DO I HATE ARTIST ALLEY?? - Studio Vlog 32

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today is Friday the 19th I am sorting some keychain files because I don't I don't know where all my files are so I'm organizing everything so that I have everything in one Photoshop file if I ever need a certain keychain I know where to go I should have I should have done that a long time ago but whatever I just got this comment on one of my videos that says these artists alley vlogs really give off the vibe that you hate what you do okay if I really hated what I did why would I be making videos about it you know maybe it will come off as me hating what I do to somebody who doesn't know me because I'm a very whiny person and I get frustrated easily and I get anxious easily and I don't know do I give off the vibe that I hate what I do do I give off the vibe that I hate doing Artist Alley because I don't it's not I guess when you do so many artist alleys over the years it kind of takes over your life so in a way I am tired I'm really tired and exhausted from all this traveling if I counted all the conventions I've done there's probably way over 300 conventions that have done so far since 2007 which is when I graduated high school I did a few conventions here and there for a couple of years while I was in college and then when I graduated college I jumped into it full time and I do about maybe 20 to 25 sometimes 30 conventions a year it's a lot and when you have a lot of conventions so close together you don't even have time to draw anymore so I get really frustrated about that it's not that I hate it though I just I'm just frustrated and I wish I had more time to do the things that I like to do so that I can share more when I go to conventions but you know like there's just not enough time I just wish I had more time and I wish it wasn't so exhausting traveling across the country every weekend I don't know I think only people who do Artist Alley as well will understand what I mean trying to explain this to somebody who doesn't do this for a living probably it just probably doesn't make sense to them anyway I'm gonna go back to do my keychain stuff I'm printing some posters for an order I can somebody ordered four posters so I'm printing those out right now it's 3:40 a.m. on a Monday I'm in the middle of a heat wave so I have two fans running there's one down there that once knew what she's got that one today and then there's one behind me so if the audio is messed up it's because there's a lot of wind going on but yeah what I'm doing right now it's unpacking orders this whole weekend has been so unproductive because how hot it was I wasn't able to work much I just didn't have the energy I pretty much slept all day and then whenever I woke up I was just browse Twitter or doodle small things but I couldn't really work it was really hard to focus so I didn't record anything this weekend well so there was a lot of drama going on on Twitter with bees and knives was pretty crazy I think it's a down now though like I think it's okay now I'm not sure I won't get into details about it because I'm not really sure how to explain it to be honest it's a long story but if you follow me on Twitter you probably saw some of some of the B drama that happened I think it's okay now actually I don't know the person I don't think they're going to apologize or even admit that they were in the wrong but you know whatever she's gotta move on okay as a result from that though I am making a little beep in with a knife but I'm not gonna show it yet because I don't know people are really sensitive above bees with knives um but yeah I'm making a bean with a knife all right one more poster and then I can package them I have a little assembly line right here with some orders as well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so I'm in the middle of packing I gotta leave tonight I'm going over to Ria's house I'm meeting up with Cece and we're all driving to Otakon so yeah I finished packing all my prints i reprinted everything I needed I already did my charms so that's good I don't need to worry about that now I have to pack the smaller prints I have them all here there's some more over here as well I printed some of these called menus for my prints I haven't had many years in a long time so I'm bringing them back I'll put these on the table so that people know which prints I have in poster size and hopefully this helps people pick out prints because sometimes they just point at my display and they're like I want that one and I don't know which one they're talking about so I can just be like pointed out here which one do you want my fingers are all inky because I've been changing the ink so much probably like five times in the past two days I'm gonna write the prices here maybe I don't know maybe I'll just put a paper here that says the prices so that I don't ruin this and if I ever need to add prints to it I can just put it back on the printer and print out what what's missing anyway I didn't record not much up to now mainly because I was just really busy packing and stuff and I was kind of having a panic attack through it so I didn't want to record any of that I don't know what happened last night I was in the middle of packing and I just started freaking out I don't know what happened it just came out of nowhere like my heartbeat started beating super fast and I couldn't breathe and I was just like what the is happening so that's when I decided to go to sleep so I woke up a few hours ago to finish what I was doing last night I was trying to draw a new print but I just gave up on it I don't think it's worth the stress of trying to finish it in the next 4 hours so yeah I'm just gonna not worry about it and hopefully I don't freak out again I'm waiting on a few packages today hopefully they come before I leave today I should be getting some very large posters for a few of my new prints let's see which ones I think I got large posters for these for and I think also this one I'm not so sure I forget which ones I ordered but I ordered a few large posters to use for display and a few extras to sell if people want them that's why I pulled out these tubes because I'm gonna put them in here when they come so I can take him maja that reminds me I need to take an extra set of pipes because I was given I was given a a corner booth for Otakon so I'll be able to have double of my display which is great so and to take out an extra set of pipes before I leave I'll do it when I finish recording this clip okay yeah so that's the update finishing up all the preparations and I should be living tonight hopefully the room stays pretty clean it doesn't look that bad so far which is amazing I'm so happy by the time I'm done packing I can just tidy up real quick and it'll be great I think I'm also I'm also waiting on my AC to come today I don't know if I mentioned I bought a portable AC it's gonna go right here and I'm gonna connect it to the window right there so that when I come back I will finally be able to work in peace and not die of heat right now it's really warm it's 88 degrees in here and I have the fans running it's just really uncomfortable [Music] okay well my AC arrived but the box was a complete mess and when I took the AC out of it there's like a broken piece right here what the heck look you focus yeah look at this it's broken so but they said that I could return it for a full refund but like and then I have to order a new one anyway oh my god I'm so okay I can't deal with this right now I'm gonna have to do it when I get back from what a con but oh my god I'm so sad anyway this thing is pretty big anyway like I think I want to go with something smaller I don't know if they make smaller ACS though well that's another thing I have to deal with but also my posters arrived so I'm gonna open those okay so I got my posters and I mean it's just as I expected the quality is not that great I ordered them from I think overnight prints or something I think that was it but uh yeah the quality is not that great they don't ship their posters that well so they arrive kind of wrinkled in the corners so that really sucks oh yeah this was a good example of how damaged it comes on the edges but I mean the artwork is still okay it's just the edges that are kind of okay so I was gonna sell them for 40 but because there are little beat up some of them I think I'm gonna sell them for 35 I mean they're not that bad it's just the corners and people who hang them up anyway they're gonna end up damaging it a little anyway it's still good I think 35 is okay and I might do like a buy two get one free kind of thing I don't know yet but they're like pretty big if you order from these people I would suggest just doing it for this place cuz they don't yeah they don't take good care of their shipping and I knew that from the beginning I don't know why I ordered so many but I ordered ten of each yeah I'm gonna keep a few for display and then I'm gonna try to sell the rest people want the excises alright that should be it I'm talking to somebody from Home Depot to see if they can schedule a pickup for this poor AC unit and I don't know what I'm gonna do when I get back I think I mean I think I'm gonna take a trip to like a Home Depot or a nearby Target or something and see if they have ACS that I can pick up when I'm there and just over back to my place cuz I don't have a car um and I don't know how to drive either so I have to find a way to get an AC but getting it shipped to me seems to be really tricky cuz it's such a big item and it gets damaged through the mail so I think I'm gonna have to splurge on it over and just get it myself or something well we'll see okay I'm gonna finish packing oh I need to do my charms there right there oh I need I need to do it before I forget I forgot to pack my charms my display I'm gonna show up to Otakon with no display okay okay okay I'm gonna get back to work [Music] [Music] everything is packed I took out my big pipes my extra set of pipes so that I can have a large display because the booth that I bought was $1,100 and I need to try to make the best of it so I'm gonna try to make a monster display pretty much okay and I packed my charms everything this is all ready to go I just need to pack my backpack now and charge all my electronics i packaged all those orders so I'm gonna go drop them off and on the way back I'm gonna get some coffee so that I can spend the rest of my night drawing I want to draw for me I want to draw my characters so that's how I'm gonna spend the rest of the day well the rest of the night and then I'll be leaving I don't know at the crack of dawn I'll be going over to Ria's so I'm gonna end the video here since I don't think there's pretty much else I can blog about if anybody is going to Otakon I'll see you there god I actually don't remember what my booth number is but my table should be one of the corners when you go down the escalator it should be one of the corners at the front row I think if you go down the escalators if you turn to your right it should be one of the tables on the right if you just walk that way kind of confusing but that's where I'll be okay I'll see you guys next week
Channel: Maracuyas Art
Views: 3,619
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Keywords: artist vlog, studio vlog, Artist Alley, online store, etsy, etsy orders, otakon, otakon artist alley, otakon 2019, bee knife
Id: u-6XE4i03CE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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