Do PHEVs work for long journeys ? - 2021 Kia Sorento 4 PHEV

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hey guys and welcome to petropet now today i'm about to head out on my first road trip adventure in the keo sorrento 4 behind me i'm off down to cornwall and then in a couple of days time mrs petrapet is going to come down in one of the minis so i'm only taking the dogs but i'm also going to try and get my bike in the back and i've got quite a lot of other stuff to take down so the first thing i need to do is unplug the zappy car charger because i've had it charging up overnight so she's all ready to go and i probably just need to pull it forward a little bit to make getting stuff in and out a little bit more easy but i thought you'd like to come on a bit of a journey i've not done a really long journey in the car before so lots and lots of things to find out i'm particularly interested in what my fuel economy and range and and how the plug-in hybrid element is gonna work this should be a bit of fun and the pups are coming too bonus [Music] oh [Music] now then first things first i am a bit spoiled for choice to be honest because the rear boot space is absolutely cavernous underneath this cover by the way you can just see they're the foldaway rear seats that make this a seven seater so i'm actually i could take the wheels off and just put the bike in the back but then also we come around the side for access into the back put this little button here that drops those seats and allows you um egress and ingress into the back or you can pull that lever and just push them down and then have them flat so i think now i'm going to take the dog so one dog is going to go in the back seat there and the other dog is going to go in the front seat with me both with harnesses on so i think my best bet actually is probably i think i'm going to take my bike wheels off and put the bike in the rear part and then put bags and things around it not on top of it and then i've also got some baggage space there now the other option could be of course i could put bikes on the roof i don't have a roof a roof carrier for this particular car or if you expect a tow bar then you could have a rear tow bar mounted bike carrier but i want to have the bike in the car it's just there um so i'm going to take the wheels off and drop it into the car um and that shouldn't be too much of a problem i don't think now actually that sits quite nicely top tip you should always when you're carrying your bike sideways in the car always have your uh drivetrain components on the upward face don't lean your bike on then what i'm going to do is wrap some a towel or something around there just to protect them and also stop you know the kind of grease and stuff that's on my chain going on to any bags and things but that's not too bad and then i should be able to get the wheels and stuff on top of the frame there maybe space for a bag down there and then spacer bags up front this is looking good so far i could never ever do this in the clubman that is the joys of having a gigantic 7c suv yes first things first a must-have scabby old t-shirt from your bike cleaning box and some old dog towels that are just going to lay on top of the frame and protect it this is easy peasy i'm a little bit worried about the amount of stuff i've got to take down though i think mrs petroped has just basically told me to take the whole house now that didn't take too long and it wasn't like the game of tetris i normally have to play let me show you what i've done so the back is pretty full although it could be a lot more stuff in there because of the bike before anybody says anything this is a very light flimsy dog bed that's just sat on top of the wheels and i do love these personalized blankets that were made for us by a very kind lovely lady called sue uh but yes so back isn't too bad and then if we go around this side so we've got i'll see the petrol pooch in the back she's got plenty of room uh we've got these little um harnesses on there and you get those from pets at home um so she's all right now the reason she's sat in there is because she travels brilliantly and doesn't have any uh tendency to be sick and loads of space still left in so we'll shut that door the other thing i did notice is if it was nice and warm and sunny we've got a nice sun blind there but i don't think i need to put that up today it's quite a nice little feature right so she's all right locked away in there shut the tailgate and then the last thing is riding shotgun with me is the petrol pup now you you're not to be sick okay hmm this is a new car yes again harnessed in um and all safe so i've got all my cameras set up so we can have a chat on the way so i think it's about time we get going what do you reckon should we get going yeah that's a yes by the way finally on our way so i charge the car up overnight it doesn't take overnight on one of those uh seven kilowatt wall chargers two or three hours from kind of half to a quarter charge and and you're fully charged and the charger just stops so i've got a full charge so my electric only range is currently 27 miles and that's about what i'm getting out of this car it does run on pure eevee only in fact right now i'm running on pure eevee only but really for me the pure electric part of this car is just for town driving and nipping to the shops and back and so on when you're on a long journey like this now i've plugged the destination into my sat nav um and we have 232 miles so this car is going to be running as a hybrid almost all of that um i've only got about a quarter of a tank of fuel i do plan to stop uh very shortly to just fill up so my fuel only range is 89 miles combined range there for 115 miles i'm in um eco mode and to be fair so far i drive this car most of the time in eco mode and it just it manages the transition between eevee and petrol and hybrid itself and it does a really good job so i will be interested to see what my trip um mpg is the car on average is about sort of late 40s mpg which i don't think is too bad but if you just do a short journey i don't know five to ten miles then your mpg rapidly goes up into triple figures so you can be getting to you know 110 120 130 miles per gallon because most of the time you're running on ev but you're not going to see that on a long journey like this so we're all set everything what's also nice you know when you pack a car in the first kind of i don't know a couple of miles you just listen to see if they've got anything rattling together i don't know like a bottle rattling or something i'm normally pretty good at that i love i layer i don't know towels and other things in between stuff so you don't get rattles because that totally and utterly does my head in but so far so good it's not bad and actually both pups both pups are asleep already and we haven't even done two miles so i'm gonna settle in i won't bore you too much but it is a beautiful drive [Music] so now on the a34 i'm going to stop for fuel very shortly at sutton scotty and just get some lunch as well but i'm listening to the car chat podcast with sam moores now i was a guest on that fan i've been on twice now not that long ago but i'm listening to the episode with henry catchpole who i must say is one of my favorite current car youtubers with car fection but his history all the way through his evo days is absolutely fascinating so this isn't a kind of sponsored ad for sam's podcast but honestly if you're ever on a long journey it's a really really good listen and the nice thing about having apple car players i can just stick it on spotify and it just makes a different you know slight difference from listening to the radio it's all good so i'm going to stop up here grab some coffee a sandwich maybe a packet of crisps and then head on my way girls are still absolutely fast asleep i've got although i can't see darcy behind me all i can hear is snoring so that's a good sign so let's grab some coffee [Music] i try not to spill me coffee everywhere there you go look at that lunch of kings tuna mayo sandwich pickled onion monster munch and the snickers do wait into that then hey don't sniff because you're not getting any of it mate there's just not a chance not to chat lovely big bin down there to put stuff in excellent right should we get a crack in you're all good that was about 50 quids worth of fuel so that was from quarter full so i've now got 400 miles of range which is uh which is good uh the other thing i've done um is i've just moved the drive mode into smart mode now what that's doing in eco mode it it really does kind of put the emphasis on the battery uh and the electric motor um to drive the car and and it does consume the battery quite a bit i mean i consumed a quarter of the battery literally in the first 15 miles in smart mode i've done smart mode for maybe the last 20 miles and i haven't really eaten into the battery too much and i'm i'm returning pretty good mpg so uh that's annoying it resets the trip literally just when you stop oh that's really annoying because i was doing 65 miles to the gallon oh man that's annoying do what you want you want you want the trip information not just the drive from start and stop of ignition oh that's not very good anyway onwards and upwards uh so how far have we got to go still it's going to be horrible continue to go to majesty it is 193 miles right all right in a bit more a bit more car chat podcast see you shortly we are about two hours in it's just over an hour since i've had me lunch um and all's going well both dogs fast asleep great company they are um the one thing i love about this car is it's a very very relaxing car to drive it is not a car that you feel like you should drive hard or fast you don't feel like you're in any rush when you drive this car and for me and maybe it's an age thing maybe i'm just getting older um i really like that about a car if it's going to be your daily that you're just literally going to do the miles in and then the other thing i like about this car is it's got adaptive cruise and lane departure assistance so it's effectively level two autonomous driving and and it just makes a long drive really really relaxing and so yeah crunching the miles in this thing is pretty impressive now so far since um or certainly since you stopped for lunch and it reset the trip are annoying i've done 73 miles and i'm averaging 49 miles to the gallon which for a car this size and weight i think is really really good what i would say by now my battery is now on a quarter so the car will top up that battery both on over run and braking but also it will just keep that charge from experience now it just pretty much stays at a quarter so i've got no ev only range but in creeping traffic and so on you kind of just mooch along on the electric very very slowly yeah it's good see at least she hasn't been sick yet it's always a major bonus oh we're well into cornwall now and we are just well we're less than 10 miles where we have to turn off the a30 and then head cross-country to mavic it's got a bit more cloudy but so nearly there super super comfortable now very very interestingly the fuel economy the longer we go into this journey the worse it gets um so we're now averaging if i just look down at our trip so it's 168 miles since i stopped for fuel uh and i'm averaging 39.8 miles to the gallop and been driving three hours nearly um and i think that's really interesting the challenge of with these with these plug-in hybrids is for shorter journey profiles and by shorter journey for me i i think sort of 50 to 100 miles because you're gonna have a full battery pack you're going to be able to utilize that electric motor drive part of the plug-in hybrid drivetrain more and that means you're going to get better fuel economy the further you drive you're going to eat or eat into that um that battery reserve and you're going to be using the internal combustion engine more and therefore on average your miles per gallon is going to reduce because if i look at my so just since we stopped driving as i said 13 39.9 but my long long-term trip since i've had the car this car's done just was 669 miles i'm running at 45 and a half miles per gallon because that's because a lot of the journeys i've done have been kind of you know half an hour to an hour long so i think that that's that's an interesting one the other interesting thing is i've not got anywhere yet yet we will be working on it where i can charge this car overnight i don't have off street parking with a charger or even where i could run a granny charger to it so i'm not going to be able to charge the car while it's parked up outside the house i might pop out and just stick it on a public charger while i'm in cornwall just to kind of give me better fuel economy on the way home but i guess that's the benefit of a plug-in hybrid right if you do run out of electric you've still got an internal combustion engine to be able to get you from a to b it's not like running out of charge in an electric car and then you're not able to do anything oh we're at my favorite bit pentium sands to the left that is always a sign that i'm nearly uh our beloved mavic just a few minutes now um one thing to say i am so still so comfortable in this car not a sign of a num bum uh i feel fresh as a daisy it's been really really simple simple journey i must admit though i'm now on the end of my second uh sam moore's car chat podcast i did the henry catch poll episode which was brilliant and then i've just about to finish the ollie web episode which was absolutely enthralling um so yeah i'll be i'm sending a message to my mate sam just to say i've enjoyed those so much yeah we're nearly there now are we nearly are we all right pups i've not heard a single thing from from darcy behind apart from the occasional snore and we're all right so far this one's not thrown up yet but i won't count my chickens too much because we've still got a couple of couple of minutes mpg keeps coming down i'm now running at just over 40 miles to the gallon which for a car of this size i think is absolutely acceptable on a longer run and i think you know i don't want to this this this video or this conversation around this car just to be about fuel economy because it's not it's far far wider a breadth car than that um you know i've got an immense amount of stuff in the back of this car but it is an interesting one these plug-in hybrids depending on your journey profile you know the shorter journeys in and out of town 20 30 miles you're gonna get immense miles per gallon because you're going to be running on electric quite a bit of the time the further you go the more you eat into that battery charge the less you can use the electric motor and the more you use the internal combustion engine the worse your fuel economy is going to get which kind of makes sense i guess and that that's always the point as well i often made the point with plug-in hybrids when i've had them in the past i wonder how many people own one of these and after the first couple of weeks just don't bother plugging it in at night time and this is why i was so tough when i when i got the brand ambassadorship with hendy and could spend more time with the car because now i understand the answer to that actually isn't what i thought it was going to be because i now want to plug this in so i can get the better fuel economy i wouldn't just run it on the internal combustion engine and not bother charging it up because it just doesn't make sense so that's a that's the first example of owning a car for a bit longer doing a longer journey in a car makes me change my opinion of plug-in hybrids in particular you know if you have a plug-in hybrid you want to be plugging it into a wall box at the end of each night and charging up that battery to make sure you get the best fuel economy but here we go we are in mavic it's beautiful sunshine do you know what i think we might even get a nice cold beer on the decking overlooking the sea it's much it's narrow down here when i picked this car up someone commented in the collection video oh you want to take that to mevisi and drive it through those narrow streets here i am people i am driving it through the narrow streets of madagascar and i haven't driven a big old car i mind you the last time i was here i was in a transit van and that's quite a big thing to drive around never gissy but yeah it is a big old bus to go through these narrow streets this is the bit that if you're unfamiliar with never it's this bit here it's a bit of a lottery as to whether or not you come up here and there are cars coming the other way i can see there is a car backing up um hopefully we'll they're gonna duck into there let us go we're gonna get to go up here yeah don't worry you pedestrians thank you very much are we gonna make it we are right i'm gonna drive up here concentrate on getting the car parked getting unpacked getting the dogs out and then i'll see you on the deck for a nice cold beer ah we have arrived everything's unpacked i've got my bike in cornwall for the first time i've got a cold doom bar out the fridge and i've got our view behind me what let me just ring pull and then he took my nose out with my ring pull you know that's always that's always the reward for four and a half hour drive roads are pretty good today but sorrento yes my first proper long distance journey with loads and loads of stuff and i'm very very impressed really comfortable car um so relaxing to drive with all the various driver aids adaptive crews and and all the things on a motor i just stuck it at 70 miles an hour on the dual carriageway enjoyed a podcast and the next thing four and a half hours have gone and you're here and that's what you want from a car right but yeah very very impressed i'm more impressed the amount of stuff we got in and the girls are good all nice and safe look there we go are you safe i absolutely love being here anyway i'm going to enjoy my uh really i'm going to enjoy my doom i hope you enjoyed that one if you have done so please give me a thumbs up comments below are always welcome and if you haven't done so already please subscribe to petra petropet for plenty more content to come and with a beautiful view of nevergissy there she blows down there look what a view that is i'll see on the next film guys you take care drive safe you
Channel: Petrol Ped
Views: 98,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Petrol Ped, Vlogger, YouTuber, Cars, Supercars, Performance Cars, Motorsport, kia, kia sorento, kia sorento 2021, kia sorento phev, kia sorento phev 2021, kia sorento phev review, kia sorento phev mpg, kia sorento phev range, kia sorento load space
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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