Do This 1 Thing to Your RICE...Lower Carbs & Glucose, Less Calories, Heals Gut! Dr. Mandell

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over two and a half billion people eat rice over half the world probably a lot more and the problem with white rice has been refined that means that's full of starches these starches will eat them as a high glycemic index it gets into the cells very quick and it spikes up our insulin as well as our glucose levels and it gets into the cells real quick we eventually get that fall we get that downfall it doesn't get into the sole slowly so therefore when it gets in quick we are more prone to insulin resistance putting too much stress in the pancreas as it's trying to pump that insulin they get the glucose into the cells and over time it can't get into the cells the insulin receptors become resistant to insulin builds up glucose starts to rise become pre-diabetic then eventually diabetic but the reason why I'm talking about rice initially is because so many people eat it but I want you to realize that rice as well as potatoes as well as pasta all have starch in it and these starches are all high glycemic have a high glycemic index gets in the cells real quick and the objective here is it's not healthy so there's a little trick we can do if you cook your rice and put it in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours that glycemic index is going to go from here High all the way down to here same thing in the potatoes same thing in your pasta but if you leave it in a little longer they see even up to 24 hours the glycemic index will come even lower and you're going to build what we call resistant starch resistant starch is the molecular composition of the starch Within These Foods it's called retrogradation it changes so therefore when we eat it in the resistant starch mode we don't have enzymes to digest it so it's kind of like free starch free food but it gets better because once it's refrigerated and we start to eat it and by the way studies show that when you heat it up after it's refrigerated you can actually build more resistant starch as well so yes you can heat it up definitely it's only going to be an asset for you so when it gets into the small intestine the new enzymes we as human beings don't have enzymes to digest resistant starch so it makes its way into the colon and guess what this resistant starch acts as a Prebiotic it feeds to probiotics so the probiotics eat the resistant starch okay which are prebiotics and it gives off short chain fatty acids and one of the main ones is albuterate and belbutyrate is like the colon magic because it prevents colon cancer as well as reduces inflammation once it gets in the bloodstream throughout the entire body but the great thing about it is that it's proven that the resistant starch makes you more insulin sensitive so here you are eating rice becoming more insulin sensitive portion control is definitely important in any food that you eat so if you have bread bread has starch if you freeze it keep it in the freezer again more resistant starch a lot of it's not going to digest works as a Prebiotic feeds the probiotic and if you toast it the glycemic index even comes lower building more resistant starch those are the four Foods I want you to understand that's an amazing trick so my best advice for people out there if you're pre-diabetic diabetic insulin resistant this is so much healthier to keep it refrigerated than heat it up unfortunately when you just cook it and you eat it that's going to be the highest amount of your starches highest glycemic index making its way into the cells real quick refrigerating refrigerating it puts it through that molecular change at retrogradation building that resistant starch making an asset for you because now you have a Prebiotic it's a fiber and that Prebiotic feeds the probiotic never gets digested we never get the calories yes you can lose weight yes it could keep give you satiety it will make you more insulin sensitive will help reverse insulin resistance portion control is definitely important just like any other food so I hope that this scientific tip that you just learned today can make a big difference in your health and it will but remember that portion control is very important please share this video with your friends and family leave your comments below and most important make it a great day I'm Dr Alan Mandel
Channel: motivationaldoc
Views: 3,212,564
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Keywords: clot, blood clot, arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, heart attack, coronary, stroke, cholesterol, plaque, blood pressure, high blood pressue, light headed, cardiovascular disease, heart disease, pain, total cholesterol, triglyercides, coconut oil, olive oil, omega 3, garlic, inflammation, clogged arteries, diabetes, chest pain, nausea, sweating, obesity, high blood pressure, white rice, rice, resisted starch, constipation, pasta, resistive starch, bread, potatoes, resistant starch
Id: cxTIt43exM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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