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hi you guys have me toy story have meals at this time look inside yeah opener out and scared dude bleeding wait a minute it's just poetry okay just come we jesters join my massive summer giveaway for your chance to win an Tendo switch and a camera all you need to do is one make sure you subscribe to this YouTube channel step two is to go onto my Instagram and follow me on there and step three is to go on this picture right here like and comment which prize you guys want a chance to win what good jesters welcome to another video I wasn't actually supposed to film tonight my god notice that something new was released at McDonald I don't know if you guys heard about it but apparently they are now serving Toy Story characters with their happy meal and I'm sure as you guys been seeing my videos recently I have been hyping up all the Toy Story videos so this could not have come at a better time guys it's actually getting really close to 3m and I'm not even sure if they serve McDonald's at that time cuz I know that there's sometimes like a little period where they don't serve food at all but tonight I'm with my boy Hite Mike what is going on guys I've had a lot of experience of doing McDonald's 3 a.m. challenges so tonight is gonna be absolutely insane I know it so we're quickly gonna head out and I'll explain what when I get in the car ok guys so we arrived at McDonald's right now um I'm not too sure exactly how this is gonna work I'm guess I'm just gonna ask to see if it actually is available now I got a friend that told me about it so I'm not harms like confirmed until I actually get in that drive-thru like did you did you hear about it yourself I did but it was like I didn't think it was like the least like like now I thought like a week or a month um yeah I was gonna be in a wildling it's all of a sudden like a released apparently so now we're gonna go ahead and get it but I heard there's like six or seven different characters and I mean that makes sense cuz Toy Story has a bunch like I've heard that there was that like that bunny there was there was woody there was 14 you know the usuals buzz and no I mean like how we guarantee that we get a specific to act I kind of really want the four key one yeah is it random should we ask okay so the way that I'm seeing it it's like if you guys know the videos I've been doing recently I've been doing a lot of 40 videos and we've kind of gone to this conclusion where he thinks he's evil right now and I'm trying to convince him out of it and just saying if you guys didn't notice there's actually multiple four keys out there so I think if there's a way to get a four key toy from this this might very very easy and then we can try and talk to him again and convince him that he's good but I mean that's only if you know we can actually get one of those before are we gonna ask I mean I guess I'm gonna ask if there's any Toy Story things at first and yeah she says yes then or you say yes then I'll ask a location-based who knows man oh it's worth a shot right so just go through the drive-thru and see what happens okay how's this please please please work bro all right there's many people of the society I line up it's it's 3:15 look at that what you seen it oh my god what the hell okay well I mean let's just go up and ask what is going on and maybe maybe it's like the only McDonald's that's open like in this area hundreds I get that would be like the only thing that makes sense I'll be right there they must be getting like regular stuff like there's no way they're asking for forget one else to recopy right they serve happy meals at this time in the first place like what if what if they don't do that should I just I mean I'm sure I'm sure they do they got hi you guys have any toy story have meals at this time yes we do yes okay cool uh can I get I guess the one with the cheeseburger and can I get a coke yeah yeah and it comes with the toy right yeah all right thank you yes we're gonna get a random toy though we don't know how we're gonna get four Shh hello you should reminding me I just asked I blanked I was just making sure that there was an actual toy there in the first place but she did say that there is Twitter so we're gonna get at least one toy story for a stroll I forgot I was blanking I knew we could always like come through it again yeah can't you I mean maybe it's maybe it's better this way maybe we can just get like a random toy cool what happens exciting I'm a little scared man what if this thing was possessed or something well I mean come on like I just want to see if it actually working the first one I want to see if they actually had this promotion going and we got it in time like I just gotta see this it has to work it has to well that's all I gotta say I know right it's a little slow okay guys so I searched it up on Google and I actually found the characters that they're giving away in these toys and what I see right here is there's the bunny there's four key there's woody there's buzz there's bow there's that little girl boom and there's Gabby Gabby mm that's pretty cool dude I don't know who we're gonna get I really hope we get four key though like please please please because person's getting served next and honestly guys with our luck knowing us we're probably gonna get the four key dog I mean I'm just saying that uh yeah I guess our luck is pretty good please please awesome thank you so much you can quickly see if there's actually like a fork eat one year hey look inside yeah open it oh I'm scared dude cleaning wait a minute what do play a fork you're right there dude yes oh my god wow that's like a one minute like 17 one in seven chance we've done got it okay perfect alright so I'm back at a place I guess and I will open a meal awesome oh we made home do it time to see this happy meal I'm nervous bro I would put my hopes very low for this I'm gonna keep porky on the end of this I don't really want some food right now okay so you guys can see who earlier we got our boy porky here hello porky he looks different than the one yeah he does it looks a little bit different okay well we'll just keep him nearby just stay there for key okay so you know we go really looks in amides eyes like definitely not in the right spot there okay so we got a cheeseburger we asked for right nice look how many fries there is dude okay well maybe that's what they give us that's the get happy meals bring cheapening out here this the the coke do what the hell it's leaking why is it that's not that all right regular color that's it there's this link yo think yogurt that's it okay what's that's always yeah have a meal let's look at the what ran how's this it's like leaking oh that's not coke dude that's like something else smell like right smells like like I don't know what like oil oh what the hell bro oh dude that's black that's full-on black hope does not look what is that you there's not even tell you it smells like like whale or something okay that's not right okay that's not right what's going on bro put put a spoon in it see if there's anything you know it looks kind of like oh dude does it feel like other than liquid does it feel like there's anything under ready lookie look at my hand it's not even transparent what okay that's weird dude okay okay boy that's messed up they would have what about the rest doing the fries look normal though they don't look normal but look at them what's wrong with it like pull one out wait a minute wait what the hell dude dalip eaten do that do 100% you know they're literally all like that whoo do I have to try to air free and fries they did that I'm gonna be mad we're gonna go back I might be kidding you that the hell's going on right now dude they literally eat that's disgusting that is gross Kate please burgers bad rolls be good it's a burger kidding how can they mess it up right whoa it could be anything bro literally anything look at the frickin ring it's pure black bro is that what I think it is that's not ketchup is it w catch up dude well that's not soap in it dude that's not catch oh my god yep it's not that color hmm what is that okay no no no no they look at that consistency is not ketchup bro I'm telling you right now that the Yaak that's Ascot hey hey hey ready record this record this it's burette gonna hell bro that's full-on blood why is that in the burger this isn't in there the hell is going on got guys this doesn't make any sense there's the burgers messed up and drinks messed up the fries are happy what the hell's going on you think well this you got for Q right right worky-worky 40 oh hello okay what is going on really it's not responding rate for key here you try porky do you talk well maybe he's like defective or something maybe that's weird k wait wait wait what if there's like a battery it's a battery this is different right this is like that is all over the one I make is what I did I actually made him this one's obviously a toy right like it's like full it's got a work right like maybe like these batteries well more if there's no batteries in this bag I'm telling you right now Bo making sense there's just like four fries left no batteries in there capo no I say we we go back to McDonald pool well apparently he's still alive working oh my god bro maybe he was guys maybe he was being quiet so that you could just escape us cuz we were holding him right around if he's alive I'm telling you right now guys this is not good you know I'm trying to convince him to not be evil like for some reason he's still so mad about it dude what do we do man gotta look around just look look at any like he's small right like he'd be he keep a higher being fine fine yeah just just look around I don't I don't know where he could be for key listen okay we're we're here for you we don't want you to be mad at us we're good people okay I went all the way to McDonald's to get a happy meal just so I could see you and now you're just run off again do you see anywhere dude four key my god this isn't making sense no I mean like obviously but come on why would he even run in the first place we're just being nice and we even went to get food and the food is bad but I'm telling you man I think we should go back to that I mean I'm telling we should go back that's it get our money back I mean who gives us that kind of stuff happy fries for your blood in the burgers like the blenders do anything for me okay well let's I don't see anything for key you want like a key whether this and should it world for you right there hey porky just just just hear us out okay okay just for you just just calm down we're here for you okay we're here for you I just wanted to say listen listen Benson yes I do and I'm talking about okay hey hold on can you hold on right here come here Georgie don't move okay we're gonna show you that video with unmasking Benton just listen okay stop look it I'm telling you it wasn't as bad as you think it was okay look just watch just look just look porky watch watch what happens see look Benson is not real for three listen he's not real he was lying to you no one is against you okay yes yes for you yes I'm saying no one's against you okay we all are here really good and you are good you're not evil okay I'm good we let you go now not gonna go crazy I won't see we're all nice here okay you don't have to worry about it alright yeah we're good guys we're the good guys guys I think we do I think we actually did okay all right porky are you okay now a hundred percent yes okay no it's okay don't worry about it all right guys we did it we actually did okay well hey the happy meal was not good at all but we won for peace friendship over so that was pretty much the goal of that I mean it worked right a success as bad as that was for ki is on our side now yes and you have completed the mission we have completed the mission guys all right well I'm gonna end the video here I will recommend do not go get half of meals at 3m because god knows what happens if you enjoyed the video go down below right now and smash 30,000 likes for how crazy this was and you guys have not subscribed yet subscribe right now for more crazy videos just like this one also if you guys have not join in the keep-away be sure to do the three simple steps subscribe to my youtube channel follow my Instagram and then comment which price you guys want a chance to win message out to my boy hi Mike here for coming along the journey and wall sports little four key I love you guys so much and until next time jester's ow [Music]
Channel: Jester
Views: 2,376,455
Rating: 4.8574185 out of 5
Id: 4YwEdB_xr6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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