Does Britain Have the WORST Convenience Store Food in the World???

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hi I'm Josh hi Molly and today we are gonna be having some jolly English pew John and shake that I bought this primarily because it said rich and earthy on the front with this idea it's a prepackaged leaves and an egg it is almost amazingly unimaginative well protein veg I mean it's good for you let's give it a try shall we let's do it mmm you went straight in with you go it's hard board them no it's probably a good thing yeah definitely Wow spin actually literally has zero seasoning England this is why we have a reputation for bad food itself was a market for it only in this probably that's a weird start I love it welcome I'm literally just reviewed a boiled egg and hand spinach leaves next up all right next up frigerators Raiders of the Lost fridge oh wait this is not one pack this within here a three mini Russian doll situation oh my gosh that is supposedly chicken it's literally the tiniest chicken nuggets ever and they're soggy that they are soft and soggy if you squeeze that literally moisture comes out what juice is that what what moisture about I'll take it it does not taste like chicken you know it tastes like chicken crisps yes okay wait a second on the front yeah it says a hundred percent chicken breast on the back here ingredients 91% chicken breast where did that nine percent go it's disappeared thin air wait go nice classy convenience store food whatever is in the nine percent isn't chicken breast is doing a lot it is to make that taste as unnatural as it does it is yeah that's the engine yeah the rest of it is passing all right three on one time for a bit Mack monstermunch that is this is a classic is a classic absolute classic I love this what I also love about my so much is the design like that any kid I defy you kid to go on it just smells just smells so bad but it tastes so good they look like little monster hands monster claws which it's all weird thing that isn't it Wow mmm I get these regularly yeah I do once a month I get them Wow I mean yeah we have a lot in England I think these are probably one of the most unnatural flavored crisps I'm Emma hat tastes like alien food hmm but alien sounds great food I'm not welcome in trouble for the help I'm not ready come back to come back I think it's we've happy now we've had Ribena on the show before the thing about Ribena as fantastic as its marketed to children but it is got an insane amount of sugar in it a hundred mil which is probably about this amount has a ball so it has 11 grams well slosher there but it tastes great tastes like a british blackberries liquid sugar blackberry Wow it's interesting those blackcurrant it's very English flavor mmm I don't really experience blackcurrant in anywhere else yeah like what the heck all black currants have you ever ever you ever eaten a black car every think I feel like I've only had black currant flavor stuff that's true now we even don't rise like that I hope current - yeah so Ribena solid drink now yeah zoo by now no okay well alright before you get excited I think ah you have been on Lu you in England the question is do we because that's not banana you that's Yazoo I don't know if you can tell just from looking at it that's thick Bernardo you yet they've hit the perfect balance between tasty and natural flavoring it's not by natural but very tasty and it's just it works that is a long way from a banana this is as long that is an alien trying to replicate the taste of a banana oh the thickness is not helping it it just tastes a little bit like vomit that liquefied vomit yeah like it's milky but it's been nice our way no you know good okay so we're moving on now on to the main course Josh okay oh okay main course what we got here me Oh roster again I've never had one of these this is a microwave burger I mean the buns okay right that looks that's kind of like a McDonald's style bun that it's like suspiciously uniform you know it looks like it's been printed on so that one's a burger or a double-decker burger yeah this one is a sausage muffin so it's supposed to be like a convenience store version of like a sausage egg McMuffin attachment muffin in McDonald's all right let's do it alrighty it's hot Wow looks oh then I was I mean it basically looks like McDonald's that really looks like a sausage McMuffin I must say though the bottom its microwave soggy oh no that's not gone well soggy bread let's do this Wow Wow okay a bunch of things are working together very hard to mask other things okay firstly the tomato sauce in mine taste is very strong that was why I was coughing okay hit the back of my throat okay right my initial thought buying into this is a surprisingly similar to my boss it's 90% it's 95 circa McDonald's I know we should we should weigh them up taste em all out gosh you've tripped everywhere not ideal hmm wow this one's worse that tastes a lot like my daughter thanks better this one's it should taste like Rob ah how did you videos I have up nearly half of it it's dished like chewing rub up its getting it harder as it cools down this is okay I know that one's fine stay away from the freaking sausage morning muffin whoa terrible that one's doable I honestly think you couldn't take that from McDonald's think if you do get good with dogs you get bad meadows it's true all right so the last of the main courses we've got budget before this right yeah our going gourmet gourmet for a convenience store and reduced to God we're on a budget like you got the reduced one yeah I appreciate that Packaging is pretty fancy this I would say this is a step up from what we've had so far it's a hearty slice of cheese yeah Turkey mustard some veg and the pretzel smells like salty nitrogen so it does smash fresh shop let's do this exact about this Tesco finest only the best mmm yeah yeah mmm raisin hmm that's really good I don't know if my last nanny there has been gradually lowered to a point where now that is it is incredible this is incredible and a slight saltiness of the pretzel really what this is great I'm very surprised all right come back to that guy Leia I'm impressed next up Josh well we got more how much more do we have dessert dessert we want dessert yes sir captain now it's good this is good stuff this is good good memory the reason that I chose this nostalgia is it so symptomatic of the brittish's approach to food it's like we want dessert what can we do we got some BAPS in the background we didn't use at the bar no bras just put some icing on top job done just make sure sugar and water together and then spread it on the bomb that's it job but you know what I grow loving these as a kid and they are freaking incredible it's the softest bread nice sugary topping mm-hmm it's like the most basic cake in the world mm-hmm well then bread grows on your eyes so soft it's super soft it's not sweet I love bread in East Asia actually has a lot of sugar added to it but this isn't sweet it's really savory savory hot dog roll mmm all right so that's been British peony John food you know I was hoping it would be a nice walk down memory lane it was how real memories are it would stuff in there I realized romantic stuff in there you know and some some stuff is gonna static about but it wasn't that great yeah this is kind of one of those episodes where we try it so you don't have to guys let's see you Jason honor it I owe you gotcha [Music]
Channel: JOLLY
Views: 1,796,471
Rating: 4.9417806 out of 5
Keywords: Jolly, JOLLY, jolly, 졸리, 조쉬, 조시, 올리, josh, ollie, korean, englishman, 외국인, 영국남자, 새로운, 채널, second, 사생활, new, channel, 한국말, UK, 영국, 런던, 편의점, 먹방, 음식, 인스턴트, convenience, instant, food, british
Id: Zkxp7Po1iCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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