Do These Things to MAKE your UI Designs BETTER

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what is up everybody gary simon here so today we have another one of my little rapid redesigns and i'm going to be changing the three designs that are popping up right here and we're going to see how we can make them better in a rapid time lapse sort of fashion with my little voice over now also today is a very important day because today is the very last day that you can join the design course pre-launch so if you head on over to i you'll see this landing page it'll give you a lot of information basically this is a ui ux course i you know obviously i'm impartial to it but i'm going to say it's the best out there because there's so many different ways outside of just video that you're going to get better so we have interactive tests we have design challenges and if you join mentor program i actually review your design work so if you join up you can see the base price is 89 and then optionally you can add design mentor where i personally review all of your work based on the design submissions and that right here you can just toggle on this this price right here is with the 10 off i and i won't be relaunching this until it's all ready which is going to be at the end of the year uh or at the very latest around january 4th or so of 2022. so definitely check that out uh we can see we already have i've 1521 uh modules have been completed across all the users and there's over 300 users right now um here's the waiting review modules right here for me to review so people are awaiting me for me to you know basically give my valuable feedback to help them become better designers so definitely check out and take advantage of this offer it's going to be ending in within probably about uh 12 to 14 hours all right i'll see you all soon and let's get started now for the very first entry we have some cards and a headline now there's some issues with the white space around the cards and it's also just a little bland now in this context i've never been a fan of center aligning the headline i think it helps the overall structure of the layout to flow better when it's left aligned i also think it makes most sense to you stick with the sans serif font as that's what's being used for the card type [Music] [Applause] now i'm pretty much sticking with the same typographic setup that they have within the cards but one thing that really just makes everything seem so monotone and boring is the lack of color and imagery so i'm going to add a colored icon which should really help the design [Music] [Applause] [Music] now one thing the original design lacked was the amount of white space between the cards there's simply too much there's such thing as too little and too much white space of course and it's important to develop an eye for making that determination [Music] [Music] now in this next design we have a services section that suffers from a bit of clutter along with white space issues now the number one biggest issue with this layout is white space or rather the lack thereof when you have a bunch of type that's crammed together it makes it difficult to read and also it just makes the design look amateur when you have paragraphs of type give it space especially in the context of a feature section like this and finally the services label i decided to make a watermark the fact that these are services offered is inferred by the content itself so making it a watermark gives it some elegance and simplicity [Music] and last but not least we have some issues with color and alignment on this design so let's see if we can give this a [Music] facelift so starting out the typographic visual hierarchy of the headline and sub headline is pretty solid but it should be aligned vertically in the center based on the height of the three chat blips to the right of it now one of the biggest things killing the original design was the gray background of the chat cards against the dark blue background of the page grays never go well with colors in this context so i'm using the same hue but simply making it lighter by adding tint when you use this method you generally can't go wrong [Music] [Music] as far as the individual cards are concerned i felt overall it lacked some white space so i decided to slightly change up the layout but also add that needed white space [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now while this is okay looking and still an improvement we can use graphic design to make things more interesting so i'm adding a little dotted line going from one chat to the next and i also decided to add a colored icon above the headline [Music] [Music] all right everybody hopefully you enjoyed that you learned something once again just to plug the fact that this is the last day that you can join the design course pre-launch go to and consider joining if you have any questions use the contact form or ask here in the youtube comments and i'll answer or answer right away rather i'll see you all soon goodbye
Channel: DesignCourse
Views: 30,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rapid redesigns, ui ux, ui design tutorial, ui design tips, ui tips, gary simon, designcourse, prelaunch, refactor, design refactor, design refactoring
Id: pfu1CKyCc7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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