Does Śrī Kṛṣṇa Really Love Me | Bhakti Sanga | Amarendra Dāsa

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foreign foreign everyone certainly my honor and privilege to be uh back with uh bhakti sangha after some time especially after kovit it's been zoom um has become quite a great opulence because now the programs have opened up so devotees are kind of getting used to the program in person so i'm very happy to be back to the platform which connected and which continues to connect all of us uh through the pandemic and even after so i want to express my heartfelt gratitude to kirtida sundari mataji pritivi lasni mataji and of course padmasaki mataji and so many other wonderful vaishnavis for kindly inviting me and having me over for this service thank you all so much also my heartfelt prostituted obeisances to each one of you for kindly participating from different parts of the country and different parts of the world thank you for giving your most invaluable time time is the most invaluable thing in the world so to give one's time is the best gift that one can give anyone to give somebody food clothing shelter education it's all great gifts no doubt but to give something that will never come back in your life and to give that to someone is certainly the greatest gift so all of us sitting together we are offering our time energy our hearing speaking faculty and ultimately our hearts to the discussion of caitanya bhagavata [Music] so i've been asked to speak on the tenth chapter text three four and five of the chaitanya bhagavata so if possible maybe it can be screen shared so other devotees who don't have the verses don't don't have the book they can also get a chance to read the verses entitled marriage to shri lakshmi priya text 3 these are all again verses by vyasadeva vrindavandasthakur so let us read them jaya [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all glorious to jagannath's son this is jagannath mishra's son sri caitanya mahaprabhu the king of the brahmanas all glorious to all of your devotees the phrase shri bhakta samaj is explained as follows brajendra nandanshi krishna is the only worshipable lord that supreme lord in his two forms as vishai and ashrae the worshipable and the worshipper is the worshipable object of all his subordinates the vishavigraha or the object of worship who is the lord of the goddess of fortune and the ashrae vigraha or abode of worship who is the goddess of fortune or both the objects of service for their devotees so basically srila prabhupada saraswati unparalleled commentary here he mentions that god splits in two forms like sita and ram lakshmi and narayan radha and krishna so in that way the supreme lord in the form of rama in the form of narayana in the form of krishna is the vishay vigraha he's the object who is to be served and then mother sita the personality whose shelter we must take to attain the lotus feet of the lord like you take shelter of radharani to attain the lotus feet of krishna we take shelter of madrusita take shelter off to ultimately attain the service of rama so that is what prabhupada says with itakura rights two forms the lord manifests as himself and as the devotee the best among devotees so in this source first he is being glorified as jagannatha putra vipraj as the lord and then as sri bhakarta samaj so vishai vigraha has offered obeisances and then the ashley to continue our reading the devotees favorable cultivation of service towards their worshipable object is called bhakti or devotional service the servants of the vishai and ashrae are known as bhaktas there are many so collectively they are called bhakta samaj under the categories of the six opulences various spiritual splendors are present in this bhakta samaj that is why the devotees have been described as shri bhakta-samaj sri refers to devotion bhakti so offering obeisances to krishna to radharani and all the devotees of radha and krishna were filled with shri filled with devotion the beauty the opulence of bhakti all the devotees were under the shelter of the energetic lord's energy tried to please their worshipable lord in various ways next four jai jai kripa sindhu kamala lochan kripa karat or yashar human all glorious to the lotus side lord who's the ocean of mercy oh lord please bless me that my mind may be absorbed in your glories it's a very wonderful shloka to memorize we all can memorize this verse in your glory in your fame rahu mormon may my mind be absorbed in your glories instead of my own glories conditioned soul means mind is absorbed in their own glory so-called glories but here the prayer is my lord may my mind be absorbed in your glories when the living entities highest spiritual propensities are engaged in the service of the lord who's full in six opulences there is no inconvenience for them when a living entity becomes greedy for objects not related to the lord he loses his opulences and being thus disturbed by his restless mind he furthers his condition life this is why the author with the desire to be attracted to the lord is hereby praying for his mercy so the take home his as soon as we turn away from krishna as soon as we turn away from krishna there is suffering because krishna is joy personified as soon as we turn away from krishna there is suffering and it is a moment-to-moment thing we have to have a verification every day to see this time to this time how did i use my time either i'm absorbed in krishna or i wasted my time these are the only two options even academic work is all service to krishna only because if you have very good education if you have a very good job it boosts your cv then when you preach it's used very wonderfully people generally get attracted when we preach in one of the following ways they either get attracted to the character of the preacher or they get attracted to the competency of the preacher which means either they get attracted to the character of the preacher how sincere how selfless etc or they get attracted to the competency how talented how skilled the speaker is or the preacher is or they get attracted to the uh the personality of the preacher or the presenter very pleasing personality smiling face sweet uh words etc etc or they get attracted to the position so they get attracted to ppcc position personality character competency these are the four things that generally people in this world get attracted to preachers they get attracted to character or they get attracted to competency or they get attracted to the personality or they get attracted to the position now position means what kind of background the person is coming from i'm not talking about devotees getting attracted generally some newcomers someone from the outside world when they get to know that the presenter of krishna consciousness comes from a very nice academic background or very wonderful corporate background with lot of experience that is the fourth the position so they give some importance to that so students should not think that studying or working a full-time job is maya especially if you have to enter the household life then you need money and to need money you need a job and no one will give a job without academic qualifications so we should we should pursue our line of thought like that that i am studying so that i get a good job so that i have the money so that i can pay off the bills in a house where i can sit and chant peacefully if there is no money and you're sitting and chanting krishna you don't know how the grocery money is going to come how the bills will be paid how the electricity will be paid if that stress is there how can we possibly chant right so we are working to make the money to live in a home not to be happy but to live in a home where we can perform bhakti and hence be happy and then if this is the intention then the material pursuit also becomes completely spiritual his holiness mahavishnu gosvami would say that we should not be a devotee in the temple and a karmi outside a devotee is a devotee all the time which means even if he is doing a material activity the intention why he is doing it is different from a karmi does that make sense so even if he goes for grocery shopping let's say he has to get some fruits and vegetables externally speaking he's in a shopping mall or he's in a in a place where he purchases some vegetables but a normal conditioned soul will will take vegetables on the basis of oh i haven't eaten this in a long time let's take this so that we can make a subject right and the devotee thinks oh this is a seasonal fruit i think we should feed takurji we should feed our deities krishna will be very happy to eat oranges in summer or mangoes in summer etcetera if you are from nagpur then you can have oranges in great abundance and if you are from ratnagiri you can have apus alfonso so anyway the point is both are purchasing fruits and vegetables but the purpose in which they are inspired is completely different so the point is here prabhupad saraswati takuru says that if we don't give our mind to krishna we will give our mind to maya and that will cause trouble that will cause trouble she promises joy she promises joy but ends up whipping us very badly with suffering we also tell ourselves one thing that my eternal joy my true happiness lies at the lotus feet of radha and krishna so the more closer i am to them the more happier i am the more farther i am from them the more suffering i have this we should tell but at the moment what we have told ourselves we have told that my joy and happiness are in the objects of this world so naturally what happens is the more i get it the more happier i feel and the more i want it because i feel that's where my happiness is but if we convince ourselves that my true joy my happiness is at the lotus feet of the lord even if i don't feel it that's the truth that is the truth and i should pursue that those who have walked on that path have attained it and those who have walked on this path are frustrated look at this look at the contrast in this world those who walk the path of this material world which promises a lot of joy they get frustrated they get into depression they get into isolation they get into sleeping pills and they go through counseling they go through therapy because they are finding they are actually searching for the true thing but they're searching for something that's found in the east they're trying to find it in the west on the other hand those who have tried to find happiness on the path of god realization even if they are they appear to be like homeless street beggars in brandavan you will see their smile wider than the biggest multi-millionaires because the multi-millionaires are 65 years old and they have maybe 65 million dollars in their bank account but they still can't quit they want to make more the wants are higher the investments are higher the stress is higher the travel is higher the health is low right so we're not talking anything against money srila prabhupada used that money so effectively in krsna's service prabhupada came with 40 rupees and in no time had more than 40 crore rupees so when the biggest businessman came to meet shilla prabhupada he said uh he offered obeisances so prabhupada introduced to his disciples you know this person is the biggest businessman so that person he bowed down and he told no no actually swamiji you are the biggest businessman you came with 40 rupees and you converted it into 40 crore rupees in no time so you are a bigger businessman so prabhupada said feel free to join my business give up your business and join my business so nothing against making money but we are mainly talking about intention mainly talking about intention we can see that when srila prabhupada used to be received in a rolls royce the reporters used to be amazed and they would say that you're supposed to be guru how come you're in the you're coming in an opulent rolls royce prabhupada said that i am the eternal servant of god and representing god i am coming in the richest country of the world they should actually give me a car of gold and diamonds but because they can't afford it they are giving me the best that they can because jay and vijay if they come they are not going to come in rolls-royce they're going to come in a way more opulent vehicle so in this way nothing against opulence but when we are not matured enough we get sucked into it and we are not able to utilize in krsna's service so here prabhupada saraswati takuru says that we should pray to krishna that hey we should pray like oh my lord may my mind always be at your lotus feet may i not forget you and sripa bhakti swarup once told us many years ago 20 plus years ago he told me as a child when i was a child he told me that every night before we go to sleep we should make analysis of how i used my day today how many hours i wasted how many hours are used in krsna's service and if we do it daily we will see that if we pray and we sincerely endeavor then the time that we utilize for krishna will increase even the academic study even work we should try to keep ourselves krishna conscious and every 15 to 20 minutes even between study or even between work we should say hare krishna that's all or maybe the hare krishna mahamantra once every 15 20 minutes even when we are studying every 15 minutes we should pray like after every 15 minutes you take a 10-second break to chant this maha mantra once and you pray to krishna that my lord whatever i have studied in the last 15 minutes i offer it at your lotus feet so it doesn't matter what work we are doing we could let's say have a shop where we are selling groceries or stationaries there also after every 15 minutes we should say we should chant mahamantra once and we should say krishna whoever customers have come and whatever products i've given out i offer all this profit and all of this at your lotus feet we may think oh but i am just saying it on the tongue i don't mean it we should start from the point where we are and slowly the tongue will become deep from instead of going lib deep it will become hard deep in no time every 15 minutes if we can do this can you imagine what great absorption that is what great absorption we can be anywhere let's say we are at the airport or we are at a bus station or we are at a railway station and we are let's say traveling from one place to another at the end of 15 20 minutes pray to krishna and say krishna this travel that i have made i offer this to you it could be anything even the intention behind bathing for a devotee is different from a karmi karmi doesn't bathe only many times they just put some body deodorant and they come to work and you can see very clearly the eyes are sleepy mouth is stinking and the person is dress is also not proper but lot of fragrance coming so you know that he has tried to bathe without water just by some perfume so the person even if he bathes he just does it as a duty but why does a devotee do because he has to go near krishna he has to offer obeisances and you can be unclean so you clean your body you go clean your mouths actually rupa gosvami pad has said to keep dental hygiene is very important for a devotee and i was reading the other day srila vishwana chakravarti thakur writes that radharani uses a tongue cleaner i was amazed when i read that he said that radharani uses a tongue cleaner and he also describes it's like a bow you know typically how the the tongue cleaners are radharani uses a tongue cleaner which is like a bow and he also says she goes one way so he doesn't just say what she does he says with what she does it and also the technique of tongue cleaning she doesn't like rub back and forth she pulls out of course it's just nectar it's amrit what drips out of the tongue of srimati radhira needs her prasad so the point is rupa goswami chakravarti pad they've all spoken about dental hygiene so when we are doing tongue cleaning also what is the meditation oh chakravarti pad has written about it so we clean you even when we brush our teeth we remember oh rupa goswami path has written or even when we take a bath the thing is we want to take a bath to be clean so that we come close to krishna we can light a lamp we can offer obeisances we can offer a little arti and we can sit and chant in the presence of the lord very pleasing right so in this way everything that a devotee does the mind is always krishna conscious mind is always krishna conscious always learning always learning now two days ago we had the auspicious association of a very advanced vaisnava and we got him his association only for few hours but it was so fulfilling and i saw personally how his mind was completely absorbed completely krishna conscious very advanced vaishnava and he was always remembering his spiritual master for everything so he he came to sit in a place and we offered him a chair and he sat in the chair and he reclined on the chair and tried to increase the height and decrease the height of the chair and he said oh my guru maharaj would really love this chair because it is comfortable to sit on so i was thinking as soon as he sat he was remembering his guru maharaj he was very um very inspiring and also when um i offered my gratitude and i said that i am very inspired by your decades and decades of service so immediately he said oh i am just moving according to srila prabhupada's and my guru maharaja's instructions said that srila prabhupada's movement and my guru maharaja's direction i am simply doing that so i was thinking that whether it's sitting down on a chair or whether it's glorification on the basis of gratitude the mind of a vaisnava is always absorbed it's always absorbed srila prabhupada was like that even when in the initial days they forgot to bring a vyasa sign for srila prabhupada and prabhupad sat on the floor he said that later when the devotees apologize shula prabhupada said no actually bhumi this is the lap of krishna and being krishna's child i got the fortune of sitting on the lap of my father prabhupada saw that also as krishna's arrangement even when water used to be offered srila this is the taste is krishna this taste is krishna like prahlada maharaja marat saw krishna even in a pillar now who worships a pillar you tell me in which temple do you have a pillar worship you have deity worship and deity of nashinghadev we worship but when actual narshingadev came hiranyakashipu could not recognize but even before rashingadeva came pralat could recognize in a pillar this is a devotee devotee doesn't mean just change of dress yes change of dress is important but devotee means change of heart change of vision jse drishti vaisi srishti his vision will change his world always seeing krsna's hand in everything always seeing krishna's hand so very very inspiring to to read and hear and see examples like that in real life when i came to america in 2013 my guru maharaj called me on a video call and i landed in boston and then went to new york so my guru maharaj asked me in the middle of that conversation up i was wondering like in my mind i was thinking the what is the purport behind this question like did you come first to boston and then go to new york or did you come first to new york and then you you went to boston i was in boston at that time so i told guru maharaj i came to boston i landed in boston then i went to new york which is a few hours away guru maharaj said very good very good prabhupada [Laughter] said prabhupada also first came at the commonwealth pier in boston and then went to new york so even in the trip of boston or new york where the whole world thinks you know downtown new york city manhattan new york city times square you know the world is thinking about new york but guru maharaj sitting in brindavan was telling me that oh good you came to boston and then went to new york because prabhupada also did that so i was amazed how the mind of a vaisnava vaishnava kriya mudra it's impossible to understand the heart and the mind of a pure vaisnava or an advanced vaishnava because they're constantly thinking of krishna constantly thinking of krishna and they can never forget krishna and his associates this is so beautiful so therefore here prabhupada saraswati says as soon as we forget krishna krishna this is why maya gives dukkha because we forget krishna krishna is anandas we should tell ourselves all my joy is with radha and krishna the more i read about them the more i chant about them the more i am in the association of devotees remembering and worshiping the deities and celebrating the festivals like we know this month it's a big bonanza month you know in the next 30 days because we have julen yatra we have balaram in the next 30 days from today all these festivals are going to come up so we should feel very inspired to celebrate them and remember krishna that is where our joy is our home the brajbasi is our are our family radha and krishna are our life and soul sri guru is the captain to the ship of this human form and we as the passengers will happily cross over the ocean of suffering this is our peace formula we should remember that we don't belong to this world and this world doesn't belong to us we didn't come into this world to take because we are the servants of the lord we are the servants of the biggest multi-trillionaire why will we come and beg in this world we have come to give in this world [Laughter] to think that i belong to this world and i am so and so that is wrong but to have the true abhimaan that i belong to krishna i belong to the biggest richest multi-millionaire i don't need to beg in this world i have not come to enjoy this world and have things of this world we have come to give this world all of us we come from krishna side to fill this world with joy we have to taste krishna bhakti and share got his brahmin initiation his holiness radhanath maharaja gave him an instruction he said taste the sweetness of krishna consciousness and spread it around very simple so that is janma's curry karaphara we all have to taste bhakti even mahaprabhu for this purpose only he came to taste the mango of bhakti and to share it in the soul why should we take anything from this world we belong to radharani and we belong to why will we come and beg in the mayan agree of this world please tell me the lion cubs even if they play with dogs for some time will they ever become a dog they will never become a dog the dogs at the end of the day will eat bone the lion cub will not eat bone will eat the person filled with bones which means some animal right and even if it dies it will prefer to die but it will never eat grass why are we saying this example because we are lion cubs our father is nashankadev we are all his children baba we are lion cubs and we have been living with the dogs of this world the sense objects of this world for a long time and we think playing with the puppies of this world we are also a puppy but no we are lion cubs we would prefer to die but we'll never eat grass we will never eat the joy of this world we will eat the actual stuff because we are lion cubs and the actual stuff is the joy at the lotus feet of radha and krishna in vrindavan this is our mood so our mind should as much as possible be at the lotus feet of krishna my shiksha gurudev also when asked he said as much as possible we should try to keep our mind on the spiritual platform anything that takes our mind away from krishna we should be very vigilant very vigilant our intelligence should be so sharp that if my mind is going somewhere immediately we should try to get it back immediately one time i had the fortune of being in the house of his grace anand prabhu many of you may know him as the the japan machine inspiring hundreds and thousands of devotees to chant japan quality and quantity regularly with determination with dedication so why i'm mentioning this is there were with me there were some other friends also and family also so we were all just in general talking to his grace prabhu's wife tulsi mataji their son raghunath we were all just talking and anandanan prabhu also came there and it wasn't a completely krishna conscious talk we were just talking about college and in general you know life in mumbai so prabhuji came and he stood there for about five to six seconds went into his bedroom and got a clicker counter wrapped on his finger and he came out and his wife said she has he keeps clicking and he keeps chanting because he doesn't want to waste his time so we want to be like this dear devotees as much as possible we should make sure that our mind is krishna conscious in all circumstances in every circumstance whether it is happiness or distress whether it's inside the house outside the house for that we have to pray to krishna every 15 minutes may i never forget you may my mind always be at your lotus feet even if we just start saying it and you can say it in your mother tongue it could be in telugu hindi english whatever doesn't have to be in bengali or in sanskrit if there are verses in bengali or sanskrit offered by our acharyas of course in repeating that there is more glory because those prayers are spotless but from our heart every 15-20 minutes irrespective of wherever we are we should keep saying hey mahaprabhu or krishna or dharani may i never forget you whatever i have done in the last 15 minutes i offer it at your lotus feet so we will be careful we cannot waste [Laughter] we have to be careful right so even when we are cutting vegetables or scraping or washing some vegetables in the kitchen every 15-20 minutes krishna this i'm doing it only for you i want you to have a very wonderful bhoga so that it becomes prasad and we will taste your remnants so in this way the mind must be absorbed as much as possible even while being in this world even while being in this world please tell me why should we wait for death to come then after that we will have darshan of krishna or we will realize spiritual truths death is a material thing we are spiritual living beings krishna is completely spiritual how come a material thing comes between two spiritual entities cannot come why should we delay it why not experience and realize krishna's mercy while being in this body every day every day krsna's mercy in fact in this text 4 you can see one word that has been used is kripa sindhu krishna is very kind supremely kind ocean of mercy how do we realize that on a practical real life scenario parents give money to their children especially when children go out of home out of town they go to a college outside parents will keep sending money right for education etc for their housing for tuition fees etc if the father gets to know that that son instead of using that money for college education is actually smoking drinking and wasting that money sometimes it is also seen that the father will say you work like a waiter in some hotel or restaurant and you make your own money i'm not sending because you're irresponsible this is seen and the father is being you know he doesn't want to waste money because the son has to learn a lesson in the hard way but think about krishna we leave his home and we live in the university campus of this world and the opportunities that he's sending in the form of breath in the form of air around water in the form of bhumi place to sit in the form of body senses parents money home he's sending all this so it's like a father sending money for his son and the son has been misusing that money for lifetimes and the father still continues to send what is this this is kripa krishna knows we are using his property against him people take everything from krishna and they are convinced they fight debates that god doesn't exist it is like a son who gets paid who gets money from his father every week here our father is sending every second every breath and he is using that to say that i am an orphan i have no father imagine how the father will feel and chip chip the atheist will say loudly and what does krishna do he still continues to give unending love krishna thinks the son doesn't understand but the father ami vidya a murkey bishop he is i will understand no problem i will continue to love him how much krishna loves us that owner you show your love to us in this world through our parents it is your love for us that they transmit that they carry so this is one very important lesson to your devotees whoever gives whatever to us in our life we should tell ourselves krishna is sending it for me because conditioned souls cannot give anything one beggar cannot give arms to another beggar in condition in material world everybody is a beggar everybody is begging for joy everybody is begging for joy how can somebody give something to how can one beggar give some arms to another beggar only rich man can give only rich man so whatever pleasure we get whether somebody comes and gives us two rotis with ghee on the top we thank you we say thank you to that prabhu or mataji but in our heart we understand we thank them for being instruments mediums for carrying those rotis from krishna to us radha and krishna inspired that devotee to make those rotis and inspired that prabhu to make the money by which he can buy the rice and the sabji etc etc and the mataji made it she got the intelligence in the heart and the ability through krishna the hands are rolling in the roti pin and at the same time the ideas of what subject to make what is the cooking time for which sabji what to add when krishna is giving the ability and the knowledge and the prabhuji is bringing in the money and put together they developed a desire to feed us so it is krsna alone who through different living beings is showing his love for us how much love he has how merciful actually if you're still not convinced let's go further according to shastra it is described all our senses that we have the eyes the ears the throat the mind etc everything including private parts each sense of our body is predominated upon by demigods krishna has assigned demigods to take care of our senses he told chandra in kimati banaya bhaktikamaya please take care of this person's mind the mind may get distracted so this conditioned soul i have given this body please make sure his mind is in the right place oh surya dev please make sure that this living entity has good eyesight so that he can glance at the devotees he can glance and read shastra krishna has not given this work to some uh you know from some village so much personal love that krishna has put demigods in the service of taking care of our senses each one of us suryadev is in charge of our eyesight agnidev is in charge of our throat in this way indra chandra brahma everybody is in charge of different parts of our body now krishna gives us long life krishna gives us human body krishna gives us parents krishna gives us health krishna gives us medicines krishna gives us education krishna gives us demigods in the form of senses krishna gives us opportunity krishna gives us family krishna gives us breath imagine how we would look without our eyebrows every detail perfect krishna has placed eyebrows eyelids eyelashes eyeballs every detail perfect apart from all this krishna brings in material sciences like chemical engineering software engineering mechanical engineering so that hamari roti rahe roti kappa makhan whatever our material pursuits they will be fulfilled krishna comes as material sciences krishna is the one who arranges jobs krishna gives us different abilities and talents so that we can make our living please tell me a criminal in this world who is jailed is not cared for as much as krishna cares for us while being in the prison of this world now if you think that's all krishna gives well it doesn't end there after doing all these krishna things what if all these demigods fail so he himself sits as super soul in the heart of every living entity [Laughter] this is krsna's karuna how much he loves us there is nobody who loves us like krishna loves us can anybody give us breath in this world can anybody give us a human form nobody can give anything even one person close to what krishna gives us every second lifetime after lifetime even when we disobey him [Laughter] he sits as supersoul now you may think that's all that's all that he does well now if we still don't understand then he himself comes in this world that is janmashtami he himself comes and he doesn't just come as himself he comes in so many incarnations because somebody may say i don't like krishna i like ram somebody means i don't like ram and krishna i like mushing so different living entities different intentions different desires the lord comes in different forms to embrace all of them and then gives transcendental knowledge a living entity maya mukta jiva doesn't know krishna so krishna himself comes in the form of the vedas and you'll see he comes and gives so much harikatha krishna himself he comes and speaks to arjuna in the form of bhagavad-gita comes and speaks to uddhava in the form of comes as hamsa avatar and gives instruction comes as kapila muni and gives instructions to his mother devahuti comes as rishabdev maharaja and gives instructions to his hundred sons comes as caitanya mahaprabhu is giving so much and if we still don't learn he himself takes a form and comes as guru to take our attention and mind back to his lotus feet so amazing right how amazing this is and then he gives us devotee association he gives us temples he gives us deities home deities temple deities he gives us books he gives us classes he gives us kirtans he comes as the holy name he comes as bhajans he comes as vaishnava acharyas he comes as tulsi he comes as ekadashi he comes as vrindavan he comes as sacred rivers what is where is the point where krishna fails in his affection for us only if the living entity can understand how much love krishna has for us how can you not remember a person who loves you so much we don't remember krishna because we are not convinced he has any affection for us we feel he has no affection for us but when we are convinced about how much love krishna showers on us then naturally our heart goes there we all melt in affection thinking of people who love us is it not naturally why do people cry when they lose a near near and dear one they you see always hear what people talk they will always cry in gratitude thinking of how much that person has done for them somebody loses their mother they'll say you know you can foreign our heart melts in compassion and in gratitude and appreciation for people who do things for us now all the things that people have done for us in all our lives they are simply mediums of what krishna gives us krishna is the only one who loves us only person and through different different mediums he gives us that affection the male man the postman could be different the message coming is coming from the same source what we do is we fall in love with people who do things for us it's like we receive the letter and we think the postman or the male boy is giving it to us and we fall in love with the male boy or the postmen of this world i hope everyone's understanding the metaphor of people in this world and we forget who has actually sent it it's krishna who has centered your devotees this is how compassionately merciful he is very very kind very loving think about how many fruits he has created different colors different shape different sizes different tastes some like like kiwi for example it's brown outside but it's green inside with black seeds why krishna has made all this if material world is a place of suffering he should just punish us left right center but fortunate thing is he doesn't think like us his heart is very big krishna parama karoon parama karun there is no limit to how much love krishna has for us in braj bhasha they say samantha this is the love of the supreme lord one can commit mistakes as much as an ocean krishna does not even see a drop and if someone does bhajan like a mustard seed krishna sees that as mount meru look how much he has served me this is why he says dear devotees bhagavad-gita is the song of love krishna is speaking for our benefit i belong to you my lord i know even if i miserably fail i know even if i'm not a devotee i know even if i was not a human being and i was in some lower species you still love me krishna there is nothing i can do to stop you loving me there is nothing the living entity can do kitanabhi papi kitab somebody who is completely out of dharma if he leaves it and comes to me i will take care of him and oh arjuna loudly proclaim my devotees never perish so arjun may say you announced why you're telling me to announce if i say that my devotee is never perished people will say today you're saying tomorrow you break your own promise but if arjuna says who's your dear devotee you will never break the promise of your devotees therefore arjuna you declare boldly that might be what he never perishes this is the mercy that krishna has for a living entity imagine in us in a shop let's say you you're the owner of a shop and you recruit somebody to be a servant a help in that store now imagine if that person sits on your chair and instead of helping and serving the shop he tells us imagine what the shop owner will feel what do you think he will do immediately in the first sentence he will say hello get up what do you think you are i am the boss you are the servant right look what krishna does he owns the store of this world and we are recruited as a servant but we sit on his chair as the enjoyer and we tell god give me this give me that yeah you know you do this you do that for me and what does krishna do does he ever tell get up leave leave the store never krishna is giving full salary in fact krishna is hiding he is not even coming in front of us krishna could have just come bart in through the window and say you know you're supposed to be my servant that's why you're created you're trying to instruct me what what you want what i should do krishna is hiding he's not even giving darshan in the sense that if i go maybe the living entity may you know he may not like it because maybe he thinks i'm micromanaging so distance cheek i'll keep a distance and i'll observe maybe tomorrow he will change maybe his heart will change tomorrow tomorrow millions of millions of births are gone krsna still continues to have hope that the living entity will turn towards me dear devotees krishna on janmashtami takes janma krishna takes birth in this world only so that you and i stop taking birth in this world krishna comes in this world only so that we stop coming in this world this is kripa sindhu so how can our mind not be attached to the lotus feet of such a merciful kind lord right imagine if you have a if you have let's say a band you see music band many many students especially in their college everybody thinks they are going to become a rayman in the college days everybody has their music band whether they know music or no they will try to give a very musical name to the band only when you hear the music you know you know how much of a yeah they are but anyway so the person who leads the band he may have a drum player he may have a guitarist he may have a flutist he may have a vocal singer right so there's a there's a band leader and then he has different instruments so what is the purpose of the band he will lead and he will say at this point the flute will play at this point the violin will play at this point the drums must play and then the song goes out good imagine all of them are playing the way they want what happens to the leader of the band you think he's going to be very interested in this band he will say you know forget it this band is my band you better work the way i want all of you to work or else i just dismiss this this band or if there's a whatsapp group i'll just leave the group you know like people do they just leave the group so imagine krishna he's the leader of the band and we are all his servants and we are all supposed to play some instrument in his service but all of us are playing instruments continuously according to our own desires seven billion human population everybody's sound i don't everybody is playing their own music in their own way and krishna as the band leader he's saying no problem we'll try once more we'll all try once more we'll all try once more so much so that he comes as caitanya mahaprabhu holds hands and teaches how to sing and dance together he himself does it and that description is caitanya bhagavata so at this point thinking of how much an ocean of compassion you are my lord in the inside and how beautiful you are on the outside as kamala lochan may my mind always think of these true facets krishna's external beauty and krishna's internal beauty barraham externally and internally ah even when putana came your heart melted for her my guru maharaj explains that the mistakes that we make they are like fire sparks and krishna's heart is an ocean is there any point when you can throw fire sparks into the ocean and the ocean will catch fire never how much ever fire you throw into the ocean the ocean can absorb all of that which means we with all our mistakes of the past i am not encouraging that we continue to make mistakes but the point is there is no point where we become disqualified foreign so we just have to make sure that we follow the principles properly and we as much as possible sincerely offer all our services to krishna if we are performing spiritual services like kirtan like katha like making garlands like cooking etc before the service starts we should pray to krishna whatever i'm about to do my lord may i offer it to you with all intention for your pleasure and as we are performing we should pray in the middle and after the service is done we should pray [Music] i may have committed thousands and thousands of mistakes please kindly forgive me i only hold hope that you will accept me with all my disqualifications the child can be filled with so much tool and urine if he or she the baby goes and sits next to the mother the mother loves the child so much that neglects the stool and urine and personally cleans it up so krishna's love for the soul is so much that doesn't see any qualification disqualification eligibility ineligibility of the body krishna personally cleans up the heart krishna personally personally cleans the consciousness of the devotee but what we should do be as krishna conscious as possible keep our mind on the spiritual plane think of krishna in gratitude whatever we receive in this world from whomever we should understand we are receiving it from krishna only sanatana goes for me advice mahaprabhu don't go to vrindavan with thousands and thousands of people mahaprabhu did not tell him i am sannyasi i am the supreme lord i am brahman and you are advising me i am radha and krishna in brindavan and i am going to bring down and i need your permission he didn't speak like this what does mahaprabhu say sanatana is teaching me through the lips of sanatana so like that we should whatever we receive in this world whether it's advice from others whether it's roti whether it's a dhoti whether it is any gift or any kind words any affection anybody giving any sort of encouragement we should tell ourselves it is krishna who's giving making all of them as instruments and finally every 15 minutes we should say o krishna whatever i am doing i am offering it at your lotus feet so in this way if we remember krishna then we will make rapid spiritual advancement we will be in this world but not of this world thank you very much foreign jay
Channel: Amarendra Dāsa Official
Views: 115,157
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Length: 61min 47sec (3707 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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