Docker Build: Exploring Docker Dev Environments

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[Music] well it's not working in prod indeed it's not working in prod well it's not my problem it works just fine on my machine and on the dev server well well i told you all systems are isos and if it's working in depth it's working in pratt it's iso oh yeah essentially i mean pretty much almost almost what do you mean almost you knew there's maybe a very small gap in minor versions and for some plugins nothing particularly important all right i love that video never gets old it's awesome hello everybody welcome to today's show my name is peter mckee i'm the head of developer relations here at docker and i got two of my uh favorite guests on new guest i don't think i've ever heard you guys on the show yet have i no no this is also yeah my first time i do i'm doing something live right so yeah yeah yeah well we had we already had a hiccup right in the beginning streaming to the wrong the wrong channel but anyways awesome so hey i see people are in the in the live stream in there if you want you know let me know where you're at where you're at in the world i'd love to see where everybody's coming from we usually see everybody all over the place so it's really cool to see where people are tuning in from but uh today we're going to be talking about dev environments the new feature that we're coming out with here at docker and i have two of uh our staff engineers here with me to kind of walk through and talk all things uh dev environments so hello uh guillaume how are you can you tell everybody uh who you are what you do yeah absolutely uh i'm so we are both in france uh uh i've been working at docker for four years and a half years now working with uh desktop with the cli with compose recently with compose g2 and now working a lot with uh with georgie and a bunch of other people on collaboration and dev environments awesome awesome awesome yeah georgie how are you sir can you tell her i am i am well yeah go ahead please yes so georgie uh so i'm also staff engineer at docker and yeah like guillaume said in france but unlike him who is in the south i'm in normandy where it he trains all the time and yeah i've been a little bit less a docker like two two years and a half and i switched a lot of teams i worked like on hub i worked on the on docker app that's like deprecated now on compose on desktop and so yeah i recently worked a bunch on the dev environments awesome awesome yeah uh guillaume did you say four and a half years i think that's about how long i've been here but i but i also did a little stint when we sold off the enterprise business at another company that shall go nameless but yeah so we must have joined roughly around the same time yeah i joined march uh 2017 i think so yeah yeah that was yeah right i joined i think right after dockercon in austin uh that year 2017. yeah sometimes yeah and it's funny because i'm in austin and um i didn't even i didn't register for dockercon because i was like well it's here you know i'll go maybe i won't go and then i started talking to docker and i said oh well i should probably go to the conference and it was sold out so you know you know the rare time the docker gun is here in my own hometown that was uh sold out couldn't get a ticket but i still snuck into the uh after hours events and festivities but um we couldn't actually attend but yeah oh nice we have uh ishmael from paris france or frane i'm sure that's probably probably yeah it's france where are you yeah just it's it probably types like i do just leave out a couple words make people guess and i mean that was love by the way and then the outer banks of north carolina north carolina is awesome so beautiful there in germany awesome guys great to see everybody so today talk about dev environments i'm pretty excited about this right at least to me one of the biggest problems um and i wrote a blog about it a while back but you know joining a team uh and coming up to speed right getting your environment set up is very hard very complex you know at least i mean if you can get get a new machine and get productive in a week that's like fast that's like really fast right um but yeah i think dev environments could probably help there um but i don't know yeah what's going on with dev environments what are they so yeah well generally at docker we focus quite a lot on trying to improve the development feedback and development in a group so that people can be proactive and have some code changes that they can test and verify with ease of production etc and we wanted to not do this only for one developer but also for our teams of developers and make sure that we can improve the collaboration between developers improve the productivity of teams and the way people can share code changes and reproduce good changes easily from one machine to another make sure that you can well be productive with your teammates and easily share any updates that you do on the code and have this working on someone else's machine not just yours so that's that's the the basic uh driver for the dev environments and uh what we what we saw that people tend to collaborate a lot on pull requests with github that's a fantastic tool to exchange code notifications comment on it have some feedback from other people on your team etc and so people will do good review and we'll look at your code and from time to time you you don't just need to look at the code you also need to actually check out the proquest on your machine build the application and run it so that you can see how it behaves when you click on when you actually exercise the ui click on buttons etcetera you can see cases in ui you can see how it uh how it moves and not just how the code is built so quite often actually you need to uh check out the pr and build some code locally and then you get into the troubles of do i have the right tools installed on merchants so i can build the same thing as my co-worker do i have the same dependencies do i have a specific setup that i'm missing why can't why is the build not working all these sort of things so this is where we try to to bring uh their environment to make the the whole setup reproducible or easy to reproduce and to have people uh share their work in progress very easily including the not just the code but the building the app and running the running bindings uh that's that's the the main idea with uh environments yeah so yeah the environment is really about a local first experience of building your your code changes and being able to share them with your teammates um share the setup share the tools and not only just the code and we try to make this uh kind of magic with a one-click uh creation of the the environment and one click sharing with your teammates of uh any specific status that you're in including your code modifications your files that have been committed your branch that you're working on this sort of things yeah yeah yeah and i think to um you know in today's world right a lot of us are remote and we've been we've been we've had an international distributed team for years right here at docker but also you know sitting in an office you're sitting two cubes over for me right it it works there too right it's that idea of at least in my mind's eye you know yeah sure you could switch branches pretty easily right and check out a pr but um just not code comes along with what changes a lot of times right you have change maybe change to a database structure changes to date test data configuration right i've added a configuration right so yeah i check out the pr it doesn't work and you go oh by the way yeah you have to add this to the config right and you have to do your local yeah where's your database you know all those things right so yeah it's it's not it's not always just the code right it's it's also the the environment where where it runs the the context and then and everything so uh if you have some kind of problems like when it's not the code but something that you have on your machine you can't really someone can help you uh but with the if you run inside the container or your whole environment then it kind of gets simpler yeah yeah yeah and also yeah you are mentioning yeah it's easy to check out the pr and usually it's it's not an issue but uh quite a quite often i've got some current change on my machine and then someone is asking me could you check this pr and so i need to stash my changes move branches from my local changes to uh check out the pr and then every now and again you forget to switch back to your branch so you start messing around with yeah with changes that are not on the right branch and that sort of thing so it's also that that side of uh things that we wanted to to make much easier for everyone when when you're sharing some uh some good with with someone else yeah yeah i think um i don't know probably someone way smarter smarter than me said one of the hardest things in software development is context switching right well okay naming variables and co and setting up your project structure those are pretty hard right like yeah those are you would think it'd be something more complex you know cash and validation or something whatever but yeah i mean those those things are hard right and they're a pain and get can be nasty right you have to know it pretty deeply right and then remembering where you're at right so yeah it'd be pretty cool to be able to hit a button okay let me let me look at uh you know what you sent me it's all packaged up i'm there i'm in i'm isolated and then okay good and now i'm back to where i was right i think that's super important for developers right that context switching is will just kill your productivity right awesome uh do you you guys got some things to show us right so maybe something yeah and maybe we can run a demo and show this um awesome uh hopefully you can see my screen in a second yeah there we go uh so this is a recent bill of docker desktop it's been it's been available for the past couple of weeks i think and um we've got a new tab here they have environment so it's available for anyone with a recent docker desktop application so what we can see here uh we've got a video to explain with a few things we mentioned already uh explaining why we have been doing the environment and then you can try some samples and you can also start a dev environment from any of your git projects so i'm going to start using this and take a sample git project so i will just copy paste the the url of this i could specify a branch name as a suffix of the area but here i'll just take the the base one and just hit create and this is going to clone my git repository and then detect the language that i'm working inside inside this uh this regulatory so here it's a good project and based on that is going to create a new dev environment with the the tooling for this particular language and open my id so here it's going to open this code on this project so i'm actually here running this code with connecting to remote container that contains all the the setup that we've been doing so running the project and having the right go setup i can open turning on that so i can see that i've got my code that has been checked out here i can just stick with the domain file here so it's a go project with a basic uh go command i can check that i've got go installed guillain can you can you uh bump up see if you can bump up obvious code a little bit oh um probably the probably the command plus yeah there we go yeah yeah oh that's awesome thank you yeah cool um so i've got go installed already in my dev environment so all of this is really actually executing inside the container it's just i don't need to know about it it's it's all isolated so i don't need to install any go tools on my local host if i trash the container i don't yet go on my post install so it doesn't produce my host if i'm working on a different branch of the same repo or anything locally it doesn't interact with my local changes so it's all nicely isolated and container and i can work pretty much as usual so i've got so i've got the go to link i've got kits installed as well uh and i can check my config like this so i can see that i'm running in bit as guillen tardif it's actually breached to my host credentials so the credentials themselves are not in the container but there's a bridge so that i can commit and pull and push as usual from uh from here and um and so i'm going to try to run this server it's a basic web server with a just a basic page thanks so you're so you're inside the container right now oh yeah this terminal is running inside the container through vs code remote containers so here vsphere detected that the server has opened a report inside the container so i can open a browser on that and i've got my my page served here so here in my local browser i can see and i can connect to my server running inside the development container awesome and i go back here so yeah as i was saying i've got kit installed if i want i can check out branch so i'm going to start a new branch range uh yeah i'm working with my new branch here i can do some changes in the code just dismiss that hello from the live and i will run the server again i can still see my changes live that's cool so here i'm pretty much well i'm happy with my changes i could push that to a pr and start uh opening your pr to share this with some co-workers but if i want some uh pre-check or pre-test from someone else who might be uh doing some other changes as well improving the code or anything i can share the state of where i'm where i'm at at the moment and share this with uh with someone else they will be able to just pick it up exactly and just um yeah before i share i can also see that the vs code is actually seeing my changes with the the git plugin of the s code so it's exactly the same setup as if i was working locally except that what's happening here in this terminal is actually executed in the container and so i can [Music] run my code etc so coming back here i will um so this is my dev environment that has been created initially uh i can see that if i close cs code i can open it here and it's going to reopen it exactly in the same state and i've got this share button here that will allow me to share the current state of my dev environment and i'm going to share this with georgie so to share this we actually uh store all the state of this uh dev container inside uh an image and we push this to the car hub so that georgie can then pull the image from the hub and uh get the state on his machine so okay i'm using my my hub account to be able to uh to share that and it says and here it's going to actually uh yeah take the state from my running container put this inside an image and then push it to hub so it might take a bit of time to uh actually exchange this and push this to help and eventually i will end up with just a link that i can i can copy past in slack or in exchange there it is anyway and i can send this to georgie and then i guess i can just stop sharing my screen and i will let georgie continue showing what's happening next all right yep did you get the okay yeah there we go jordy all right so yep thanks all right so um so guillaume gave me the link uh in a chat uh what i can do with it is the same as uh guillaume did pictures before you just put here the here you can see the cryo his account and then the um the image tag and then you just hit on create so now uh i don't know if you can see but it says it's pulling an image so before it um it it saw that it was um a git repo so we cloned it but this time it's an image that's on hub so that's why we just pulled the image and then as before we open the vs code with your with the code inside um so yeah here you can see it's uh oh it says echo can you hear me well yeah i'm not getting an echo on my side okay okay hopefully it was just a glitch in the matrix sorry kevin let me know if it keeps happening all right so i just want to show before a little thing so if i do uh give config like guillaume did just before you can see that uh i am the it's my user now that it's using it uh it's not guillaume so we didn't we didn't share any any any git credentials or anything and as you can see i am on a branch and it says that git has some some changes so if i do git status i can see that there's a change in main.go over here so it's the same changes that the game had and i can also of course run and open open it in the browser and it opened over here okay and there there you go uh so i just want before before continuing so i just want to like stop a little bit and and then and recap what what happened here so guillaume started with with just a rep repository that's on github we created their environment uh with that code uh so all the code is inside the volume i don't know if kim said that so we when we clone we clone the code inside the volume because uh that way you don't have any problems with the performances of the file system all right so we created that that environment guillo made some changes he changed the branch he changed his code and then he shared that that thing over over to me and i started the exact same uh environment on my machine so that's kind of what what just happened here which which i think is cool yeah so you so that was interesting i just want to touch on that point real quick the so we're using volumes right and so that that gives us a better uh speed performance so we're not having to marshal back and forth between before so desktop you know you're running on windows or if you're running on mac right just uh and correct me i'm wrong on the architecture here but actually with desktop we're running a little vm that we're actually running the engine inside of exactly right everything is running inside of that very thin and then outside of that the cli is running natively and then we do some networking to point it back inside the vm so you're talking to the engine inside of the vm exactly yeah and those and there's uh there's a blog post actually in uh in our uh on in our blog uh from dave who explains actually how how we do all the thinking of the file system yeah okay while you're talking i'm gonna dig that blog up and i'll post it to folks awesome you know before we go on that was i mean i think this is a really cool point too that i had forgotten when i saw dev environments in the playing around with them myself is the git configuration right so guillermo was working locally he had all get uh set up inside of that dev container now when you pulled it you didn't have gums you had uh yours that's pretty cool how does that work how's that so you could do a scenario where i do a first commit and then i pass the dev environment to georgie and he can add on things and do a second commit in the same branch and we're just seamlessly working and adding commits one next to another with our names on each commit properly set up and we can do some real teamwork on the same branch and eventually push and create a request that has comments from myself and it's from georgie quite easy yeah and is that done is that copied into the volume uh the github so no no it's um for all the credentials that everything there's um there's like a bridge between your the git that's inside the the container and your git on the host so like when you when you clone over git or when you use git there are like two ways you can uh you can clone over https or ssh and there are different kind of kind of mechanisms like the credential helpers that git uses so basically when when the git inside when to get inside the container tries to talk to the credential helpers we proxy that's over to the git that's on the host and then it's just everything works oh nice nice okay cool yeah it was really it was really fun to implement also yeah yeah okay cool yeah and then it just works right i love uh yeah and i forget who this quote is attributed to right but it's uh really good technology is almost like magic right yeah exactly like yeah it just works right it just works seamlessly it's like magic um yeah but there you go that's how that's how we're doing it internally awesome okay sorry for for interrupting but i thought those those two little quick things were very very interesting to me right to make this work seamlessly yeah yeah sure right so uh on to the next demo i'm just gonna remove this one um so this was this was like the first example is a simple example where you have your application uh inside uh one container but in real life you usually have like maybe a front end the back end database so it's not really just one component you could have multiple components so that's why we also um try to make this work with compose with compose based applications right um so we have we have here like you can have um we opened like some get some samples and there's one for compose so i'm just going to show it before so it's uh it's probably on github so you can go on github docker samples and compose devops it's an application that has it has a back end it has a database and then a proxy uh that's just uh an nginx proxy uh so just just a quick uh quick aside uh we took this this application from the awesome compose repository so if you go here it's on docker awesome compose it has a bunch of examples of stacks uh different stacks that you can just take and use for for your own application like you you have react express in my sequel with java or rust or anything so um feel free to go over there and and steal the ideas that you get that you that you see yeah yep right so then uh i just want to show quickly so in the back end there we have a docker file so this is a multi-stage docker file so we have the first whoops sorry we have the first stage uh that's uh used for building where we just build the server there's another stage that's uh that is for development where we install git and then uh just run the server and then there's the the last one that's that's to the stage that you you would use when you build the application and then just deploy it somewhere um and and then what we did is we created so if you if you have a repository that has a dot docker uh folder and that has a docker compose inside uh that means for us for dev environments that means that it's a compose based application so we will try to do a docker compose app uh on on this file and it's if you take a look at it um it's it's a sim i mean it's it's not simple it's relatively simple relatively simple but we have what i meant to say was it it doesn't um it's not really different from any other compose file that you would write right so you have a service there's a back-end service that you build with with the backend context like the back-end folder we just give it the target development and then there are some secrets database it's just an image we are using we're not using my sql but mariadb because this one works on on the new m1 max and then the last service is just a proxy service and we built inside the proxy uh directory and it opens supports right so it's it's not simple but it's it's it's the usual stuff that we we just use every day right so i love this appear thanks pierce i'm i love your sorry i just saw oh my god this looks real yes it is okay sorry that just cracked me off good i'm messing up finally yep sorry i'm messing up your flow there good this is okay so you're talking about compose a normal compose file right yeah it's it's it's the compose file that that you know right so i'll just copy this one and put it over here and click on create so it's the same stuff as as before so here we cloned before it's it's right pierce no worries here we love it we love your excitement uh so yeah so we cloned and then you can see it says building composed out because we saw that it's a compose based application because there's like this dot docker file and the compose file so we we build it first so here it's for me it's cached because i already built it before so and then it starts the the application so you can see there my three um my three uh component is running on my app and also i think i can if i go here and then was it 8080 yes okay so it's the stack is running the the back end calls the database and gets the blog posts and then engine x boxes or all that so everything works right and now i want to work on it so you click on on the opening vs code button and so what this does is it so it removes the the container that was running with the backing code and creates a new container that that contains your your whole development environment and the code for um in your code and so this container also runs in the stack um so you can you can like all the networking stuff or from of compose works and you can see a little a new icon so that you know that this is this one is a a special container that's a development environment container uh right and then so georgie real quick while you bring that up so so everything starts up just kind of almost a little bit normally like a compose application but we're all in containers right um yep and so it's running locally right and then you say oh hey i'm gonna work on the back end so you hit the the little button there yep and then that so that removes that kind of just thinner thinner container starts up a new one with your code inside of it just like just like guillaume was showing us earlier but then allows you connect into it through vs code okay cool exactly yeah exactly yeah and so yeah it lives inside the application so it can talk to the proxy or the database so it's a and of course i can so the code is where it's here so if i change just a little bit of code here hello then i can go to into the back end and then go run main.go and it started and if i open okay it opened here once again and you can see it has my channels like hello blog post one two four five and that's that's that's why stamps are one last thing but that's that's the thing with the with the compose um there's one thing we are we are working on you can't for now share a compose application but we are working on it so it should be should be available available soon uh and also i just wanted to quickly show another feature that that came out in docker desktop but just quickly quickly recently because we are we are cloning the code inside volumes and everything and uh that's why also we created this volumes uh panel where you can now easily see all your volumes and you can even click inside see uh what container uses your your volume and you can also go and look at what's what's inside the volume nice which is which is i think really cool yeah yeah i don't know how many times on the command line i'm like what is that volume who's using it what is it yeah what's inside of it yeah yeah yeah perfect yeah so you can you can you can remove also volumes here so yeah nice well we gotta we gotta if you're ready we got a pretty good question uh from tyler let's see how let's see how good it shows up on the screen okay so yeah how would one handle a multi-repo environment so you have one repo front end one for the back end and um yeah maybe even a third for for a service or something like that what's kind of uh what's your thoughts around that i'll leave the question up there we're still working a bit on or adding features ready to repost so quite recently we had the ability to uh create the devil from the branch we know that uh some people are asking for uh creating a dev environment from the local repos that if you've already checked out the code in your machine or you're just about to create a repo and got things on your local machine uh we're going to work on that uh that one yeah we need to figure out what's the best ux and what's the what's the best usage we can do with multiple so it doesn't get too complex but we know we got some some possible new features to bring on that side i'm not sure if you want to bring something in strawberry or not something we need to think about i i i honestly didn't think about like multiple repositories i guess it would be just each repository would have their own definition of the type of environment that then and then you you would run multiple environments i guess that's what you would do today yes yeah yeah i would say here's a good time for a plug but um yeah so we have a feedback on github so if you get it docker dev environments uh join in the conversation there right add add to feature requests put in bugs uh any kind of thoughts you have but yeah uh these these guys are in there our engineers are in there they view it our product managers are in there um so yeah please that's the best place to go add your add your scenario right that you're thinking about how you might use dev environments or even questions concerns and also bugs any feedback if you test this out please add some feedback in there we do read it we it does help us a lot so just a quick uh one to bring that up real quick yeah thanks so yeah yeah we really we love feedback and we also love bug issues that give us back there yeah for sure cool so uh so all docker advanced support for ai we're getting there i'm not sure a lot of our ai is just really smart engineers right now well they're but they're not artificial i guess our hi human intelligence okay cool so so tell me a little bit so i have a couple questions i've been playing around with this so in the images uh right there on desktop you know i see a couple images what's being used what do we use it under the covers to kind of make this all work is it just plain images we have tools inside of images how's some of that working uh right so um we created uh five or six images uh like basic images that you would use for that environment so we have one for go we had one for java javascript and [Music] i guess that's it and so inside we install well if you like for to go uh image we install go um and also we start and darker and darker composed so that you can use everything there so it those are the normal images um but different in a way that you you wouldn't want to uh deploy that in production right because it has a bunch of like useless tools that are only useful for you when you're developing um and also so yeah we have those images and we we try to uh detect what language you're using so that we can give you like the right image but there's also a way it's it's written in industry and we didn't have time to uh your base image for that so if you need something else you can just create an image push it on harder and then use it for your environment oh yeah so you can use a custom custom base image for your web environment yeah that's pretty cool yeah that's really cool well at least it's it's it's yeah you need that because every every project is different than you need like articles yeah yeah um yeah i'm trying to think it's an environment where you use a crazy crazy tool that maybe not everybody uses but you use it for whatever reasons legacy reasons whatever yeah nice okay we got some questions screaming by here so sujay's pardon me when you start the container does it create a new network at the back end or uses the previous network created by compose so i think that's maybe hitting at um you know i have my compose file i'm using that to work mostly and then i run a dev environment using that compose and i already have that network created does it reuse that it yeah it reuses it uses it the network is not easy it's reduced yeah it's uh when you wait when you click on the opening vs code so that we switch uh it's uh what we do actually is we change the compose file and then redo composer and then yeah that's awesome right so yeah the dead of containery takes the takes the place of the application container and is attached to the same uh same network et cetera so this is what in in george's example just before he just restarted the server from the devon container and that was automatically included in the compose stack and the whole thing was running free fully connected yeah okay i love this question i get this question all the time at least once a show if not i get it asked on twitter whatever is there any plan to support the docker desk for up for linux systems yes right we're uh we're talking about it we're planning on it what's the deal there you guys have you guys use secrets yeah well there are some plans we've got some discussions and it's mainly a matter of probably typing things and knowing what we what we need to do first yeah we don't want to do things but yeah it's definitely in the background uh if you go and look at our world map it's in the world map as well yes main question of how we prioritize this and uh how we approach it yeah so we're let me pull up here so i usually do this at the end but i'll do it right now yeah so it's it's on our radar it's a it's a big ask from the community um and like yom said it's i think it's a matter of just prioritizing um but i think it makes sense but please go to the road map uh up vote what do we call it on github you know thumbs up up vote i don't know if there's a plus one right but in their comment um and you can follow it right on the roadmap that is our that is our that public roadmap is our roadmap that's what we use um and you know all the engineers not all of them but a lot of the engineers are in there our product people are in there um but yeah that's how that's how we prioritize things that's how we look at uh what we're going to do next right we want to you know fulfill our customers the developers out there what they need what they're looking for so linux is definitely linux uh docker desktop for linux is definitely on our radar and we've been having a lot of talks about it for sure awesome let's see we're getting a bunch it's my interface when i hover over people's questions it puts a big blue show over it so it's someone's calling you [Laughter] oh i um i saw a great question up here from pierce so let me pull this up i i have the same kind of question i um yeah is this function not exposed on the command line yet or is it just gui only for now so for now it's gooey only but we've got plans to uh make this uh available in the common line uh and yeah it's just uh something we need to get one more thing to do but uh yeah it's we've thought about it it's in the past just not available yet yeah yeah i think um that that's definitely well so you know we showed in the demos we pulled up in vs code is there plans to use other ides or even just you know kind of hinting at this question right well you know i just stay in the terminal all day and i use vi or whatever it is right um yeah so is there other plans to support integrations with um other ides those type of things what are you guys thoughts around that yeah uh so yeah currently we've started with yes code but uh we're talking straight brains we're talking with other editors and we've got plans to we want to make this uh uh kind of uh independent from there from a specific vendor and uh the idea is that you can just clone any key triple and start a level with it and use it with any ids so actually we do support this performance but if you're a big fan of vi you can get inside your terminal in the in the dev environment and then install the eye and start working with vi and then you can share this with other people they can also work with you also if you don't want to work with base code you can just uh open the terminal inside the container start it for the live environment and uh and just use your tools in the terminal as you would that's one thing that's possible today as well yeah i was thinking so right now i could i could use a custom base image right and put my tools in there and then from the docker desktop enter the terminal go right into that dev environment right inside that container and and work that way right so i think that might be the best way to handle it right now at least in my mind's eye um and and like guillermo saying we're we're building and adding features um you know very quickly so again another plug to the road map go put your um let me pull up dev environments too so uh give us give us feedback there enter bugs please really appreciate it so if you want to try out that um you know creating your base image and then connecting to it um where you have your tools um and let us know what's not working maybe a better workflow those type of things would love to hear it for sure awesome let me take one more chat uh look at chat yeah just a lot of yeah this is cool we want it give it to us but yeah well awesome guys thanks so much for joining me today where um if people want to reach out and want to connect on the internets where's the best place probably uh there's a slack channel on the docker community that people can reach can reach out to us and then the uh github uh repository attribution already for feedback but yeah we're accessible through slack on the technology channel as well there's a specific specific channel for dave environments yeah we had we got a little at least i did i got a little bit of echo from there but uh guillaume was saying you know our community community slack join there uh go to go to uh forward slash docker dash community that'll connect into all of our community um property so into meetup you can find local meetups a lot of our doctor captains run those a lot of our engineers go to those meetups that's one way to connect in and then one of the best ways to reach out and interact with docker the whole community and also us engineers and product folks is in our community slack there'll be a link if you go to that that website there docker dot com forward slash docker dash community you'll see a link in there to join the community slack please join we also have a dedicated channel in our community slack it's docker dash dev dash environments and um go in there is for specifically talking and chatting and discussing dev environments um but yeah that's the best way to to connect into us um georgie anywhere else uh folks if they want to reach out to you talk to you harass you ask you about the best wine in normandy or or whatever it is i i think i understood the question so if people want to reach out you can reach out on twitter you can see my handle uh and yeah just like the community slack also i'm pretty much there every day yeah you guys are always on there and uh everybody's really responsive very helpful so it's a great community um also feel free to follow me on twitter reach out to me linkedin is fine too just search for my name and docker you'll find me um yeah send me a message if you have a question i do ask that you know uh i do gotta i get a lot of people reaching out to me and it's very very hard to to help uh troubleshoot very specific niche problems uh like in slack and linkedin and definitely twitter and what 944 characters what i got 244 now 240 something like that um but anyway so if if if i'm not very responsive with those type of questions you know um how do i troubleshoot my specific issue on my machine uh in production right it's very it's very hard to do that um so i'm not ignoring you it's just very hard to do um but please other questions reach out you have configuration questions how to use docker anything like that uh any kind of content any kind of guests you would like to see on the show please let me know reach out to me tweet at me it's probably the best uh again go to our community it really is the best way to connect in with all of us at docker um go to uh for slash docker dash community uh join the slack channel find a meetup close to you uh you know covet is kind of slowing down tiny bit i know we've got some variants in those things so be safe you know whatever's comfortable for you a lot of the meetups are still doing virtual virtual meetups so a little bit different than in person but it's the best that we got right now but but some meetups are coming online um you know closer towards the year end of the year um but yeah and uh again i want to bring up the road map in case everybody missed that before check out our roadmap forward slash docker forward slash roadmap uh that is our roadmap and please put in your feature requests read the other feature requests and you can see exactly what we're working on and i'll bring up the and i'll leave this up on the screen as we as we go out gentlemen thank you so much for joining me i know it's later for you in the day then for me i really appreciate it um you guys are doing some really cool stuff i'm excited for every version that comes out i always try and grab the new version super excited about dev environments yeah thank you so much and hopefully maybe in a month or two i'll have you back on and we can we can uh do an update maybe maybe what would be interesting is i put together uh something and you guys can help me hack through it and i can share it with you and do a custom dev environment using compose something pretty complex but we can talk offline or maybe i'll just surprise you and bring you on live and we'll see how bad we mess it up but anyways again thanks guys thanks everybody for joining in and watching us i really appreciate it we'll be back next thursday i have michael kennedy on we'll be talking um all things python and docker we have a really good show next week so join us again next thursday all right everybody thank you so much have a great weekend and stay safe thanks for hosting your show thank you bye
Channel: Docker
Views: 7,291
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 56sec (2936 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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