Do you ACTUALLY NEED math for Machine Learning?

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do you actually need that much math for machine learning this is a question I ask myself a ton when I was just getting started look you don't need to know exactly how a combustion engine works to drive a car motor machine learning libraries are the same they abstract away the complexity so you don't need to know the maps behind the algorithms to build a text class file or build your own defect but when something goes wrong with your car you want to improve your performance to be Dom Toretto down the quarter mile you're going to need to dive deeper the same applies to machine learning having a strong understanding of linear algebra probability and calculus is going to allow you to be a hell of a lot more competent why those three most data for ML is represented as some combination of vectors or matrices hence linear algebra gives you that understanding probability underpins most of the optimization targets for machine learning so I highly recommend you dive deep particularly into maximum likelihood estimation and last but not least calculus helps us optimize the models themselves particularly so when it comes to deep learning so yes you do need math
Channel: Nicholas Renotte
Views: 129,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 51sec (51 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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