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and we are going to press play jesse dude this is crazy look he's going to cut it just just look there's something in the window what what the hell freddy yo it's jason growing up my nightmares consisted of only two people jason voorhees and freddy krueger and to this day these are some of the scariest people on planet earth some may say jason voorhees is literally unkillable he runs around with a machete chopping people's heads off on the other hand we have freddy krueger he is a man who can enter your nightmares and hurt you through your own dreams he wears a glove on his hand that has an attachment of five blades you heard me right five and you also guessed it that's what he uses to kill his victims so when i say this is serious this is serious we are not playing games with these crazy psychos in fact i've even faced time before and let's just say that didn't go good either but today we get over our fears and we go ahead and watch the jason versus freddy movie during the devil's hour so what's your opinion on uh mr freddy krueger and jason voorhees they're kind of spooky like no one can deny that but i'm just not scared of them you know freddie is a coward he only goes in your dreams you're not scared of them no jason can't even talk he's slow what what is there to be hello you ever see him in a movie he's like look i'm jason what are you going to do yeah i agree but at the same time he's also unkillable and has a giant chatty yeah you just run you just run okay okay noted we'll keep that in mind when he's going after you okay nothing i didn't nothing i didn't say anything i'm honestly praying that doesn't happen because we are watching this during the devil's hour oh you didn't say all of that we'll see exactly what happens when we watch the movie okay we'll see what you say let's do it first things first [Music] snacks obviously what the hell what's the movie without them go baby what do you got for us today i i'm feeling like i'm a little like you're jacked what do you mean like a little bit of a belly so i'm going to calm down on the snacks and we're going to pull out some healthy snacks is that it's watermelon oh it's watermelon why does it look so weird right it's like the weirdest who cuts watermelon like this okay but right when you thought that's all we're eating of course we've got it boom popcorn baby we can't not watch a movie in popcorn hell no get that stuff going anyone who watches movies and don't eat popcorn at the same time you're a freak okay that's a little mean but uh it's not it's not not true all right let's let's make our popcorn come on popcorn i'm so excited it just enjoy right there enjoy your meal popco let's get oh okay fancy what kind of what brand of popcorn is that honestly i have no clue but let's try this i'm excited let's just go watch that movie and see how it goes okay again it's not too late to chicken out oh then i'm gonna so as you guys can see we have the jason versus freddy movie right in front of here and we are gonna press play [Music] it's gonna be an interesting twist on the actual movie dude yeah freddy like jason is always the spookiest character of all man i swear to god wait is that say freddy fazbear's pizza yes what is he doing in this world [Music] i barely got to kill anyone it was so [ __ ] lame oh [Music] this is scary he's telling him to move jason ain't gonna listen man he doesn't even know that he's like jason you're too old for this place he thinks it's oh he thinks it's like a [Music] trick-or-treater [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] dude this is weird guys i'm not going to lie but it's still pretty much exactly how the movie works so [Music] uh-oh now please right here the police are here [Music] this kind of reminds me of like real life like when they actually bought each other they just like they're just like irritated with each other they're like bickering yeah they're bickering [Music] yep [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] like you what an insane asylum bro listen listen guys i remember this one dream i had where freddie was literally in there and it actually made me feel like i was part of his like mind games and i totally thought that i was in this movie i'm not even joking you not this one specifically but like the actual movie and it was like honestly the most terrifying thing i've ever seen in my entire life and then just like that a monkey kicked him and he was gone a monkey a monkey kicked him i'm not anything i kicked him and he was gone so that's how i knew it was it was a dream yeah in case you were wondering so let's go what a beautiful story yeah it was good dude i'm not gonna lie it felt cool it's from beef dude [Music] bro nice i feel like jason always wins until like the end he's just so strong oh my god he's oh yeah right in the head what was that [Music] whoa what the hell what's going on wait jesse dude this is crazy look he's going to come up we're just just look there's there's something in the window what look here there's something in the window look look in the window we talking about dude there was like something right here what yeah look take a peek out we would have heard something this little windows open hello dude up there no there's not a dude out there look dude you're tripping out man there's nothing there i thought it was like freddy freddy from the movie but i feel like i probably just i'm like you're watching a cartoon yeah i know i know i know imagine guys the cartoon from this is in our house or right outside our house that'd be hilarious there's no way there's nobody no way let's let's sorry for the fight yeah it was actually really good [Music] man his arm his arm is literally inside his own stomach like does that hurt you think bro jason for sure beat him this time around 100 yeah i will say i think facebook is always stronger i know i swear i swear i saw somebody out there ready in the window no no it wasn't freddy this time get this open i need i need to look out there i can't see anything i swear to here you saw freddy out there i swear to god i did no that doesn't make any sense michael look let me get like a good look anything no i dude i'm not crazy i saw somebody out there man there's no one out there bro can we now go and watch the damn rest of them okay please okay come on okay all right are you good this time can we watch the movie without you freaking about over nothing at all i i don't know if if i see something i'm going to say something all right well you're tripping because there's literally nothing out there so okay all right let's see what's happening now so they're shooting him his head is off do you see that you literally got everything else he shot wait oh no what happened well you can easily say that jason uh beat it freddy like always like always he's too much of a beast oh my god he's shooting at me shooting him he's shooting him and he's just alive still uh-oh he's not dead yet how is he not dead yet he doesn't die i can't my gun is jammed what now oh wait who the hell is that bro what was that yo yo hello who's there what the hell freddy yo it's jason oh my god what the hell oh what the hell but think about it they're just going to fight each other they hate each other right right so we just stay out of their way we should be like okay that's true i mean i guess we're hiding but maybe they were coming they were kind of not looking at us they were looking at each other right like they didn't even okay okay i think it might like be good to just open the door and look and go out do you see anything no okay go check the quark do you see anything what do you mean what oh what the hell oh shoot oh guys what the hell look he's literally got no hair he's bald guys he's bottle over him oh no oh no oh my god guys i'm bringing him down the stairs this is really bad this is what the hell is that guys he just took his hat oh my god what are they doing with michael are they fighting guys guys this is really bad okay they got him they know i'm in the house so they're clearly gonna come for me next the only thing i do is either try to sneak around the house go through the window in the basement and get mike or wait wait a minute no no even better guys did you notice that downstairs they were literally like arguing they were pushing each other they seemed very upset at each other they might just be working together to get rid of us but if i can convince him that i'm like his friend or something um oh wait a minute there's no way guys oh my god this is the best way look i got this like flimsy like machete fake machete from some store what if i offered him like a weapon and told him that freddy is planning to kill him or something maybe he'll join my side and then i can sneak off and save mike and get the hell out of here i mean what's the worst that could happen right oh god where the hell are they gonna be now oh crap oh my god he's right there jason jason hey hey hey hey listen listen listen look i got you i got you a present here whoa whoa whoa whoa okay now listen listen don't listen to me listen to me okay freddy is planning to attack you huh yeah he i i i found out that the other day that he planned on attacking you and betraying you that's why he's here working with you no i swear i swear i'm not joking why would i give you a weapon if i was trying to play games i gave you the weapon i just want to be your friend does that make sense okay well just lead me to freddie and let's work together to get him out of here upstairs oh god okay let's go upstairs okay we got this as a team okay yeah just just keep going yeah i'm right behind you yeah i'm still behind you yeah oh my god oh my god okay he stays upstairs i have a little bit of time to save mike mike mike we're gonna have to sneak out of the front door okay bro i told jason that we were friends and that freddy was coming after him okay that's right so i think the only way now is we just got to sneak out while he's attacking freddie let's just stay out of here let's do it okay guys this is our only chance to get out of this house this was a bad idea this was a really really bad idea okay slow jason what the hell what the hell yo yo what the hell freddy no no no no no wait a minute go down the stairs holy crap holy crap oh oh god yo yo what the heck is happening what did we just see bro freddie just knocked him right out no it's too dark yo bro we might have to sneak out of the window or something i'm not sure if it would do yeah let's make it that way so you can get out of the window [Music] okay yeah okay i think we're good what do you mean show up bro just just leave us alone please man i don't know i don't know where else would we go where do we go what the heck are you scared jason jason get him please get him oh my god this is bad boy this is really bad oh shoot what the hell oh my god look they're like how cold look at that oh my god you gotta go bro this is this is bye we've got just go upstairs there's no way they're just fine they just spot holy crap did you see that they were like literally fighting each other well my heart is racing like crazy right now what the hell just happened that escalated way too fast dude i told you i saw something in those windows and you're like ooh you didn't see well i don't know if i can i don't know if i can watch these movies anymore bro this is this is across the line just let's just not watch them at 3am why do we do that to ourselves we can just watch them it's funner at 12 p.m okay i mean it's fun until this stuff happens okay either way we're gonna end the video here guys if you enjoyed smash 30 000 likes we pretty much watched most of the videos you guys could ever think of so for some reason you guys have any videos and movies you guys want us to watch at 3 a.m comment down below shout out to my boy it's the morgan is linked down below subscribe to my channel and until next time you
Channel: Jester
Views: 3,238,229
Rating: 4.7988205 out of 5
Keywords: JESTER 3 AM, JESTER, JESTER 3AM, jason vs freddy, jason vs freddy in real life, calling jason vs freddy, jason vs freddy at 3am, 3am jason vs freddy, jason vs freddy came to my house, watching jason vs freddy movie at 3am, jason vs freddy movie at 3am, jason vs freddy movie, 3am, jason vs freddy jester, movie jester, jester movie, jason vs freddy movie jester, jester jason vs freddy movie, jason voorhees vs freddy krueger, jason voorhees vs freddy krueger jester, jason, freddy
Id: 1ebIGnCzMZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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