Doctor Who First Look Thoughts - Madam?

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yeah i i'm really gonna do this but before i do that this episode kind of almost sorta has a sponsor so um i have i've gotten into a partner affiliate program with humble bundle now this is not something that i'm going to plug every single video that i put up but when there are um things that i think are relevant to um my subscriber base on humble bundle i'm gonna bring to you them to your attention and there's gonna be an affiliate link down in the description and if you go to humble bundle through that link and make your purchase that way that does help me um that that you know assist me and that gives me a that gives me a small financial boost you know i'm not they're not a sponsor in so far as i'm not strictly speaking being paid to talk about this but if you do if you choose to support humble bundle and do it through the link that'll be in the description that does actually help me um if you don't know what humble bundle is it's basically kind of a it's a charity fundraising um style thing where they basically put together a whole bunch of themed stuff sometimes it's a whole bunch of video game stuff you know sometimes it's themed around franchises and what have you and you pay you decide how much you pay for it now how much you pay does determine how much you get but you will get something you will get something related to whatever the thing is and in this particular case um there is a humble bundle that runs through i believe through the first week of october that is for doctor who comics which is are not something that i've talked about before i am gonna um work on talking about something related to that um in the not so distant future so i can kind of get a baseline going on that but the thing is humble model actually reached out to me before um a month or two back when they ran something for big finish audio stuff and i didn't sign up for the affiliate thing at that point because i knew what humble bundle was and i had heard good things but i've never purchased anything through them i didn't know what the experience was like actually buying a humble bundle i actually did with that um doctor who audio thing and i got a whole bunch of stuff including some torchwood audios which i i didn't have and hadn't planned to get to but now i have some so i'll be able to do that now so i've got i i've now bought the experience and so now i feel comfortable because even though as much as i would honestly really kind of love sponsors i would love to find a way to make my living off this i've been approached by a number of companies before about you know links for you know and coupon codes or you know sponsoring a video or or what have you but when i've looked into the companies they've they they haven't made me comfortable like they i would look into them and go ah like i'm looking at your your consumer experiences there's some red flags here for me so i'm not going to name any of those companies because that's not fair to them but this was the first where i like i looked into it went through the experience of buying through them and went yeah i feel comfortable actually associating with that so i'm making you aware and so yeah humble bundle link doctor who comic book material check it out and if you're interested in doing it you are supporting charities you get a whole bunch no matter what tier you go with you get a whole bunch of stuff for the money that you spend and yeah you'd be helping me out a little bit okay that's enough of that that was probably really awkward i'm not used to plugging stuff that isn't my own stuff on here hopefully if i ever do something like this again it will be smoother let's move on it's true i am about to overanalyze a tiny section of a scene from the upcoming premiere of doctor who normally i i try not to indulge in this it seems just like excessive but i'm sorry i'm really excited for this plus it does actually touch on something that i have said that i wanted it it kind of gives it to me assuming that what we see of it here is pretty much the extent of it now i have said in the past and i'm talking about the the sort of first look preview thing that came out for the woman who fell to earth it's sort of like a one scene thing it's it's in a dark it looks like it's uh it's in a subway car um and you know it's dark the lights are out the doctor's there and we've got two of the characters who are going to become companions sort of going hey what what are you doing here what's going on there's just a little interaction a little banter back and forth with them so uh in looking at this scene um i have said previously that i want the doctor's change of gender to be addressed as minimally as possible i want as little emphasis put on this as can be gotten away with not necessarily because i think there's no value in delving into this change more but because i don't trust chris chibnall to tackle that not at this point i mean you know maybe i can gain that confidence over time maybe he'll actually go the distance and do it and it'll work i don't know i don't have the faith in him to be able to tackle that so i've said before i really want as little as possible the way that it's handled here in this clip is exactly what i want especially if this is all it is which is that they're like madam you know where where are you going she was why are you calling me madam because you're a woman am i does it suit me and that that's perfect like that that that moment like the only point of concern is oh is it working for me it's it's very reminiscent of tenant like am i ginger or um you know just smith going through his body knows i've had worse chin blimey you know i l and i love that sort of concern and and it it doesn't even i i haven't looked at other people's analysis of these things and so you know even some channels that i follow do this but i really make a point of not looking at that stuff before i get my own video out because i want it very much to be my own thoughts so i have no idea if people have looked into this too hard i could imagine a scenario which people like oh yeah now that now that the doctor's a woman is all concerned about the appearance and oh she's going to be obsessed with that except the doctor's almost always concerned about their his appearance whenever he's been regenerated at least in modern era he has been so this has been hammered on for a while even eccleston who he didn't even see the regeneration into he gets a look at a mirror and rosie goes oh it's not too bad shame about the ears you know this is this is an ongoing thing so and this this feels just right again if it's pretty much the full extent of the dealing with the change in gender at least for this series like eventually if they want to have the doctor run into a former companion and like you can have it come up a little bit through that companions eyes i'll be okay with that but i want the doctor herself to address it as little as possible moving on from that because i liked that um the rest of what i see seems fine um nothing that i'm too worried about and um a few things that i'm like oh i hope that doesn't go on too long they seem to be doing the doctor amnesia amnesia and why can't i speak all of a sudden amnesia ish thing that happens occasionally and i'm i'm generally not a fan of it like i if i were to guess i would say they're hoping that this new that series 11 is going to serve as a jumping on point for a lot of new viewers and they're probably going to use the doctor realizing who she is as a way to present more stuff to audiences for the first time kind of like a little bit how um with the 11th hour with matt smith's first episode uh they really filtered through amelia pond the doctor explaining pretty much everything that he is now you can still do that through the companions i think they they seem to be preferring to do it through the doctor in a sense of self-discovery so narratively i get it um and yes i realize i'm over analyzing this don't tell me that i know i i'm part of the problem i realize that but if it's so i i get it but at the same time i don't i don't like the doctor with amnesia i didn't like it in the doctor who movie i don't like it you know in general with the you know i i like the doctor realizing what kind of doctor he now she is going to be i like that lieutenant when you know the the sticker are yelling at him who are you goes i don't know or you know with capaldi you know going door not me he goes out the window me and you know that sort of realizing who they are as they go along i love that but actually going to the step of the of not even knowing who she is is um i don't know feels like an overstep again we'll see it actually it's all execution dependent not a lot to go off of with the um with the new companions so far they seem fine from what little i've seen um they seem prepared to roll with some weirdness at least a certain degree of it like a woman asking what it is called another moment i don't love but is mercifully over kind of quick and i do like her comeback um when she gets told that oh good boy biology so like i'm i'm liking that those sorts of bits of banter and i'm i'm hopeful based off this cliff cliff clip i don't i i am not drunk i swear i don't know what's wrong with me tonight um but in any case i i do think this clip is solid and having you know looked at it more times than i should and now over analyzed it for you folks um it does not dampen my enthusiasm at all i am really excited for the new season of doctor who it is yeah i'm i'm pumped for this and it it just it it can't come here soon enough i want to sit down and i want to get to know this doctor so badly so those are my thoughts on this little first look clip thing that we got i i'm gonna try and not do any more unexpected doctor who videos between now and when the uh the first episode premieres so you know you'll get the overdue who review on wednesday i'm i'm really debating whether i'm going to do i've what because because i have i'm gonna have to do the reviews of the new episodes those are gonna have to come out on monday they just are um i'm not gonna like given the air time especially of the premiere because they're doing you know a simulcast thing i i could theoretically have it up later in the day on sunday but i don't want to do that fast to turn around i don't like turning around something in less than 24 hours it's just not fun for me so you know i'm kicking it to monday i know i'm doing that what i haven't i'm going back and forth on is whether or not i'm still going to have a doctor who video out on sunday which is what i've been doing for a very long time um i don't know i don't know because if i if i keep that while the new series is airing that means i'm doing three doctor who videos a week and that feels like overload like i i know that a lot of people know me primarily as a as a youtuber as a doctor who channel but like ah i don't know but then again it would only be three for as long as the new series runs i don't know i'm going back and forth so if you have thoughts on that as well as this clip by all means share them so whatever your thoughts are drop something down in the comments let's talk about it there's a whole bunch of other stuff you can do because there's buttons and there's links including a link to the patreon also your little reminder the humble bundle it is and the link is down below so check that out if you didn't already if you feel like it if you don't don't worry about it because you folks you're the council and i just run the meetings and until next time this council is adjourned [Music] go [Music] you
Channel: Council of Geeks
Views: 17,713
Rating: 4.7790833 out of 5
Keywords: doctor who, whittaker, 13th doctor, thirteenth doctor, preview, first look
Id: -fUd1JZN9vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 01 2018
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