far cry 6 is added and while not perfect and let's be honest no one's going to argue the best vehicle in the game is of course the motorbike in the sidecar still the ability to jump on a horse and really take it pretty much throughout the entirety of the game is very cool there's even some missions on it however as we roll this into fun factor that is one issue people are going to bring up i saw a horse light on fire last thing i hear is a shrieking four-legged burning crying abomination of a horse running over a hill away from me nightmare over but there is some animal stuff in this game i'll talk about in the fun factor section that you should be prepared for because far cry is if anything a bit bipolar it vasculates between vast stretches at dire pros horrible consequences only to finish off with a three-quest trip with a pissed off rooster with dragons dogma ai as he proceeds to beat the out of literally every merchant on the island like he has a vendetta against pottery because it reminds him of crock pots or something just as you get done seeing somebody get murdered in a cut scene you strap a couch to the front of a car and mow down a bunch of enemies at a fort want to lob some poison grenades into that same group sure want to light a random horse on fire and then scare it into the fields where enemies are holding prisoners to light them all on fire can do and i actually did and you can do it in multiplayer not only co-op but also the mission system we've seen in prior games where there's a couple unique locations you can be jetted off to speaking of jet and off if you want to jet off with a little bit of your cash micros are in the game you can apparently get a lot of different things in the store what i have noticed is that the curve for what you get versus the time you spend in the game and the expectations there it feels just like a single player game that can change in the future just like a game can have no store and then suddenly have one or have a store and be removed though it's far less likely and i'll keep track of those as this continues i really do have to say far cry 6 continued to offer little snippets and gameplay changes farther along than i was expecting without really unduly punishing the player for instance there's no skill trees in this game those are effectively gone with far cry 6 replacing those with the armor customization and bonuses as well as the weapon customizations not including the ammo situation which is sort of on the side the customizations themselves for those weapons aren't directly connected to the ammo also you can kill an enemy even a higher level enemy most of the time with a head shot you do have to get somewhat close because a lot of those enemies will have more armor but this results in a far cry game that surprisingly enough feels almost like you have character classes in them especially when you start adding in things like the supremos weapons and customization so as you guys know i rate games on a buy weight for sale rent or never touch it again rating system also yes the game does have chicken street fighting in it with two roosters shuryukin each other in the face and while they are shown to be alive at the end i can see that bothering someone we're born into we experience or pick the offenses that we're gonna fight against however if you got that far you got through some may means burning poisoning someone with a six-foot piece of steel shoved through their head and about a hundred other versions of self-torture if you pick that hill to fight on realize it's just one in a mountain range you climbed over to get to it my rating for this is almost a buy but it's still a weight for a sale there's a couple reasons why i did have a blast playing this but the performance is not up to snuff and i think if your performance is even worse than mine which it probably is because most people don't even have a 1080 ti let alone a 2080 ti also the ai while improved in some places is not improved in others and i can't wait to see a patch on this and i wish the ai really took a major step forward we've seen it in some other titles and i would like to see it here right you guys liked the video if you did check out patreon check out facebook check out twitter follow me on twitter make sure to give it a thumbs up peace out stay tuned for more videos from me i hope you have a good week
Channel: ACG
Views: 582,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geek, acgreview, angrycentaurgaming, gameplay, ACG, gaming, nerd, review, ps4, xbox, sony, ms, game, reviews, ps5, xbox series x, xbox series s, gaming news, #gamereview, #reviews, #gameplay, comedy, acg reviews, video games, angry review, trending, acg impressions, switch, recommend, buy, far cry 6 review, acg far cry 6, farcry 6 bugs, far cry 6 part 1, far cry 6 gameplay, farcry 6 gameplay, farcry 6 review, farcry 6 pc, farcry 6 console, farcry review, far cry 6 before you buy
Id: WG3RuvDF0V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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