Do You Believe? - Stephanie Ike

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you know I do have some news for you [Laughter] I've been trying to keep this to myself for as long as I could but I couldn't but your girl messed around and got pregnant amen but that's not what today is about [Applause] how are you doing what are you doing but here's the reason I'm sharing this many of you in this room actually knew by revelation try to keep this all to myself I cannot tell you how many people walk up to me and say we're confident and I just love it they said I remember what one of one of our volunteers I love her so much man and with so much confidence I never forget she came up to me she said you know I had a dream she's not guessing said I had a dream you're pregnant and if you don't know you've been pregnant I said girl amen I said wow amen and I had so much of that and I'm like God can we keep this quiet but you know what was interesting is that I didn't realize that Not only was I given a heads up by the Lord not only were many people saying you know hey I had this dream I had a vision I didn't realize then that what God was doing was not just to announce things just for the sake of announcement every time God releases a word there is a purpose and a strategy behind it I didn't realize that he was showing me something to look at that not recognizing that there was going to be some bumps ahead and it would be his word that would be the anchor even when I go through those bumps so a couple months ago I had shared with you all some pain I had experienced which part of it was tied to this experience right and how God just even regardless of the pain the Lord told me hey I still want you to preach on Sunday and I was like all right and miraculously that Sunday all that pain went away well a couple months passed and this pain comes back with a vengeance right and I was just overwhelmed by pain and I remember I called my doctor she was like Stephanie you'll be fine right you just gotta walk this thing out then I called my cousin who's also like an incredible doctor but what I love about her as well is that not only is she brilliant in her field but she is such a strong believer so I called her and I was like yo I I need something strong for this pain okay and I'm like you know my doctor it has prescribed this I was like what do you think because I want to make sure this is not harmful and she's like no no you're fine but she said you know what a faster way to deal with this and she's like have you prayed about it and you know I'm over here Pastor right but even pastors need a Community of Faith right because sometimes life could shake you up and you also need people you need a faith community around you and I said I've prayed I said you know why don't you pray right I said since you want to talk about prayer why don't you lead us in prayer I you know sometimes thinking overwhelm you so much you said look God you know and you start taking your relationship with God casual because in those moments I won't be I will I'll be honest with you I get upset with God because I'm like you're my dad all right this should not be happening and so I tell her I'm like you know what why don't you pray for us you know pray for me child and she prays I say amen I prayed after we all amen together and then the one of the things that was so difficult with this is that I could you I couldn't sleep you know so this was going on for a couple days and I cannot sleep and you know not sleeping makes you very grumpy right and so that night I'm laying in bed my husband is trying all the things to help me sleep it's not working and I literally was like God why wouldn't you heal this like I'm I'm tired I just want to go to bed and I was just so upset with the Lord and immediately I fall asleep and I go into this dream now one of my experiences with the Lord has always been he encounters me a lot in dreams to teach me things so I go into this dream and the Lord is in the dream and then he says my daughter I want to show you something and I want to teach you something about faith and prayer and I said all right you know I'm here and in the dream I'm very aware of myself right so first of all he shows me he's like let me show you the connection with faith and prayer when it comes to Healing and he shows me this lady who was praying you know praying for a healing and he said this is one of the ways it looks like in the spirit Realm so then her body is scanned she's very specific about her prayer and then her body is scanned and then you can see the area where there was an issue and the moment the area was identified there was this intense light that touches that area and she was healed and then I see myself in my room laying down sleeping and then my body was scanned and then there was a light that touches the area but the light was you know looking rather dim I said um now what is wrong with my life I said why isn't my light as intense as hers and the Lord said you don't have faith for what you're asking he said what you have faith for is that you wanna you wanna sleep through the night and you will but what you're asking me is not what you have faith for and I was upset I said what what do you mean that I don't have faith I said I was praying my cousin and I said to agree together in the name of Jesus right and I was like Lord I don't understand I'm like what do you mean I don't have faith for what I'm asking and he says let me show you something else then he takes me to this woman and this woman is praying I mean I even though I was in a dream I was all flesh because I was so emotionally moved not spiritually moved and I was like wow this woman is on fire just listen to her press it this is how you pray this woman should give a course on prayer and her words were so eloquent she was just you know like a poet just going in prayer and I was like Lord certainly everything she's praying for you would answer and he says but let me show you what's in her and then she scanned but she was not scanned for the problem she was scanned for him to show me the level of her faith and when she was scanned there was no faith and I will never forget and he said in her mouth are the words of Faith but faith is not found in her and I was like I don't understand this I said with all her eloquency there is no faith in this prayer and what was beautiful you see Jesus is so loving and he was not condemning her or myself he was not trying to bring us into a place of Shame right he was just showing me he said I meet you at the level of your faith I meet you according to your capacity he said many times my children they're asking me for things they don't really believe and you see many times you would read in the scripture when Jesus would say to you know someone that was healed and he would say to the person your faith has healed you your faith has made you whole because he will meet you at the level of your faith and why does he do this it's not punishment because Jesus is about your progress not your perfection he is not trying to rush the process with you he's trying to take you from level to level and when you recognize when we get out of our feelings and stop being offended about what didn't happen or what the timeline were things should be what God is trying to get you to because you see throughout the Bible the Bible talks about different levels of faith right and it's not something I can go into today but you will hear the Bible talk about a person having no faith a person having little faith a person having a weak Faith right you will hear all these different dimensions of Faith great faith strong faith and so God is all about you being raised up level to level he will never rush the process with you so he says I will meet you at the level you're on and if you can be honest with yourself because I already know then I can help mature you and then your experiences in life would be different because your faith has leveled up right so I wake up from the dream I didn't have all this wisdom in the dream I woke up I was still offended the wisdom came after right I'm gonna be real with you so I woke up I was upset I said Lord now you got to show up in real life we need to have this conversation face to face right and I called my cousin and I called her I was like you will not believe the encounter I had and she says first of all Stephanie you should be so grateful that the Lord literally as you you know in the moment you're crying out to him he's answering you and I said no I am grateful but I don't understand how he's telling me I don't have faith for what I'm asking for and the funny thing is I did sleep through the night right the first time that that happened that week and I share with her everything that happened from what I said going to bed and all of that and she said it doesn't sound like you have faith I said whose side are you on I said what what is going on here and she was like we prayed I prayed you prayed and then you go to bed asking God why wouldn't you heal me and then she asked me she's like Stephanie what is faith and I'm over here like I'm not here to be schooled okay I know what the Bible says you see so many times so many times we think that just because we can recite a scripture means that we have tapped into the depth of the scripture and in that moment I started I was like you know faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not saying Hebrews 11 1 right but as I was saying it it hit me I say wait faith is the evidence of Things Not Seen and in that moment I could just feel the presence of God now you understand because if you had faith you would receive it before you experience it because if you have faith you would recognize that my word is the evidence not the experience whenever the experience chooses to come that is up to me but you would receive that I'm already healed and so literally I was like so then I started thinking I said wait now I I get it and I said what would I do if I was healed that was this Saturday morning and I said what would I do and I was like you know what I will go to church tomorrow that's what I would do I that's I was like I will go to church tomorrow so the next day comes and I'm all I'm getting ready to go to church and I'm still in pain and I'm like no but that's what I would do and I'm like I will commit to this and I'm like whatever happens happens right so I get in the car still in pain get to church still in pain I'm like but I would worship that's what I would do and I worshiped you would not recognize what was going on in my body and as time kept going time kept going the pain started to get but like it was getting you know reducing and all of a sudden by the end of the day the pain went away since that day right now why I'm sharing this is because the Lord when I was in prayer because I I was not I was not going to talk about this but the Lord showed me that the message to teach on today has to do with faith and it's really wrapped around this question do you believe do you really believe in the things that you pray about the things that you talk about the things that God has shown you about your life do you really believe now I want to make sure I'm in the right room right so how many people in here have a word from God that you haven't stepped into yet this something looks about right right looks like I'm in the right room and so many times we we recognize that way there is something God has spoken but then when I haven't stepped into it this is where the space between the spoken word and manifestation is often where the enemy steps in because then he tries to confuse us with this idea that delay means denial but I want to actually share with you something fascinating that happened in the scripture right so Jesus this is actually in Mark 11 and I'll start with verse we'll go from verse 12 to 14 then we'll jump from to verse 20 to 22. so it says now the next day when they had come out from Bethany he was hungry and seen from afar a fig tree Heaven leaves past Ebenezer now talk about this Victory two weeks ago it was something very special you you just got to listen to that so it's a scene from afar of fig tree Heaven leaves he went to see if perhaps he would find something on it when he came to it he found nothing but leaves for it was not the season for figs in response Jesus said to it let no one eat from eat fruit from you ever again and his disciples heard it now it's very important why they they acknowledge that the disciples heard what Jesus said so some time goes by Jesus goes into Jerusalem he has some business to handle there and then that's how he spends his day the next morning now we jump to um verse 20. it says now in the morning as they passed by they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots and Peter remembering said to him Rabbi look the Fig Tree you have you cursed has withered away so Jesus answered and said to him have faith in God now this is so fascinating because it's safe to assume that this is the first time Jesus spoke a thing and it didn't happen immediately Jesus sees the fig tree he curses the Fig Tree the disciples hear him curse the Fig Tree but nothing happens and so they'll know this sin like wait we heard him cursed the tree but the tree is still looking rather green nothing and and you have to recognize prior to this they have seen Jesus do amazing Miracles Jesus opened blind eyes Jesus walked on water Jesus fed five thousand people with you know just a few loaves of bread and fish so they have seen Jesus in action but then all of a sudden he speaks to a tree and nothing happens and then the next day and Jesus is such a G man he is passing the tree he is not even looking at the tree that the disciples have to say Rabbi look and they're amazed he said whoa the tree has actually withered from The Roots what is that telling you that they thought about it when Jesus spoke to this tree and nothing happened now Jesus you just you know you crossing boundaries you know we know you could walk on water but you can't be talking the trees right so the next morning all the disciples are amazed that way the the tree has withered and Jesus is not even looking at the tree because Jesus understood the power of His words he recognized the evidence is not when I see it it already happened when I spoke it so while they're amazed he only says have faith in God he's not even trying to describe to them what happened he says have you're putting your faith you're putting your hope you're putting your confidence in sight but your confidence should be in the one who speaks so he says have faith in God but this was so something interesting the Lord highlighted to me that the tree had withered from The Roots the tree had withered from its origin from its beginning you see sometimes their words the moment God made you aware of a word the word is already in works the word is already moving the word is already in action but you may not recognize that you are not part of the beginning of that word manifesting that there are other things connected to the beginning and you might be somewhere in the middle or the end because every time God speaks his word is not limited to you you are a piece of the purpose and his plan you have a role to play in what he is doing and what we don't and it's in our selfishness that we think that it is about us in our selfishness we think that this is just about us getting happy that this is just about what God wants to do for me and bless me but everything God does it flows it has a flow to it it cannot be bottled up in a person and so if even though it's coming to you its purpose to flow through you and many times there are words that God has spoken to you that the people connected to the beginning may have not even been born and so you're thinking that something is being delayed not recognizing the moment God spoke the word all of a sudden now the parents are meeting each other you don't even recognize that what is connected to this miracle and breakthrough is in the works when you study about the woman with the issue of blood 12 years she suffered with that but she did not recognize that the moment she started having you know um in that infirmity that a child was born and that the year she would be healed is when that child will die and the father would need to see a miracle for his faith to be elevated that he can trust God to heal his daughter we have we are a piece of God's puzzle we are a piece to the Masterpiece of God and so when he gives you a word and it looks like the word is delayed you have to start wondering where do I fit in this maybe I'm in the middle and something is already in the works maybe I'm in the end of it and something is already in the works when the word of God goes forward there is something working from the origin that God is like well I need to get everything ready before this is presented to you I remember when I I remember my mom used to be so worried about me getting married because all I did was go to church and then on top of that I told her I was like yeah Mom I made a covenant with God that I am not dating anyone in the church she said oh my Lord she said but Stephanie all you do is go to church I said I do other things too and she was just so panicked she said so even in church now you don't want to date nobody in the church and that was more for protection for me I said Lord I cannot be up here and praising you and then looking at somebody's Beauty I said oh we're not doing that right but but here is the thing I remember when I was praying to God I was like okay Lord let me talk to me about my husband I just let's figure out what's going on here he skipped all the things I was saying and told me the year I would be a mother and I said but what I'm confused and he was right and I said but what about this and what I realized he said it's not just about you getting married this unionist purpose to produce something it's I don't want you to miss it that is already sorted out but I want you to recognize that that is just a piece to a puzzle that there is something this Union there there are kids connected to this Union for a purpose that I have for them you see everything in God has a bigger picture and so sometimes when the enemy wants to creep in and make you feel like man you got that word 10 years ago and nothing has happened what you don't realize is that the moment a word was released the word was in in the works it was working on something because God's word says that his words will never return to him void but it was fulfilled the purpose that it was sent to accomplish and so I'm sharing that just to even set the tone here that you might be before you receive this with discouragement and start to wonder but it's been years Lord what if you are in the middle of the plan or at the tail end of his plan but him speaking it to you is to let you know what is about to be on the way right the word of God says in Mark 11 24 it says this therefore I tell you whatever you ask in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours what I love about this scripture is that Jesus is talking to his disciples right when I was younger and I would read the Bible I read the Bible very literally so when I would read something like this I would say wow then I'll start asking for very random things you know um true story I would be like God I believe I can close the door with my mind and then I will open the door and I'll start looking at it and my mom was like what are you doing I said please I am working out my prayer but as you get older you you grow right and you recognize that who Jesus is talking to matters when he says this that this is not some random blank check he's talking to the people who have had some proximity with him to recognize how he moves to recognize the ways of God that it's not just asking things out randomly right because even that word that says believe that you have received it the word receive translates to receive what is offered that believe that what I have offered you you have received it Jesus is not talking about vain prayers and what I mean by vain prayers is prayers that have no spiritual Foundation prayers that are not backed by revelation write prayers that are actually triggered by competition Jesus is not talking about that he's not talking about things that your mind created or your jealousy created or your lust created right and he's saying that this prayer has to be something backed by revelation and that is why even when you receive something from the Lord you have to vet it through his word so that you are not caught up in deception right when you receive the Lord telling you something about your life is this how God speaks or is this my emotions so Jesus is talking about whatever has been offered to you whatever has been presented to you by revelation when you are in prayer believe that you have it and it will be yours right so sometimes this could come through a prophecy maybe there are words that God could give you directly they're they're certainly knowing you would have about your life there are certain dreams God will give you about your life sometimes you're studying the word of God and it jumps at you right there there's something about you know when you're reading about how Jesus would heal people and it just administers to you like wow Jesus You're A Healer and now you want to you believe that okay God I believe that I've received it received this thing and then it says and it will be yours but here is the thing about faith because when you study how God moves with people there is always a preparation process before there is a manifestation and faith is your faith is revealed by how you position your life by how you posture your life that the words that God has spoken to you you see the word of God formed the world from the very beginning he spoke creation to existence and when God speaks to you it is to shape your world he's not just speaking again God is not a gossip there are words he gives you that it should shape how you live it should shape how you engage right what is it that God has said to you and what about your life shows the evidence of that word how have you structured your life how are you delegating things because you're you're creating a structure for increase and abundance what does your life look like how is it shaped and tailored to what God has said right because I remember reading a story and this was a story this was like years ago and there was like a village there was a small village and they were going through a famine and this Village they had there was no rain you know going into three years and so there was a famine there was a drought and so the people gathered together and they were like you know what we need to pray we need to present this before God and on the first day of the prayer a little child comes with an open umbrella and unfortunately this child was mocked and they were like first of all your umbrella is taking up space and making fun of the child that only a fool would bring an open umbrella when we're about to Pray For Rain not recognizing that they were the foes that if you're coming to Pray For Rain then you should expect rain and this little child recognized something about God recognize that God as we are coming to you knowing that you're compassionate and a merciful god and that we're going to Humble ourselves before you we expect it will rain and came with an open umbrella and I want to ask you what is the open umbrella in your life what does that look like for your life that what is it that you have been praying to God about according to what he spoke to you but there is no open umbrella and you might be wondering God this is taking a minute and the Lord is like you don't have faith for what you're asking because if you truly believed then you would recognize my word as the evidence and you your life will be shaped according to what I said you will not wait to see something before you respond you will begin to shape your life according to what I said and that is why one of the signs of not having faith is compromised whatever area in your life you compromise it is a sign that you lack faith whatever area if it's in relationships if it's in business if it's in in anything wherever you have chosen and what do I mean by compromise to compromise is to accept less than what the nature of God has called you to walk out so so whenever it's it's there is lack of Integrity in it but it's also whenever you accept less than what God has shown you and what his nature embodies and so sometimes we're just thinking that oh I'm just lonely oh I'm just afraid oh you know what it's a fear of failure no it's a lack of faith because compromise will always show you where you lack faith when you study about a man named Daniel represented what it means to not compromise everything you have to read the book of Daniel you know they invited him to eat at the king's table but Daniel he knew that first of all the food offered on this table I know it's the king's table I know this is supposed to bring us into some type of exclusivity and make us feel like royalty but the food offered on this table is first offered to their gods and their idols and for me they eat from this table means that I'm also submitting to false worship so then it was like oh no I can't compromise on this I would eat vegetables and drink water and he trusted God that they would be stronger than those who are having the best in of of what the town had to offer Daniel was so was so certain of his walk with God that even when they were they created this whole thing that oh this should the king create made a statue they're like you have to bow down to whenever you hear this sound and if you don't you're going to be thrown into the lion's den Daniel was like no I'm not compromising on that throw me in the den he was willing to say look I would rather die knowing that I trusted God than to compromise on my faith just to satisfy people and here is the thing here is what I want you to recognize about Daniel Daniel did not have Daniel did not see an angel in the den chillin just saying Daniel whenever you get thrown in here we got you you know we're gonna cover you no Daniel saw a real lion who looked real hungry right and so even when he said that it was when Daniel was placed in the den that then his eyes opened and there was an angel holding the lion's mouth but what I wanted what I'm presenting to you is that you have to face whatever your Lions then experiences that sometimes it is the fear of being counseled because of the things God has called you to say sometimes this is the fear of failure or the fear of rejection whatever your Lions Denis if you and you are the confronted face to face then you will always make room for compromise and if you want God the power of God to back up your life then there are things God will always test you with the thing that you fear God will always place it right in front of you to to pay attention what are you willing to choose do you like the validation of people or do you truly want to walk in who I've called you to be what what is your Lion's Den is it the fear that you might lose income so you're like well let me let me just compromise a little bit when I was praying about this I saw many things I saw you see there are people listening to this right now and um praise the lord it's right on time there's someone in particular I don't know who this is for but I I could see this so clearly and you have an only fans page right and for those who understand it and understand it and it's really just it's compromise you love God but because it's making you money you make excuses for Behavior and the reality is this man you see there is a way that God promotes a person that it literally will transform your entire life but you have to recognize that not all success is good success because everything on this Earth is about a culture of a kingdom whether it is the culture of the kingdom of God or the culture of the kingdom of the enemy and so sometimes you just think that because you're after success and things are happening in your life then it's okay to compromise but you have no clue who God actually knows you to be and you have no clue what God wants to do with your life and the only way the enemy can keep you small is for you to compromise it's for you to accept because literally compromising itself is for you to accept less than and so if you think you're living life now then what would it really look like if you do it God's way you see something my husband always tells me he said speed is not an advantage if you're going in the wrong direction so you might think you are running fast things are happening great in your life but where is it leading you to say what what would it what would it you know cost a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul whatever area my praise are always in this moment there's a partnership with the Holy Spirit to bring things up in the surface of your heart to show you where you have compromised in life simply because you lacked faith but if you will hold on to God if you would put your trust in God and not evidence because faith is the evidence when the word of God comes to you that is the evidence of what God is already doing and when you receive that and begin to tailor your life according to it it changes everything have a just a few minutes I'm not going to get through this message but there are some key things I just want to share with you as if as it comes to the principles of faith and I will probably get to this in the next service but one key thing I want to share is that Faith Works through love now this is Galatians 5 6 it says this for in Christ in Christ Jesus neither circumcision the uncircumcision counts for anything but only Faith working through love why this is so key to recognize is that sometimes you might have a measure of belief about What God Says but what is delaying you is your motives because love weighs and purifies your motives everything that comes from God flows through his nature and everything about the kingdom you will begin to recognize that it's about people that assignment the word that God gave you the instruction God gave you there are people on the other side of it and sometimes what we struggle with is love is that we are so caught up in wanting to prove a point and wanted to show people look man I made it you see what I got tell my haters right and God cannot back that up and so sometimes what you need worked out is your heart that God I actually believe in what you said and you're wondering but why is there so much resistance because I'm even shaping my life to what you said but your heart is the issue so you might be wondering like man I'm I'm gifted I'm talented I have the relationships I have the connections but nothing seems to be working because your heart is the issue you're doing it for the wrong reasons you're pursuing it for the wrong reasons you can never pursue something in God out of competition and you can never pursue something in God out of jealousy and how do you know that because sometimes the only times that you get back to the thing God said is right after you left social media you're scrolling you see other people doing things you're like man I remember this Vision oh God I want to do something big for the kingdom what inspired that you can never move from a place of competition it always has to flow through love and sometimes that has to be your prayer that God deal with my heart show me what is on the other side of who what you've called me to do show me the people connected to this Vision show me the people connected to this assignment show me the people connected to this word and give me a heart for them you see there were times that the Bible will literally says that Jesus healed their sick because he was moved by compassion that where there is compassion Miracles follow and so it's about us being honest with ourselves why am I after this for real what is actually behind my Pursuit what a what a what am I after and whose validation am I seeking because God cannot back it up if it has the wrong motives but the beautiful thing is that when we present our hearts before Jesus and we're real see one of the things I've learned about the Lord there is no shame in his presence absolutely not it is the it is such a strong and overwhelming sense of love it it's not even something you can express or explain there is absolutely no shame in his presence and if you can just bring that before God and say Lord my heart isn't right why I'm pursuing this isn't right what I'm after isn't this is not right and the Reason God cannot back that up because when you're doing something out of a posture of when it's not in the posture of love man you you become dangerous and in the worst way because now you are just a willing vessel for the enemy to do all kinds of things through and that is how you see people abusing leadership and influence that is when a person becomes influential and now they abuse it for their own lust and appetite that is not a promotion that came from God whenever you see a person in Authority that abuses Authority and influence that came from the enemy because even the Bible says that promotion comes from the Lord but you have to understand what comes from the Lord lead you in the path of righteousness it leads you in the nature of God it's not all promotion is not promotion some things are literally leading you into destruction so when God wants to back up your life he deals with your character he deals with your heart that is why he talks a lot about the heart he says man looks at the outer but I the Lord looks at the heart because he would always weigh your motives God wants to do so many incredible things through your life but what are your motives whether the motives behind it right so just stand with me thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord father I pray that even now you would wrap your arms around your sons and daughters even now that where they have been shame and guilt and what feels like condemnation that even right now they would know that there is no shame in your presence but as they present everything before you Lord God that there is freedom in your presence what I'm going to say might be hard for this individual and honestly whether you do or don't there's no shame there but I I sense you so strongly and I know you're in this service but it's up to you it's honestly up to you and again everything with God is a process but I could sense that the Lord wants to break off this shame over you literally in prayer I I saw you I saw your page when I was talking about the whole only fans thing you love God you love God and God wants to do some mighty things through your life but there are things you have to lay down and I wasn't going to make this an altar call but I'm just going to be obedient because who God has called you to be as a leader and even as you would take a step out today it is actually going to represent the leadership he has called you to that you will be a trailblazer thought your life was reduced to things that were beneath you because you haven't met yourself yet and God wants to show you who you are and so if you're willing trust me with this is hard this is very hard because I know the Judgment that you may feel comes with it but I'm telling you in the presence of God there is no shame there is no judgment all he wants for you is an invitation to transformation that he wants to transform your life and make you whole and so if you know I'm talking to you we're going to embrace you we're going to love on you and we are going to be a support for you [Music] but if you know I'm talking to you then I want you to come to the altar I want you to just step out of your seat and come to the front [Music] thank you Lord can we have our pastors just wrap their arms around them thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you and after service we're going to gather and just chat with you guys all right God wants to do something really powerful something really powerful I know this is hard I know but but oh my gosh if you could only see the love of Jesus right now over you three man you see what I love about God I love so many things about him man but God writes the perfect stories he he is that he he's a masterful storyteller what looks like man this ain't going nowhere because you see you accept less because you think that's all your life is you think that all what you have to offer is your body or people validating you for what they see Pastor Roosevelt taught last week about the shell and the seed and all you're seeing right now is the show version of you not even come to recognize what is inside that shell I'm telling you what God is going to do through the three of you it is going to be powerful it is going to be powerful you guys are Trailblazers thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord just stay up here God is can we praise God in this house amen amen amen amen thank you Lord now if you're in the house and you're just like God man I need to walk on my heart what I'm pursuing has been motivated by the wrong things and you're like God work on my heart you see Jesus only heals what we're willing to reveal he will never force himself on you he will never Force his ways on you but when he that it talks about he knocks he's like I'm right here but you have to open the door right so if you know that man God I need I need my heart healed because maybe I don't have a faith problem maybe I have a love problem right if that's you just come down to the altar we're going to pray thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord and just two more key things that I need to touch on thank you Jesus thank you Jesus man the love of God is so strong in this house wow but if you're in the house the lord gave me another dream that spoke to this message and in the dream I saw coffins being dug out of the ground and I was asking the Lord what is this and he said there are many things that my sons and daughters have buried that I'm digging out and I'm gonna give them a fresh fire again I'm gonna breathe on it again because I never changed my mind about them that Dylan I wasn't seeing them they thought that because they didn't guard them the more I changed my mind he said what you buried I'm digging out I'm digging out of the grave and so if you're honest and you're like man there are words that God has given me and In This Moment literally the holy spirit is bringing it to your mind it's bringing it to your attention but if you're honest you've buried it you walked away from it you're like God I I don't see this ever happening in my life and the Lord says no I never changed my mind about you you are still part of this strategy that is connected to what I have purpose to manifest on the Earth and you now and the prayer in this moment is that God give me Fresh Fire and you know that you need Fresh Fire then just come down to the Altar and we're gonna pray thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you Lord have your way God have your way and the last thing family if you have not given your life to Jesus if you have not given committed your life to walk in with God you see there is no faith without the one who speaks it you it's not you know sometimes we dance around with all kinds of things but if you want to commit your life to the God who created you the one who knows your life see there's so much I talk about deception a lot because it's a burden of mine because there is so much deception in the world there are so many things making you think it's your personality it's just your way of thinking and not recognizing that everything about this life is literally spiritual single thing and everything is building something is after a kingdom being built this life is the Real Game of Thrones [Music] because it's about kingdoms is that it is evidence that in the end it is the kingdom of God that will prevail but even Satan knows that and he knows that his time is short and so what he wants to do with the time that he has is to cause as much Havoc as he can and the casualties are people and you don't have to be a casualty to his deception you don't have to be that you might think that men God on my own I've been killing it but in what direction in the direction of life or death in the direction of your truth or your destruction in what direction have you been killing it are you literally killing it you know killing the things that God has spoken over you killing the vision that he has concerning your life killing the truth connected to why he formed you you came from God there is no life outside of him so if you're in the house and you're honest and you're like you know I come here because I feel good and I get inspired but no no no no no and then you just pick and choose what you want to hear and pay attention to but funny enough you know what's drawing you here it's the Holy Spirit it's the Lord and you want to commit your life to Jesus and we will walk it out with you if that is you I want you to come down to the altar right now thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Jesus I see you I see you over there praise God can we just Rejoice at what the Lord is doing in this house amen amen amen and neither for a global family maybe you're committing your life to the Lord for the first time today I I just want you to know we're gonna walk it out with you too so you're gonna see this QR code I want you to scan it if you're using your phone to watch or if you're here you know there's a number you can text and write it down so we can walk this thing out with you your life is truly found in Christ it it will like when I think about I remember one time God showed me what my life would have been outside of him and I was like man and it gave me it put so much compassion in my heart because I recognize it's not about when you see someone going in a direction that you don't understand you don't know what led them there you don't know you have no clue the circumstances of life if God did not encounter me when he did I I know where I was going so even when the Lord showed me I wasn't too surprised I was just like man that would have for real been my reality but God is a perfect Storyteller no matter where you find yourself God is like no there's this has a different ending it's not what you think it's not that this book is not ended in the way that you think just because of the mistakes you've made I'm writing your story and it's only the Lord who knows how to use everything for good everything you have been through the mess the hurts the shame the guilt all of it it is only in God and he shows it through his word this is not for you to feel good the Apostle Paul I mean he he you know he was a very interesting man he ordered the execution of Christians and yet God used him and God used him to write some of the most profound books in the Bible [Music] God writes the perfect story let us pray Heavenly Father we worship you in this house we honor you Lord God we thank you for who you are and that which you are doing Lord we sense your presence oh thank you Jesus we thank you that there is freedom in the room there is transformation in the room because you are in the room and I thank you oh God that you are writing a new story it's not new to you but it's new to your children and you are beginning to impress on their hearts oh God that what they thought is how the story would end it's not even close to what you're doing I thank you Lord Jesus that there is your renew in their fire you're renewing their fights that Lord God the things that they have buried and thought it could never happen that you said that you know what I the Lord will dig it out from the grave and I will begin to show you that I am still with you I thank you Lord for what you're doing in our hearts right now that you are going to purify motives and intentions that as we present our hearts Before You O God that we say Lord create in US a pure heart show us oh God what is on the other side of the instructions that you have given us that we would lead with love we would lead with compassion we would lead with the heart for your people in the field you have called us to so Lord have your way and I thank you Heavenly Father for those that are saying yes to you for the first time those that are committing their lives to follow Jesus and say Lord I've been dancing around this thing called relationship but I want to commit my life to you and everyone just repeat after me Lord Jesus I thank you that on the cross you died for my sins [Music] you took everything that could put me in bondage and you put it in bondage Lord when you were raised up I was raised up too free and Victorious Holy Spirit make my heart your home I receive you Lord Jesus I am your child and you are my savior in Jesus mighty name amen can we just rejoice in the house of God amen amen I just want to speak up blessing over you may the Lord God bless and keep you may he cause his face to shine upon you may he be gracious to you all and Grant you shalom shalom family that is perfect peace we love you and we'll see you next Sunday God bless you God bless you family well I just believe and know that that word ministered to you as they often always do remember to subscribe so that you can continue to experience this Rich we'll send you a reminder if you want to sow into this ministry we are reaching people as you know all around the world and we need your help and your support to not just bless people spiritually but practically in all the ways that we do the giving instructions on the screen sow into this and may the Lord bless you abundantly in every way God bless you we'll see you next week
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 352,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla, LA Churches, One Church, onela, Sarah Jakes, Pastor Touré, TPH Denver, Bishop Jakes,, one
Id: ZkfD_Kngk6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 38sec (3758 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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