DJI Mini 4 Pro - 10 WEEKS LATER REVIEW - SHOULD YOU BUY IT? ( My Experience )

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so the Mini 4 Pro what a hyped drone this is but I normally come out and give you a one month later review on all of these Tech products but this time I've really been struggling and that reason is is that my opinion on the mini 4 Pro it keeps changing so in today's video let's talk about the good what I don't like about the Mini 4 Pro and would I actually still recommend this drone to you let's find out so first impressions when you get this drone the size of it it is Tiny it's remarkable all the tech packed into this but your first impressions are going to be what the hell have I done here this is so small how's it not going to get blown away whatever done is this just a toy you're going to be quite worried at first but I will put your mind at rest the size of it it is an advantage but a disadvantage as well compared to say the air series or the mavic series the mini drones are much much smaller they're smaller than most mobile phones now because of all the tech packed into here it's going to take a hit somewhere to actually keep this drone under 250 g and the hit it takes is the actual feel of it so it is very plasticky it doesn't feel like a really strong product like the mini 2 did this didn't have a lot of features but this in comparison just feels much stronger this is like a flying tank whereas this it is a lot lot more plasticky and it doesn't feel as well built as the older generation Mini 2 now one thing I'm really impressed with on this drone is the ual camera quality so video looks really good out of here so it can shoot in 4k 60 4K 100 you've got the rotating camera on the front of it so it can shoot in horizontal you press one button and the actual camera rotates and films in vertical so that means you don't have to crop anything and out of this the a series and the mavic series The Mini ones are the only actual drones that rotate the cameras so that's the fastest way of sharing content if that's something you're into so that's really good on here now it also comes with some new color profiles as well this is also another advantage to this over that Mini 3 Pro so you get normal color profile you've also got hlg which is like that HDR effect and you've also got dlog M so we had dlog M on the A3 and the mavic 3 Pro we now have it on here as well so 10 bit color this means you're going to get 1 billion colors captured from the 10 bits from here which is really impressive that's going to protect the shadows and the highlights get you the very best in terms of video quality when you're then color grading but the main improvement with this drone is not Hardware it's actually software so this now is feature packed full of new features so you've got the new active track 360 which is fantastic if you enjoy active track on the mini 3 Pro this now is even better so now you can actually choose on a clock face 360° where you want the Drone to track you from okay we had that on the mavic series so what's new so but the difference with this is that you can now track you from quite far out on an outer ring and then you've also got an inner ring as well so you can get the Drone to track you from far out and then you can actually just hit anywhere on the inner circle as well and the Drone will then move closer to you and track you again anywhere on that 360 clock face and it's also got way points which loads of you were asking for we now finally have this so you can customize and select your own drone Mission so wherever you are you just go and actually fly the Drone and hit the C1 button on your controller every time you want to actually plot a new Waypoint the Drone will then remember that and it actually will then fly automatically based on your custom route it's really clever that we have this but we also now have cruise control so cruise control allows you to just fly the Drone any Direction press the C1 button again and the Drone will then go into autopilots and start flying but what else does it have it has night video mode so the actual low light performance on here is an advantage it's an f1.7 aperture so it lets l lots of light into that sensor so your low light video and photos are going to look great anyway but it also has this night video mode that we've seen on the bigger drones again on the mini 4 Pro now so this then will automatically add some sharpness and noise reduction all for you so your video quality at night time is going to look fantastic like you can see the examples here and if you've never f a drone before or you're flying like a bit of a Maverick a bit too fast a bit too close to objects this will have you back as well because the Mini 3 Pro it had no side sensors so it could crash a lot when flying sideways on here it has now omnidirectional sensoring which is full 360° of sensoring protection this means when you're flying this drone it will detect objects buildings it will then break or bypass so it gives you so much more confidence when flying this drone so I am really impressed with the actual camera quality on here it takes fantastic photos as well been able to share them to social media in vertical it makes my life so much easier not having to crop in the video quality is really good like we say we've got all the features from that Mini 3 Pro but the added features of way points cruise control night video mode active track 360 but the biggest advantage to this I would say is just how easy it is to just take this with you places it's not a hassle to take this at all because it is so small you can just put this in the smallest of camera bags or just keep it in a large pockets and you're going to be able to have a drone with you that takes 4K up to 4K 100 good photos good videos good battery life everything is good I wouldn't say everything is exceptional we'll get to that in a second but there is nothing particularly wrong with this drone and I think that's its biggest Advantage being able to take drones like this to majority of places all around the world with hardly any restrictions being able to fly this closer to buildings closer to people if you want a drone with the least amount of restrictions but the best in terms of quality I think the Mini 4 Pro is Untouchable but that said though we need to talk about some downsides as well now before we get into those bad points I just want to say that this video is sponsored by me so I'll keep this quick but I've got my own drone cheat sheets so these drones are getting so complex now remembering all these settings when you're out in that field it's really difficult so I've got drone cheat sheets that go through all of the different settings to get you the very most out of your drone I've also got drone Lots as well these are video Lots so if you want to use the DLo m color profiles on here for example but you have no idea about color grading my video looks are custom made for any of these drones so you basically just drag onto your footage and that is it it's done and the final one if you ever got to a location and you keep doing the same drone moves again and again so you just fly the Drone forward maybe sideways a top down shot you forget about all these other different drone moves and you want to learn the complex ones well I've just brought out my ultimate drone moves cheat sheets as well these are a physical product shipped straight straight to you free shipping and these go through all the different Dr moves they show you on diagrams exactly what to do on your controllers so you can go to any location get these out of your camera bag and actually then practice some of the more complex drone moves like a rotation push in which is really difficult to do but it explains to you exactly what to do so thanks so much for listening to me now let's talk about the downsides the first one isn't necessarily something which is a huge negative but it's actually the camera so again it's an f1.7 aperture on here which is fantastic for low light in nighttime videos yeah we want loads of light coming into that sensor now but in the daytime having all of this light coming in it means one of two things either one you're going to leave it in Auto and the Drone will just bump that shutter speed really high to compensate for all of that light coming into that sensor or two you adjust the aperture yourself to say F9 f11 just like we can on the mavic series but you can't do that that on the mini 4 Pro this is not an adjustable aperture so the only way you can actually reduce the light coming into this sensor is with ND filters so I'm not going to talk about ND filters in this video because I've mentioned them so many times but basically an ND filter it's just like sunglasses it's going to reduce the amount of light going into that sensor so this is fantastic and it's the reason why I use an ND filter all the time during daylight at night time I'll take the ND filter off but during daylight it's essential to have an ND filter on otherwise your footage is going to look really sharp and you're not going to be impressed with the look of that if you want to get shots like this on the screen all of these video shots they were all using ND filters so I can bring that shutter speed down so I got the Mini 4 Pro with the DJI rc2 I would say this is like the baller plus Edition this is so much better than the DJI RC and it's because of these here these external antennas are going to change your life life so the signal performance is so much better even in C mode I did a test recently using this and the signal is so much better I went to America recently and FCC mode you guys have got it good that is so good the signal but even in mode for us poor folk here the C mode signal performance from this controller is brilliant it's got a new chip inside of here as well so it doesn't feel like a computer from 30 years ago it's much faster so actually changing menus changing settings it's a lot better on here only the downsides I would say is the actual screen brightness it's still the same 700 nit brightness from before which for majority of the time like it's not that bad I mean that's full brightness now but when I'm actually outside actually using it in bright conditions it can sometimes be a bit tricky seeing it but overall this is so much actually easier than using your phone getting your phone connecting it to the top getting the wire realizing the wire is not there this whole whole system now being built in is great I would say eight out of 10 just because the screen brightness wasn't actually improved okay so I've got to talk about battery life and the best thing about battery life on the mini 4 Pro is the actual charging case so get this this is fantastic comes with a fly more combo just like the mini3 pro one so this is going to charge your batteries in here and this basically just weighs nothing it's so lightweight you can actually use this to power your phone as well use it like as a power bank once you've got all the batteries inside of here these can actually charge anything via the USBC these also charge really fast it takes around about an hour per battery to charge you can also charge this via a car charger as well so the actual battery charger is the best thing notice I didn't say battery battery charger now the battery life on here that's my biggest gripe really about the Mini 4 Pro so they say about 34 minutes that's never going to happen in a million Sundays so because it's got all the these features built into here you're not going to get the fantastic battery life when you're going to be using all them features if you're just using like 4K and you're flying in a straight line then you might get about 25 minutes but the average that I would get out of each one of these batteries is about 18 minutes and that's not fantastic which means you're going to definitely want a minimum of three batteries one in the Drone and get this kit so you get an extra two otherwise your life is going to be miserable you're going to get to LC and actually think right I've got all this footage to take wow look at all this this is amazing and then you're get in like your batter's like it's going straight down because it's using all these features it might be windy there's small propellers on here it's going to take a hit in actual battery life so yeah because of all these features built into it even though it's 34 minutes in real world I'm getting round about 18 20 minutes now we mentioned at the start of the video about the actual advantages to this being small and it is a great advantage the only downside to that is that it's not fantastic in the wind so you do need to be careful I mean it's not bad it's actually remarkable how it actually fights the wind and tries to hover in place but you might get some actual camera Shake because this gimbal is also trying to fight and keep stabilized as well so depending where you're going to be actually flying these drones where you live do you live in a really windy area are you intending on flying to places and actually going really high up in the mountains and flying this drone where it's going to be windy then you might they want to skip this and get the air which is going to be a lot stronger and much better in the wind the air3 to the Mini 4 Pro they are pretty similar but the air3 has that three time zoom it also has a lot bigger propellers is a lot stronger in the wind so the advantage to this strong being small could also be seen as a disadvantage as well in relation to the wind resistance now the USBC port on the back and the memory card slots they're both exposed there's no absolute protection on them at all so if you're out flying and you you get a sun downpour of rain that's not going to end well if you get water in here on the air3 an advantage to that it does have a Rubber seal around it I know it's going to be down to the actual weight saving like anything possible to actually save weight but just be careful if you do get this drone when you're out flying if the weather outside looks a bit dodgy now the next point this is going to shock you but it's actually the camera now just hold on a sec so I actually really do like the video quality that we're getting out of here the dlog m is f fantastic the photos coming out here are really good but I would have just liked something different something extra a bit more Innovation we saw loads of innovation with the Mini 3 Pro the rotating camera we've never seen that before that was fantastic we have that on here I know it's like if it's not broke don't fix it but I just would have liked something extra maybe a really good integrated digital Zoom that uses computational photography to get that end result through software processing really good just like what happens now on an iPhone you take that picture and a second later it's like God look at that now that looks fantastic because of all the computational photography going on in the background to actually make that look better through software why can't we have that on a small drone like this where you're limited in relation to the weight and the size of it because from going from a drone that has like two or three lenses like the bigger drones to this it's a massive step down down the A3 has that three times 70 mm lens it's fantastic such a good focal lens to be able to use and switch up on here you're limited to just that one lens so some kind of innovation maybe we might see it on the mini 5 Pro but yeah the camera is fantastic if I'm just being super picky just something extra would have been nice the propellers on here are really good super strong nice and small and lightweight fantastic I'm not got a problem with that at all it's the actual way they connect this screw system on here I can't stand it so it means whenever you take a drone out and you want to fly this you've got to take the small little DJI screwdriver with you to actually be able to unscrew these and take them off it just not a fantastic enjoyable experience if you have a crash or you get any kind of cuts on this propeller need to change it how many of you out there who are flying your Mini 4 Pro actually take that DJI screwdriver with you every single time I bet not all of you whereas on the air series The Mar series you can actually just push in turn and it actually comes straight off now that again probably is down to wait but it would be so much better if we can actually have that rather than this screw system taking the screwdriver with us every single time we want to fly this now with all that said though the actual drone that I do find myself flying more than any other drone is the Mini 4 Pro this something about these drones it doesn't have the quality of the mavic series it doesn't have that three times Telly lens of the air series but the overall ease of use is something that none of those drones have just been able to grab this drone on any trip that I want to go on it just makes flying and taking this drone with me so much easier I don't have to think should I take that air3 should I take that mavic serus have I got room in my bag this this can fit in my cold pocket I can take this the controller the batteries and the ND filters and that's everything I need the iies on the air series and the mavic series are double the size of this you know so the actual space and effort you might be taking more things with you do be able to just take these things with me and get great photos and videos are the biggest reason why I think this is so popular these small drones for travel people love these small drones so yes I would say this isn't like a huge upgrade like we got with the Mini 3 Pro from the mini 2 that was a massive Hardware difference the mini Mini 4 Pro it's like an S upgrade this could be a mini 3s Pro it's a mini 4 Pro but it's features the amount of features packed into here the rc2 is fantastic it does have some downsides nothing's perfect but yes I still recommend this Mini 4 Pro so I know when any of these new products like this come out there's so much hype surrounding it 6,000 YouTube videos you have the fear of missing out you go and buy it you might love it but you also might have buyers remotes as well so I'm going to tell you the advantages and also the disadvantages as well and that's what I've done today so if you have enjoyed this video just do me a favor and hit that like button and subscribe round about 20% of you are watching these videos are subscribers so 80% aren't subscribe it'd be fantastic I'd really appreciate it if you just hit that subscribe button got loads of more videos coming really soon thanks so much for watching if you enjoy this just give me a fist pump in the comments down below I'll give you one back have a look at my website so anything you want to check out including those new drone moves and I'll see you guys on the next one bye-bye
Channel: DM Productions
Views: 150,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DJI, DJI Mini 4 Pro, DJI Mini 4 Pro firmware update, DJI Mini 4 Pro regret, DJI Mini 4 Pro review, DJI Mini 4 pro vs Mini 4 Pro, DJI Mini 4 Pro 10 weeks later, DJI Mini 4 pro long term review, DM, Productions, DJI FLY, DJI Fly update, DJI Mini 4 Pro 1 month later, DJI Mini 4 Pro honest review, DJI Air 3 vs Mini 4 Pro, DJI Mavic 3 Pro, DJI Firmware update, DJI Mini 4 Pro firmware, DJI Mini 4 Pro 120m limit, DJI Mini 4 pro should you buy, DJI Mini 4 Pro don't buy, Mini 4 Pro
Id: aA0rYqk2ub0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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