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swords of guides assure them see here in today's video we're gonna be doing do not choose the wrong stairs so that further ado let's go up the stairs no I'm just kidding but yeah guys each stairs is going to have something absolutely crazy and interesting inside so without further ado guys I don't know what's inside each stairs I don't know what's up there well the only way to know is to go up each one guys so without further ado it's true some see and let's get on into today don't forget subscribe and keep patience and don't ya hylia what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be going up the stairs okay okay okay now I don't know which one this is this says danger ahead so I'm gonna be doing is I'm gonna be going from right to left the guy so I'm gonna go up these right stairs person and I've got the left side first but this one says danger ahead guy so I'm actually kind of scared because usually the stairs have never actually said danger ahead so maybe this one's actually pretty scary or maybe it's pretty normal I don't know which is which but I guess I will have to see we're going to be going into this so this says containment facility present keycard I don't have a keycard where do I get the key card from guys maybe I just press this button guys again I'm not sure if I'm allowed to get in that way but you never know so I'm just gonna poop sneak on oh my gosh let's sneak on in - oh my god sneak on into here there we go it says be careful when entering the contained area oh my gosh it says scp-096 area guys okay so what I think I need to do is I need to is there any wood nearby oh my gosh that village is too far away and I need I just need one block of wood guts is that too much to ask for one block of wood okay he's all gonna do we're just gonna mine through this block to get around this door because that's the only way we can do this guy's okay so this is good let's place back this block and that block okay let's go let's go okay this is it this way this says wrong way okay that is actually useful because a lot of times when you go somewhere it doesn't tell you a wrong way okay this says scp-906 is very dangerous water suppression systems are keeping him at bay oh my gosh guys oh my gosh okay so right now I'm pretty scared because I don't even think you guys can hear scp-096 because this guy right guys is absolutely insane now if I can turn up my volume I'll try to show you guys how crazy it is this sound yeah this is just sound and this yep yep yep it's already begun guys scp-096 is making some crazy crazy sounds guys so I don't want I don't I don't want to I don't want to activate him but I do think guys that this is actually pretty cool because this is the only way to ensure that you are safe because guys did you know that SCP no I think I've been I've started to annoy him because he's actually looking at me now and I think he's paying attention to me now I don't know if you can jump so I'm kind of scared and let me see if he's all oh boy guys oh boy guys something's happening something look look at the blocks there guys oh I show you what I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use these blocks to destroy the wall source guys watch this okay yeah ready for what's about to happen what's about to happen is gonna be absolutely insane get ready for this okay this is the SCP prison and this is why you don't destroy the water source guys okay I'm gonna destroy that one I'm gonna destroy that one oh my gosh guys oh my gosh watch this oh my gosh watch this guys all my gosh guys get ready guys get ready he's about to do something crazy I promise you I promise you guys watch this okay watch this watch this guys oh my gosh oh my gosh guys oh he's moving closer he's moving closer to us okay let's just get the rest of these blocks I'm gonna show you that he can literally destroy bedrock guys yo yo this is crazy this is crazy okay I'm gonna place one there I'll place another there another there another there oh my gosh guys oh my gosh I messed up oh my gosh I need to get back on the other side let's get back on the other side let's get back on the other side oh my gosh guys okay should be fully activated now oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh guys always watch watch watch okay he's doing his thing he's doing his thing he's doing his thing guys I don't know if he's gonna come chase us I mean I'm pretty secure guys but if you guys know about scp-962 know that bedrock is no fear for him okay let's go over to him let's go over to him because this is crazy come on okay okay oh my gosh oh oh oh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh she broke the bedrock oh my gosh she's breaking her stuff oh my gosh she's breaking stuff no no no no oh my gosh oh my gosh guys he's breaking everything oh my gosh she's breaking other stuff he's breaking the entire map oh my gosh oh my gosh oh what is going on get away from me No oh my gosh okay let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go oh my gosh oh my gosh guys oh my gosh oh my gosh it's true you destroyed everything what oh my gosh oh my gosh please tell me he's not gonna come down here with me oh my gosh guys that was absolutely insane that was absolutely insane oh my gosh guys what just happened what just happened he just literally destroyed every block in that arena that was good that was it okay we're gonna go on through this one as you can see we are here and I mean back in survival guys because my game mode was crashing but this says danger ahead real danger ahead oh my gosh guys okay so this says real danger ahead now I don't know what kind of real danger this is but I'm guessing it's not good guys so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go in here but with a cautious cautious very very cautious I guys okay so let's go in okay no like this let's go in and it says bendy the ink demon is in here you need to defeat him he's too strong he will take over minecraft if we don't stop him okay so we've got is that all we've got guys some diamond armor I mean you know can I at least get maybe I don't know a weapon or some sort like how am I supposed to defeat someone with just diamond dama like that doesn't make any sense and what is in here okay he says Benny the ink demon is too strong okay we need to defeat him okay you know that makes that makes reasonable all whoa okay Oh whoa okay okay what are we up here what do we have here we have we have what is that is that is that bendy the ink diamond I wonder if he's gonna attack me or not guys I don't think he will be doesn't I mean from past experiences not that I have any bendy has always been a normal guy and I'm not sure what is in here guys but uh I'm not sure if I want to Blake break that class what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna break the glass but I'm gonna break the top part cause if I break the top off maybe he won't attack me straight away oh boy oh my gosh oh my gosh no oh my gosh guys he literally just started running off to me oh my gosh oh my gosh okay you guys saw that you guys saw that let's see if I can destroy him can I destroy him kinda imagine I place a block here like another block here can he get towards me is he good Oh oh my gosh guys oh I can't see anything oh my gosh where did he go oh my gosh guys this guy is dangerous y'all can I hit him back I need to be at least be able to hit him back y'all why can't I hit him back okay look at him look at him okay oh gosh I just gave him the eye game though oh no no okay this is not good guys this is no good this is not could be a being chased I can't even run I could even run I can't even run guys okay this is not good this is no good we're being chased and were being damaged and I can't even hit back and I can't even run guys it is almost certain we are not gonna make it out okay okay what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just place these blocks No okay let's trap him no get away from me get away from me no get away from me no no no no this is what I can do oh my gosh guys oh my gosh look at my HP look at my HP look at my HP you guys I have little little health oh my god should we trap him I think we trapped him you're we trapped him yo that's that's amazing we trapped him guys oh my gosh I cannot believe we just did that yo that is insane that is literally insane guys that's that since I died no I say guys a lot but guys that's insane okay we trapped him even though he was already trapped but yeah guys I don't know what to tell you like what do I do this is absolutely insane I think we should just hop on over to the next so we're gonna go on over to the next one let's see what we can do brother than go in all the way downstairs cuz I don't think there's any crazy science and stuff I'm gonna go right into this now this is actually crazy guys cuz I have bedrock in my inventory which I don't usually have but this is cool because maybe we can use it to our advantage on this one I don't know exactly what's inside this but it should be fun since fuki is hip I think he needs our help can you find it well to save folk mookie from Toy Story 4 okay so what do we have here we have potions many many different potions which is all good and we have a always that pokey is that is that who I think it is where did he go Izzy Izzy Izzy there is that it is that you it is guys it is pokey guys you guys and see pokey is looking absolutely amazing so yeah what I'm gonna do is I think I'm going to I don't know what I'm gonna do guys let me get my inventory so it out first what I'm gonna do is I need to put this there put that there put that there and I think I don't know I think maybe I'm supposed to give pokey these potions cuz right now he does he doesn't look too good pokey you're not looking too good man you're looking you're looking kind of kind of upset ok let's let's break this glass and hopefully he doesn't hit me oh oh my gosh it's begun oh my gosh she's hitting me okay okay okay okay okay okay okay what I'm gonna do oh my gosh what is that what did you just what did you just throw me what did you oh my gosh pokey literally just killed me what what why did folky do that guys I don't understand why did four keep would work what what was I supposed to do okay I was just trying to help him guys like whoa maybe maybe don't help everyone hmm oh that's a bit wind I'm using the wrong skin like my arms look very skinny this video it's very very ordered wobble is the way too skinny okay let's go let's go okay okay okay pokey you have to agree with me okay that you want to do that well you won't pull that son again okay let's get this cell here we go this is what we play poor okay okay don't do that again okay don't do that again you know I know you're going crazy oh my gosh she's tried to do again oh my gosh guys oh my gosh sighs that is a lot of damage okay so I'm gonna give I think I'm supposed to give pokey the potion pokey take it take the potion okay okay okay I think he took it okay uh portion of the turtle master slowness for when resistance fool Wow okay I don't know which potion I'm supposed to give Loki maybe give him the awkward potion maybe that might help him maybe he's gonna be good he's drinking it he's drinking it he's drinking hey he's drinking it are you good pokey are you good are you good you seem you seem a lot better are you good okay he's easy back to seasonable self you see okay I'm not sure what that whole spiel was about but guys enjoy the video don't people like to begin subscribers when do some see and this is gonna be really cool I'm gonna do this guys and until the next time look at me floating down it's gonna be peace from me [Music]
Channel: Drewsmc
Views: 765,727
Rating: 4.735888 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft xbox one, Minecraft xbox one seeds, Minecraft xbox one survival, Minecraft xbox one update, Minecraft console, Minecraft console edition, Minecraft console seeds, Minecraft console updates, Minecraft console elytra, Minecraft console mods, Minecraft console glitch, MCPE, Minecraft Pocket Edition
Id: ThNZuluyZ-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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