Docker installation on Windows 11

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let's go ahead and install docker first i want to show you which version of windows i'm using and as you can see i'm using windows 11 home edition there is no problem with it it will work just fine so the first thing that we're going to do is open a web browser and let's hover to and i'm going to choose download and install are on a windows machine so we'll select docker desktop for windows and here we can download the installation file docker desktop for windows it's been downloaded it's about a 500 megabytes file so it won't take too long great and it was downloaded let's open the downloads folder and here it is here's the installation file let's run it and you can either add a shortcut to the desktop or not too i just leave it and create a shortcut and the installation is taking place it will take a while and the installation is done for me it took about 3 minutes and we now need to close the installation and restart the computer ok so the computer was restarted let's try and run docker desktop and we need to accept the terms and here we need to wait for a minute and then we get this message and it says that wsl 2 installation is incomplete the reason is that docker on windows relies on wsl which is windows subsystem for linux so windows has to install some additional components for it to work all we need to do is press on this link then click here and an msi file is being downloaded great let's run this file and as we can see it's some update for windows subsystem for linux which is wsl so let's go ahead and install this update and it's done let's click on finish and now we need to restart the computer again and the computer restarted again and now we should be good but before we go ahead and run docker desktop again i want to show something about wsa so let's open powershell or the windows terminal and if we run now wsl list we can see that wsl itself is installed on the computer but no linux distributions are installed and it is to be expected that we didn't install any wsl distros so let's now go ahead and start docker desktop and it's starting and it's done let's start the tutorial but before we go on with the tutorial let's take a look at the terminal again and let's run wsl list once again and you can see that now we have something called docker desktop so this docker desktop is basically a virtual machine that allows us to run containers we're not supposed to interact with this distro ourselves it's only there to support our containers via docker so let's get back to docker desktop and let's run this command which will run a small example container for us so the alpine image is being downloaded and now a container from this image is being generated and let's copy the contents of the repository and let's move on to the next step and this step will change directory and build the image move on to the next step and now that we built the image we can run a container that's based on this image and let's move on to the next step and here we can share our image to the docker hub if we want to but i'm not going to do it now what we can do is open the web browser and open localhost and here we see the response from the container we just trained which means that everything worked and the container reacted as expected let's close the tutorial and here we see a few tabs so we have the home tab which is what we see right now we have the containers tab which lists all of the containers we have and right now we have two of them so we have the alpine container which was created when we downloaded the alpine image during the tutorial and we also have this container of the image that we built ourselves and this is the one that answered us when we visited localhost the next tab is images the images are like boilerplates for the containers so of course we have two of them the alpine one and the one that we built ourselves let's get back to the home tab and as an example let's run an ubuntu container so i'll just click on run over here and the ubuntu image is being pulled and the container of this image was created let's get back to the main view of the containers and here we can see our ubuntu container and we can interact directly with it by clicking on this icon open in terminal and the terminal we see here is actually an ubuntu terminal and we can interact with the container directly so let's update the container and let's install neofetch and let's run your fetch and we can see a few details about our ubuntu container so we can see that the operating system is ubuntu 22.04 lts on windows and we can see that the kernel is microsoft standard wsl2 to close this terminal we can type in exit and we're back in docker desktop
Channel: Abstract programmer
Views: 80,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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