DKIM Google Workspace Tutorial // DKIM DMARC Record Setup (HOW TO SETUP DKIM DMARC) ✅

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dkim google workspace tutorial and dmarc 2. learn how to quickly and easily how to set up dkim dmarc the complete guide for dkim dmarc record setup in this video we're going to go over how to quickly and easily set up dkim and dmarc in this google workspace tutorial now even if you don't use google workspace at this moment not a problem you'll still get a whole bunch of value out of this video so stay tuned for what's coming up next but before we get into it can i ask you something can you do me a quick favor rather do yourself a favor comment down below with the words i got this to reaffirm to yourself that you can do this because i know you can to create that winner's mindset and we'll get right into it did you do it all right so back to this dkim google workspace tutorial and dmarc 2. let's find out all about it so what is dkim set up dkim to prevent email spoofing dkim stands for domain keys identified mail domain keys identified mail dkim you want to use the dkim standard to help prevent spoofing on outgoing messages sent from your domain email spoofing is when email content is changed to make the message appear from someone or somewhere other than the actual source spoofing is a common unauthorized use of email so some email servers require dkim to prevent email spoofing dkim adds an encrypted signature to the header of all outgoing messages email servers that get signed messages use dkm dkim to decrypt the message header and verify the message was not changed after it was sent so dkim setup is essential and let's get right into that next with dmarc following right after that so you want to make sure you're logged into your dashboard where you actually have a dkim record in this case this is for google workspace and already logged into the google admin dashboard here and what we could do is easily type in or start typing in dkim and here that first line right there where it says dkim authentication we're going to click on it like now and make sure you select the domain since i have one here only that's easy for me to do right here again under dkim authentication tap on generate new record these are the defaults we're just going to click on generate and here we have the dkim record that we'll be using but just so you know it can take up to 48 hours for dns changes to fully propagate and it also may take up to 24 hours to propagate to all users so since this particular domain was set up here using google workspace for email more than 48 hours ago this came very quickly for me right now real time so now i'm going to go ahead and copy that just that part there where it says starts with a v and then i'm going to go ahead and add a txt record in our dns records wherever that may be and before i do that let me go ahead and show you what we're actually doing so this is a sample email from google workspace and we click on these three little dots or any email that we receive preferably one that you've sent to yourself to test so you could see what yours looks like i want to click on show original and here we could see spf passed dkim passed with domain such and such dot com and dmarc passed but by setting up dkim using your own domain it's going to say your own domain and that's what's actually preferred so let me close out of this let me close out of this and proceed and this is my dns records for this particular domain using groov pages dot io where you want to go and visit if you're interested in picking up a free currently all free lifetime account for groov pages groov member from memberships groov video for videos groove mail so on and so forth even groov blog in case you're tired of updating and security threats and so on and so forth and not only that when you use groove pages dot io your whole site will automatically be protected by cloudflare's business plan which is currently at least twenty dollars a month and you get that for free when you assign your domain directly here using groov pages dot io so go ahead and pick up your free account it's free for a limited time so i'm going to click on add record and remember it's a txt record for this dkim setup the name and then the content since the content was already copied i'm going to paste it in here like so but for the name let me go back into where it says here dns host name text record copy and then just paste that back to here and then click on save successfully added dns record it's been updated right here on this line there so we're going to go ahead and click on start authentication don't forget this step start authentication for this dkim setup and that's been activated so we actually just set up dkim wasn't that fast we actually learned how to set up dkim and that was done fairly quickly wouldn't you agree so you learned what is dkim you learn how to set up dkim and did a complete dkm dkim setup fairly easy and now we're going to go dive into dmarc next d-mark explained what is d-mark and what do we need to do to set up d-mark let's get right into it so about d-mark it prevents spoofing and fishing and you do that with dmarc as well dmarc stands for domain based message authentication reporting and conformance parentheses dmarc d mark hope i'm pronouncing that correctly what do you say let me know in the comments below if that's how you say it or if you say it differently it's a standard email authentication method dmarc helps mail administrators prevent hackers and other attackers from spoofing their organization and domain spoofing again is a type of attack in which the from address of an email message a is message appears to be from the impersonated organization or domain dmarc also lets you request reports from email servers that get messages from your organization or domain these reports have information to help you identify possible authentication issues and malicious activity for messages sent from your domain and i'll provide a link to this down in the free resources below this video in the description area just so you know before you set up dmarc make sure you have set up spf and dkim which we just did for your domain setting up spf i'll link to that up here in the corner now check that out soon right after you watch the replay of this video to retain the learning all right so let's get right back into this dmarc setup how do we go ahead and do this d mark record setup here's the format and for a simple dmarc record setup we could use this as a model just like that in the record value for that txt record we'll be setting up in our dns records next but to get more complicated get more into it rather we could actually have it like this and i'll link down to this along with the other free resources down below in the description of this video so you can learn what each one means one by one and just remember p right here like there dictates what's going to happen to the message so i believe we should start out with just writing none so we start collecting data and then as we get more comfortable familiar with this or we have an expert handling this on our behalf for our business for ourselves then we go ahead and go into reject and all these other p statuses for the dmarc record formatting and setup but to make this even easier there's actually a dmarc record generator and we find that by just typing dmarc generator and the one i checked out just before starting this dkim dmr google workspace tutorial is this one so let's do this together shall we what domain would you like to create a record for and in this case it's that what type of dmarc policy do you want and we'll start off with just collecting data where do you want aggregate reports sent for this dmarc setup so here i'll just send it to myself do you want to receive individual failure reports in this case no and for here we'll leave this as the default do you want a different policy for subdomains in this case i'm not using a subdomain such as in this example right there but i'm using my own custom domain and here i'll tap on next what percentage of email do you want to apply this to dmarc allows users to slowly ramp their policy by allowing users to apply the given dmarc policy to specific percentage of email flows if you specify a percent other than 100 your dmarc policy will only be applied to the given percentage of your messages here we'll leave the default as is show 100 and then create record so here is the dmarc record that it generated for us and what i'll do now is go ahead into my dns records right here and tap on add record slide this over so we could see what we're doing and here select txt the name is paste in what we were given starts with underscore dmarc and then the domain underscore dmarc dot and then the domain and the content this will be the content starting with the v and let's see if there is anything else it's a text record and that's that and save always save here we have the dmarc set up successfully right down here below quick tip very important so please pay close attention configure dkim and spf before configuring dmarc once again dkim and spf should be authenticating messages for at least 48 hours before turning on dmarc so now you know that so what do you think did you get dmarc record set up was dmarc explained was dkim done for you just minutes let me know now if this video has been of any use to you or you got anything out of it whatsoever please make sure to tap thumbs up and hit the like button and share this with someone who might need it also comment below let me know where you tuned in from that's always nice to know so let me know inside the comments section below and finally if you're new to this channel and you haven't already remember remember to tap that subscribe button and the notifications bell next to it that's that little bell sign by the way that's ringing because i'm making a commitment here and now to you to creating weekly videos to show you how to make it your best year yet to helping you build your online business empire and beyond my name is henry ceo at
Channel: My Digital Marketing Empire™
Views: 2,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dkim google workspace, dkim dmarc record setup, dkim, dmarc, dkim dmarc, dkim setup, setup dkim, how to setup dkim, domainkeys identified mail, what is dkim, domain keys identified mail, dkim record, dmarc explained, setup dmarc, dmarc record, what is dmarc?, set dmarc, dmarc record setup, google workspace tutorial, google workspace, My Digital Marketing Empire, dmarc policy, email dkim, dmarc setup, what is dmarc, setup dmarc record, dmarc record tutorial
Id: 3keHI65K8C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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