Does a 12K printer really make a difference?

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hey everyone quick note from me here thank you to everyone who has supported the last video it's absolutely blown my mind with how well it's done and I appreciate every single one of you who join the community so I won't get rambling on too much but uh you guys are amazing hope you enjoy this week's video good day everyone welcome to today's video in my hands I have just received this beautiful elu uh satin 3 Ultra this video is going to be a little bit more of an ad ad lib kind of thing as I do a bit of an unboxing then we'll jump into the next part of video which I'm going to be comparing this bad boy to my current Workhorse the anic photon mono X but uh without further Ado let's jump into this so I have never had eligo printers before I've only ever had experience with photo monos or any cubic I should say um I've heard that they do a really good unboxing experience let's now so as always we got our power connector the VOA and I will come back in a second when we've got everything all [Music] unpacked all righty we've got everything unpacked going to do the satisfying peelies on this bad boy I will admit very very well packaged um nothing like I've seen before not that it's too fancy but I actually really like what they done with this bad boy cuz I don't remember my uh any cubic printers coming wrapped up in plastic like this has been a couple of years since I bought these guys don't mind the uh theic sounds yeah cuz one what was your old model that you've got right now uh proton mono X and what date was that released years ago I think nearly my old friend is nearly 2 or 3 years old yeah it's been it's been quite a while since you gotten a new printer and they've come a long way yeah cuz we first started with the um just the regular photo mon little guys yeah and uh yeah this bad boy is a beast look how big he is this a hell of a printer yeah this thing is just going to be an absolute fingerprint magnet yeah not wrong can see on the back there it does also have your exhaust at that that's cute so if you want to hook it up to something like that we can now first and foremost we are going to have to quickly get this bad boy powered on and make sure that everything is a okay come around here then and whenever you're unboxing one of these you've got to have the mess cuz that's just a part that's that's just the ritual isn't it sorry there's a p brick that comes with it reason look at that a little air purifier oh wow there we go we plug that in the back some gloves that'll last you about 10 seconds nice some latex gloves which you definitely should not be using with no why do they give you latex gloves you die now you get H resin in your fingertips there we go just take a little second to boot it up stun right we'll just make sure so we system beautiful look directly in there but uh all working pretty love it all right I'm going to get this bad boy all set up um we w't go into detail in this video but this is mostly just an unboxing and a quick First Impressions but um we'll jump into all the nice looking footage next I decided to go and print a couple of the models that I knew were supported well cuz I had done them myself and had successful prints unfortunately as you can see things didn't quite go to plan basically every single part of the model that had been on the plate pulled off and unfortunately it left a hole in my FP now as I go through changing the F it was basically the same thing as doing it on my other printers but I quickly just want to talk about why things went wrong first and foremost I decided to just use the same settings that I had on my old printer basically this entire situation could have been completely avoided if I had have just started with the default settings that sarch offers I basically took the default profile that sarch offers for the sattin 3 Ultra and adjusted the exposure value which in hindsight probably wasn't a good thing I did also have it on the default settings for a few other things and notice that a lot of the lift and retract speeds were quite fast for the printer and I didn't have High Hopes but while I was listening to the printer it seemed to all be going fine unfortunately that's not quite what happened now bit of a lesson learned from myself that next time I buy a new printer or sort of anything in general I'll probably end up going through and making sure that I do correct test prints and starting from default settings instead of just assuming that everything would be the exact same as my old printer so honestly that one's on me I will admit um this was actually a pretty easy printer to change the F on um they said in their video that you just needed a piece of foam that I think was roughly about 18 or 8 mil thick I think it was I ended up just using a letter that I had on the bench and spoiler loot everything worked perfectly fine so I went through and mind you there were so many screws in this and unfortunately I realized that when I got to the end I completely missed one of the screws which I think is just about to come up so I had to pull every sing Le part of the thing out put that one screw back in and then go through the process of reing everything uh the entire process took me roughly about half an hour and was simple enough to do so once that was all done I jumped in and started doing some more test prints I first started by printing off this validation Matrix which is the first time I have ever printed one of these I've never actually gone through and calculated my settings I've kind of just adjusted it as I go and kind of played by feel as you can see everything came up pretty well initial looks on this thing the prints are actually slightly Overexposed the pegs especially you can see down at the bottom they are quite significantly bigger than the indent themselves so I could probably adjust that later but for the time being I'm just going to keep it at these settings now that I had everything working here's a look at the first print that came out of the printer as you can see absolutely fantastic detail 2 out of two legs perfect now unfortunately this was actually the first print that came off in that video that I first showed you basically nothing else printed except these two and I have a feeling that one of these bits even after I cleared the tank was still stuck somewhere in there and I probably should have done a second clean to make sure the second print that I did didn't quite go exactly to plan either as you can see like the arm looks perfectly fine the base wasn't too bad but the model did have some fails on this ultimately I ended up going back to the default settings not changing a single thing besides the retractor tights on this and managed to get this beautiful final miniature out of it now I'm going to do a bit of a quick comparison between this printer and my Photon mono X which is a 4K printer now the whole reason that I bought this satin 3 Ultra is I'm going to be using it for my business and I wanted to be able to print Miniatures both high quality and faster unfortunately this printer doesn't actually print faster than my mono X currently as you can see it does have really good detail in all the bases but there is still some lines just on the base here so this one came off the satin 3 Ultra and I genuinely was impressed with most of the details that came on it I did notice on things like the arms and the Torso especially in areas that usually have layer lines from being rounded there were significantly less than on my Photon mono X this could be down to anything from the orientation angle of the print itself or just the fact that the screen is higher quality overall this printer has genuinely impressed me with the amount of detail that it can r render in most of these prints I notic that there's a lot less voxelization on the majority of the model and although there was a slight misprint in this a shoulder joint just there the model in general had significantly less layer lines than on my 4K printer this is mostly just due to the fact that there are more pixels within the screen and it is able to render them at a higher quality but you will still see layer lines as we are still printing at 50 microns all right now quickly jumping over the 4K I'm just going to rush through this part there are still the same layer lines you can see on the satin 3 Ultra on my Photon mono X printer but I did notice that they are much much thicker and a lot more pronounced although you can view them on the 12K screen the 4K 1 does render them with a much harsher Edge one of the biggest things for me was on the body here I wanted to make sure that the majority of layer lines didn't render super super harshly on them they were especially noticeable on the 4K previously in both the legs and the upper parts of the arms basically any flat surface on on the model I always found had very significant stepping on it yeah I will get some close-up photos coming up so we'll jump into those now one of the biggest things I've noticed about 3D printing videos is the fact that when people compare higher quality screens to lower quality screens they never print at the same layer height I do understand that a newer printer will have a smaller layer height but doing it as a direct comparison to a 4K printer or a low quality printer isn't quite one to one so I wanted to go through and show what it would be like printing on a 12K screen at microns and a 4K screen at 50 microns and upon initial inspection I did notice a significantly less amount of layer lines on the 12K screen one of the best examples of this was on the bases that I printed during the test prints as you can see this first one here is from the 12K screen and the second one here is from the 4K screen there are significantly more layer lines on the 4K screen the 12K base is not without them but they are definitely more noticeable on the 4K base now I also decided to give both of the models that I printed on each printer a bit of an undercoat this brings up basically any floor in the prints and allows you to see the layer lines much more significantly and from initial inspection as you can see the 4K 1 on the right has significantly more layer lines than the one on the left now mind you both of these guys are printed at 50 microns so it's a direct comparison the whole reason that both of these models might have sort of more or less lines depends on whether or not the orientation as well I don't actually know what the exact right orientation for a model is on the igu satin but I did print the 4K 1 at a 45° angle on my photo mono cuz I do understand that that reduces the amount of layer lines on that model specifically now I really wanted to show what could make this printer Shine the fact that I've bought this brand new printer and it is capable of printing at a much much smaller layer height now this is one thing that you won't find on the old printers at 4K a lot of them are limited to the 50 Micron layer size and you'll only find that the smaller layer sizes are applicable to higher quality screens luckily enough the satin 3 Ultra is able to print at 24 microns now I didn't quite print these guys at 24 microns I actually went for 20 microns I don't personally have a profile for these guys so I just decided to grab one off the Lighty slicer community and it did surprisingly well the biggest thing that I want to show you is between two of these frog models that I found from onepage Rules so when it came to both of these models printing at 20 microns obviously blew the 4K printer out of the water as you can see on both of these guys I'm going to specifically zoom in on the head crest of this frog guy here as you can see there are a bunch of layer lines on top of this one now these run from the bottom of the print all the way to the top and they are very easy to see and you will notice that when you start painting something like this they will show up quite significantly whereas on the 20 Micron print they were absolutely not existent my apologies for the dustiness on these models I was in a bit of a rush to get this video out so my wash and cure water was a little bit dirty after uh the mishaps with the ACF film and everything but as you can see the overall quality within this model is just absolutely incredible and just before I go one thing I did notice about the 4K versus the 12K prints is the 4K prints are much much more matte compared to the 12K 1es even at different layer height so I don't know whether or not that's just a artifact from the screen itself or just the way that the resin Q is in the new one I'm not 100% sure overall I am really impressed with what this printer can do and I'm definitely excited to try out some new stuff in the future so make sure you keep your eyes peeled for some future 3D printing content now thank you all for watching and if you guys do want to support the channel feel free to jump down the description down below don't forget to like And subscribe and join the community and if you want to go a little bit further make sure to grab some models from a store it goes a long way to supporting the channel and keeping these videos going so as always always everyone happy hobbying and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: PrintD
Views: 3,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printing, elegoo printer, elegoo, games workshop, age of sigmar, warhammer, seraphon, lizardmen, warhammer fantasy, warhammer painting, painting warhammer, start collecting, start warhammer, warhammer army, new year new army, warhammer 40k, warhammer carcharodons
Id: m3JSiXyNcb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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