Doctor Who Series 8 Episodes RANKED!

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all right first full series for the 12th doctor let's see how he did [Music] it's that time folks series eight take two doctor who reviews are done which means i gotta rank these cause that's uh that's what i do i'm a geek i can't stop myself so um even though i uh did the review for each part each half of a two-parter separately i am going to lump them together for this ranking now there's only one two-parter that that ends up happening to but uh that means that we have 11 of these to get through so let us begin at the very bottom number 11 kill the moon this thing is just confused not confusing confused it either had a point that it was trying to make and made it poorly or it accidentally stumbled and backdoored its way into a point that a lot of people read into it that it wasn't trying to make it's a failing either way either it presented a story that works so well as an allegory that everyone assumed it was and nobody on the production side caught that they'd done that or it was in fact meant as an allegory in which case it just did not work at all and then this thing also has some of the softest science that doctor who has ever indulged in and i can be pretty forgiving about that but when the moon falls apart and is then replaced by an identical moon laid by a dragon who was inside the moon i'm sorry i'm just gonna go what number ten [Music] the caretaker just uh a lot of things that don't work for me in this one pretty much across the board i don't the vibe and the humor it's got kind of a romantic comedy thing going for it with the way that uh danny and clara's dynamic is working in this episode of the way the doctor kind of stumbles into it and there's the misunderstandings about who he thinks clara was dating i'm like oh god i just don't care so there's that and i actually like the relationship between clara and danny so it's not the that time spent on the relationship it's the way it's presented in this i don't like the blitzer i don't think is a particularly interesting antagonistic force either conceptually or design wise and the execution of how it moved was weird and wonky and there just isn't a lot to recommend this one number nine in the forest of the night i suspect a lot of people would have put this below the caretaker i think the difference for me is it's hard for me to get worked up about this episode because i'm largely just befuddled by it i honestly don't really know what it was going for and so it makes it harder for me to judge it may well have failed harder than other things and it certainly failed in terms of communicating its intentions if i can re-watch it this many years later with as much of a better understanding about narratives and themings and all this other stuff and still go i don't know what you were doing with that so obviously it still fails but because i don't know what it was doing i can't go well you failed at what you tried to do because i can't make heads or tails of what this thing's trying to do it's not good but i'm too confused by it to get upset number eight into the dalek basically a mashup honestly thinking about it now this feels a bit fanfic-y not in the way that it's like fan service and that way but i mean the way that it's basically mashing up at least three ideas done before in other episodes into this thing and not really doing anything to change them just sticking all these these ideas together the ideas of being miniaturized and being in a mechanical body that has antibodies the idea of uh dalek who gets a better perspective on the daleks and believes they must be destroyed the doctor uh you know with his whole relating to daleks in a way that he doesn't want to all these are things done in better episodes and yet they're all here mashed up not incompetently mashed up but just needlessly mashed up we didn't gain anything from this number seven listen there's some great moments and listen mostly on the part of capaldi he has some great speeches some great monologue moments and he delivers the heck out of them but ultimately i just feel like this thing is spinning circles i feel like it was a terrific premise invented that they just didn't come up with a firm idea of what to do with it either in terms of theming that would lead and mix into the overall show or what it said about the characters it is presented with this momentousness that it doesn't measure up to it's not bad i just find it frustrating number six time heist so we start getting into the ones that you know i don't love but i'm like that's fine nothing really wrong with that but it's it's fine and that's yeah that's pretty much time heist i'm a sucker for a heist but the fact that this didn't rank higher for me based on the fact that i am a sucker for that kind of stuff really should kind of tell you a few things but you know it still has the things i like about a heist it has the planning it has the dynamic of the people working together it has the tension of oh my gosh are they going to get caught it's got all that it does have some neat twists towards the end so it's it's solid number five deep breath the first full story for peter capaldi's 12th doctor and it's pretty good that's that's kind of it it's pretty good it there again there are moments that are really good and i'm not sure there's anything in it that is that much better than an in an episode like say listen but there are way fewer things pulling it back down then something like listen had capaldi's still giving a very good performance i am a sucker for the paternoster gang although i've said in the past they are better than most of the stories they've actually been used in but i do enjoy them and they worked well so that i was on board for had fun with them and there are some interesting moments and it plays up the fact that we don't really know this doctor yet and we don't know how he's going to react and respond to things and it does a pretty good job of playing off that uncertainty for some decent moments number four flatline this is just really good solid stuff it's such a bizarre premise this whole idea of these two-dimensional beings coming into our world and taking us apart learning about us and then trying to become three-dimensional and add that with the ridiculous idea of the tardis now being like this little tiny thing that clara puts in her purse and the doctor's stuck inside it because from his end the door keeps shrinking yeah it's it's ridiculous and yet also pretty determined to be unsettling and unnerving and it manages to do both in a way that doesn't clash all things told yeah it's good work number three the one i am going to be accused of putting way too high for most people's taste but i told you in the review i am just a sucker for this thing i have so much fun with it and sometimes fun wins robot of surewood oh i just have so much fun i love the banter i love the way that robin gets under the doctor's skin i love the uh the sort of teacher energy that clara brings to just get the doctor to shut up or tries to at a few points there's just a really fun dynamic to it i honestly think we learn a fair bit about the doctor through what he thinks of robin and that little interaction they have towards the end especially i i think this is an underrated episode i'll just say that number two dark water and death in heaven you know the more i think about it the more i think this is one of the stronger finales for doctor who i cannot remember where i put it when i did my ranking of series finales a year or two back um if it wasn't like top three or top four at a stretch then i underestimated it but it's good it's really good it does a really good job with the reveal of the cybermen then the reveal of missy the tension around danny are they going to be able to get him back and the payoff of that with the with his disobeying of everything that he is supposed to be doing and of course missy i do love me some missy and i think it's a really strong closer especially for a two-parter oftentimes two-parters one half will be notably stronger than the other that's not the case here these are both equally good episodes good stuff number one spot could only ever be one thing the mummy on the orient express this for me is the peak of this season this series has a lot of roughness let's be honest if you were paying attention it wasn't until like the sixth one where i said they were even just got to okay prior to that i had frustrations so that's like half the episodes i'm like to some degree or other but man i love everything about this episode i love the tension i love the clock i love the way the doctor is bouncing off of everybody and how when he knows someone's gonna die he doesn't even bother trying to comfort them he just accepts that they're gonna die i love the scene towards the end where there's the scene you know with clara and the doctor and claire's like is this an addiction and the doctor says you really don't know until you try and quit their interactions are great there's a great melancholy to it at the start when it's believed that this is going to be their final adventure together the supporting cast is great the look for the foretold is great they actually integrate the soldier thing that was recurring across the series well into the story instead of just hitting you over the head with the doctor doesn't like soldiers it's just it's just the highest level execution of pretty much everything this series was trying to do wrapped up into one awesome shambling package so that's my ranking for series six of doctor who what do you think whatever your thoughts are drop something down in the comments let's talk about it you know all the stuff to do like and subscribe i've got merch i feel like you don't plug that very much though i do have to be honest the patreon is the uh the big thing that is what is currently uh covering my bills but i also i'm not trying to guilt anyone and i'm not trying to pressure you because at the end of the day you are the council and i am just running the meetings and until next time this council is [Music] adjourned [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music]
Channel: Council of Geeks
Views: 5,788
Rating: 4.9359999 out of 5
Keywords: doctor who list, doctor who top 10, doctor who series 8 spoilers, doctor who series 8, doctor who review, doctor who capaldi, 12th doctor, twelfth doctor, doctor who missy, doctor who moffat, clara oswald, doctor who peter capaldi, doctor who jenna coleman
Id: LIbjd8sGkPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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