Documentary: Nordic Service Design

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[Music] now because of change of how customers behave and what they expect the whole service design business is chasing I think that designers are very good in visualizing future we can see that happening everywhere you'll learn to see that's what it's all about actually to learn to see to reflect them to observe your customers service design in essence is really amazing you start and end up in the classroom if you look at design over the last 70 years design has really moved today we live in a very different society the way that people are connected there where the people are empowered we need to rethink fundamentally how we create value a lot of people understand when there has this beautiful product in the hand it just feels so perfect but they kinda don't understand that you can put that on services like a role products service design it's more about the process it's not for the doctors or the nurses or the pilots or whatever it's actually for the passengers or the customers or the patient's that's where services are come in if you're an employee at this Airport and you are just living like a small part of the journey of a passenger if you understand what the passenger go through before that and after you will do a better job your travel starts actually when you booked your ticket so when we did this service design here we tracked it all the way from the beginning and all the way through the airport and you took off there are important aspects of that whole journey on how we deliver our services here at the airport if you really want to make your customer happy you have to put yourself into that situation you have to use a lot of empathy kind of forget that Airport is about saying goodbye expectations greeting when we did this service design here we were watching passengers how they were behaving and interviewing them I was standing in front of the arrival gate and people kept coming out and I can feel expectations from the people standing there with me just waiting for that exact moment when people arrive and you don't want to miss it it's so important with the cameras they're ready to catch that moment the screen the show the status of that aircraft was behind you everyone had to turn around and look at it which made us all the stress because you didn't want to miss that exact moment so we just moved it [Music] it's obvious that we have blind spots we think we know what the customers how they behave and why they behave the way they do but we don't if you're gonna survive in this world and you're competing with other airports you have to run the airport efficiently that's basic that's expected of you and to really compete you have to find out what else would you can put on top of that experience [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is service design is one of my favorite and probably the most asked question but I rather talk he's not thinking rather than a service design way you think where you act how you approach things it's a human centered I thinking service design is a set of tools and methods how you implement or apply that design thing the whole business is changing dramatically but the retail business is going through at the moment but media business is going through at the moment it's a financial business we'll go through that in a year or two the biggest driver for that change is the customer behavior and that means that the whole financial institutions needs to change the way they do their business for how they serve their customers how they approach the whole business and customer experience currently we have three different business lines banking wealth management and insurance and the fourth line will be health business when we look at from the customer perspective a lot of the solutions that we are providing are actually overlapping all of these for business RS [Music] one of the themes that we are working on is safety and when you think about safety in our company you might get an equal mark to insulin so you have certain interests to be safe but when you think about a person and safety that's a feeling so how do we give that feeling to our customers that when you are our customer you are safe it might be that your identity is safe or your your phone has certain safety features or your computer has virus detection and all of that so it's much wider aspect than just a product or service obvious you need to have products to services to to provide certain solution but as designers we are looking at all of those possibilities and needs that people have we got a new CEO he said our vision from now on is that we want to be number one in customers I think a lot of the people in the organization looked at each other and said okay what is that and how do we get them in Danske Bank we talk very much about how the customer sees the world or interact with a brand from an end-to-end perspective you can look at a really detailed saying from from a specific user experience but you can also look at it on a life event kind of thing so getting a divorce or moving out or something like that me and some other people from the bank start up a pilot project where we wanted to take one key process and that was when you become a new customer and say okay how can we actually make a better customer experience with involving our customers [Music] the difference between what we did before and what we do now we were focusing our customers but we applied our own opinions and thoughts and assumptions and then may I suggest develop solutions and then you have a tendency to use a lot of resources and money and and so forth where you I shall learn and discover that this was mine not what the customers actually wanted [Music] so we learn from our customers throughout the design phase and I think that is the major difference between what we do now and what we did before [Music] Pervis design is creating a more enriching product or service at the very end because you have been looking at it more holistically from the very beginning the Quahog municipality want to make sure that they are creating satisfied solutions and services to their citizens and also how can we actually involve companies from the private sector to also find more innovative products and services and how can we find more efficient solutions as well so one case was how do we design the future hospital they invited the patient the doctor nurses and people who were carrying them around and then they asked the patient to decorate the room they would put in sofas and things that would make it cozy and homey and then they asked the people carrying it around what would you do they would quickly take everything out so there was room enough and then they asked the doctors and the nurses and they said we want to spend time with the patient we don't want to run out in the hallway to find things so they took things in again and in this way you create empathy for each other some new points and you think of design in a holistic way that is in itself is a big step forward it's very much understanding and talking together it's very basic actually but yet difficult to do [Music] the collaboration of the Nordic service design network has emerged over the last few years and I've been reflecting a lot like what is it that makes this region feel special and I think collaborating and working together across boundaries as a different ground here there is a different open-mindedness people speak English at a young age that brings an openness that brings an idea that we know we're not the center of the world I mean a small countries that has always been in a sense we need to collaborate we need to be open and I think that is very helpful condition to work like that it makes it easier to connect the ambition for quality of life and caring for family caring for not just work brings a different balance and the different groundedness and it is very helpful for the idea of service design [Music] one of many issues I think for healthcare is to get closer to the patients and in evolved patients in in both the delivery of healthcare but also improvement and innovation of healthcare the brief we had from the County Council was that they wanted to better understand what they call the patient coordination process that means from when an accident happened to when the patient is back home that whole process it's both most dangerous for the patient in all these transition points and also that were we lose communication information and money so the progress was about 28 people role-playing patient viernes it was a diverse group of nurses and doctors from the highest to the lowest in the hierarchy we gave them different roles someone playing the patient someone filming it someone interviewing both the one that played the patient but also the receiving staff and then we had the workshops in between and created different solutions it transformed the thinking of these 20 people forever [Music] it's a very interesting time for for services in healthcare because the digital technology is a state now where we actually can do with health care what what we did to media 20 years ago [Music] it's really a privilege to be a patient or citizen in a society like The Daily's or in the Scandinavian country we have invested a lot in a welfare state that benefits most of us we've done that in order to create an equal society in order to take care of each other during that process we have learned more and more and we have professionalized how to take care and how to organize health care and we have start creating these very deep silos of knowledge within different fields but at a certain point it's very hard to communicate across the silent [Music] I think what we see in many organizations is that working across silos is a real challenge because the incentive systems and the way things are organized are still stuck in those structures now especially due to big data and digital technology we can start like imagining how a new healthcare system would look like in order to leave the silo we should start with the experience of a person by 2012 which ran more than 200 different improvement projects one of the key problems in the insurance our terms and conditions were becoming more and more difficult to understand even for us and we wanted to do something about that we said that we wanted to be customer centric and one place to start is to start with making sure that your customers understand what they buy through service design we rewrote our terms and conditions and brought them down to one page per product [Music] and we prototyped it several times with customers making sure that the customers really really understood [Music] we are moving into more open organizations even a city can't be an entity any more like it used to be a town hall in the center of the city that's the old school nowadays it must be open it must have partners it must be part of the global network etc and so ever since 2010 city has built step by step this capacity or competence of using design and design thinking and design approach in city level already early I started to talk about city as a civic platform meaning that it has all these participatory elements there also cities internally they are becoming more complex because they have to open up themselves just to become a platform so they have to give some power that they used to have themselves in the Town Hall to citizens when we started to look for the coming trends we notice that maybe the single biggest trend within city governance is actually this participation because of the complexities and huge challenges we need everybody's ideas we need citizens understanding and their cooperation to solve also those problems [Music] I think the exciting thing about visiting all the people that were visiting now to learn what is this and how does it work you can see common themes and you can see the impact that it has [Music] when people work in this way in their organizations something happens and something sticks around and has a lasting impact I think there's a huge potential for service design there's so many new areas that are looking into this it's going to be like an inherent way of working we have an organizational culture which is 110 years old you need to start talking about design thinking as a phrase but the new companies they don't talk about design thinking they act based on that it's the way their work it is so much more fun and it's so much more interesting to work this way it should interest you what the customers think this is that's why you're here [Music] what services and unlocks is to get a better understanding what is the right questions to ask what what is it really that customers want trying to see things from the outside it because the only people that see your company really end-to-end is the customer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Service Design Network
Views: 57,227
Rating: 4.9398799 out of 5
Keywords: service design, service design network
Id: 330YCLMDaRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2018
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