Does China Hate Us?

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not [Music] yeah any harmony when we have the entire I think in Jerusalem that's a key one be a ticket PR dokie hey that's it no reason for that is he gone this ketogenic diets up you don't need to talk about anything Harbin hometown yeah that's really good what else good let's get the cicadas yeah I have been [ __ ] Shang Shung new role what about this young pine so it's been a bit much here Buchan yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm psychic oh don't turn the middle walk yeah okay disease pain that they literally of cicada larvae on there yeah they didn't even take because the cool absolutely and I'm so sad no they actually don't I hate bugs though they make me one throw out that and they're never in the noon to you secateurs no I mean it thank your course you know it was okay that force I don't know it probably not I get a sports anyway so guys on it's another off the bike episode and if you keep track of our channels once a week we have an on the bike and we have an off the bike so please excuse me turns off today rude today we're going to be talking about a couple of different topics we kind of wanted to be a little bit more relaxed we're going to share a little lunch idiots talk about what's been on our mind yeah correct so the first thing I want to talk about something that's a it's a huge thing both on my channel and ATD China your channel as well and that it haters haters going to hate it is going to take totally it's something that comes with the territory if you are a youtuber or any kind of personality at all you're going to have people that hate you for various different reasons right so I thought maybe we could talk about some of the reasons why why we pick up summer tape you got any idea for cuz I got plenty okay well I'll start off by saying I didn't I mean I've always had these guys on my channel that would say terrific things about my wife and my kid and knowledge kind of stuff came from both directions so I never paid it any mind until I saw my videos in your videos and adv China's videos being uploaded on to this website called Billy Billy Chinese uh social media this is the most liberal and open-minded of Chinese video size by the way it absolutely is for the young youngsters go right yeah and what was happening was they could take the most positive in video and then they were either wouldn't translate what was happening or translate little tidbits to make it look like it was really negative and what you'd read in the comment I'd say twenty thirty percent of people are like wow that was really cool thanks guys because I understand English oh yeah and then you get the other people that I'd be like up so if you didn't understand let's kill these foreigners drive them out of China yeah it actually put me in a really nasty mood so I stopped watching my stolen content on that site immediate see there's this unfortunate situation here in China where people will steal our videos literally just download them upload them and they monetize if they get money out of this which is really annoying so they put them on Billy Billy yo cool places like that and they basically they've got this narrative that you and I are hey dongle which mean right you know we like to black China we like to make China look bad and the way they do this is quite clever they put these like really crappy titles and ro they'll subtitle like you say little bits of it where we'll be like driving down the road or we'll be doing something to say like look this is really dirty and then they'll say China is a filthy place right in subtitles they not only do that with this video yeah they will and then afterwards will say but look at how convenient this is or how awesome this is until denote subtitles so all the good stuff they don't subtitle the only subtitle man there's a good example I thought was really funny was our video about how to get a Chinese wife yeah because it was completely like again weirdo foreigners coming to China to specifically find a Chinese what we would being really like Chinese people are not object you know we're very very positive about that but don't want you to con us in the comment section a lot of the comments are like these guys are teaching how to come steal our Chinese women these dirty dirty people actually the complete opposite the entire point of that video is to now kind of good suede people that from doing that correct okay ah so here's the gene gyros and letting you show everyone what this looks like and we can build one this is awesome so you take one of these this is a tough with skin yeah usually it's actually a much nicer wheat based product but you know they're on a special diet you can get the tofu skin which that's what we're filming on by the way which is pretty viable but it works it tastes good good substitutes to get sick today body oh that's the worst word ever how's violet literally the word for it in comparison to the basically this is like a gravy that they took this little strips of meat in and it's super super strong tasting but it's awesome yeah and what you do is you open up under make a little rat that's awesome yeah oh that's a little goodness let's go anyway um so we've been getting a lot of hate from these people that have been representing us on the Chinese social media but that's what but where are you bothering that's not where all the hates coming from raised curator yeah okay we get a lot of hate from Western people as well especially since we both had Chinese wives you get a lot of these people sort of very right-wing people who leave the word what mixing blood race a railing as like offensive to right-wing people it's just crazy crazy very sick yes yes I mean like backwards elephant nothing's nothing wrong with being right wing Vienna and of course they're also other people that are very much against us like down you've heard about the hepa community yeah do they're all over me like flies now HEPA czar um basically mixed eating half asian half coke immigrants or whatever Caucasian half black half whatever you like and these guys have got a serious low self-esteem you come alone and they absolutely hate mixed couples and they're going both on your channel on my UGG they say you better not have kids right you have kids you know you're going to have this person who's going to hate themselves they're going to need your side all silently what happened uh yeah what about a lot like you do yourself a favor and like don't have another kid you really screwed up the world well the whole lot it's weird it's weird hmm and it's like he's this agenda of like preventing people from you know giving they're having a mixed relationship because they really think that deep down their hearts based on their maybe bullying experiences and things like that that it's going to happen our kids as well and it's making the world and more with the cult more split place hmm so you've got some these guys going after us leaving all fullfil comments right you've got the sort of crazy weird like you're a race traitor types coming after us then you've got the asian fried males sort of them how dare you kill our women oh you know types going after us and then you have a much go throwing shade from every direction then then you also have the ultra nationalist Chinese we just basically can't stand it if anyone says anything that doesn't fit with their narrative so if I say oh look it's overcast outside they'll say we'll screw you your compares more of overcast more yeah so you've got those guys and then you have the run-of-the-mill haters which is a result of and I've dealt with people like this my whole life so it's no big deal but when people see other people succeeding in any way and I mean it could be a small success yeah just small so it's like you can be in a class and you you getting better grades right it makes you whatever you will always have people who are jealous and their jealousy comes through is hatred and so they will try to bring you down so for instance you do well I'm unmute you'd like we're doing you get more subscribers and they will do their absolute best to try and make a scandal happen or to bring you down to their level by like then screw this guy he's just a piece of crap he/she doesn't know how to speak Chinese inning you know he's just a fraud he's just a piece of China they try to bring you down right try to destroy your life or your public image as much as possible just if they want to bring you down to their level this is a good load dude for club yeah these are awesome like Pope spine isn't right hmm let's like a good slowed students tend or nice oh and we also got this is called hard bean thought that our beans like all the way up near Russia and northern China and also this might be my favorite sometimes we cheekily put it inside of these little burritos mm-hmm garlicky and not like Cabasa absolutely amazing continue okay so I guess the topic of this video could be like I think it haters hey the name we do weekly hate report now doesn't need to be weakened thing I think it's just important to point out that especially of late because of these guys put like mistranslating our videos on Chinese social media and again from the West as well ton of hate from them so nice thing again Phil my baby the other day a nice guy that is really popular at a lady's back again real badass overhere baby killer hmm I've been getting daily and the worst is you get people to post in Chinese on my comment section and they say posting all sorts of really hateful stuff like hey everybody I got to tell all that you know I have to let all kinds people know this guy is a snake and he just wants to be or should we do that yeah wants to make trying to look bad and blah blah blah blah blah but they post on my videos and it's very annoying especially when all I'm trying to do is show people with China's really like and in fact I'm trying to change people's mind about China I'm trying to make it positive but yeah you have to address what's happening around it I think I think you know to kind of not just sum it up but to say like when you get more of a following you're going to more backlash I do think this is kind of indicative of the way that China is going at the moment and maybe the way is that a lot of like subgroups of what some people think as well and I've noticed kind of a resurgence would be really really horrible grass comments we're getting worse initially so the more objective we are about trying to try to show the nitty gritty details about life the more people are pushing zakah even on the western side of terms well like a lot of people are like why the hell do you guys even live there that [ __ ] bubblin I defend this sign in comments as well but then you go back you look like get the hell out of my best rates like this you can't win with haters there's the whole point of this video so that you guys know that the the haters are fast and furious these days danger they they are not in any way shape or form getting to me I don't know about you it just annoys me as anything else and they mention my child like if it's tough no Rosa don't care people can call me a Jew knows all day let me go about up please don't say you're gonna kill my kids was pretty pretty messed up certainly is um a quick message all the haters out there you're wasting your breath keep throwing this stuff you know all you're going to do is break yourself upon me because I've been dealing with this my entire life since you know living in South Africa and the things they used to do back then like having a company that I used to screen adding my own stuff I used to be a target of hate I had a hate website set up above me when I was you know in my early twenties I believe and of course with the magazine and everything I had a lot of hate I've always had a lot of hate right and it's something that I'm quite used to and like like I've kind of maybe alluded to in the part I I think it's a good thing because when you have haters it shows that you're doing well you know absolutely also I think that it's like it how to say the people that really really support you come out of the woodwork like I mean like it's not up yeah and it shows you how much love you have to and people appreciate it yeah absolutely so my message of the haters is you can throw all the shade you want at a feeling that you're doing in saving us money on sunscreen if I get it I guess right guys so we're going to keep enjoying this on amazing awesome piece and we're kind of preparing ourselves because this is what we're going to be eating on accounting knowledge oh yeah that's the area we're going to air over so comes from mmm that's true actually the point I got the Kickstarter Kevin already listened behind the scenes stuff it just released yes appeared cool if you're a backer you'll actually see a new little behind the scenes from conquering submarines others Island watching it back for the first time today I was like wow that was really fun back room and super super fun one one more thing before we sign up from here I'd like to just tell you about how I almost lost lost my drums over well there's um it was actually yesterday okay I thought I'd get some nice footage of version Jen and as you do yeah the problem with flying a drone in a city here the biggest problem is that there's a lot of interference right you've got microwave towers you've got radio waves everywhere you've got so many electronic things going on in the city itself right that if you try to fly more than a kilometer away you lose signal right so you can't control from the phone yeah well from your controller so the thing is you're limited to very sort of close range thing and that's why a lot of my footage it's all taken around my area and people will get tired of seeing the same building so I thought I got to do something bigger break so I thought this uh this app and because I'm not a sponsors sellout type dude I'm not going to mention the name but basically I got this app which allows you to program in a route and it basically sends it up on the mission and it'll fly and go wherever you tell it to go and then it'll come back right you can set points of interest so that it can focus on that thing right kind of cool anyway I set up this route and everything and I sent it off on this mission and then I realized wait a second it's not going to be able to make it because it said oh the mission times can be 38 minutes and I'm like what but it only tells me that once it turns it off boom kind of annoy me and the next one the metric amount is about 20 to 35 minutes like it alone and was very windy so the last even less so I was like oh no but by the time I realized it it's already gone out of range so I hammered the return to home button and it starts training the thing out right but obviously wasn't a meter I was running around on the rooftop to my building while trying to find a way to get it to see and luckily luckily besides tempted to do like a figure eight around the park and there obviously came in range just in time and it started to come back and as I started to come back a regained connection with only a 10% that's relation it was like a hundred years away and I was just like battling because now it starts to be automatically and it you know I was just settling to save it anyway I saved it 3% battery the closest one although I'm not going to do that again thank you we have drones start to do litter I want to learn it anyway that's it good loss that I hope you guys enjoyed meeting us for lunch I kinda want to do this in the future yeah couple more of these every once in while yeah so guys um that's it anything you want to say before we sign off so you're not my mouth for food whether you like this delicious party food like these like haters like we saw in the minion I hope you like I'm an subscribe hmm mmm and don't be a hater mmm now you're stuck with a shame kidding me muscle sausage and whether or not you are a hater because I firmly believe the day's hope for haters okay um I'm actually had a couple of comments of people who Kamala Joe have I with it they said like you know I used to really say a lot of crap of I you it's such a bit you know I'm going out for realize that what you're saying is the truth or whatever so I give I give haters hook and if you are a hater you should probably you should probably try to figure out why you're a what's the reason are you jealous look deep in here so a jealous of what's going on here because trust me I got so many problems in my life so dizzy you probably don't want to be in my shoes your jealousy probably jealous for the wrong reasons yep if you just don't like the way I look you know well you know go look elsewhere then and basically look in with because if you can fix it and realize we can we can actually be made and you know we can actually just move forward together Nikki I'm an afternoon psychology with Winston keep on keep on hatin and one day you'll start loving that sounds good you can didn't they stay up yeah but until my exam as a way I can almost see it we're taking press you filled my loans it's my
Channel: ADVChina
Views: 359,654
Rating: 4.8357263 out of 5
Keywords: china, hate, news, testtube, test tube, us, japan, russia, advchina, chinese, laowhy86, serpentza, adv china, asia, asian, living in china, travel, guangdong, culture, hate comments, comments, reading hate comments, reading mean comments, vlog, funny, haters, hate mail, hatemail, china videos, funny videos china, living in china as a foreigner, living in china as an american, conquering southern china, conquering northern china, chinese food, taste test, react, try, cicadas, expat, chinese government
Id: w5jIB2UWK3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2017
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