Do this for easy filament changes in Orca Slicer

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hey everybody how's it going and welcome back to the channel tonight we're going to do another quick tip in Orca we're going to be talking about filament changes uh and I want to thank tonight's sponsor of this video a digital manufacturing and engineering company and we're going to get into a little bit more of them later on so this video was a request from Adam uh and one of the other uh videos he dropped a comment asking for filament change in m600 uh tips and some deep dive stuff so Adam thanks for the suggestion I really appreciate it uh this one's for you um so this one is was a little bit of a head scratcher at first um not coming from like prusa slicer or even bamboo Studio or you know slick 3r um you know I think if you're coming from one of those this is probably not going to be a big departure from what you're used to if you're coming from the cura world or idea maker world uh it's a wholly different process at least old school here I don't even know how they do it now but idea maker for sure uh it's totally different but that being said um once you figure it out it's actually pretty straightforward so that's we're going to do we're going to talk about like the Easy Button stuff first how to set it up how to configure it how to get it all going with let's say you know two different colors of pla on the same part and then after that then we'll talk about some of the little tweaks and tunes that you can do um depending on which uh filament and what your preferences are as far as filament go so here we go we got a blank plate here nothing on it uh nothing up my sleeve we're just going to go ahead and add a primitive I'm going to add this Cube I'm going to go ahead and scale this down just a little bit actually it doesn't matter it doesn't matter we'll leave it right where it is um the only minor change there's actually two ways you can do this this is probably the preferred and kind of the easiest way to do it up here in your printer if you click on the edit presets button next to it and you're on the machine G-Code tab what you'll want to do depending on what flavor of firmware you're running is add your filament change G-Code here so I am running Plain Jane Marlin in a an araka end of Threes right so under threes yeah God I got confused for a second between under two and three um so Ender threes anything that's crowd anything run in Marlin basically right you're gonna dump in an m600 code now if you're running Clipper you're running some other some other type of firmware you'll want to check and see what your g code is for that flavor of firmware that you're running but if you're running Marlin you're pretty safe at m600 to just dump it in here and if once you do that you come up here you hit save you've done you're good to go from that perspective nothing else you need to do you've got a chances are you've got a generic pla or a pet g whatever you use and you've got that already selected here and then what you would go through is go ahead and tweak all of your quality your strength your speed supports whatever you want to do tweak all of that and get it ready to go once you've got that set all you need to do is come up here to filament section hit this Plus now you've automatically dumped in another generic pla right it basically just copies whatever you have over here now you do have these little color icons here next to them so that you can sort of graphically you know uh graphically show the different colors of filament that you might want to do so in this case I did a little Cube and the base was gray and the top was red so I went ahead and changed that over to Red uh and then simply come over here and slice the plate now you'll see essentially it's all gray right I'm all the way up to the top it's all gray here and it's calling out the first filament right that's all it's doing at this point so what you need to do is just roll up and down and you need to decide where you want to place that uh where you want to do your filament change so I'm going to just go ahead and pick it right here and then you're going to want to hover over little plus right click and there's actually two ways to do it the probably the easier way is just to say change filament and doink filament two now you can see we need to resize the plate take that into account and if we come all the way up so now you can get a graphical representation of how and where and why it's all going to go the other way real fast is theoretically if you right click on here and I I have this is this one I have not tried just so you know I'm going to go ahead and X that but what I'm going to do is resize the plate come back here to the X I'm going to right click and say add custom G-Code so if you if you don't want to go change your printer profile and add the N600 for whatever reason and you want to add so you have the option to add your m600 right there so it's really doing the same thing right but it's you're not going to get the graphical representation of the two different colors here in this slice just basically going to say hey you've inserted a piece of custom G-Code at this spot so if you come up and down you can see a little G that signifies that I've got custom G-Code in this slice now I've put in m600 so it's going to run through its motions and when it gets to that layer it's going to process the m600 command it's going to move over it's going to beep at me until I change my filament out and then press the button to resume it right versus the other way that we did it which was let's go ahead and X that and if we go ahead and do the slides plate again and we just right click and hover over and say change filament we slice again right I've essentially done the same thing you just get a better graphical representation here there is a little uh when you when you add the m600 up here in the printer profile uh in your presets I think the only other thing like weird thing to note and it's not even that weird I just don't do tons of filament changes but when you turn on the printer right load in your your um your SD card and run the print it goes there's normal homing sequence all that stuff starts to heat up the nozzle and then immediately it pops up and initiates its first m600 command so it assumes you don't have any filament in there so if you have filament in there it basically backs it out starts to beep at you you feed it back in your first color in my case the gray feedback in the gray hit pause does the first layer pops up does the next m600 command I swap it out with red blah blah blah right so that's the only Oddball thing and that's not really odd it's just a function of where it's placing the m600s so that is really the the easy mode thing right what we talked about added into the to the g code come over here in the slicer do your pluses thickety bam you're done um next step is let's talk about some of like the little tweaks that you can do based on the number based on which filaments you're using and all that good stuff before we jump into that I do want to take a break and talk a little bit about our sponsor if you have Parts you need to make that are outside of your current capabilities or are you finally ready to level up that part that you've been making in your garage you need a fast and reliable manufacturing partner then you need to consider using fictive fictive has a super easy process to upload and quote Your Parts whether you need CNC Machining 3D printing urethane casting even injection molding when you use fictive you get access to a global partner Network super fast cycle times guided expertise all along your journey and consistent quality you can even track the status of your production including photos of your parts inspection data all directly through the effective platform use the link and the code Below in the description for a discount off your first order and it helps out the channel if you do so okay welcome back so what we're going to do is we've got both of our plas here so here's the scenario or scenario depending on how you do it but you've got so like gray like this gray I've got my cop my my default profile tuned to this gray because I print this gray day after day after day after day right I I order this the same the same maker the same spool the same everything I know how this how that thing typically prints and how it prints well for my printers I've done my temperature towers and all the good stuff it prints great at 200. this red that I have is a little bit more finicky I know that if I print it at 200 I tend to get a little bit of under Extrusion and it likes to print a bit hotter so in here you still have the options to modify your presets for your filament so if I want to run over here and click this guy I can actually come to filament Tab and I can change my temperatures right so 210. 210 and now I can go to save it and I can just name it red and hit okay now one thing you need to go back and check is this for sure changed to Red the one we wanted to go back and double check this because this one you can see the red is highlighted and you may not want that so if you reselect your generic one there and your red is still here right so now you've got two temperature profiles based on that um based on those two filaments that you have loaded into this uh to this project now you can for sure add a third add a fourth out of whatever right if you hit the plus button here and you want to say well I want to do yellow okay let's head back over into the slice let's pull this down let's say from here we're going to change filament and we're going to add yellow here re-slice the plate and now we've got a three color cube right so again it's it's defaulting to my default uh my my my default profile for pla if you've got yellow that prints at 195 and you want to change it you walk through the same process we just did um so easy peasy lemon squeezy uh if I go ahead and delete this one and let's just stick it to the two now you do I mean you can see from the drop down here you have the option to select other types of materials so if you want to start with pet G and then go to pla if you want to do abs and maybe ASA you know whatever um you know you just kind of I guess experiment I've done some you know mismatched material layering before and it doesn't turn out necessarily the way you think right I think out things print I mean you think it's all just melting plastic together but it always doesn't always come out the way you think it does so um I encourage you to experiment um just you know keep the bar low as far as expectations go um so there you go I mean that's really the bulk of the filament change stuff um the only other thing that I would comment on in that with that regard if you're going to do two different types of material completely like PLA and pet G so I like so my pet G obviously Prince hotter right I print that around 2 30. so I can come up here and I can change this to pet G and if I use my presets and look at my filament it's grabbing all of my temperatures no problem but I also like to print it slower but your speed settings are here in your processes right you you doesn't you can't necessarily change your process your speeds at least depending on what you have selected of here that's the only sort of um Oddball thing that I'm finding in this case so if I normally run my pla at 60 millimeters per second I normally run my pet G around 45 to 50 millimeters per second um I might just for the entire print slow this whole thing down to 50 and to account for both of those different those dissimilar materials again this is for you to go um go experiment with so um that's pretty much it uh if you like this content please like subscribe drop a comment um I do again want to say thank you to the sponsor tonight fictive if you're going to use fictive which I encourage that you do use the link in the description you'll get 10 off your first order thanks again we're going to see you soon
Channel: Fischer 3D
Views: 23,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printing, filament change, ender 3, m600, orca slicer, bambu studio, color change, s3d, cura, ideamaker, 3d slicer
Id: ieSEtNpzFcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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