Do姐鄭裕玲 主演喜劇|BB30|鍾鎮濤|鄭裕玲|關秀媚|陳惠敏|許紹雄|粵語CC中字+ENG|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01

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You are solicitor Bau. No. Solicitor Bau... Excuse me... solicitor Bau? Yes. I am Benny Bau. Solicitor Bau. Yes. You are here for the hearing. Please be on time next time. Don't speak Mandarin. It's not 1997 yet. I am only a little bit late. Sit here. Testing, testing... Don't play with the microphone, please. This letter has never been open. I open it & see what's written on it. Don't warry. You must win this case. Go first. Thank Hi Benny. What's matter. Did you see... the crown. There's a hole there. I flew a knife at it accidentally. Lucky it didn't hit the judge. Aim better next time. Court! My client is a professional of high education. And won't sexually assault her. Your Honor, I want the witness to stand-up. I have to ask you. Someone had changed my dose. You admit the habit of taking drugs. Dr.Cheng Ho OI. I am Dr.Cheng from Medical Dept. Oct. 3, I was appointed to watch Mr.Bau's psychic status. According to all Information. Solicitor Bau has the habit of taking drugs. The drugs Include:Ritatin, Methyl Amphetamine, Dexlo Ampheltamine, Reconal, Halcion, Valium, moccadon What you are talking about? Mind your words. Dr.Cheng, keep on. The drugs also include... Trichopen, Testostermone, Phamaton Dr.Cheng, can I explain. No need for you to explain. I want to tell you that I am sane. Then why take so much drugs? The reason is. Right, there's always an explanation, even drug addict I am no drug addicts. It's just an example. But it is unfair to me. I am a doctor only Don't disturb me. Hay...Are you insane? I am only talking to you. Not disturbing. See, I really think that you are insane. You say I am insane. I mean you have psychic problem. May not be insane. But the way you look. I suspect that you are insane. I am not insane, but you. Dr.Cheng, What's matter. Mr.Wong, he disturbs me again. Excuse me. I have to leave. What am I disturbing? Solicitor Bau. Leave Dr. Cheng alone. She has to check you up. Her report is vital. She has to check me up. Pao, are you sure? Your friend parked his car here. Look over there. I have searchd for many floors. What you should be able to find it. June, Benny goes to the lawyer's council, right ? Seems so. He must park here. Hay, is it EE5509? Driving this car, your friend is not making money. Pao is even worse, asked us to steal this. The tyres are new. Pao said the steering wheel is new too. You steal Benny's car. He has money. No harm. He won't suffer. The car is insured. Benny, how was the case. The doctor said I was insane! Actually the doctor's crazy! Where are you now? In the car-park, taking the car. Don't move. Why not move? Some distortion. It is quite clear for me. It's receiving pretty good. I've told you not to move! I can hear. But I can't hear. You are so selfish. You... say to him... Benny... it's June... Hello... Speak louder! ... go ,go now! Speak up! Go? Go? What? Go, go now! What? Damn, insane Hello, hang up. Do you hear me ? Do you hear me ? Sir, can I use your phone? Hello! Hello! Something urgent, please. Hello! Hello! Let's meet sometime. Goodbye. Thanks pal. Insane. Go away, go away. Go away. Go. Go away, go away. Go away. Are you alright? You don't have to run me down. I am sorry. Are you alright? I am fine. Are you sure. It's O.K. Are you alright? I am fine. I have to go, bye. Who is in-charge? What can I help? Ask him to come out. Susan someone is looking for you. You need protection here. We, all of our brothers. Follow me. Where is Susan? My colleagues want to register. Right, we want to register. Mr.Mo. What a co-incidentt What are you doing here? We want to keep fit. Mo Siu Ming... Hi. What are you doing here? My colleagues want to dance the aerobic. You don't have to help me in this way. Susan, phone for you. Thanks Hello. How come. Which hospital? Who's in Hospital. Benny. Good... I mean I am bad luck. I'll be on my way. Where is here? You were bleeding after the car accident. Don't get up. You may hurt your brain. You need observation. You like my brain to be shocked. You want to prove I am insane. Sane or insane, not my business. I want to leave. You bleed a lot. If you insisit to leave. It proves you have psychic problem. You can't condamn me of insaneness. Up to you. Doctor. Doctor. What's matter. That doctor is investigating me. If she takes care of me, it's unfair. I want another doctor. It is a government hospital. You can't do it. Go back to your bed. Dr.Cheng, I am alright. Fine, go back to bed. Benny, are you alright? I am fine, I want to leave. You want to leave. I am fine...1 go back to bed. You want to leave or to the bed. O.K. If you don't shout, within an hour's time. And no bleeding I'll discharge you. Your nose bleeds. Why do you follow me? To see you Damn it. What's matter. Let him rest for half hour. Then he can leave. Rest more? It's no big deal resting a bit more. She's biased! Who are you looking for? Benny Bau. Benny. Susan. Are you alright? Fine, just been hit slightly. OK? Where is the wound? What are you doing ? You are crazy. I worry about him. What's wrong? Alright. Take off your hand. Be patient, or you can't leave. What's going on inside. So noisy. It's O.k. I say he's alright. Just a play. Take a rest. He'll be fine. Please leave. Or he'll get worse. You've hurt your head. What are you doing? Ming, give him a chance. I only want to see if he's fine. I know. Benny. Does it hurt? Fine, go. I can take care of him. Have some jinseng, but it is dear. Do you need to rest a few days more? I am fine. I have a lot to do. I don't think you have a lot to do. I have to win my case. It's my chance to be famous. Come to choose a car tomorrow. What a pall $80,000,$100,000 is not big money for you. Are you kidding. It is already my dream car. But how can I afford. You like it? My pal has got the same one. I ask him to show you. You don't have good second hands. No, it's brand new. It's coming. Nancy, I go to take it. Thank you. For you. Let me guess. It's Laser disc. Good one? What's it about? About heart. Category three? Think so Nancy, don't come out yet Where did you get it ? A friend bought it in the States. Really ? Oh! What a thing. Fantastic, look. This one is through the vain of the heart. To go down to what? To the heart. This one is about the tranplant of doggie hearts. You will like it. Dogs. Right. Nancy, you can come out now. Thanks. You doctors thinks a lot. So I make some soup with piggy brain for you. Piggy brains cannot benefit human brains. If it does, we sill be as stupid. Really ? Let me explain to you. The piggy brains will bring too much cholesterin. & it will harden the vains & make them narrow. Your face feels hard. Don't keep on having it. Or you'l have a stroke. Really ? Don't scare Nancy. Just take the soup. Miss is it true? Of course, it's true. She's a doctor too. Treat me as a lady. Righ. But you are a doctor too. Nancy, keep it for me. You are not afraid. My heart is O.K. but my neck. What's wrong with your neck? May be something wrong with the spine. & it affects the muscle on the neck. Don't you see that I am different tonight. What difference? You look the same. I have put on. Put on what? The neck lace you gave me last X'mas. This is the one you told me to buy. Let's go for dinner. Do you know where your dusband is ? I ask him to come at 3 o'clock to settle it. I always have good business. He has a good deal this time. Everyone is gone. I don't sell it to him. Why are you still here? You get lost. Benny asks me to go for dinner. You date him. None of your business, Pao. Leave me alone. I am reading the information on Susan's case. You know I always have good business. How do I know? It's easy, look at my account. I want to sell 1/2 share to Fa's husband. Who's Fa. Nevermind, just Fa's husband. He should be here at three. And now I sell it to you. What do I do with the car company? Don't listen to him. He's lying. Shut up. You don't have the right to speak. We are good brothers. Go to eat alone. Don't treat Susan like this. Don't treat woman too good. I owe a lot of money because of june. Otherwise I don't have to sell half the business. Benny, just lend the money to me. My car co. is the mortgage. I don't have the money. You have more than two hundred thousand. How do you know. From your pass book. You stole at my pass book. I won't do it again. Help me. I don't want June to be hurt. Ten thousand is enough. I will lend you money. I won't take your business. You have to pay me back. 1 will. But still, you have half share. It's to safe guard you. You are so kind. Come, sign it up. The car you saw at the hospital. My friend got one. Same as that one. Yes, brand new. How much. Ten thousand only. You can afford. Let me have a look first. Fine. Use this one. No charge. No, remember that day it didn't work properly. It is not in top fit form. Let me check it up for you. No charge. Dr Cheng, come to have lunch. Yes. Dr.Lam has come. Thanks. So happy! Some wine. I am bored to take wine. Dr.Cheng, some wine. No, I have an operation to do . Orange juice. Fine. Thanks. Why are you so broed? I feel no communication between us. Let's talk about Hong Kong's traffic problem. Insurance, licence are all here. Thanks. Really the same as that one. It's that same one. That one? No, I mean the same model & color. A new one costs $400,000, & this one $100,000 only. The owner is leaving home. It is very cheap. Have a test drive. OK. Thanks. Solicitor Bau, the renting bill is here. Thanks. Test drive it. You have nothing to say. Let's have the bill. Bill please. Not yet, the car is not here yet. Don't be up set. I give you 5 minutes more. I'll leave after 5 minutes. Dr.Cheng, ten minutes please. You'll laugh in 10 minutes. What? Are you satisfied. Yes. Sign the documents in your office. OK. Very good. It's all yours. Really $100,000? You are the new share holder. Of course you get the good deal. Good, everything is done. Make out a cash check. Why? The owner is flying out today. It is worth it. You have to pay any way. Cash. Thanks. Bye. I do the transfer myself. Fine with me, bye. Quick, quick. Give me the no hurry up. Miss Cheng, are you leaving? Yes. Thanks. Bye. Bye. Excuse me, did you see a white Saab. This is the one. This one. Shouldn't have a soft top. No reason BB1997. I park it here. My car! Hay! Hay. Why do you take my car? What are you doing? It's you. Right. So incidental. Why do you take my car? It's my car. No, I just bought it. You just bought it. I didn't sell my car. I sald I just bought this car. Drive away. A cop is coming. You are causing a traffic jam. Sir, she's driving my car. Sir,this is my own car. Do you have any proof? I just bought it. The documents are here. Where is the licence? What is the licence number? BB-1997 No, the number is bb30 Sir, have a look. Not BB30. My number is BB-1997 Right. Sir, check if it is BB30. It is BB1997. Mister, please come over. The front number is BB30. But the rear one is different. No licence neither, something wrong with this car. Miss, let me check your I.D. card & driver's licence. Mister you too. Miss, please. Sir, I don't have my licence with me. What about I.D.card? Seems I don't have. Well, you have to go back with me to the police station. I am in a hurry. I am a doctor. I don't care. It's the law to carry your l.D.card. But I need to carry out an operation. How do I know if you are a doctor. Sir, I am lawyer. I am genuine. She said she is a doctor, but no evidence. The hospital proves her identity. That is not sufficient. Who is this? He bought a car from his friend. Nothing from his car is identical with the document. His friend is not around to prove him. I have no time to listen. I have to carry out the operation. And you, I don't want to argue on the car. I have to leave, that's all! Miss, you have no l.D.card. Thdugh you're a real doctor. I don't believe. Did you hear me? I have to hurry back to the hospital. It is police station here, we have procedures. My patient is criticaf. You have to be responsible. Don't threaten me. I have to call my lawyer. I can help you. It's you to bring me here. I am innocent. It's really my car. Excuse me. Solicitor Bau, gald to see you here! You all stand on his side. He helps me? Right, I'll help you. Dr Cheng. Is she back? The time has passed. I am looking for her too. Did you see Dr. Cheng? No, seems she's not back yet. Page Dr.Lam, they could be together. Good. Dr.Lam. Dr.Lam Phone for you. Thanks. <i>Hello, she's gone for along time.</i> O.K. I'll on my way. Sorry, Dr.Cheng, you can leave now. Segt, no proof for her as a doctor? He's a villain, so she's a good citizen! I don't mind you releasing her. But you can't say I am a villain. The police suspect you forging document, giving a false statenment, and of triad. I don't care, can I go now? Give me the key. Shul, give Dr.Cheng the key. Dr.Cheng, good-bye, come agan if you can. But the car is mine. Shul, go with lawyer Bau to dine. I am not hungry. Please be quick to settle my case. We are busy, Solicitor Bau. Come, we have better tea. Why do you bring me here? It's me who lose the car. I am the plaintiff. Are you really a lawyer? We can detain you for 48 hours. You are abusing your power. Hay, let's talk. Mo Siu Ming, I'll complain you. How can I steep like this? Sorry. Bring me the shoe. Sit over there and shut up. Excuse me. The toilet is over there. Where? How is the patient? Dr.Lam is doing the operation. Dr.Cheng, how is my dad? He's fine, don't worry. <i>But the operation takes such along time.</i> How is my father? He's not awake yet. I'll talk to you later. Don't follow me all the time. He'll be fine. You can't drink before the operation. I was only helping. Officer. Don't talk so loud. They can hear. Let me see the operation report. I am sure I was not affected by the spirit. If not, why the patient is not awake yet. Don't argue. Looks like there is not a problem. Who else knows you had been drinking? For you & the sake of hospital. Don't reveal the fact that you had been drinking. What had happened? I had tea with Mo Siu Ming. Take back your 1.D.card, sign here, and you can go. Where is my car? It's been certified. It belongs to the doctor. BB 1997 has been erased from the record. If you want to find you canr, find your friend first. Pao, you bastard. Let's go. My home is around the corner. Have a shower at my place first. You should be set free now. Ming, your girl friend balled Bau out. My girl friend balled him out? Yes, they said having shower at her place. Have shower at her place? Why do you come. It's so late. Hay. Get up. Why get up. You show your weapon. So do you. It's my home. Mo Siu Ming. He's my friend. I bought you the bubble bath. You bought her? Take it back. Hay...hay. Hay. Stop, stop. Are you alright? It's hard to accuse him of attacking the police officer. I am afraid we can't charge him. I am only afraid he complains me of firing. I know you like that woman. But, don't have to behave like this. What are you doing? She doesn't like me to smoke. I have been telling you to be gentle. You are like a bull. Ming. Be gentle. Mo Siu Ming is always my friend. Do me a favour. Don't charge him. I don't intend to. Go to say thank you. Let's go. Sorry It's O.K. Well eventhough you have helped me. But you can't steal my girl-friend. Who is your girl friend? You are a woman, my friend, $0 my gril friend. You'd complain to the Medical Board about your father's operation. We had just been to the hospital to complain. The hospital told us to come to the police. The police told us to go to the Medical Board. Now, you tell me where to go. Go to the Legal Ald Dept. Who are you? I am a lawyer. My card. Ah! Snake. No, I am Pao. What are you doing here? Sleeping Why do you sleep in my house? I have no where to hide. How dare you see me again? Get out. I am not leaveing. Go. No. Go. I said no! <i>1 will beat you up.</i> I'll rather be beaten up by you. Someone chops you again? I was born in a poor family. Don't say anymore. Just leave. Be pity for me. Let me stay. Stop it. OK. You sleep in the lounge. It's very hot in the lounge. My God. Where are you going? My life is in that doctor's car. It's so late. Where can you find her? Don't tell me this is your car. I left a file in your car yesterday. I want to take it back. That's nothing in my car. Yes, I put in here. Sorry, I am in a hurry. Don't disturb me again. May be under the seat. Dr.Cheng, I am sorry for yesterday. I was fooled by me friends. The file is of the court case tomorrow. I know . But I didn't take it. But, I am sure. I put it in the car. But you see nothing there. Sorry. <i>Dr.Cheng may just took it to your office.</i> Can I have a look in the hospital? Why not say I took it home. You want to have a look in my house? You have psychic problem. Hello, Physical Club. Susan, phone for you. Let me take up for you. Hay. Excuse me, Susan. I lost the rental bill. I have to postpone the case. Don't worry, my friend may have another copy. Too good! Go to ask your friend. Meet me on the G/F of my office at 5:00 p.m. Chiu, I want to tell you something. I can't pay you back the money yet. You can never find me. I know you are sitting on the sola. Very comfortable. Yes, how do you know? I know your are having a banana. You have very sharp ears. Stupid. Big boss, give me a chance Shut up! Or I'll cut you up. What's matter. Someone is calling for help. Really? Yes. Someone's tied up on bed. Man or woman. Man Should add a woman. You go to join him. Help. The bill is here. Don't lose it again. Thanks. What are you doing? Pay for your friend's car. No, I can't take your money. It's a loan. You have to pay back. You take it back. Take it. I have clothe for you. I take the clothe. Not the check. Don't' be like this. Then I'll take nothing. Take it back. Try it. I can do it myself. I go to et change. It looks like a night gown. It is. I have another one, looks good? The pants too, put it on. The pants? And the bed sheet... Lie down, if they match. How do you feel? What are you doing? Something you wanna do. I want to go. You are disgusting! Susan, we can do anything but... Before we do it we have to think I did. I had asked the doctor. You are only too nervous. You asked the doctor? Did you check Pao as well? Why check Pao. He and me are together. We are homosexual. The phone. Phone. Phone. Hello. Susan, is Benny at your place? I need him. Ask him to come back. I am in bed feeling real bad. I really need him. I feel so painful. Pao? Yes. Hello. Chiu, release me. He'll be back soon. Let me go. I am not involved. Shut up. Your are too smart. I can't release you. If your partner is not back in 10 mins. I chop your hand off. And leave cuts on her face. I am not his girl friend. Right... She's not my girl friend. She's my partner's girl friend. Chiu. If my partner is not back in 10 mins. Chop off his girl friend's hand. No, I am not his partner's gril friend. You are whose girl friend? I... She's nobody's girl friend! Take her if you want. Shut up. Go to spend time with them. 10 mins. Each and Benny will be back then. No, don't listen to him. Your suggestion is not bad. No, help. Shut up. Pao. What are you doing? Help. Why are you here? What are you doing? You are Benny Bau? I am here to get the money. Oh! Take your time. Don't move. Big boss, none of my business. I only take the document back for you. Ask them to release me. I don't care. I only need the money tonight. When do I owe you money? Benny. You have to pay for the loan. You are a share holder of the car company. Who is the share holder? You signed up51% share yesterday. How can you deny it. You son of the bitch. Don't fool me. I need the money tonight. How much does he owe you? $600,000.00 $600,0007? I don't have that much. Chop him up. Help. You better pay back the money. So everybody will be saved. I don't owe them money. Right. But I am having a difficult time. You are a lawyer, you have money and flat. His girl-friend is a doctor, money is no problem. You are a lawyer? Yes, but I am poor lawyer. This house belongs to my family, can't sell it. OK. You pay for him. Why should I? You are his girl friend. I am not. I don't know him. I only take back his file. Il only want to help, I ... Leave her alone. I take care of the loan. But I have no money. Give me one week. Fine, I give you one more week. Big boss, no safe guard. Take some nude pictures of his girl friend. Good idea ! No. Push her into the room. Help. No. Wait. We have to be reasonable. Only the one to be responsible. Take my picture. Fine, come in. Go. Take off all your clothes. First week $600,000 second week $800,000. The third week, no need to pay. Pao. Forgive me. I don't care. Release me first. I am sorry to frighten you. You were innocent. I ride you home. No need , I like to go alone. They are waiting outside to take your picture. Go, I ride you home. 0.K. Thanks. Oh! Nice. Thanks, not many people admire me. No, I mean the place is nice. So I am not pretty. No, of course you are pretty. But it doesn't matter. The point is to be good at heart. You are so kind to take the file back to me. I feel sorry to nearly hurt you. Never mind just don't say I am insane anymore. 1 won't. Good bye. Bye. I want to tell you I am sane. <i>OXBye.</i> That's it. Bye. What's matter? What's matter? Bye. Come on don't hold the lift. I am not, right? Bye. The lift is not working. Yes. Mind your finger. Bye. Bye. Wait. Who are you looking for? Solicitor Bau. This is his office, take a seat. Thanks. Solicitor Bau. Someone's waiting for you. Thanks. Benny, you will have good business. Really? Solicitor Bau. I met you in the police station. Yes. What can I do for you? My dad did not wake up after the operation. The hospital takes no action. I wanna sue the doctor. Pao, have you finished? Have you finished using my bed? Quick. I have to go to toilet. Come in, we are both men. You sleep in my room. I have lots to do. Should tell me earlier. I could ask June to come. Who's that? So late. Who's that. Susan. OK. Help me. So late. Still awake. Yes, I have a case to do today. I know, that's why I make something good for you. To keep you top fit. What's that? You will know later. You are too innocent. That's what I like, but sometimes too innocent. Read more. Devil & Angel. And video tape. Sensible World. Some more good shows. They are all sexual movies. That will be exciting. You will tum into a real man. Have some soup. Fine. It's time to take it. It smells a lot of herbs. You are not balanced sexually. Come. It stinks. I won't take it. Come on. It's good for you. Come. I feed you. No need. I can do it. Don't worry. I will try my best. The psychiatrist said the reason for you. ... losing the cases is you are lack of confidence. <i>You will be confident again if you are areal man'.</i> I have to help you in this case. Can you let me help myself? Fine, it starts slow for every thing. What are they? Hit Hit Don't be a fool. You are always like this? We are husband & wife. Hay, you... Honey, don't stay up too late. Yes. It's no good for you. Hay. I wait for you in the room. Fine. Aren't you afraid of aids. You can die of anything. I am looking for Dr.Cheng Ho Oi. Your nema. Bau. Wait a moment. Hello. Hi. Looking for me? For you, Thanks for the file. I won the case. Thanks. Don't mention it. The flowers look nice. What about me? Pretty. Dr.Cheng, your call. Thanks. I am looking for someone else. Dinner tonight? Fine with me, bye. Dr.Cheng's reservation. Dr.Cheng is over there. Hello. Hello. I am sorry to be late. I have no car. A long queue at the taxi stand. I came early only. Right. Doctors are punctual all the time. Sometimes not. Yeah, Sorry for delaying you last time. What happened then? Something bad happened, let's not talk about it. We talk about something else. I forget you always face the patients. Stop. Not that poor looking. If a patient looks at me this way. I think he is mad. You think I am Insane. You said so in the last hearing at the lawyer's council. I meant you are too nervous. You invite me for dinner. To bribe me not to say that you are crazy next time. Dr.Cheng, no operation tonight? I offer a good wine for you. OK. You can't drink before the operation? Of course. I have a case to sue a doctor. Can you tell... No topic on doctors. We talk about lawyers tonight. We don't talk about our business. I treat you as an ordinary woman. But I am not an ordinary man. Dr.Cheng you feel good today. Dr.Cheng you are leaving. Yes. Thanks. Can I give you a ride? No need, I take a cab. You are drunk. I ride you home. I am not drunk. You paid with the tissue. Really? It's money. You are really drunk. I drive you in your car. & then I take a cab home. Better I drive you home. Not necessary. Then good bye. OK. Bye. Bye. <i>B8...Hay.</i> BB!BB... What's matter? Better you drive me home. You worry but I drive you home. How come? Nothing, let's go. You think that I am drunk. Not yet... Not drunk. No... Take it easy. Are you alright? Very... exciting. Bye. Bye. Are you alright? I am fine. You have been drnking a lot. Don't forget I am a doctor, I know when to stop. Good night. You look drunk. I am fine. Do you need a ride home? No... I can take care. It is very dangerous. Have a rest in my home. It's even more dangerous. Sorry. Did I scare you? I am used to this. Please yourself. Make yourself at home. I go to change. Please yourself. You can't go in. Why? June is inside. What are you doing? Do me a favour. I give you 3 mins. Not enough. I have taken the dose. Are you crazy? I didn't see anything. You can work in the kitchen as long as you want! Have a glass of water. Thanks. What are you doing? Go in. You can't mix the two drugs together. It will have side effect. I don't think so. I am fine. Do you always take it? Have some water. Don't come out. Go in. Why didn't you tell me? You take these two drugs. Who gave you the prescription? You are a woman tonight. Cheers. Cheers. Pao. What's this? Like blood. For your sexually need. It's from me to you. You had the whole glass. Yes. The spring water tastes good, what brand? Do you have solvent for the drug? What for ? For... What are you doing? Nothing. You said to cure... What are you doing? I don't know it myself. What are you doing? We have to control ourselves. To deal with the present situation. What difficult situation? I am a man. I have my conscience. I am a man. I am a woman. Good morning. Good morning. I am sorry. Sex is human's basic need. Just like eating. I am only sharing. Dr.Cheng, Mr.Bau is coming. <i>1 know, thanks.</i> Wow, it's nice. Everything is normal. Don't take these drugs again. I feel sleepy without them, used to it at school. I didn't take it at school. You were smart. Shut your mouth. That's me? So ugly. You thought that you were handsome? Take off the colthes, and lie on bed. So early? I have to check you up. Don't have to take off you pants. How to do it without taking off the pants? To do what? Do the action of taking off clothes. Behave yourself. Lie on the bed. It's me to do the check up for you. For you. Thank you. A girl is staring at you. That's Susan. Girl friend? No, just friends. Let's go. Bye. Bye. Bye. Looking for me? You lie to me. You are not homosexual. Quiet, so embarrassing. Why are you so ggod to her? You buy her present. You buy me gifts too. No more. Susan don't be marrow minded. I have a case on hospital. She's doctor you know. But you don't need to kiss her. Did 1 ? May be unknowingly. Why didn't you do the same to me? Tell me your relationship with her. No relationship just some meals... Some meals and you... Leave me alone. I am too tired. <i>1 want to get information on the operation.</i> I will try to get the report for you. Susan, It's illegal. Do you want to do it? Sure, whatever you say. Putin on. Hay...over here. Over here. Finished? Quick. What are you doing? I am looking for someone. Who are you looking for? Dr.Lam Hon Kong, an old friend. Do you know who I am? Lam Hon Kong. I have said we are old friends. Come in. We are coming. Come in first. I don't know you... What are you doing? It's important for me to know you. Stop moving. OK. Fne? What do you mean? Nothing... Hay quick. Have you ever been in front of a mirror? You are boring. You are very handsome. I always wait at the hospital entrance. Release me or I call the police. Good, I am a police officer. My I.D This woman escaped from the Mental Hospital. Come with me. Right I am mad. Go... Insane. How come they wear the medical gown? You bastard. How can I make you believe? I didn't steal the report. Susan & Mo Siu Ming gave it to me. I don't know how they did it. I won't believe you. She wouldn't help if just a common friend. I am not discussing her relationship. The point is if Lam drank before the operation. If he is proved, he breaks the rule. You should point him out. I am not as bad as you are. It's not bad to point out a criminal. He is my friend. I could do the operation that day. But he had to do it for me. And he didn't know he had to do the operation. The report said he wasn't affected by alcohol. You are standing on his side. If he drinks before the operation, ...he breaks the rule. You should point him out. I won't help you. You should not cover him. Can you just do me a favour. You are an important witness for this case. Ask Susan to help you. What do you mean? Dr.Cheng concludes that. As for the present mental & health standard. You need further check up for 3 months. We have to suspend your licence. If you don't improve, ... the board will extend your suspension. Objection! Calm down Solicitor Bau. I am perfectly alright. Calm down Solicitor Bau. I am sane. Don't suspend my licence. Benny. What's up? Too bad. For how long? Never mind. Take it as... Cheng Ho Oi. You bitch. No reason for 3 more months observation. Benny, I understand hwo you feel. I had said it clearly. 3 months is the minimum. You are not fit to be a lawyer right now. You surely hope that I am not a lawyer. I can't sue your boy friend then. We are professionals. I am making a professional judgement. Not for personal sake. Why don't you prove Lam Hon King at court for me? Benny, do you understand? Of course I understand. You are without conscience. What did you say? You suspend my licence for you boy friend. If he's my boy friend then who are you to me? How do I know? Even I had been to bed with you. But it's nothing for you doctors. Benny Bau. Lam Hon Kong & I are common friends. Then you shouldn't help him. I know now. You want me to help you. Sorry, you will be disappointed. I am not this type. If you take so much drug in 3 months. I suggest to extend your suspension. You try it. Cheng Ho Oi. Benny Bau. You liar. You went to bed with her. But you said you were homosexual. How is Susan? She said she would kill herself in the toilet. Susan, open up. Don't be a fool, open up. Get out. Don't come in. Don't stop me from dying. I am not stopping you. I accompany you. I don't need your companionshp. You are out of love & so amii. You like the one who doesn't like you. <i>1 like you but you don't like me.</i> <i>1 will die with you together.</i> What are you doing? The Russial Revolve. <i>1 will follow you if you die first.</i> What are you doing? Are you crazy? I'll wait for you in heaven if I die first. Fulfill your wish. My turn. No. I wait for you in heaven. Mo Siu Ming. Please don't die. You don't like me. Just let me die. Leave me alone. I didn't say I didn't like you. But I like Benny Bau a bit more. Don't die. Right, you love him more than you love me. I'd better die. I don't like him now. He always lies to me. ...Like you more, promise me not to die. ... lie to you too. Do you still like me? If you like. I will forgive you. Don't die...No. Really? You mean it. I don't want to die now. Blanks only. Go to hell. Don't beat me. Fine, pay back the money. I am not responsible, Chiu knows. He is coming back. You are Benny Bau? What's matter? Pay us the money. Insane. Bastard. Deny the loan? Pao owes you money, ask Pao. You want to play the hard way. So what? You don't wanna live. I wanna beat you too. Beat me? Good! Some more. Come. Hay, you can fight for a long time. How come you can't fight now? Don't beat me. I will be dead. Big boss. I am worse than him. I won't beat you. Thanks. Tell me how to get my money back. Right, how? How? I wanna hit you. Get some honey for Pao. No need. I feel dry. Take care of Pao. Chiu, Please don't. Benny, help. Benny. What's up? Pao, you know how to pay me back. Don't get my friend involved. Shut up! Call up your friends. Tell them to bring the money. I am all tied up. I asked you to make phone calls. So itchy... I feel pain. Itchy... chop it off. Not itchy now. Susan, I am Pao. Get $600,000 to ransom him. $1M. Why $1M? Honey and ants cost money. And I need to feed my brothers. Do you hear? He has to feed his brothers. Susan, don't listen to him. I have no money. I don't care about him. Susan... Damn. Bull, give Pao some more honey. Chiu. If my partner is not back in 10 mins. Chiu, No... no. Don't. Chiu, give me one more chance. I can pay you back the money Miss, where is Dr.Cheng? This is the one. Thanks. What's matter? Can I talk to you alone? Tell him to stop taking what's bad for him. Close the door please. What's matter? What happened? How come he's like this? It's you to owe the money. Why does he suffer! Save his life first. What are you doing? Call the police. No, the loan sharks will kill him. I don't have $1M. You have ! Please save him What do we do? How do I know? Chiu, we were on our way back. And we had been robbed. I don't dare to lie to you. Oh. The portable too. Tell me the truth. Did you take my money with the gang? No, I am innocent. I don't dare. Why not, you scare of nothing. Right, Benny was hurt seriously. And you are not hurt. I am even worse, but... I can't let you see. That's nothing I can't see. Fine. I let you have a look. Hy is it like this? Can it be mended? Not 100%, you can still piss. Susan, over here. Why are you so late? Miss Suen. Why should I help you? You and Benny are good friends after all. You are not just friends. Come on. He is critical. It's all you fault. He's been beaten up like this. How's Benny? I won't borrow your money if our money wasn't stolen. These are documents for my house and car. I can make a mortgage with the bank, but it needs few days' time. Can you do me a favour? How is Benny? Where is the money? You were the robbers. How dare you to ask for money again? Bull, What are you hiding from me? Boss, I dare not. He said no. Quiet, just tell me how Benny is. I have the money. I keep my word. I release hom for money I didn't do the robbery. Boss, right amount. Release him. Let's go. My God, he's hurt so badly. He'll be fine. Don't worry. Coming. Get out. Get out. Turn around. Bitch, you call the police. I only told my boy friend. Boy friend? Who's your boy friend? Me, Mo Siu Ming. Are you still angry with me? I dare not angry with you. I have to keep an eye on you, not your companion. See if you still take the drugs. Do you still take the pills? You are my catalyst. Behave yourself or I'll stop putting it on. What's this oil? Shut up. What are you putting on? Let me help. No need. Why do you scare him? Hi Susan. Hi. I come to give you back the house deed and Your BB30. Thanks.
Channel: 8號電影院 - HK Movie
Views: 194,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 粵語, 美亞電影, 美亞, 粵語中字, 香港電影, HongKongMovie, freemovie, 線上看, 免費看, 中文字幕, 電影, 經典電影, 港產片, 8號電影院, 免費電影, 華語電影, 亞洲電影, 線上看電影, 免費線上看, 中文字幕完整版電影, 电影在线看, 电影视频, Online movie, Hd movie, 線上電影, 電影線上看, Free Movie, 熱門電影線上看, Hong Kong Movie, Mei Ah, 睇戲, 週末好去處, weekend Movie, 電影推薦
Id: nnn8fCaPprg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 15sec (5415 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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