Does An Electronic De-Sulfator Really Repair A Battery?? See Real Results

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i bought this electronic battery desolvator right here over three months ago this thing is supposed to rejuvenate restore repair uh lead acid batteries that don't work anymore and make them work again now i have to be very clear on this everyone i don't know this company they didn't send me this for free they're not paying me anything i bought this with my own money because i think this is a gimmick thought it was a gimmick didn't turn out that way spoiler alert it actually worked on two of these batteries two of them it didn't work on uh each one of these batteries right here had a different problem i'm going to share my results with yet right now hey everybody welcome back to steve's small landing saloon again thanks for tuning in yeah you got it there's my website address right there check it out when you get a chance i got some links up here for you in the information button too if you want to see that um this video has taken me three months to get this video together because it has taken me three months to find four different batteries with four different problems so we can really truly test this thing out and see if it actually works or not now you're going to see me using different things in this video some different tools and whatnot i have some links underneath this video in the description and in the comment section um check those out when you get a chance uh let's move on to the first battery this is the first one right here let's go the problem with this battery right here is that it fails the load test this is a nice little tool right here what this does is it simulates uh when you turn the key to start your engine the draw that the starter pulls out of the battery while the starters trying to turn the engine over even though this holds at 12.89 volts it's been holding at 12.89 volts for weeks it's a fully charged battery doesn't mean it's good when i put that load tester on there it shows it's fully charged i hit that button and it comes right down instantly to like five volts that is the same thing as trying to start your engine with a five volt battery it just doesn't work i did three cycles with this uh desulfator right here three cycles which means i charged it charged battery up desulfated for 24 hours charged it up did it again three times in a row it didn't change anything on this battery it still fails the load test so this desulfator right here did not work in this case on this battery i will say also before we move on to the next battery that um i did check the fluid levels in the two batteries that i can pop the tops off fluid levels are good and i clean the posts off with this handy dandy little uh battery terminal and post cleaner and did that on all of them too let's move on to the next battery shall we this battery right here has two problems with it the first one is it will not charge past eight volts now just so you know on the lead acid battery there are six cells in here each one of those cells is supposed to have 2.1 volts in it grand total of the battery is 12.6 volts if you have 12.6 volts or more that holds steady in there that's a fully charged battery just like that last one i showed you i couldn't get this thing past eight volts also with the old load tester right there the toaster um it failed that horribly too two problems unfortunately i cannot do anything with this to get it past eight volts i tried uh trickle charging it with this little one amp trickle charger right here i even blasted the crap out of it with a 15 amp charger right there and i could not do anything to get that past eight volts now unfortunately this desolve fader right here you have to have a minimum of 10 volts in the battery for this thing to even turn on i hooked that up to that battery right there it does nothing it doesn't beep it doesn't turn on anything because it only has eight bolts in it so this battery right here is completely screwed this desolvator obviously did not work this is the battery out of my ride on lawnmower the problem with this battery is is that it would not hold a charge i could charge this thing up to 12.8 volts and then two days later i check it again with my multimeter and it's two and a half volts like completely dies in two days so i desulfated it i actually did uh two cycles with this d soul fader right here and it fixed this battery it charged up to again 12.8 something like that and it dropped down to just oh just over 12.6 and it has been holding fast at over 12.6 volts for two months i haven't touched this battery for over two months it's still holding now and so i think this desulfator actually fits this battery it the load test on it tests absolutely like a brand new battery so i am very happy with this this desolve fader cost less than half of what a new ride-on battery costs where i live so i bought this it's paid for itself already just on one battery worked great this energizer battery right here this is a super expensive battery i could not get it to charge past 11.5 volts no matter what i did i trickle charged it for days i supercharge it with the 15 amp uh it would not go past 11.5 volts dead battery i let this one desulfate for three days straight the desulfator is supposed to like automatically shut off when it's done its job this thing went for three days beeping away and after three days i just went okay i can't take it anymore i took it off charged it back up with the trickle charger overnight and it came up to like 12 point uh what do i got here 12.8 no this one actually came up to like 13.1 volts and then two days later it dropped down to 12.71 volts and for the last five days it has held true at 12.71 volts and check this load test out on this thing now i checked that and this thing load tests toaster tests like brand new like that's testing actually better than some brand new batteries that i've tried right off the shelf so desolve feeder absolutely worked on this one i am tickled pink with this because this is a very expensive battery it worked by no means am i saying that if you buy one of these electronic battery desulfators that is going to fix your battery take this information on this video for what it is three months of me experimenting with these and telling you and sharing my results with you on what worked for me and what didn't work for me uh yeah three months putting a video together a thumbs up button might be in order a little something for the effort i think that would be pretty cool get your comments down underneath the video in the comment section let tell everybody what your opinion is on this i want to hear it i'm sure everybody else does too dennis oh forget about it hey you want to watch something else check on that video right there click on that one next i think you'll like that one too till the next time guys and girls cheers
Channel: Steve's Small Engine Saloon
Views: 514,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how, to, do, diy, lawn, replace, cut, tutorial, help, broken, stroke, four, two, garden, small, engine, repair, fix, learn, hedge, brush, start, simple, basic, easy, generator, mower, riding, blower, chain, saw, weed, eater, trimmer, grass, install, blade, bar, properly, tips, tricks, efficiently, google, stihl, husqvarna, husky, echo, honda, shindiawa, pressure, washer, hand, held, wont, dull, not, direction, diagnose, save, money, tech, clogged, bogging, idle, up, weedeater, outdoor, power, equipment, leaf blower, lawnmower, BATTERY, sulfator, charge, restore, volt
Id: vsiaaBV3n7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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