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[Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome back to a brand new minigame video where there's gonna be a lot of death I'm drunk you know what Rona don't worry look at me look at me drum there's a chance that you won't die what is going on here what is the drum what are you okay let me let me explain what exactly this is you know rather than explaining it sometimes it's almost better just to do it so everybody picked your color right here I'm gonna be red I'm gonna be orange do not spy on your opponent's what we are doing is you're gonna want to click three I ignore the signs that say presently one button Jerome you devious DS man is known for that it he's down for that this was all on video don't you try to set up Sammy's just as poor innocent kid dude so how this is gonna work there's 20 rooms in total and ten of the rooms have four doors one of those doors will kill you in the other three will not but here is the kicker the person who well it's not even the person technically drunk you're just not you're just bullying Sam dude you know what fine fine everybody start by clicking your buttons make sure you only click three of the command blocks you gotta leave one you gotta leave one don't we don't look I got a good strategy to do not look back I'm just not gonna hit any other buttons okay well then we're just gonna survive wait no wait never mind yeah we don't die never mind careful not to click your command block and put text in it I just did that I did that twice in a row dude I I thought I was you can't don't do it it's not it's no bueno make sure you take your time click your buttons you know I've got a really good strategy set up right now going straight random bro honestly see orders do that by Nick that's why that's why people say they're doing straight Randleman that's why what trust saying yeah I don't trust them in I just landed your doo-doo row who you are straight duty man Bad's you'll not even get through the first door okay big talk coming from this little guy over here and I'm done look I'm the first one don't look back and let's everybody's done yeah be done alright so we're gonna start off we're gonna start off on mine because it can show you guys the example so the rules are this one of them will kill you three of them will not the persons I guess you could say their hallway whoever's gets the most kills wins and we reset in between each round and obviously add up the deaths from every player Jerome are you guys a game-mode 0 I am yeah I don't forget don't forget drop drop don't do it drop no okay no drum no get back over here okay so drum everybody you've got to pick your doors right now you've got to choose them no matter what everybody line up gotta go at the same time I'm gonna go this one you could choose from same doors of u10 okay go Oh Bonnie going TP to me you are the first one to die so I've already got one killed don't forget if you guys want started up you can always go through the same door whatever these guys okay okay alright boys I don't know if you have more than two brain cells behind but you got a brain cell just for today just what is it you can trust a guy with a hair flip I thought you can trust a guy named Sam style nope you can't trust him you got you're doing pretty good girl you're almost a third of the way there this one I'm gonna choose this one no don't buy the ones you want to choose this one too be decisive be decisive oh-oh-oh yeah I figured he's got another double kill I just got it when I die um I think you're better off just being fighters no jokes no guys by the way we're only a third the way through and I already have five kids oh good for you guys I figured orange guy this one oh you guys made it without dying you guys are so lucky so lucky I go with this man room number four know what it's not are you gonna go back in I'm going in no way that's two in a row okay line up line up line up let's see him they're halfway there choose your next door no Jerome and fine thank you guys clicking rough drum did you die heavily I'm trying to drown your Preston please I don't know it's Preston please hi next room this is room number seven guys yeah my business needs to stop no there's not about need to stop okay line up line up [Music] hi guys you are now at the final room which means will I get another couple of kills you guys that oh okay then why wait glad I could even pick their doors first before you went you pleb oh my gosh okay 11 kills so that means bye-bye giddy rage dude how you do it I told you you're a doodoo so that means now my section of the map has 11 kilts we're gonna reset the desk so 11 is the score to beat who should we do next Rome we're gonna do yours all right fine drunk don't whisper me that you farted I don't I don't need to know this okay line up and then you just gotta go waited Sam time Sam yeah 25% chance okay guys guys I'm gonna I'm gonna call the shots I'm gonna call the shots okay yeah wait one was the death one Sam Sam it was okay we go this one everybody's ass piss water okay okay guys he's not gonna do it three times in a row he's not giving her three times row no way right come on it oh no way did you go in the same door that we did yes yeah I got teleported I'm in a cobweb slowly falling to my death okay it's a long dead guy points to me okay you know I'm /kill I just can't even be bothered with this dadgummit okay guys no more triple stacking no more triple snagging okay I'm going actually I was yeah I can do it again not no no way no no way no way no yes Ritchie was right okay I'm scared dude okay I got this one I'm with this one all right okay okay ah let's see I think I'm going this one game mode who's ready okay in the world [Music] Oh No okay guys guys wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we have to do the math to use your minds even if we triple stack we're still going to win no I knew it I knew it I knew it [Music] Oh sign of a gun man I can't believe you dude okay you know what syndrome I'm gonna say you ended with one technically you read ten kills for Jim you were at seven kills legit let's round it will round up to 15 15 kill seven kills I should we go Bionic banach I feel like we should do yours now I'm Orange all right let's get going [Music] my god no okay wait triple stack for good luck okay struggle sad for good luck right here right here here okay wait so we didn't okay well we did save your triple stacking we gotta make sure guys make sure you pick to make it fair to make a pair already we got it this one now I'm going this one going this one going this one okay he's not gonna do the same one again okay everybody line up line up which when you go into troubles then no I told you guys a triple stack why am I not dead why am I going on okay I got four points let's go alright four points not too bad not too bad ok ok I'm just guys no more troubles bagging no more triple stack you know do it do it I dare you boom oh no how do we know yeah I think yeah no wait there was no way there was this mini left yeah we only gone through four of them yeah stop triple figures that go ladies and gentlemen I come to interrupt your viewing experience because there is a fourth of July sale and it's fire fire fire fire July afford back-to-school sale now I know what you're thinking Preston I don't want to think about school it's July 4th and I understand that but you can prepare for school by getting your most just okay just like my mom told me to do this video so just bear with me guys we are releasing three separate packages we've got the three-ring binder this is a three finder three-ring binder rings that's more than do oh by the way this is the light package we got a ruler we got a preston fire notebook well it is also the fire pencil bag one of my personal favorite sees it all the time not for pencils but other things we even got a fire lanyard clearly we've gone too far not to mention pens and pencils this bag contains the entire life bundle but you guys just witnessed now we're gonna move on to the basic bundle if you want the basic bundle you can choose either a backpack or a duffel bag it's gigantic you'd store a lot of candy in here okay last but not least we have the fire package and know this isn't all you get you get to choose the duffel bag or backpack with all the three-ring binder cool stuff I've shown you but you get a lunch box lunch boxes can we put my cheese in there it's great I think I think that's everything have I okay let's just cut the video I've done enough selling out for today good job guys Sam okay I'm going just doing this one I'm going this one again Jerome why do you keep stacking with me don't stack oh my god Sam I'm going this one okay just go go go Oh dad covered I died I died it's good guys we're doing pretty good so far all right go go go oh boy yes is it right now at 7 we get triple stack I'm saying this one triple stack this one oh that means the only one left is Sam's wait did you tie you did tie didn't ya that's a straight time all right guys on to the guys Sam is the map crater okay we have to be kind of careful yeah I know hi everybody figure poison I'm sure I'm doing this one no it's more it's nice nice all right I'm going with you I feel like I'm gonna die oh my god oh my gosh guys no death row no deaths bro let's do it let's go okay I'm going this one oh my god I'm judging this one you're gonna become on me I'm going this one can you be the first person to finish without a debt your shop wheel okay I watched you die on this one this one Oh No yeah oh my god Wow guys always do more only two more but I know you lost your flawless I'll go with Jake's it kill me I'm good with this all right guys last one let's go last one the last one wait wait I spawned in the rainbow Tower salmon your last one does that mean I was gonna die yes oh shoot okay so that means that oh well thanks guys thanks Sam you are such a cute man I get the lease that I'm old yeah you did I'm sorry Sam I'm sorry you got the least out of all of us easy at least having come in last place to be honest you know what well at least I didn't cheat like Jerome I did but every yeah I know bass drum you did cheat bro how could you do this yours I thought you thought we were loose I thought we were some of the special people in your life oh god I'm gonna get the rainbow dropper hey hey Preston Preston I got a surprise for you yeah what is this it was the surprise just push this fire Walter Graham improvements to do it I think next time like no unit collision everybody's on a team I would say no pressure plate friendship plates drive me nuts yeah yeah and then maybe next time question mark whoa oh dude what I'm so and what if we did portals and they were color schemes so instead of this thing this one you just say I'm going yellow they're getting better or Dumber out shoot the video for old times sake come on give us a space unlikely to be certain subscribers both of all these wonderful channels and check out everyone's links down below the description button that take care peace out have an awesome day and well ahead goodbye everybody [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,774,779
Rating: 4.9016228 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraf, mine craft, minecraft video, minecraft youtuber, noswearing, preston, preston custom minecraft, preston minecraft, preston minecraft mod, child friendly, preston mod, kid friendly, kid appropriate, minecraft death, minecraft death doors, minecraft custom games, minecraft modded, modded minecraft, minecraft 1.12, minecraft 1.12.2, minecraft 1.12.2 mods, playz, 1.12.2, family friendly gaming, custom minecraft map, 1.12, no cursing, mod pack, minecraft mod
Id: fgH0Tgnfl38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 09 2018
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