Does 9mm spank .38 Special and rival .357 magnum? Load Choice is EVERYTHING

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nine millimeter 38 special and 357 Magnum I've heard it said that the nine-millimeter nowadays is just as good as the 357 Magnum and better than the 38 special I've heard it said that the nine-millimeter rifles the 357 Magnum and smacks the 38 special well I'm gonna put that to the test today with my own kind of test and I know this is not the test that a lot of people want to see what a lot a lot of people want to see is the 38 special being shot through a snub nose revolver or a 357 magnum however I don't think it's right to assume that everyone carries or uses a snub nose revolver I've heard it quoted that most people do which would be at least 51% but I don't have any hard evidence on that however I think it's kind of rude to assume that everyone has a concealed carry permit and carries a snubnose revolver because there are a lot of surplus or inched 38 special revolvers that people keep for home defense and actually carry now my example of an well this happens to be what I have on hand this is a standard pressure 9-millimeter however if it was a plus P it wouldn't gain that much velocity so this be it be aware that I'm not trying to really prove something here I'm just gonna run what I have through here this is the federal 357 B it's an example of a very widely used law enforcement load that was used for a really long time and then we have the 38 special Buffalo bore this is a plus P and it does have the advantage of having a lead bullet instead of a jacketed which gives you more velocity with less gunpowder but we'll just see how these particular examples of 357 magnum 38 special nine-millimeter compare we'll see if that nine-millimeter rival said 357 and absolutely smacks that 38 special so let's let's give it a try here all right I'm just gonna run a single round through the chronograph I'm not really a professional here so I can't afford to be shooting lots of groups by high end offensive ammo but we'll just run the nine-millimeter see how that does with a single round it comes lastly we go about five yards from the front grab 1190 that's pretty good that's a 115 great ball this is a 125 Green Magnum let's see how that velocity compares level 357 B 1463 so that's pretty average for this particular load in this game now let's try the 38 special cartridge here this isn't 38 don't get me wrong my camera may not focus on this very well but it's not a 357 Magnum I just want to confirm that real quick here there's a 357 bag next to it it's shorter I'll put this in here it's a 158 green bowl so it's a very heavy bullet let's see what we get for velocity 1091 it's a little bit lower than I've gotten in the past still a decent amount of velocity of a cartridge Drake this I don't know if it smacked will smack by the nine-millimeter until I look up the at the data but uh we'll find out so I'm gonna hit a couple of water jugs to see what the difference is in this cartridge is a little bit different this time few by four in the back of three jugs no Dan I'm gonna see what how they compare so let's try the 9-millimeter first all right that is pretty impressive I won't miss that I'm not I'm not a 9-millimeter fanboy but holy moly look at a 50 caliber size hole off the back of that second jug that's really good expansion which is to be expected without denim it's really really good so I'm certainly not gonna knock this cartridge I'll admit this is a good cartridge no doubt so let's see how the 357 Magnum and xxx must be compare the jug is over there one on the 357 Magnum okay compare it to the nine-millimeter what appears to be happening here a little bit more transfer on the first jug with the 9-millimeter we don't have any exits this is all we're getting with that 357 Magnum this is absolutely destroyed I see that a lot we got a lot of fragmentation with the violent power of the 357 Magnum the 9-millimeter you know it's bigger but this jacket is just mangled and this is just in tact so personally I would rather not be shot with this with either but this 357 Magnum the amount of damage it's not going to be good so let's see how that 38 special + b compares alright 38 special + p buffalo board okay first one and here's the first one that 9-millimeter here's the first one with a 357 Magnum and the 357 in the 38 actually really similar there's a little bigger not quite as much damage with the 38 as we saw the other two we actually went through the wood and dented it so we'll see if I got that four here is that 38 not missing a lot as a gas but there's not much here that's not a hundred fifty eight grains worth of lead so we also got fragmentation of pure lead with that 38 special cartridge and we got a little bit more penetration because it's a heavier bullet a little bit more momentum with a good amount of energy so that's what we're getting when we compare the nine-millimeter the 38 special and 357 magnum does it smack the 38 well most of them it does with a snub nose barrel but a good one a good 38 will certainly hold its own neither of these are gonna compare to the 357 Magnum this is not even a warm 357 magnum loaded that hot so 357 magnums are still gonna be the game I know some people get into the debate about capacity capacity capacity capacity my opinion on that is the law enforcement the military yes yes they have an oath to run into danger they have a responsibility to run into gunfire and to fight people that are trying to fight being arrested and they will fight or flight against police officers person that's coming after a regular everyday person may pull out a 357 Magnum whether they hit them or not I think that the outcome is different 5:32 look how that's gonna go down so thirty eight fifty fifty seven that's fine for the rest of us those people that are really professionals when they have to have more firepower more rounds certainly by the police officer today I would certainly carry a semi-automatic if I had two choices however is a civilian I don't think that there's one advantage over the other one being better than the other so that's just my opinion I that's just a real simple tough so as always thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gun Sam _Revolver Aficionado_
Views: 16,896
Rating: 4.8396435 out of 5
Keywords: Does 9mm spank .38 Special and rival .357 magnum?, .357 magnum, .38 special, +P, vs, 9mm, 9x19, speer gold dot, buffalo bore, uscca
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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