Do it yourself Asphalt Driveway

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okay hey what's up guys uh so we got a very expensive quote to have our driveway paved it was like over eight thousand dollars why don't you pan the driving race real quick um we've been doing some work already uh so anyways what we decided to do was try to pave it ourselves we've never done this before we've had trouble even finding videos of of uh other people who've done this so uh we're gonna give it a shot kind of making it up as we go so far come come closer so far what we've got is um uh millings down as a base we paid for someone to bring millings in a couple years ago but we're not happy with the surface with the kids on the scooters and things like that we've had uh quite a few wipeouts anyways uh millings are down in the shape and size of the driveway that we want uh what you can see the kids doing right now is they're sweeping off the loose millings we've had these down for about two or three years now by the way these are pavement millings which is ground up and recycled asphalt it's put down and over time and driving over it and the compaction of the original roller it compacts itself down so what we've done so far is cleaned off the top got my shad on the tractor the kids working um we bought an old roller which we're going to use the day of the day of paving so none of us have ever touched hot asphalt before so we're going to kind of see how it goes um i've had some extra pavers left over from the patio take a look over there at least and so you can see we've laid the pavers uh we're gonna use that as an edge so we have a little stone dust under the pavers to help them sit flat and something for them to compact down into we're going to put a plastic edging along the outside and then we're going to pave uh on the inside if the tri-axle when he comes can't fit and make the swing into the driveway we're going to have him parked with the with the uh with the dump up and we're gonna use the chute to fill the tractor dump that in lots of little places all around we're gonna rake it out by hand smooth it by hand kind of eyeballed maybe a straight edge to make sure we have a crown and a pit and a and a pitch so that we don't end up with puddling uh and then we're gonna hopefully have some other family member on the roller flattening it out so uh today we're just gonna finish up digging the pavers in where we need to uh scraping the millings out where we need to flattening cleaning and in two days from now we have asphalt coming so wish us luck we'll keep you updated okay so we finished our paving project um as you can see behind me we did our prep with our pavers and um got a bunch of friends together and neighbors and some awesome help and uh had the pavement truck come by the tri-axle with 35 tons of hot asphalt a little bit more than expected ended up about four inches thick where i thought we were going to be more around two but it really we're thrilled it really came out great um the roller worked well and um we used the roller and we used a plate compactor and so you can see our finished product here i did just want to say that the driver told us that in 15 years of driving he's never seen anybody do this before but they didn't i did want to encourage anybody out there who wants to try this for themselves it's very doable we had three wheelbarrows and a tractor bringing it from the tri-axle to the places we were dumping started at the back and worked our way forward you'll see in my time lapse video we tamped it and rolled it and kind of worked our way through and all the way back and down the pavers on the edges really worked out well kind of contained it all and gave us a level plane to work off of but again i said in the beginning that i couldn't find any videos of anybody who had done this themselves and i just wanted to say that it is very doable our planes are good we ended up with a crown in the middle uh just like just like i think you might from a paving company definitely not as smooth as uh with a paving box um we could i could point out imperfections but we we did this for less than half of the cost of the estimate from the paving company so it was a hard and back-breaking day uh but totally worth it in the end we should just take it down and show them how we finished it off at the end out by the road again these are leftover pavers from our patio project i did cut i did cut a line in the road to make that a nice a nice even line uh nice and straight to start with the with the pavers but again all you do it yourselfers it's possible so i would encourage you to go for it certainly message me if you have any questions thanks
Channel: Jon Todzia
Views: 932,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0FS4PUhRrMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 27sec (327 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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