DO THESE Tricks In Kali LINUX to become a PRO hacker

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A lot of you tell me that you like the little  things that I do on the terminal when I'm showing   you something or doing a tutorial, because  you learn from those little commands and   things like that. Thank you so much for those  amazing comments. I really appreciate it. So,   in this video, I just wanted to show you  five of my favorite commands. Actually,   let's do six. I'm going to do six commands for you  to do things more efficiently using Kali Linux,   which is the goal. It's much quicker to  use the terminal, and I'll show you how. Alright, so here's the first command. When I'm  using a new tool in Kali Linux, the first thing   you have to do is learn about it. You can't just  throw in stuff because it won't work. You have to   learn about the tools, the arguments, and all of  that stuff that comes with the tools inside of the   terminal. So, you can do a few things. The first  one is "man" and "m" for example. Let's say we're   learning about Nmap. "Man Nmap" is going to give  you the entire manual for Nmap, and as you can   see, it's ridiculous. It's really long, and you  don't have time to deal with all of this stuff   and learn the tool in so much detail that you go  crazy. You can also do "Nmap --help" for example,   and that's going to give you a set of arguments  and things like that. But as you can see again,   it's a lot of information, and sometimes you just  don't have the time for doing this kind of stuff.   So, the first tool is "tldr". Right, so "tldr  Nmap" is going to give you all the information   that you need, and nothing else. Right, and it's  very easy to understand. "Check if an IP address   is up and guess the remote host operating system."  Boom, there it is. This is the "tldr" command,   and it's one of my favorites because I can  get information for tools very quickly. And   this is one of those commands that I always  throw in when I'm doing tutorials, and people   actually talk about them. To install it, "sudo  apt install tldr", enter your password, and get   it installed. So that's super easy to do. That  would be the first command that I can show you. So here's the second command. Let's suppose  you created a file and you have no idea where   you put it. You just don't remember, and  that happens to me all the time. I'm human,   you're human, we all do it all the time. You  can use commands like "find", for example. So,   this is a "find" command to try to find  information. You can also use, let's say,   "which", right? So, "which code", in the case  of Visual Studio Code, and it will tell you   where the binary for Visual Studio Code is. But my  favorite is "locate". If you want to install it,   you just do "sudo apt install mlocate". There  you go, and then you do a "tldr mlocate",   and all you have to do is just "locate" and  a pattern. And you also have to do a "sudo   updatedb", which is this, right? So, let's  do an update of the database, "updatedb",   and then let's find a file. So, "locate  myfile.txt", and there it is. This is where   I left my file. So if I do a "cd ~/local/share"  and "ls", here is my file. So, that is "mlocate". Now let's move on to the next one. The next one is  to open applications, which is also great, and it   is just the ampersand sign, or an "and" person.  If I'm using, let's say, VS Code, and I want to   open it, let's say I'm here in "share", so I'm  here in "share", right? And you can see all the   files and stuff that I have in "share". Then all  I do is just type in "code ." and then "&", and   that's going to open code, and it's going to  show me everything inside of that folder. So   here's my file, for example, right? So here's all  the information. Now let me just kill this. So,   by using the ampersand, you open a new process,  but you can still use your terminal. Let's do it   the same with Sublime, so "sublime ." and  then "&", and then it opens Sublime Text,   right? And then here are all the files. You can  just open different files using your terminal,   and then just you put the "&" at the very  end, it detaches the program. The process   is going to detach from the terminal, so  the terminal can be used for other things. Now, here, as you can see, I'm in "local/share",  so let's go somewhere else. I'm going to go to "cd   /etc/apache2/sites-available". So now I'm here,  and I'm going to show you the third command that   I love, which is the "cd -" command. So, if I  type in "cd -", then I go back to where I was   before. So I can continue to work in here, right?  So let's suppose I'm working in this folder,   and then I need to jump to the last folder  where I was, then I type in "cd -", and I   go back to where I was. So I don't have  to type in "cd ~/local/share". I can just   type in "cd -", and then back to where I  was before. So that's really convenient. Now, if you don't know "cd", you can  do two more commands with the "cd".   The first one is the "cd ~", I don't  know what that's called, you tell me,   um, I go back to home. So this is the  home folder for the username Dan. Now,   if I type in "cd /", then I go to the  main partition of my operating system. Now, the other one is, let's suppose I'm doing  my penetration test, and I need to get my IP   addresses. I type in "ip a", right? So here  are all my IP addresses. And as you can see,   it could get very messy in here. You can also  do "ifconfig", right? So "ifconfig" will give   you all the information as well, but again,  it's very messy. A quick and dirty way to   get your IP address is just type in "hostname  -I". There you go. So this is my IP address,   and then you can see my Docker IP addresses  in here as well. So, that's very easy to do,   right? So "hostname -I" is another  good command that I use all the time. And the last command I'm going to show  you tonight is the output redirection. So,   the error like this, or error like this. So let's  suppose I do an "ls", I'm going to "touch" a file   like that, and now I'm going to put information  on that file. I can do "echo 'This is my text'",   and then I can output this to the file. Now,  if I do "cat myfile", then you'll see that   my text is being copied into the file. Now, if  I say, for example, "echo 'This is my book'",   and then I output that into the file, it's going  to overwrite whatever is inside that file. So,   if I do "cat myfile" again, you'll see that  now it says "This is my book". But if I put   "echo 'And this is my text'", like that, and then  I put two arrows in there, it's going to write it   right underneath. So now, if I do "cat myfile",  you'll see that it's in there. I love doing this. Now, let's use it with Nmap, for example. So,  if I'm going to do "nmap", and then I put the   IP address in here, and then I redirect to  "scan.txt", let's just do that and see what   happens. There you go. So now, if I do "ls",  you'll see that there is a new file called   "scan.txt". And if I do "cat scan.txt", there  you go. So you see how it's outputted all the   Nmap information into that file, which is really  good. That's what you want, right? So, if I just   do this on the terminal for Nmap, it's going to  provide me the information. Now, I'm going to   have to copy this, and I'm going to have to put it  in a file, and then save, and all of that stuff. I   don't have to do any of that stuff because the  output redirection command is great in Linux. And that's it! I hope you had fun. I  hope you learned something. And probably,   maybe next weekend, I can post more  commands that I use. So make sure you   subscribe. If you have any questions, let me  know, and I'll see you the next time. [Music]
Channel: GetCyber
Views: 1,971
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Keywords: Cyber Security, Cyber Learning, Cyber Security for Beginners, InfoSec, Tutorials, Courses, How to, learn cybersecurity, danduran, getcyber, kali linux tutorial, kali linux, ethical hacker, cyber security course, cyber security training for beginners, cyber security tutorial, kali linux terminal
Id: nczPnOE0I6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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