Do You Have Any Money Left?

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hey it's Dan welcome back you're watching I allegedly and uh got a good one for you today because I have a question the question is do you have any money left are you the one that's got it because you're one of the rare ones if you do uh please like subscribe to the channel join the email list the link is below and today I have a sponsor Patriot Gold group which I'll talk about later um think about this story out of Bloomberg just said that people are running out of money savings is getting depleted well who's got pandemic money left over which one of you guys held on to it seriously I want you to think about this when we got stimulus checks the majority of the people did things like spend it okay I bought silver with mine okay hey you don't have let's we'll get some silver okay but they're talking about how Hey listen the era of all this excess savings is over with who saved that money this is what I don't get when you read headlines and headlines get sent to me I'm like this can't be real think about this uh we have only 500 million dollars worth of savings right now out there okay and that was a good at the first of the year it's now since depleted to 160 million dollars in excess savings okay well who's got that money who's who's got pandemic money left over seriously if you're if you're Frugal and you saved your money you have that money left over nobody's got that money okay do you know how much how many TV sets were bought and meals and crap and quick trips to Vegas it was it was squandered it was absolutely squandered they're talking about during the peak June of 2021 there was 1.2 trillion dollars in excess savings no it was checks oh my gosh I got this money I haven't cashed it yet but we're supposed to believe that that's excess savings so you have to look at everything the economy guys right now it's upside down it really is it absolutely is so teetering on the brink of disaster that um you know I I can't I don't know what to say about this now you can call me anything you want to doom and gloomer but I deal with clients I deal with people in the real world I deal with people that have payrolls people that have businesses one-man bands one woman shows people that that are everything from Consultants to people that have big companies and um they're all looking at how they can save money and how they can cut back and what they can do and the problems on the horizon with everybody okay now inflation oh it's here it's not here it's going down we're having disinflation no guys stack collation stagflation's coming low demand High inflation higher unemployment the LIE of 3.5 percent okay great great okay believe that but the economy is upside down right now Dr Marvin sent me a great letter that I can't share the actual email with you but friend of his that lives in Argentina that English is a second language uh to her and she was talking about how bad the economy is and how inflation is out of control and that goes to the store and inflation has shot up 30 percent High we're going to announce a 60 price increase and they have to deal with that people are so broke in Argentina this could come here that people unplug their refrigerators and don't deal with the expense of electricity because of how expensive it is normally most people want to deal with US dollars right now in Argentina it's the best currency over the peso and the problem with it is that people go to Western Union now Western Union is a rip-off where they're charging people a huge fee to have money sent from the states or wherever or sending money from there to here it's just absolutely completely upside down right now so this is happening everywhere this is a huge huge problem that we're seeing right now remember we're supposed to believe that the whole world's got money in that the global economy is doing well right now did you guys hear about Ireland what happened there this is this is awesome Ireland had a financial glitch where the ATMs would allow people to take extra money out above and beyond their balance so you could go to Bank of Ireland ATM and it would allow you to take a thousand Euros above and beyond your balance what happened they had a bank run okay because people are broke so thousands of people went there's videos included below and uh stories about this but so many people were so broke that they went and hit the ATM at the Bank of Ireland and took this money out and think about this you're upside down you're overdrawn the bank is going to get their fees the bank's going to get their money but that's what they're experiencing right now is that these people would go and they would they would just get in line and and take it the bank finally fixed it about a day later less than a day but it's kind of funny now one thing that fascinated me during the Health crisis was when people got stimulus checks one thing that was sent to me when I started the channel is that Banks like Bank of America Citibank Chase did this where if you banked there and you were overdrawn you were upside down oh my gosh like minus 348 dollars in my checking account and you got a stimulus check they would give you full credit for the stimulus check so you could get that money out of the account and not have you pay off the overdraft but you're telling me right now that people save that money that there's that there's 160 million dollars of that money left over I don't believe that for a second I don't believe it okay people would go to an ATM and steal a thousand dollars a thousand pounds you know what's a thousand ten dollars thousand three dollars whatever it was they would go do that because they're so broke right now now you can say oh Dan those are just thieves doing that those are the bad people no those are most people are broke right now so many people are upside down and don't have any money right now that's what we're experiencing it is absolutely the sign of the times right now so let me know what you think about that share your thoughts on this stuff and uh I think it's crazy guys I think it's absolutely nuts that we're living through something like this one thing that we've talked about and we've heard so much about is insurance company and insurance problems here in California it's getting worse guys absolutely getting worse two more companies have exited California amgard and Falls Lake Insurance are not writing policies amgard's a Berkshire Hathaway company too so Warren Buffett sees the writing on the wall with these payments um I want you to think about this one my girlfriend um you know we had she has a Prius and the Prius had the catalytic converter stolen twice from in front of her house okay still don't have the car back it's being worked on right now Ben told I'm going to have it back the first part of the week um State Farm who's handling the insurance for her policy wants to do an investigation and he said really really yeah you know we just it's standard when you have something like this if we think it's suspicious well here's the thing there were four catalytic converters stolen in the neighborhood that night so bring it on I can't wait to have the adjuster the adjuster on and I've already called State Farm and said the second you do this I'm going to make you guys famous and and put you guys on my channel so um well no it's just standard sir no it's not I called my agent they said oh my God not like somebody died catalytic converter's gone Dan and now they're going to open this up two and a half months later go ahead so anyways kind of fascinating here's the thing to think about though guys right now here in California we have a tropical storm that has not hit um in over 20 years we haven't had a tropical storm hit California if this thing hits hurricane or tropical storm Hillary right now which could eventually turn into a hurricane that would be awesome guys I'm telling you if this happens we're going to do storm watch guys we're going to be on the beach we're going to be filming this stuff it's going to be great okay but mark my words guys if this happens it's over for California you won't be able to get insurance for anything for anything if this thing hits because there will be damage and what it's going to do is it's going to damage the South part of the state which is it's the most expensive real estate out here okay from where I'm standing South to San Diego I'm in Newport Beach right now so let's just say this thing hits Newport Beach South oh man oh man you're talking millions of dollars of damage you know houses that will get destroyed wind damage storm damage everything okay so it's going to be interesting to see how they're going to fix fix this insurance debacle because it's a mess right now you don't have insurance right now that's reliable right now they're looking for reasons to get rid of people right now you know I have I have an insurance man that uh was talking to me and telling me listen um as soon as you get your first claim your second claim you're canceled what how does that work okay you get into a car somebody runs into you with a car and you have a car accident and the second time you're done I mean come on guys that's why you have insurance that's why you have health insurance you know life insurance everything this is why we pay these expensive premiums is to have coverage and now to be told that there's hey there's various loopholes and you shouldn't do this you shouldn't do that no one Insurance what you guys to do your job on this stuff so it's really an insurance it's kind of funny Silicon Valley Bank is you know now they're SV uh svb Financial in bankruptcy court they have two billion dollars held up right now uh with the FDIC Where They seized money it's good to know they see some money because all their buddies got paid off but they're losing nine million dollars a month in interest payments and they could be using that to rebuild the bank right now read the story below it's fascinating because these guys were like well wait a second release that money out of bankruptcy so we can go pay our bills and make money okay again it's kind of fitting they haven't they haven't paid a price for what they've done and now they're complaining about that so again the rich get richer and there's always a loophole for these people so share your thoughts in this stuff so far let's talk about our sponsor Patriot Gold group the only thing that we can count on with the economy right now is economic uncertainty you can take matters into your own hands by getting an IRA or 401K that's backed by physical Metals the best place to do that is Patriot Gold group they've got a no fee for Life Ira 401K call them today 888-330-1431 I am not only a spokesman for the company I'm one of their customers I absolutely love this company and one thing that I've done is I've looked at making a change in my retirement to physical Metals so that if something goes wrong and we see the stock market crash I'm going to be protected I'm following billionaires advice I'm selling following Central bank's advice I'm protecting myself and getting a hedge for the future think about this you have insurance on everything in your life you need to have insurance for your money the best place to go is Patriot Gold group ensure your retirement call them today 888-330-1431 or use the link below they'll send you a free investor guide it's absolutely no obligation check it out today [Music] when will you accept that things are not going in the right direction what's it going to take it clearly it's not me clearly it's not me giving you all the news stories because everything that's backed by all this proof and the stories that I get just don't do it okay they're talking about mortgage rates getting above eight percent in the next 30 days don't you think that that's kind of excessive guys when you have mortgage payments that were in the twos um a year and a half ago two years ago and now they're going to be well above eight percent think about what that's going to do to housing you know prices think what's going to do towards mortgage demand which is zero right now mortgage demand is zero if you talk to any experienced real estate agent they're getting created it's it's Spielberg for them to put something together right now because it's such a joke right now but mortgages at eight percent there is no refinance Market unless you are desperate for the money and again think about this you're going to see 10 mortgages for self-employed people you're going to see things in the nines by the end of the year oh you're crazy man it's gonna go down I I've read that it's uh that they're going to start lowering interest rates in the next three months okay show me that just show me that story guys show me these stories where you see interest rates getting dropped you know I want you guys to think about something think about where I'm walking right now Newport dunes and you've got these boats out here if this superstorm if uh this tropical storm that could be a hurricane hit this area what do you think it would do to boats like this seriously what would this look like think of the damage is your boat insured is your house insured is your car insured do you have damage you have protection for things like that yeah don't I yeah don't I no ask guys ask that's what I get a kick out of is that people don't want to have these conversations with people and again you know it's your money you're in charge and uh you know certain things I'm doing with the company and all this stuff that we're getting set up for the future it's exciting it really is all these big changes it's very cool but the one thing is that I'm paying for this stuff so I am the guy that sits there and takes his own advice and negotiates everything well we've never had anybody ask for that before why what were you gonna say no oh yeah no okay again here are fees Dan that we charge for setting up payroll services okay here's what I want to pay because I'm Dan and because this is what I want oh it just doesn't work that way and you know what they do they give you this okay oh okay yeah I got it approved okay more people need to ask for better deals but you better make sure you've got coverage on everything guys hey what happens if we had a hurricane hit us here in Southern California would I have coverage find out guys find out these poor people in Hawaii that had everything burned and it's too it's I hate it guys I think it's totally suspicious and and I'm with you guys and all that stuff I just think it's wrong on a thousand different levels that we could sit there and discuss for hours some other place but what are you gonna do you know people's hey let's buy your property now think about this you have the biggest tragedy of your life most people get up in the morning go to work are overwhelmed come home exhausted and go to bed and you know what those people did got up went to work exhausted came home without a home you know what I mean some people lost their lives it's terrible but again nobody wants to sit there and have these conversations no one wants to sit there and talk about their retirement talk about uh you know Insurance talk about how they're going to protect their family and what they're going to do and again the idea guys is not to be a dead hand for the rest of your life not to be so desperate that you have to go to an ATM and steal a thousand dollars from a bank because they're going to come after you they're going to collect they're going to get their money from those people in Ireland from that bank run but what are you gonna do you got to be ready for this guys you have to be ready and nobody wants to have these conversations because they're uncomfortable and you're the master of your own domain you know I've got my foreclosure buddies that are brilliant guys and they both do different things in the industry but both of them tell me one thing and that is it's getting busier the banks are still getting creative the banks are still doing everything they can not have bank owned properties but what they're doing is setting up a bank owned division why because they're about to have an influx of properties huh think about this you and your wife are overextended and you know the people out there that are you know if you spend too much money you know if you've got payments and you've got jet skis and you've got Shenanigans and you've got a time share and all the stuff that you really can't afford but something happens and you lost your job between now and the end of the year if you want two weeks without a paycheck what would happen a month two months oh damn I don't want to deal with that that's heavy stuff now what are you talking about deal with this okay you know the joke yesterday with the Dave Ramsey video and Grant Cardone you don't need a savings is ridiculous you need to be prepared you need to be in charge of your own financing the line that everybody says is hey be your own Central Bank you're your own Central Bank of your own life and most people when you look at Ireland especially are dead broke so don't be one of those people one thing everybody needs to do is they need to understand that the world is upside down financially people are broke right now people have no money right now in everything so one you know think about this I've heard so many stories from the gardener overcharged and hey I cut these bushes I need another 25 that's part of your deal you know that to the dog walker was one of them last week two recently it's people getting new apartments now one thing I want you to think about here in California there's limits that you can that a landlord can ask for a deposit they can ask for rent and it's really basically not supposed to exceed two months uh beyond that with a deposit so your rent plus two months is the most that they can ask for Piper Phillips story out of uh the New York Post once she found the ideal apartment in New York and uh they went and asked her for twenty one thousand dollars as a deposit for this place an extra ten thousand five hundred dollars for her deposit you know where that goes in the landlord's pocket that's where that goes and again what are the laws I don't know laws in New York what are the laws in New York for can they ask for things like that oh damn it's so desperate there you know you're lucky if you get a place and people pay an extreme amount of money no guys there's laws with all this stuff but again be the one that scrutinizes all these bills be the one that will not get fleeced from the mechanic you know Auto Parts auto repairs all this stuff kids are all having a great time awesome fun is that stand-up paddle boards I like the two kids and the same one we've seen more and more of that right now but you know scrutinize everything guys nothing wrong with that oh God they think I'm such a when I do that no you're not because what's happening is that all these restaurants are charging four dollars eight dollars sixteen percent all these different things on us no no no no no no no no also the other thing is Resort fees when you guys go to hotels I'm not paying that what's the resort fee I'm not going to use them to sleep in the hotel room I'm not going to pay the resort fee now one of the damage is that as Dan I can sit there and say I'm gonna make a video on this and tell everybody not to stay here okay scrutinize everything guys scrutinize everything because it's bad so one thing that keeps happening more and more is that the criminals are getting more and more desperate we're seeing data breaches all over the place guys I've talked to you guys until I'm blue in the face about a VPN if you don't have the VPN you're a fool okay and uh they're not sponsoring this video or anything but Massachusetts the state of Massachusetts had medical records stolen from for 134 000 people because they use the move it program and it was hacked and they should have had a VPN but think about this do you want your medical records out there seriously you don't want your you don't want your your uh searches on the internet out there but you think about this your medical condition everything wrong with you everything you've ever had every procedure everything you've done with the doctors given to some derelict okay so that's the problem with this right now is that people don't want to look at stuff like this and realize how serious this is so the VPN protects all that stuff and they should have had a VP in there and what will happen is the people that used move it was the was the transfer company they'll get sued and you know everybody will get 12 later on for this but you have to protect yourself with this stuff and again these companies I think it should be criminal when people have the data stolen that's me okay but uh you know let me know what you guys think about this because it's just a matter of time because it's getting worse right now absolutely getting worse I'm gonna finish this video with these last couple stories and uh the first one is HP Hewlett-Packard I love the HP computer guys I think it's fantastic I've just had the best uh results and best reliability and no service it's just been fantastic but they have a printer and they got sued earlier this year and a judge just said that they can have class action status on this and what happened was they had different printing programs where you could buy ink and things like that online and the problem with it was their printers once the tanks at a certain level the whole printer wouldn't print so they're saying wait a second this is unfair we have to buy new ink every time we hit this arbitrary level that nobody knows the answer to so they just got class action status so there's going to be checks written for that but lots of litigation lots of problems and big time you know problems with this have you had this issue with these printers before because I've never bought a Hewlett-Packard printer before just their computers so um that's the thing that's maddening with me is you sit there and you have these inkjet printers and uh they've got the tanks and then you've got to replace it and once you replace it it's just a mess and you got to sit there and have it and I always you know when I was doing a lot of printing with the event company you just would have to have scads of uh of Ink on hand and then you'd realize oh look at all the extra magenta ink that we have that we never use and then when you don't buy it you run out of it and the thing won't work final story was a wine company called oceans fathom out of Santa Barbara this was crazy because I didn't hear the story until today Todd sent this over think about this oceans fathom they wanted to ferment wine at the bottom of the ocean well that's pretty interesting thought it was the perfect environment perfect temperature it would make wine absolutely perfect and they used the Santa Barbara Channel only problem was Oceans fathom didn't get the approval from the coastal commission the city or county of Santa Barbara didn't have proper business licenses just made this wine but the wine would sell for as much as 500 bucks a bottle and they were charged criminally for doing this I mean you guys broke the law you guys you know were environmental scoff loss with what you guys did now what's fascinating about this was they had to destroy over two million dollars worth of wine that was part of their plea agreement to get out of trouble so this perfect wine is upside down and the company's upside down but they said hey we proved that this works and this is the perfect place to store wine and we're going to get it approved in a different place now it's just a matter of time until you have somebody that will give them the approval to do this but think about this guys the ocean floor the temperature of an ocean Santa Barbara I'm sure it's cooler up there than it is in certain other places but the Russian water over sealed wine bottles and that kind of wild to think about so you know oceans fathom okay but these guys were facing jail time too and they got out of it but the wine got destroyed so share your thoughts and that always send me stuff like this guys because this is fasting but that's a great business story where some something ingenious now the thing about this the the interesting thing about this is these two guys will raise a ton of money as a result of this because people will sit down and say wait a second this kind of worked you guys have any of the wine and I bet you there was a bottle or two that made it through without getting yeah dumped out okay so please don't forget to hit the like button please don't forget to subscribe to the channel I always like walking over here because it's very private it's very nice so onward and upward guys I will see you guys very soon [Music]
Channel: I Allegedly
Views: 45,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stimulus, savings, bank run, free money, banking glitch, No Cash, Short Selling, scams, bank earnings, layoffs, repossessions, foreclosure, Gold, Silver, Retail Crisis, Cash Crisis, bankruptcy, ev cars, Credit Cards Closed, Credit Lines Cut, Banking Crackdown, Black Swan, Bank Run, Bank Freeze, Bank Closure, Credit Freeze, Credit Card Debt, Economy, Real Estate, Real Estate Crash, Business, iallegedly, Dan iallegedly, Business News you can use, Credit Warning, Bank panic, chat gdp
Id: pnZbLzAj7-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 41sec (1661 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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