DJI Mini 2 vs $11,000 Hollywood Movie Drone

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[Music] the lighting just makes it look so much better this is a great example of what i just said all righty dave here we go so a lot of people may not know this about me but i used to be a dronie back in the day when the first phantom one was released back then you only had a two axis gimbal if you were lucky and no way to look at the image without using a third-party diy setup things have changed dramatically now with the new dji mini 2 which we reviewed on this channel i icon above if you want to watch that now you can get 4k recording with ocusync technology in your pocket for only 450 dollars but on the opposite end of that dji also sells the incredible inspire 2 using a super 35 sensor in the x7 camera that's capable of shooting prores raw so we've decided to put those two cameras to the test the inspire 2 and the mini 2 and go out and film some epic footage and then i've actually asked ted to join us in the indie mogul studio and we're going to look at the footage from both drones side by side and see if we can tell which one is which ted has no idea what we're doing so let's go [Music] [Music] so so first we're going to test the uh mavic mini 2 so oh it's not mavic it's dji mini so whatever i'm about to do in terms of flight pattern and path i'm going to try my best to replicate with the inspire 2 after we're done with these mavic mini shots dang it dji mini what do you think matt do you think ted will be able to tell the difference i think he will but there's going to be a few shots to throw him a loop i might surprise myself ooh what do you think do you think you'll be able to tell yeah you ready to take off let's do it let's go so i do have a theory when it comes to the quality of your drone camera and that theory is the production value of having a camera in the sky period is super professional this gimbal even though it's a tiny little sensor in that camera the gimbal is really good and even if the image quality kind of just looks a little better than an iphone or android phone the fact that it's flying in the sky makes it automatically better so i do wonder even if of course the inspire 2 is going to look better does it really matter in terms of production value so i am noticing something that i didn't notice in my initial review i think the wind up there is a little strong so i'm seeing the gimbal kind of the stabilization just kind of goes whoop too much wind too much when the the strength of the motors kind of gets triggered so that's obviously a big difference between the inspire because that one will have much better wind tolerance please i went way up and it lost signal so yay she's coming home we did it first drone successful even though i probably went further than i should have okay here we go you're gonna want to film this one you're gonna see some serious wow i can hear and feel some wind right now but this drone's like wind what i ate wind for breakfast the inspire 2 is the hummer of drones i also feel totally secure now flying through these trees because this drone unlike the mini has full 360 degree obstacle avoidance both the mini and the inspire have manual controls but this one has aperture control but the mini has a locked aperture oh i see it wow i can actually see it [Music] pretty cool yo yo what's up ted how's it going dude we've got some fun footage to show you today okay we took this new drone the dji mini 2 and compared it to the industry standard in cinema right now the inspire 2 with the x7 gimbal okay so this is our first shot here we went out into the forest and you can see uh some nice foreground movement um hey i like that shot what do you think huh yeah one of the downsides of the mini is the fact that it doesn't have any type of log format to record in if you're not familiar with log recording that is when you get kind of a flat picture profile low saturation low contrast that allows you to pull all that back and save your highlights and things like that so because the sky looks a little blown out that's making me potentially think that that's the mini okay i agree but it does look a little bit like that the one on the right's a little sharper for sure too you can see that the texture on the trees i feel like i see a little bit more yeah um but they're pretty dang close it's actually not not bad so i'm feeling pretty good that the left one is the inspire i would have to agree with you yes yes we are correct we're not dummies okay here we go keep wearing that i'm gonna keep wearing this oh no i gotta put the hoodie on the line okay so now we're moving on to this really epic over-the-mountain review all right let's see it all right so this is our first shot a little bit of good shot man i like this shot like to me that shot right here with the more green that seems more color accurate to what was actually visible like to my naked eye i'm really surprised though because the other one looks sharper though this one's tough this one's tough it don't look bad yeah this second shot again i i think it's the right side is inspire yeah um because of that sky that's the only giveaway but it's pretty dang close isn't it that's right yes oh yes the shirt stays on two for two all right sounds good such a nice shot that i want to say inspired but i think it's mavic that's my guess it might be the mini yes yes yeah so this shot here is a great example of getting your lighting right no matter what drone you're shooting on if you time if you time it well i would rather have sunset golden hour or sunrise with the mini than midday inspire 2. are you saying that technique is more important than gear yes if you are shooting on a lesser drone just time your shoot day around when the lighting looks best another nice shot there i was too too amazed that you guys went and got these shots like i said this one the sun time yeah in which you flew the championship fortunately we didn't i had to fly each drone separately so by the time we filmed the one on the right the sun was already over the mountain look at the sharpness again i think the one on the left is yeah pretty sharp for me it's the shadows right in the shadows i just keep seeing that like purple kind of sneak in again so yeah what do you think left yeah i think left is inspire and then right is medic many that's my guess are we wrong oh you're wrong we're wrong no way yeah i knew it was i knew it was wrong uh but i didn't want to say anything so wait what so here's the thing that i'm seeing again the over sharpness of the mini on the left the the you can kind of see it in the trees it just kind of has this muddy kind of overly sharp okay but again that's something you can fix in post you can add a little blur actually in post to smooth it out i think i'm seeing the and then the the magenta shift you can definitely see on the left versus the green on the right and again the lighting just makes it look so much better this is a great example of what i just said alrighty dave here we go it looks pretty good is it a little too tight for you he looks good it's like it's like fitted you know it's fitting it makes me look buff makes you look buff so here's uh a shoot that we helped out with andrew on the deity shoot yesterday oh what on earth is this so um this is our actress doing a little move here and a reveal of l.a and for both cases i tried not to hit the house behind me because there was a house like right behind us oh really i feel like i'm getting more that that super sharpness on the right again so if i had to make a guess i would say mavic on the right and then inspire on the left okay so matt were we right is the left image the inspire and the right the mini yes also because we have a very close foreground element with our subject there you actually can get a little bit of a depth of field um on the image on the left the sensor the size of my pinky fingernail on this and a super 35 sensor which is similar to a red on the left yeah um we're using a lens that has an f 2.8 aperture as well and it has auto focus capabilities so using the inspire in this type of scenario is the better tool for the job for sure all right if i get one more right can i have my shirt back i don't know it's really starting to melt into my man if i get one more ride i get my shirt it's like a jib shot that's a good shot thanks man so on the left we're seeing mavic and then on the right we're seeing inspire exactly you are correct yes give me that shirt back give me that shirt back obviously we know this comparison isn't fair the inspire 2 has a much better image and we weren't even shooting in the raw codec that you can shoot on the inspire 2 is being used right now in hollywood on a daily basis yeah we're not saying replace your inspire with this drone right like that wouldn't make sense but if you're worried that this isn't pro enough or it doesn't look good enough and you're actually tempted by the fact that it's so small and under 250 grams as a professional operator i think it's going to be really valuable to have something like this in your tool belt for those moments where you want to fly under the radar hey uh before we do the next clip i need to run to the restroom real quick yeah yeah that's good now while dave is in the bathroom let's talk real quick about our sponsor today maybe you like dave i like dave i want to make a website about dave i want to make a website about dave he's talking a lot of time about cooking stuff so i want to make a website here what is dave you want a picture of dave cooking a casserole you can put that on that website here you want a honey ham dave photo of dave making new honey hams dave's you can make that a business website too did we mention that squarespace is perfect for business makings as well thank you to squarespace for sponsoring this video thank you for helping us make what is get 10 off at squarespace by going to use the discount code indeed mogul indy with apply thanks squarespace you're the best so we want to know your thoughts on this comparison did you actually fall for the tricks with the mini 2 versus the inspire to comment down below and let us know which ones you thought was which and if you got some right or wrong and uh maybe hopefully you don't have to lose your shirt in the process you want to see more of us hanging out and doing these comparisons let us know in the comments as well ted and dave's show yeah right on man 10 dave's we gotta get that printed on coffee mugs yeah totally all right well once again i'm dave mays this is ted sim thank you for watching and of course we'll catch you guys next time see ya high five cool don't don't leave don't leave me don't leave me hanging oh no the difference between the mini and the inspire already and so it's like uh it's like lady gaga and escrimo hardcore band
Channel: Indy Mogul
Views: 808,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dave, dave maze, dave mays, mays, altizer, kinotika, indy mogul, indie mogul, mogule, ted, ted aputure, aputure, ted sem, ted sim
Id: Cn847eeBOkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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