Dockerizing An Application | DevOps Tools | GIT Jenkins Docker | DevOps Tutorial | Edureka

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hello there good evening ladies and gentlemen my name is Verdun and I'm super excited to be here on a Drakkar life with you guys so based on several requests from various participants in my previous session we have come up with this session on DevOps and I have an exciting project to showcase to you people today and as evident from the topic of today's discussion the project that I'm going to show you is that of an angular application which is created by my team and what I'll be doing is I'll be deploying this angular application by implementing the develops strategy but before I go any further I wanna first of all ask you people a couple of questions and the first question is do people know what angular is you okay I've got a couple of responses here everyone who says yes we do and they I also have a couple of no from a couple of people I cope in Ryan couple more so it seems like we have a mixed response and for some of you who know what it is and no for the guys who know what it is don't worry there's gonna be a good revision what angular is and for the guys who don't know what that is then just stick around because I'll give you a brief introduction to what angular is and then I'll get started with my session on DevOps because DevOps is the highlight right so I'll show you how to deploy that angular application using the DevOps strategy so that's what I'm going to do and yeah if that's the case I can get started but before I get started I want to ask one more question I are you people all aware of for which DevOps tools to use before deploying any application or software or you know probably wonder box tool or the combination of the different developer tools that we use for deploying the application or the software well you have a hint right in your screen right so you can see the options that you have on you know what's displayed your screen on you can tell me you okay so here again have a good number of responses yeah so it's most of the answers are Jenkins and then I have couple of answers saying it's docker well for deploying we use Jenkins to build the jobs okay but the actual deployment can be we can use docker for the actual deployment right and what I'm going to do in today's session is I'm going to use a combination of both these right so I'm going to use docker for deploying my application and I'm going to use Jenkins to automate this whole process of continuously deploying the application so it's going to be a combination of both Jenkins and docker for country's deployment and I'm going to use git to basically pull my code from my repository right so I'm going to pull it from there and my Jenkins is going to be the person that is going to get that they get they get the code from the gate and it's gonna build docker containers right it's going to build the ocker images and spin containers out of that so yeah these would be the two most popular tools that I'm going to talk about and that's what I'm going to show you in today's project of mine and guys if you get any doubts during the session you can raise them by putting them in the comment box and either my team or I will myself answer that for you so just sit back relax and enjoy your drink alive for the next thirty minutes to learn how the different DevOps tools are orchestrated together to achieve continuous automation and how that is implemented in the industry right so the first topic that I'm going to talk about today is what is angular and after I talk about angular and give you an introduction I'm going to talk about what is DevOps right so this is gonna be very brief I'll quickly talk about these two things and then I'm going to go to the third topic which is the different DevOps tools and techniques to achieve continuous deployment because this is the highlight of today's session I will be spending a lot of time on this slide and on the final slide which is continued rising an angular application that DevOps wave and the devoxx wave basically includes a combination of these three tools get Jenkins and docker alright guys so enough talk let me get started with my first topic and that is what is angular so angular is an open source client-side framework for deploying single page web applications right and the key word that you need to note here is single page applications and that's acronym as SP a there are quite a few technologies for developing single page applications so anger is a very popular one react.js is another popular technology similarly vue.js and we have a couple more and well the thing that you gotta ask me here is why single page applications right so you might ask why are we why am I having a demo on single page applications right well the answer for that is because single page applications are the way forward they are more effective and they are raw easier to build and they come with a lot of other benefits that that I of course can't mention in today's session because they'll get too detailed but I do have a couple of been a benefit you have that I've mentioned on the slide and you can see that on a screen now and the biggest reason though and the most important factor is single page applications which are you know created by technologies like angular and the other JavaScript technologies these applications are really fast and they are fast because while accessing any web page which is developed in angular or such technologies that time your browser will fully render the entire do em in one single time and later on it only modifies that view or the content displayed to you when you interact with that web page right and even these modifications will be done by the JavaScript which runs in the background and yeah you can see an example of an SP architecture over here right so you have so any anywhere basically any web application which is developed you know with the help of angle alright so they will be called single page applications and they'll have three different components first of all or well let's not say three components in my example it's three conference but general they'll have different components and the competence that you can expect there to be or those of a navigation bar where you can switch from one one tab to another tab then you'll have a side bar right again you can filter down to different options that you want to be your displayed and then of course you'll have content you'll have a content bar right so similar to how we have a sidebar you'll have another component called the content which will be the actual display so whatever you're actually viewing on your you know on your web page that will be displayed over here and what is displayed here can be controlled from here by clicking on the different information or you can also control that by switching or clicking on a different option in the navigation bar or in the sidebar so you can switch you can switch the view like that and when when you do it this way your browser will not take too much time to fetch the information from the server because the entire dawn will be finished at one go so that's the big benefit with single page applications and especially angular implements you know angled is used for developing single page applications that's why it's the way forward and it's really popular and it's so you know the technology is really coming up so my team has developed developed a single page application using angular and that's what I'm going to deploy to it right now let me quickly go to the next slide and talk about what is DevOps you're right I'm sure everyone here knows what DevOps is it's a software development approach which involves continuous development continuous testing continuous integration continuous deployment and continuous monitoring of the software throughout its development lifecycle well I've mentioned this numerous times in my various sessions and I expected to know this ok but what I what you might not know is which of these tools are used for continuous deployment right so on a higher level I can see that docker is the most important tool for achieving continuous deployment ok but as you can see on the screen I will also be showing the act of continuous development and continuous integration in today's session so continuous development is achieved with the implementation of git and github continuous integration is achieved with the implementation of jenkins and continuous deployment is achieved with the implementation of docker well using github you can pull the code from the repository right and then using jenkins we can deploy that code to the production environment or the servers or virtual machines whichever suits you and then finally we can make use of docker to continue rise those deployments so that's how the different the ops tools are you see here you get Jenkins and docker that's how they can be orchestrated to achieve you know automation and you know for software development so that's how things go and in my angular application I'm going to use these three tools right these three drops tools now moving onto the next slide now this slide which is all about deploying an angular application this is the most interesting slide and today's is our session and you can ask me why and the reason for that is you know the reason it's interesting is because we are using docker majorly right we are putting all the code from gate and then we are using Jenkins were integrated into docker and we are creating multiple containers by using docker but you know at this point of N I would also ask another question I want to ask you people if you know what docker does what are its benefits and how it solves the developer and the operations problem right so how it eliminates the salos between the developers and the operation engineers can anyone tell me that because I want to know first of all if people know what it is cause it'd be easier for you to relate to what I'm saying and that would also be easier for me to you know explain it you very good I have got a couple of posts Sparta's yeah and you know I'm glad you will know what Daka does because basically docker container Isis application along with all its dependencies right and on misuk container Isis it means that we are packaging the code of the application along with all the required packages and dependencies in a lightweight manner which is not too heavy on the server on which we are deploying the application tool right so and the best part with these docker containers are that they can be run on any operating system irrespective of the one it was built on well what that means is I can containerize any application in my case well let's say in my case I have the angular application right but before I okay now tell me what kind of dependencies will my angular application up for those of you who told me that you know you've you know what angular is and you vote on angler so you people can tell me what kind of dependencies my angular application will have can I get an answer you okay no response yet but anyways guys you see the dependency that your angular application would primarily need are those of node.js node package manager with this again sync you know acronym does NPM and of course the package dot JSON file right so node.js is basically going to be the back end for your angular application NPM is going to install an angular application and maintain all its dependencies and the versions of those dependencies and the package dot JSON file is again the most important file right because it's going to contain details about your project about what what dependencies dependencies are needed and what versions of dependencies are needed all these things will be present in your package dot JSON file so basically these three files will be the dependencies and in my case what I can do with help of container is that you know I can have a container I can install all these dependencies I can place them all together and I can simply you know you know without having an operating system that's actually powering it you know I can package all these things into this particular container and I can just you know share it with other people and what the other people have to do is there is have to you know run the container and they can just boot it with the help of any operating system right so that's the benefit with containers so developers can containerize any app that's created in a Mac operating system and probably they can upload that container or image to docker hub and someone in a remote location can download that docker image and you know spin a container out of it while the the person who that's remotely located while he is having a different operating system so the guy who built the application right who sorry who built the docker image he could have been he could have done it using a different operating system and the guy who was actually running the container at you know a remote location he can have a different operating system so that's the big benefit so you guys are getting the advantage that lies here right with help of docker and with the help of continue rising all your applications and dependencies - the actual operating system you okay so anyways I think it's time to move on and now I've reached my demonstration aspect right so now that I've told you what exactly is what I'm gonna do right that's gonna be the architecture of how I'm going to deploy my angular application now that you know it I'm gonna start with my demonstration and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do it with the help of continuous deployment using Jenkins and docker and we will also use github from there we will be pulling the code right so let me first of all open my virtual machine for that so guys please tell me if you can hear my if you can see my screen yo this is my virtual machine that I've opened now you okay fine great so first of all to achieve this continuous deployment like I told you Jenkins is the broker right so Jenkins is the one that pulls the Gir the code from the repository and that is what which is going to help us build docker images and spin containers out of those images so what have to do is have to first of all open my web browser and launch my Jenkins Jenkins is a dashboard right so Jenkins is by default hosted on port number 80 ad so let me just launch that particular web you know launch that port number on my localhost sorry for the delay guys it's you know lagging a little bit right so this is the port number where Jenkins is hosted now in the meanwhile let me just quickly go to my your terminal and to my project folder where my actual application is present so here's the terminal and my project is present in this folder I've created a demo folder inside which there's a top movies right so the top movies is the project which I created the project folder and what you see here these are the different files and folders present inside this project folder let me also open it to my file explorer here and explain what these different packages files and folders are for so this is the project that I created and as you can see there are a number of files oh and the number one file that I want to talk about is that of a docker file right now the docker file is basically used to build your docker images and spend containers or of those docker images right and to build your docker images you specify the commands inside the docker file right and then you just you know execute that docker image which is built by issuing the drunk command that time your docker container would be spun and that time your container would be ready and your application would be hosted on a particular port number and then it would be put to a it would be mapped to a particular port on your localhost so all these functionalities are done with the help of docker file ok now but that is only with respect to docker and the other things your the other folders and the files are you see here these are with respect to my angular application so we have different files like the packaged or decent file we have no underscore modules we have we have SRC folder so all these things well first of all let me talk about the package dot JSON file right now this package or decent file is a very important file which contains all the details about my project it contains which version of which dependent which dependencies my project needs words the name of my project what versions of dependencies my your project needs to implement all these details will be present inside my package dot Jason file so without the package or jason file your application cannot get also it's you know for those of you who are new you can conjure this to be like the metadata right if we will know what is a metadata so package or Jason does a similar role right but here comes the question how will the package.json file be initiated right from how do you execute the package or JSON file what's the first step and that's where this whole node underscore modules folder comes into the picture right so you have a command called NPM install right so NPM install is nothing but the NPM stands for node package manager right so it installs all the dependencies that your project needs and when you were run the command NPM install through your terminal so at that time it will look for the package to a JSON file in that particular directory so I have to execute the NPM install from the directory where my package or JSON file is present from here if I execute that command that time it would first fall initiate the package or JSON file and whatever dependencies are present over here for my project for my code all those would be installed and downloaded and install from from the node repository right in my case would be no no repository but yeah otherwise you just download it from the internet and you would have it already and all those dependencies would be present inside this folder called node underscore modules right and this this folder node underscore modules is going to be a very heavy folder right there's going to be a lot of contents here so it's ideal that you know you don't place it in the github if you want to share your project with someone else you add you in the real world environment what happens is you just share the package or JSON file and when they do the NPM install that time they would you know automatically get all the dependencies installed as per the package or JSON file whatever specified you so that's what it does and then you have other files here right now the configuration files like protractor or configuration file you have the typescript configuration file the typescript lint configuration file and you have the other other files or so all these so you know excuse me one or advice yeah so guys all these configuration files are the configuration for your angular applications right beat the typescript configuration or the linting configuration of the protractor all these can be considered you know basically these are of the boiler plates that come with the act angular application so that's so these are dependencies right so you needed with your project and the folder SRC so this is where your actual project will be present so whatever code you've written for your angular application that would be present here so yeah these are basically the contents of my repository and these are what is needed for container izing my your angular application and maybe you would find you know you i've not explained this folder right eetu e so this one basically you know is used for you know the end-to-end testing so whatever is needed for that its present in this package of but yeah on a high level this is what you need to know these are the packages and the first thing that I got to do is to to to containerize this application the first thing after do is I have to pull the code from my github repository and I will do that with the help of Jenkins alright so even though I have it locally in a real world environment developers or you know engineers would we would pull this code from github right so I will show you how that happens by first of all going through my Jenkins dashboard here this is my dashboard I already have a project called demo so this is the one that I want to show you a demonstration of so this contains I have already pre-built the environment so that I don't waste much time and you know downloading everything and you know because downloading everything and installing everything would take a lot of time so if I have the uh Naaman ready I can just show to you straight away so I have it over here and if I go to configure I can show you what are the elements that have defined already so let's just wait for this to come up for a minute you okay San is asking where can I get this software San if you're talking about Jenkins then you can just it's it's open tools right so even if it's docker or get all three are open source so you can just download from download them from the internet and in fact I can I will give you a couple of links of you know blog links which people from Edo Rica have written for you to install these for you to install these so all these technologies right so we have an installation Paris for each of these and do wait till the end of the sessions where I can share that playlist the blog list with you right so we also have a video playlist of the installation and we also have a blog playlist so I will do that but please bear till the bear with me until the end of the session and do it then but getting back well yeah first of all we have to go under the source code management right so this is where you need to first of all enter the github repository from where you want to pull your code right now let me just open this repository and show you what I'm going to pull it's basically the same content that is there in my local host in my in my host system right so whatever whatever you saw here at the file explorer most of the contents over here are there in my github repository except for the node modules because this gets installed automatically when you run the package or JSON file yeah so you guys see this right so we had the same e to e folder we have the SRC folder and then we have various other files like the angular CLI Jason we have the docker ignore we have the docker file that's present and I'm surprised I didn't get any question from any people asking why the docker file is present inside the github repository well I found it strange because the moment you people would have seen it I expected you people to ask me a question but anyways the reason I have the docker file inside the the get up repository is because wherever my code is present right so that's where my execution should ideally happen and if I have my talk--i file present in the same directory then I can run my daugher file I can use my daugher file to build my docker image inside that repository and it will also look for the dependencies on the angular code for my application all these things from the same repository so that's why I have the daka file in the same repository right so that's what doc file is used for and then suddenly we have the other dependencies like the package dot jason the UTS conflict goat or jason the other things which i spoke about which was there or here so the same thing we have in our github repository so getting back to our raw jenkins we first of all specify that we want to pull the code from here and what we do next is we can go down to the build option so under build we have our shell here right so whatever commands you specify here they would be executed on your shell so since I am using a Linux system have chosen to execute these commands on my exit on my shell well in case you guys are executing it at your end you know if you're using a Windows system you might probably want to choose windows batch commander and then specify the commands that you want to run in your windows CLI right so that's the only difference but yeah whatever commands I specify here they will be run on my inner shell and the command and I'm first of all running is that of docker build and I'm building the image called the demo app one so right now I'm using the talkable - tea black tea command to build a new image called a demo app one and it would build this application based on the docker file which is present in this folder so this is the fold of M into aquifers present right so I can you know in case I do a CD and if I give this folder then I would move to that particular directory and then I can just simply replace this path with a dot so that's another alternative but yeah otherwise you can specify the entire absolute path also here and so I've done that and it's basically creating a new image based on the dockerfile and the instructions present inside the docker file in this command and then in the second command is the docker run command okay so the imager was created your demo app one so that that image is basically being run okay you spin down an image into a container by running this command docker run and you specify other options while doing this you know we specify your flat flag RM we specify single flag copy and then we specify the port numbers so the the P flag is used for mapping your docker containers are put to your host machines port so over here the photo double zero that you see here this is the port number of my yaar host machine on which the subsequent or the equivalent port on which meant of a container right so whatever is basically President might offer container with the port number whatever is hosted there that would be visible inside my photo double zero port in my your host system okay so yeah it's an angular application right it's a web application so what you have to do is you have to host that and one of the ports and I have C by default and your applications are hosted on port number photo double zero and I've also specified the same in the package dot Dixon file so that's where you specify the power the port number and what I'm saying here is whatever is running inside my docker container in port number four to double zero that should also be visible or available in the pod number four root of zero of my host machine so that's what the flag ER stands for and then we have the name of giving I'm giving this you know container which I'm building I'm giving it a name top movies one and yeah this basically the image same image that we are first of all spinning with a helper for block a file so these are the two commands that I'll be running and at this point of time if there are any any of you who are new to Jenkins or you are if you're new docker if you execute the same commands from your you know execute shell you might have a problem so can you can anyone can any of you guess what that problem might be right so I can give you a hint the problem would lie over here okay so it would lie right at the beginning of this command you oh well no problem of see the thing is any darker command that has to be run it has to be run with the pseudo axis right only a root user can only the root can execute any doctor come and especially the build and the run command okay but there are some few commands which can be executed without the pseudo but these two commands especially neat pseudo access if you are excluding the cm2 commands from your terminal then you can just simply you know prefix this whole command with pseudo here and then the shell would prompt you for the password and then you can enter the password but what would you do in case of Jenkins right so this is Jenkins you cannot you know put sudo here because Jenkins cannot manually enter the password for root access right so root credentials Jenkins doesn't have so in this case what you need to do is you have to give the slow credentials or the you know root credentials to Jenkins itself so Jenkins is actually a user if you guys notice if you go under you know if you if you you know or let me just tell you this Jenkins is a separate user because it's a web server right and any commands that you execute through Jenkins it would be executed as the user Jenkins so what you have to do is similar to how you I know users you know you execute doctor commands without sudo how you create a new docker group and you add your user the user from which you're executing you add that user to the group similar to that you have to add your Jenkins user to the docker group and you should give the docker group the root access so the docker group would basically be on par with root in terms of the access that it has over the system so that's the important step that you need to do because otherwise if you don't enable this axis then your current your command as I'm gonna get executed it would say failure permission denied so that's the thing and yeah if you have these two already then it's pretty much ready right your docker file would be your you know used to build the image and then that image should be used to get the container out so I'm just going to save this and quickly show you how to build this application okay so to build the application we can simply go to build now right you can see the build history or these are the previous times I ran the same command and if I do it again bill now just build a sherry old and you would see a new build pop up over here but number two dwell right so if I click on this and if I go to console output over here you would get to see what is the status of this build so let me just go here yeah if you go to contour output you will get to see what's happening so similar to the output that you get on your terminal something that that you will get over here okay we're here already so let me just quickly go up as you can see the faucet of commands have started executing using your you know by Jenkins and you know the first of course the first one was to pull the data the code from get right and there from the git repository so whatever was there is being fetched over here and then the first command that we are executing on the shell can be differentiated with this command the plus symbol basically indicates that it's command that's being executed on the on the command prompt so the comma the docker build - T demo app is the command that's being built and when you build it you can see that there are various steps being performed so for each line in your docker file there will be your step that will be performed now let me quickly go to the daka file and explain what are the different steps that are going to be performed okay so at this point of time I'm going to go back here and let me open the door file and explain the different steps because if we want to host a node you know if you want to host an angular application we have to first of all build a pull a node image write your angular application would be present or you know it would be a hosted to only with only when there's a node application which is running at the back end so the first command that is from it's gonna pull the node image which has the tag six right so version number six of fir node so probably this is what is going to get pulled with the help of from node six and when it pulls then what are you going to do is you have to use a run command to make a directory inside this particular image so you use the - P flat to specify the path that you want to create slash user slash SRC / app so you're creating this particular path inside your docker image which you've pulled and you're training the working directory to the path that you created by using this command working walk dir and this and the first thing that you got to do that you need to notice here is is the package or jacent file which this is are present in my local system that I'm moving to my path which I created inside my pocket image now that is because this is the file that contains all the dependencies or uh needed to to to basically download all the node under node node modules right so whatever dependencies are are there inside the node modules they will be downloaded with the help of package for Jason so right now it's present in my local system I'm specifying that I'm specifying docker to copy this file into the directory path here and then when you're when once you've done that it asked me to run the NPM cache clean now with your you know running the NPM install for the first time or if you are using NPM with first time you might not need it but since I've run this command earlier and using it because I want to avoid any version conflicts between the different dependencies right so dependencies can be offered of different versions of angular 2 version or angular version and all those so I'm just using this two different to work to you know keep myself healthy there and then i'm using the run npm install so this is the most important command which would basically start everything so the NPM is the node package manager and when I the moment I in issued this command my package dot JSON file would be surged for and when it's located the commands there the dependencies which are there inside those will be created inside a docker raw modules right sorry node modules inside that folder everything would be created so that's what this command does and the next command is all about copying every single fired folder which is present inside my you know instead of my host directory that I'm copying it into my host folder so the other you know files that are are those of configuration files which I spoke about earlier the the typescript configuration file the typescript lint file so all those applications that will also be copied to this image inside my talk you know to this path and said my docker image and then I'm finally saying expose for for to double zero because this is the port on which my application would be hosted and then I'm finishing it off with by your specifying this command of NPM start so you do the NPM install here so at this point of time your dependencies are ready everything is ready to be your application is ready to be deployed and hosted and the start is what is going to actually do the hosting on to this port number four to double zero right so that's what that the dockerfile instructions are and the same instructions have been running on my Jenkins so it says step one of nine it's pulling from here and it's moving to this directory and it's you know creating a new directory moving the working directory to this and then copying the package so each and every step is being executed one after the other if any of them fail then you would have a notification saying this step failed and the check your command so all those videos but anyways since Oz's are successfully built this is the ID of my image which was generated right and yeah this is the tag has been added to it and the next command that's being run from my shell is the docker run command with the - - RM flag and the P flag right the same command which I explained earlier and when this command is executed it says that your ng server is being hosted so this is the local host for which I'm mentioning on which I wanted to run and you can see the status your right it says zero percent 10 percent here you have again you know 10 percent here and yeah basically it keeps increasing so you have 11 percent so it's a big process so there's a lot of dependencies that gets downloaded and in the meanwhile that we saw the docker file that I was explaining the docker file we have all our packages downloaded and installed and your application is actually hosted so it says the PAC compiled successfully right so this is the success message if I now open the localhost four root of zero then you would see that my angular application is running up and running right so you can see that the application name is movie rating system and this is something that I tell you this was the application which my team created for me and this Apple this project is all about you know the top 250 movies that you have to watch before you die right some of the you know the biggest blockbuster hits of Hollywood so all those are present here now you know the it's it's the Anna you will get the angular feel over here by looking at the different components so the logout option that you see here this is a different component right if I log out then I will I do not get to see the list of movies but if you log in only then you will get to see that right and then you have the navigation bar here where you can switch to different tabs you can hold the entry car Home tab you can go to the you know the About tab where again we have other details and then if you login successfully then you know you will get to see the the movie list that we have so let's just wait for this to log in and I can show you the movie list that we have yeah so you have the movie list here right so in the navigation bar let me just click on this movie list and you can see the 250 movies that beaches are you know happen the best ever Hollywood movies yeah so the number one movie that you have to watch is the Shawshank Redemption right and then we have other movies like Godfather the part 2 of Godfather Dark Knight well Angry Men which again is my favorite movie we have Schindler's List we have a number of movies easier which you know which is our favorite of course and we've created an application this way and this is a simple web application a single page web application that we created and you can create all these things if you know you know how to work with node.js and how if you know how to work with angularjs right similarly similarly if I go to the etiquette app we already reported Rick over here so you know we believe in take off your skills or rediscover learning so we have that you know live classes in expert instruction so these are the this is the interface that we built that we created in our application and that's what I want to show you and in the movies list again I mean of course we have the list of movies and if you click on any of the movies you can look at the details of that movie as when it was released what is the genre of the movie who was a director writer who are the actors in the movie and what readings it has got so whatever data we have here with respect to ratings and writer on stars these were basically you know you know basically got from IMDB right so it was those I'm gonna be ratings that you know we are using as we decide so that's that's about our angular application and it's a simple application which you know you mean you could uh you know create one if you have expertise in angular but Derek and I realize there lies the problem right so if you don't know how to build such an application for yourself using angular then you can probably get yourself trained and certified an angular from the codes that we have and you can alternatively even check out the the DevOps course that'd be a tad Eureka have right so let me just quickly go to my web browser and show you the landing page of our course so first of all this is our DevOps landing page and here you will find a lot of details about our you'll find the reels about our course right so what when is the bat starting so we have a batch starting on the 5th of August that's the coming weekend and you have the prime serials you can change it as per your as per the currency you can choose the currency as two US dollars or even the timezone so you can change that you can check out what are the features that you will get when you buy a course from Ed Rekha and then you can also check out the curriculum and find out what are the technologies that you would be trained on and see what you will learn when you buy a course from an Rekha you can see all these your similarly you can do the same for even the you know the angular course right so we have angular course and you can check out the radials over there but in the meanwhile let me show you that we also have a blockchain on dev ops right so we have a blockchain on what is the need for the devups and what exactly is DevOps and what it does and what are the different tools what are the most popular tools how to achieve the DevOps life cycle so we have a detailed explanation of each of these blogs over here at this URL you can access them over here at Ricker dot Khosla slash blog slash what is DevOps and yeah I would request you to go through these blogs if you do not know what DevOps is right so because San earlier Azmi that shouldn't know how to get the software so we have got different installation guides so if you want to download then and so I get you can go to this blog office what is get and then over here you have the gate installation right install gate similarly we have different tools like puppet we have chef and for each of these tools we have the installation blog also write for ansible for docker for Jenkins especially for these two which you people wanted if you do that and also we have an interview questions blog which would help you prepare for any day option to view that you are appearing for so that's this that's what you want to get here and you can also check out our YouTube playlist on DevOps right so we have a number of videos here on various tools of DevOps and you will get a you know you remind blown by what you will get to learn and what opportunities that you have in the software industry in the IT industry so do give it a read you can just search for DevOps training videos and Google and you can just put a trick and we get this playlist right and these are the two important things that I want to show you but most importantly I want to show you how to subscribe to Ed Rekha right so you just in any of our video you can just click this Bob jr. and when you do that you have a bail option here right the bail I can click on the bell icon if you want to be notified of future live sessions like this so today's was a live session and if you want to be notified you know of this that we're going to have in the future then you can please do this otherwise you don't want to get any notification because subscribe is not going to help you it's the belacan which makes the actual difference and yeah that's it guys so that's what I want to show you so that brings us to the end of the session today lemme just quickly revise what we covered right so let me just go here this is where I left off earlier and I first fault spoke about what is angular right what is the benefit of a single page application why it's being developed and then I spoke about the different DevOps tools and techniques which would be which we would be using to deploy an angular application I told you I spoke about get Jenkins and docker and then I spoke about what exactly happens what's the architecture and that goes about for deploying an angular application the DevOps way and then I finally give you a demonstration of the same so yeah that's that brings us to the end of the session for today and you guys can put any of any question that you have you can put that in the chat box and I can take them up now and even my team can finally answer those questions so guys yeah I totally enjoyed this live session guys I thank you for being ever so patient and on being such good audience and we will come up with more live sessions like this and like I said earlier if you want to be informed do subscribe to our channel and like our videos comment share our videos and it will be a pleasure to have you on board with us right so thanks guys and happy learning okay so creme Panda is asking for the code frame unfortunately the code is not something that we can share with you right so we cannot share the code with you but of course if you go to our if you subscribe to our course if you buy the course from us then we would not provide you with better project details right we would give you a better sample set you know a better project that you can work on we'll teach you will train you on that aspect in fact in the same get up repository that I assure you earlier I will avail apply I'll upload a new project which you can probably implement okay but of course this project is something that we cannot share it with you so I'll be taking it off in some time right so so yeah prim don't worry we will give you a good project on which you can practice but unfortunately this will be taken off in some time alright so yeah I think that's it so no other questions and thank you guys thanks again and happy learning right see you until next time you
Channel: edureka!
Views: 55,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: devops tutorial, devops tutorial for beginners, docker tutorial, docker containerization, Git Jenkins Docker integration, devops tool, devops tool integration, jenkins tutorial, jenkins tutorial for beginners, docker tutorial for beginners, edureka, devops edureka, devops training, dockerizing an application, dockerizing an angular application, git jenkins docker, devops tools training, git jenkins integration, jenkins docker pipeline, jenkins docker integration
Id: 1cNwEMlmnq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 10sec (2890 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2017
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