Do this 10 days before whelp

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[Music] hi Kit hey kit come here there you go so kit here is pregnant and uh she is about four years old this is her third litter probably her last litter and she's probably historically she has three she's had two litter so far three puppies each I suspect it's going to be the same this time so she's obviously pregnant it's be hard for you to see it for this view cat's going to come and say hi cats um but anyway it is now day 51 day 61 would be a normal time to have a C-section after we're talking about after AI so um 10 days out what are we going to do well we are going to give her a worming for the next 3 days with Fender bendol very safe stuff 3 days in a row and the amount that you give of this is 1 Mill per 5 lb of body weight she weighs a little bit under 20 lb so that's she's going to get four cc's of this she's not going to be crazy about doesn't tastes very good she ain't going to like it particularly but she's going to take it all right what else have we been doing so something else that you should always be doing with your dogs is give them one tablet 5 Mig of folic acid every day from when you breed her until she has puppies why do you give this because it helps prevent birth defects things like cleft pallets those kind of things um we do sell this on my supplyer this is a bottle of 100 tablets I don't know exactly what the cost is $15 maybe something like that it's not very expensive this will last year for couple of lits at least probably last year for three lit 7ly two anyway um give that every day if you go look at supplements like oxy mom and oxy mate things like that they don't have enough folic acid and they have typically have about 800 micrograms and remember it takes 1,000 microgram to make one gram and they need five gr so they're getting about a tenth of what they need so um there goes the cat all right so you again this should be every there okay what else do we give um vitamins people ask me what vitamins do we give this is one that Tammy's got in it's a multivitamin it's comes from a well-known company is this magically magical stuff no I think that any decent vitamin we get gets one of these daily is good and then probiotic um Tammy gives probiotics to dogs especially if they have a little bit of a loose stool she give a probiotic um and so we don't give this daily but we do give it you know she's got a bit of a loose stool she's going to get it for a day or two right kit okay all right so you going to come up here come on let's show you off oh you're going to be all Huggy Duggy on me so what do we need what what else do we need to be paying attention to on kit here well we're going to start taking her temperature about 5 days for a week before seesay you bit hot out here aren you a week before seesay and it's one of the best markers to tell you when puppy's going to arrive so her temperature is going to be and I will I will show you videos as we get close to C-section time our temperature is going to drop right now it's probably going to be about 100.5 and it's going to drop down slowly over the next 10 days until it gets to 99.0 right after that she's going to have puppies typically 24 hours so once you get to 99.0 we're looking for 98.9 that's the magic number or anything less than that means puppies within typically 24 hours also at that point she will stop eating food too so those are all good markers and then finally the last thing that we're going to do is we'll do a progesterone test uh when we think we're close which is typically when a temperature gets down to about 99.3 we'll get a progesterone test done and find out we want our progesterone to be three or less the problem with progesterone test is people will go keep going to their dock to go get progesterone test done and it's not very useful because it doesn't tell you how close you are to having puppies all it does is tells you you um that you're in a safe zone so it's a go no go test so the problem is the progesterone level the day before she goes into welp it could be 17 and it could drop down to 1.5 overnight so it's not a good marker that can tell you when she's due it can just tell you that it's safe to have puppies all right we're going to give her this she's not going to like it but that's okay so what's the secret to give this just get in the corner of her mouth and quit mucking around as you can see obviously doesn't taste very good and the secret here is not to let the dog fling it all over you hang on to their face until they've licked everything up so that there's not a big spray otherwise she'll shake a head and uh you'll get covered in this white um it's not going to do any harm but uh anyway there we go she's taking it all good girl okay then she's going to get another of these the secret on this is is to put this in if you just give this to her she's not going to like it you're going to have to force her to eat it so a much better way of doing this is what I do is I get a piece of cheese and I bury this in the cheese and give it to her that way so that's what we're going to do when your dog is uh pregnant the last you know three weeks of pregnancy you do not want her jumping up and down or stuff so she's used to getting on the bed I recommend that you maybe have some stairs so she can get up and down herself or you need to physically help her get up and down so I just left kit here a little bit dangerous I know that she's going to stay but the point here is we would not want her jumping off because it's just not yeah so here we go good old string cheese just cut me off a piece of this with my fingers like that then I'm going to hide the tablet that she will spit out if I give her this she's very like just to spit it out so I'm going to bury that inside the piece of cream cheese and there it is it's tucked in this cream cheese she's used to getting this and she's looking forward to it there you go then just keep an eye on her because sometimes she can she did spit out a piece of cheese but it wasn't it wasn't a tablet it was just her getting in a Hur to eat it here you go the rest of that there you go good girl so um what what else should we be doing well if you got any concerns about what's going on especially the latter stages of a of a pregnancy um go to your vet one of the things that you will see that does worry a lot of people is you get a kind of a mucousy discharge hanging off the back end hanging off a vver kind of look it may be a little bit brownish or tinged with blood that's the mucus plug it is completely normal you don't always see it but typically you see it something between day 10 and day Zero of the back end of her heat absolutely normal people get in panic when they see this they think something terrible is happening she's aborting a puppy it's not if she aborts a puppy at this stage it's going to be something that's some really reasonable size it's not going to be a little structure so but if you get some discharges from your dog I've got videos on this pay attention to it um you know if you got a dog that has an elevated temperature above 102 or higher when you take temperature that's of concern that means there is something going on infection wise and that really needs to be treated right away that does mean probably antibiotics and certainly a vet visit to find that exactly what the details are but kid here is being completely normal with her pregnancy I've been around this dog for now for the last two pregnancies she's been absolutely fine um she's getting definitely slowing up you know in terms of she doesn't want to run around very much I normally take her for a walk every day but I probably won't starting today I I might take her on a short walk and see how she does but I don't want a stress her out definitely today it's overcast it's not going to be too hot it probably be a decent day for it but don't get your dogs hot especially the back end of this that would make any sense so what do you think K you really have some puppies she's a great mom so we'll we'll show you videos when the C-section is happening we'll show you pictures of the videos of the puppies when they're born over the next few days right I love this dog she's such a nice little dog small little dog she is a EUR hero so EUR hero is a dog that is she's a forn dog that has she's maskless and she has this what looks like a sh Inu coloring she's white in other places you don't normally see she's white on her chest she's white on the inside of her arms she's white on her cheeks so it's it's not 10 points it's different than 10 points and if I can get it to sit up here a second you can see her underneath you see that she's white and she's white on the inside of her arms not tan points which would normally be all the way up in here she's just white on the inside so that's a you're a hero and um we bred her to our new boy Gobstopper who is a a new shade Isabella and uh carries a copy of cream so we have an opportunity and his Masters we have an opportunity to get some EUR Heroes out of that breeding so we'll see if that happens so there we go all right kit enjoy your puppies enjoy your doggies see you soon bye
Channel: Love My Pups
Views: 1,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2A1J488-nuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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