Do You Know The Details of 511 | Fish Fertilizer

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hey guys welcome back to container crops the scaredy cat gardner we are getting ready to talk about 5 11 and why you need to think hard about it yes this is what i'm talking about today i need to know why you're using it do you even know why you're using it are you using it because she's using it or he's using it or they're using it do you even know about it do you know what it really is do you know anything about it and not only this whatever fertilizer you're using it's time we've had that conversation so let's go ahead and get started show off your fantasy reality whoa that's [Music] okay guys we are back and before we get started if you are new to the channel welcome welcome welcome take a second and subscribe to the channel turn on that notification bell so you won't miss anything join me over on facebook the scaredy cat gardener on ig and container crops on facebook join in the group post your pics post your garden over there i'd love to see it it's for you not for me okay guys so i've got a whole paper clip full of notes today just because of this five eleven yes it's fish fertilizer but do you really know what that means do you know what the numbers on here means 5 11 what is 5 11 is it the time of day is it how much you use what is it and what does it really mean so guys it really doesn't matter what fertilizer you're using you need to know in detail about your fertilizer and first of all these three numbers they are your what you call npk which stands for nitrogen phosphorus and potassium so why five eleven what does that mean it means in this you have five percent nitrogen one percent phosphorus and one percent potassium if it's ten two two then you've got ten percent nitrogen two percent phosphorus and two percent potassium okay that's what that means i've had people ask me when i said oh i'm fertilizing what do you fertilize with and when i tell them they ask me well what does it mean so i thought i'd come on here today we'd have that conversation so it says on here fish fertilizer the obvious okay it's got something to do with fish but what exactly does it have to do with fish how is this made what is it made out of well fish fertilizer is typically made from the unedible parts of fish like anchovies and just smaller fish it's the bones the skin and the scales so you have your unedible parts they are ground down to make a slurry then from that slurry you have to extract the oils as well as the fish meal the liquid you have left is your fish emulsion but now there's one more step that liquid then has to be strained to lower the ph and then it's finally ready for our gardens but why do we like it so much if you're not using 511 and this is not a paid promotion but my garden is doing amazing because of it and if you're not using it you need to use it and if not 5 11 you need to use at least if not this brand any brand just make sure you're using some fish emulsion okay so why is it so important well let's take a look at the history just to touch on a little bit of the history you need to think hard about using fish fertilizer because it dates back to the roman empire you see the native americans used to take a single fish and put it in every single hole that they planted a grain of corn every seed of corn every hole had a fish but you see we don't have to catch our fish now okay it's been made into this wonderful fish emulsion they knew the native americans knew the benefits that it would provide that it would produce healthy strong crops so they use the fish the whole fish and even to this day you will hear people say that oh yeah i put a fish down in the hole a whole fish and if you fish you might want to think about that you might want to think about that i wouldn't suggest if you have a big garden going around getting all these fish to plant that's a lot of work when you can use the 511 or any fish emulsion but it's something there's a lot of other nutrients in fish emulsion but your three largest nutrients that all plants need is your nitrogen your phosphorus and your potassium and that's why npk is so important but it's also important that you know it too so that you know what you're putting in your garden not just all that 511 works good but what is it what does it stand for or whatever you need to know okay and it's not bad to know a little bit about the history of where it came from did some person just all of a sudden decide i'm going to use some fish in it this plant grew and so you using it too come on now let's do our research so that is why i say if you are not using 511 you need to take a hard look at what you are using and you need to think about it you need to get the package do your own research everything i tell you on my channel is my experience my thought process and what i do i share it with you if you can benefit from it fantabulous if you can't let's keep it moving okay let's keep it moving all right you know i think that's going to be it for today short quick and simple but i wanted you to know what a little history about your 511 and what these numbers mean because i have had too many people ask me about the numbers and what they mean so now you have it okay if you got anything out of this video please give it a like and share it out and i wouldn't mind if you hit that thanks button that's right there all donations to the channel help the channel out help me buy more products and bring you more information and spend more time doing research so you can know too all right i think that's it thank you so much and remember anywhere you can sit apart you can grow a plant and i'll see you on the trail [Music]
Channel: The Scaredy Cat Gardener
Views: 7,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fish fertilizer, fish fertilizer for plants, fish emulsion fertilizer, fish emulsion fertilizer how to make, fish emulsion, 511 fish fertilizer, how to use fish fertilizer for plants, how to use fish fertilizer, how to use fish fertilizer in the garden, nitrogen fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer for plants, phosphate fertilizer, potassium fertilizer, potassium fertilizer for plants, phosphorus fertilizer for plants, container crops, scaredy cat gardener, container gardening
Id: wmDHaEnbM-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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