Docker: What do we mean?

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[Music] hi my name is Massimo xrn I'm a technical project manager with a cognitive application business unit at the Emer this is the last shooting of a series that I'm doing around darker and containers and this one is about what do we mean by daughter I mean every time I talk to customer we really need to spend time to level set what they are actually referring to when they use the word darker three or four years ago when docker was introduced it was easy to pin it to a particular technology that would allow you to do a certain and probably limited number of things on top of a single docker host those functionalities in those operation it was you know what make docker becomes irrelevant in the industry but as time went by docker started to do more stuff and the complexity started to increase in terms of the technology that they were introducing into the market the other thing that was confusing and sometimes is still confusing is this misunderstanding between docker added open source project and docker inch as the company behind the open source project so let's start let's start to kind of you know draw this history of what happened since the beginning and what really is happening right now what were the Koshien what we're going to discuss here in the next five minutes or so is more like a vision and where docker is going in terms of their packaging and open source project this is not what we're going to discuss is not already executed but I thought that I will give you like vision that docker has and have been communicating because otherwise the video would be obsolete in a matter of days not even weeks or months so let's go through the history of what happened so basically dr. four years ago introduced a very small piece of software that revisional eyes on the industry so to speak so they introduced this software called docker engine that would allow you to do some very basic but very powerful stuff so in the previous shooting that I've been doing I've been discussing about this for atomic very powerful operations that are built push pull and run that allows you to manage the lifecycle of your application that is typically there was typically aimed at solving problems at a small scale typically on a on a developer laptop so there was a lot of moving parts the problem could to quote so to speak was when they started to introduce additional and very powerful technology on top of the docker engine that they have been building since the beginning so basically what will happen is that they started including in this piece of software that they were distributing additional pieces of technology that do so network problems storage problems clustering problems and things like that so basically what happened is that as they started adding all of these additional components the active fact of what they were distributing to their customers remained a monolithic piece of software all right so you either get everything or nothing what happened is that the industry started to make a little bit of noise about this because at that point the ecosystem around docker was exploding it's still exploding and a lot of people that are trying to solve some of these problems in a different way there they were however hooked into the original docker engine so basically what happened is that they were trying to solve some of these problems that I'm picturing here but they really only needed this part of the technology underneath but since it was a take all or nothing they started to being very vocal about being able to only take the pieces that was necessary for them so long story short and obviously this was not the only reason there are other reason for which docker started to do what they are starting to doing but basically what happen is that at this point docker started to make all of this setup more modular and this is exactly what it is happening right now so basically they're starting to take some pieces of these some of them are very very easily identifiable because for example this was um the clustering part or swarm that was basically a project that they started as swamp kit outside of this context but they were part of this artifact here that was not very modularized all right so for example this is where container D comes into place so basically they took some of these those very atomic operations that I've been alluding to at the beginning and that I have exploded in some of the previous talk and they started to modularizing these and extracting those part container B and obviously there are a bunch of other things like for example lip network that is used to do certain things inside this big artifact so basically what is happening right now is that up until dr. Cahn a few weeks ago there wasn't a very clear definition between the open source project that docker was working on and the products that docker was producing and giving to their consumers and to their end users right so basically what happened is that these was dr. at the very beginning and at docker count they made an interesting move to rename this as project mobile so if you hear about project Mobley basically project Mobile is an umbrella or a branding name to identify everything that is a darker open source project right so not only that bobbi is also a tool to allows you to compose some of these technology into different products basically what happens is that docker is basically using mobile to to connect all of these different pieces and produce their artifacts right so now there is a clear definition of what are these open source what it is a community project and what it is product that docker the company is producing and potentially selling right so there are different artifacts that are going to come up from this vision that are for example docker Cee or Community Edition and darker EE or Enterprise Edition there are some proprietary or known open-source components into this version whereas this is completely open source and free to use the coming from what I've been describing before basically the mobi tool kit that allows dr. the company to build this artifact and potentially add additional stuff to to the basic offering but the idea really about this is to create a line and draw a line between the consumer of the dr. product dr. C and dr. EE for which nothing basically changes right so if you use to just consume the technology downloading the artifact and installing them on docker host nothing really changes what changes is how the contributor to the open-source project or system builders so either system builders or platform builders and contributors to this part here this is what changes right so if you are a consumer nothing has changed for you if you're a system slash platform builder or a contributor to these there is a new way to do things as I was alluding to at the very beginning this is more like a vision that docker is trying to implement or at least that is what they're communicating they're trying to implement over time they are I would say halfway through to implement this but this is actually where they want to do so a clear separation between the open source part of the game in the consumer or slash customer part of the game is it part of where dr. the company is focusing on this is where docker the ecosystem is focusing on so hopefully I clear cleared up some of the confusion that is out there these are complex topics but I hope that it is a little bit more clear now thanks for watching [Music] you [Music]
Channel: VMware Cloud Native Apps
Views: 16,126
Rating: 4.4820142 out of 5
Keywords: Docker, conatiner, cloud native, Docker datacenter, container technology, Kubernetes, Docker Swam
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2017
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