DJI Mini 2 QuickShot and Panorama Demonstration at The Snake River Canyon

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[Music] hey everybody marcus crawford here again with the idaho quadcopter channel hey got the mini 2 uh this will be my third flight of the day my third flight ever with the mini 2. i'm out at the snake river canyon on november 5th so this is kind of part three of a series of videos uh what i thought i would do this time the the first flight we took it out over the canyon and had some problems uh thought i was going to lose the drone but we ended up getting it in return to home and and got it back and i'm not even sure what happened uh but that's part one part two we took it up we had a nice flight over the canyon we talked about about the drone and everything that it brings to the table uh but uh this flight i've got my third battery in there and i thought i would take it up and try out some of the quick shots and maybe even potentially shoot some panoramas and kind of mess around with some of the parlor tricks that this drone has so uh i think we should quit messing around and let's let's get this drone in the air we're shooting in 4k 30 frames per second i'm starting recording now uh the drone is all fired up and ready to go so let's uh go ahead and hit take off and i don't know if you guys can hear it but the drone definitely has a little bit different tone to it than the original mini and like i always do i'm going to bring it in here for a good close look and we'll rock it back and forth here a little bit we can shoot we can probably get closer than that that's uh you can do that with dji drones a lot of drones you can't do that with uh okay so we did i'm gonna do a little different uh droney this time i i kind of went kind of sideways over our uh kind of north over the canyon uh this time we're gonna go uh kind of uh with the sun right at our back and uh kind of southwest so uh reversing up now [Music] get that rule of thirds going for us here and let you guys take a look at the side of the canyon here this is just a spectacular place to fly a drone and you can see where i was standing there a pretty cool place if you've never been out to dedication point i can say i can recommend it i'm looking at the fpv here and i'm seeing some smoke on the horizon there so i don't know what that's about hopefully it's not any kind of an uncontrolled fire uh but let's uh let's throw this guy into sport mode and uh let's uh let's bring it right back over the top of us here well first let's let's let's back it up some more so that we get a little more distance and you guys can get a little bit more of an idea of of what we see here in the canyon okay and i'm going to drop the gimbal for just a second so you guys can see the river down there and there is the snake river right there and we're going to pick that gimbal back up really quick and a little overshot it a little bit and we're in sport mode we're going to go full stick forward now and let's see what we can what we can get up to here and the the drone we should do pretty good because the drone should have the wind at its back and yeah it's doing pretty well here almost up to that 16 meters per second advertised speed 15.9 i saw for a second yeah there's 16 very briefly we got 16. and why that gps weak signal i have no idea we should be good so we're going to go right over the top of this here keeping that stick forward there we are pick the camera back up [Music] and let's just go out over the desert here a little ways and there i'm going to yar around so you guys can see that smoke that i was talking about don't know what that's all about like i said i hope it's nothing serious okay and again i'm i'm i probably i need to adjust the yaw settings on this i am in sport mode but boy i am just barely turning left here and it's it's really yawn right around okay let's come right on back and you can see as soon as i put the stick forward in sport mode it uh it tilted forward so that's why you saw that camera tilt that is not uncommon for a drone like this and yeah it's going to come right over the top of us again a little bit to the left of us and boy i can hear the drone going hopefully you guys can hear that on the mic [Music] sounds good and boy that drone is moving okay i'm going to ease off on the throttle here and we'll yaw around again and come back and let's uh let's try some quick shots we're already down to 71 percent battery so me and my heavy throttle hand kind of mess around here so let's uh let's reduce some altitude and bring it back yeah we got that g weak gps signal again i don't know what that's about okay so uh there i am down there and i am trying to look right into the sun looking at the drone here let's bring it in a little closer okay so we're gonna have to let's put it back into normal mode and uh we're gonna have to stop recording here for a second in order to access the quick shots so i'm gonna click on that little looks like a film strip at the top there and click on the little quick shot that looks like a film reel and that gives us our quick shot so let's do a dronie real quick let's let's we might as well do the maximum it'll it'll do up to 120 meters so let's let's pick that and let's see i probably need to get closer because it's not it's not lighting me up here so i'm going to bring it in a little closer and it should yeah it got me there pretty close close enough let's go ahead and hit start and it'll count down here and on one it'll execute a [Music] adronie and uh just like the original mini you'll see that white circle going around the the red x on the right hand side of the screen and that tells you the progress uh that the drone is at in the whatever intelligent flight mode you're using i can see we're burning up some batteries so you know like i said i'm i like i like keeping that throttle down so uh maybe maybe i didn't need to do 120 meter when we're almost there though 80 90 and it will return to its starting spot which i like i know some people object to that i don't so let's let it come on back and as soon as it comes back we'll uh we'll we'll try another another droney maybe we'll do the rocket next we'll just go right down the list so claim 31 minute flight time uh with this drone i guarantee you the way i fly i will never get 31 minutes but if i get 20 to 25 minutes out of a battery on a drone like this i'm happy and i'm sure it gets all of that okay we're back now i'm going to straighten it out just a little bit getting center of frame and we're going to click on that dronie icon and we're going to go the very next one which is rocket uh i should be able to highlight myself and i don't think i didn't pick a uh i didn't pick a height so i don't know where it'll go here but let's go ahead and click start and what it should do is come over the top of us and gradually point the camera down and just essentially go straight up [Music] like i said this guy's just full of little parlor tricks yeah i must have been on the on one of the shorter ones which is fine because we didn't need to go too far up there so again it'll return to its starting point it's interesting hearing it come down uh the hearing the escs adjust those motors so it's almost in a spot and it's picking the camera back up this this this is just really neat stuff i i like the the intelligence that dji builds into these drones so we're gonna go to the next one which is circle and uh there let's see well let's yeah so circle so it'll do an orb we can pick uh clockwise or counterclockwise we're going to go we're going to go clockwise and let me uh highlight myself there and it's got me so we're going to go ahead and click start and it'll do a nice 360 here [Music] and it starts and if it's like the original mini it'll increase its speed as it uh as it makes its arc as it goes around one thing i'm going to warn you about about this drone is that it does not have any kind of obstacle avoidance on it when it's moving now it really is increasing speed uh yeah almost six meters per second five and a half at least uh if you're near a building or a tree or something just be aware there's no obstacle avoidance so you could in these intelligent flight modes you can run the drone right into whatever it is you're looking at okay so we're going to bring it a little bit closer and down here a little bit [Music] yeah that's probably good enough i'm going to drop and you can see it was putting a plus sign on me there so maybe i need to be even a little closer yet yeah so that gives me the plus sign so we're going to go into uh helix now and i want to do a maximum on that helix 120 meters so we're going to pick that and we're going to highlight me and we're going to click start and what it will do is it'll base essentially do a corkscrew it will increase in distance and height and rotate around us all at the same time if you were trying to do this shot manually i can tell you it's difficult because you're trying to yaw and bank and raise in altitude and increase the radius all at the same time and i can just tell you a hack like me i i don't i in fact i know i couldn't do it manually so that's what these quick shots and the intelligent flight modes will do for you so we're halfway through here we picked a long one boy i just love this when it goes over the side of the canyon there that's a great shot is that a beautiful shot or what 75 percent and and you know i can tell you that this mini 2 holds uh the point of interest better than the original mini did i can just see that just by looking at it here so again it'll return to its starting point and as soon as it gets back we'll try the final one and it's the new one that they gave us with the mini two the boomerang boomerang is pretty darn cool basically it does an oval raises and then lowers back in altitude again so it's almost here pretty close i'm going to back it up just a little get kind of in center frame here so we're going to click again where it said helix there and then we're going to click on boomerang and it yeah so it's just going to do and we're going to do a clockwise boomerang and it's going to set its own distance and radius so let's click start oh i got excuse me i forgot to draw a box around myself got that and clicking start now so it'll count down and off it'll go so i've never done a boomerang with the with the mini before so there's always a first time for everything and it is increasing its distance and height and it will begin as it comes back it'll drop in height again and close back in hence the name boomerang it comes right back to where it started so that's all the quick shots that they gave us with this drone let's go uh let's go back into video and i might as well show you the different uh the settings i'm not going to change anything but uh in 4k you've got 24 25 and 30 frames per second and i always shoot in 30 frames per second i know some people like uh 24 because that's kind of a cinematic uh uh mode that when they shoot movies they typically shoot in 24 frames per second then you have 2.7 k just like we had with the original mini uh and again you got 30 25 and 24 and then 1080p will get you all the way up to 60 frames per second you can go from 24 25 30 48 50. i didn't see that i didn't know about that 50 and 60 frames per second so uh you know 60 frames per second i think is only something you would need if you uh are one want to capture slow motion typically 30 frames per second for most any normal video is all you need so let's go ahead and start recording and we're gonna back up and let's uh we need to take some panos so let's get back out over the canyon well we still got some battery and we'll take some pano shots here let's get out their ways okay i'm going to stop right there i'm going to pick up the camera so we get just a little bit of horizon maybe a little bit back it up just a little more yeah there we go and let's uh let's try a a panel here so i'm going to stop recording and we're going to go click on again on that uh film strip and at the very bottom there you see pano and i am not familiar with all the ones that we have here uh well we got sphere i don't want to start with that let's do uh let's do a wide angle first and start and i think that shoots nine pictures and then uh should automatically stitch them together yeah and now uh i don't know if there's anything that i have to do to get them to stitch together because i i'll be honest with you i was so anxious to get this thing out i didn't read those instructions yet but it should tell us here and then uh let's uh let's do a 180 but i'm going to yaw around to where we are looking at the snake river itself and in fact before i get off of that wide angle i'm going to do a wide angle shot here so we're going to do that again and i believe it'll auto stitch them together for us but we'll see and let's let's try a 180. well if we're gonna do one let's let's get a little different view here let's uh let's look the other direction so this one will be looking into the sun a little bit so we'll get some reflection off of off of the river in fact i'm gonna drop the gimbal just a little and uh yeah let's try that three pictures that should take well took more than three pictures so did i have it in the no yeah yeah i thought some so it definitely took more than three pictures i didn't count there but uh but uh let's uh let's go the other direction and we'll do the same thing i guess i could have done that to begin with get it centered here and here we go so i counted there that was seven pictures it took uh for that panorama okay let's go back in there or 180 it says well that makes sense so 180 yeah it's it's getting the whole horizon uh so sphere i think that's gonna be a tiny planet but let's uh let's go ahead and try it here um so so uh so i confirmed the return to home we're going to be fine there but it definitely is low on battery i believe i counted 26 pictures it took for that sphere so let's see uh let's see how close we get to uh to the landing here again and i'm going to go back in here video start video and it's not taking the long the drone long to come home in fact you can see it turned back into green there so so we're going to be in great shape but no point in pushing our luck and again yeah so if you look at the at the very top there we've got three minutes and well as it's closer now that number's going up but that tells you how much flight time you have left like let me touch on that for a second so you can see it so that tells you it's landing how long till battery depleted etc so yeah it's going to be a ways off here i think this time well maybe not no i guess i don't i didn't have the camera all the way down so it should pick up the camera by itself it's looking pretty darn good [Music] yeah let's look at we might we might uh we might be spot on the pad here folks looking a little bit off okay i'm gonna stop it because i i don't want it to land in the dirt there [Music] that was uh operator error so i did just what i didn't want to do there i uh i clicked the stick the wrong way and i went into the side of that bush but uh it didn't it's not dirty didn't hurt anything so uh yeah uh let me get everything shut down and we'll do a conclusion hey everybody so that was our third battery through the uh dji mini i always want to call it the mavic mini it's not it's just the dji mini uh and uh it was great we got to try out all the intelligent flight modes and we got to try out uh sport mode fluid at top speed we did get up to that 16 meters per second or 36 mile an hour claimed uh top speed and we tried out the all three of the pano modes too so yeah i really enjoyed that so can't wait to charge up three batteries again and and get this drone out again so yeah this is uh this concludes part three i will say if you have missed the other two parts it's worth your while to go back and look at them part one i thought i lost the drone there for a second i've never lost a drone before but i thought that that this was going to be the time so go back and look at part one and and and you'll see that it's a phenomenal little product thank you to dji for producing such a cool drone so i guess that's about it this is marcus crawford with the idaho quadcopter channel out and if you like this kind of content please consider subscribing to my channel most of all i really appreciate you taking the time to look at this video and of course we'll see on the next one dji mini 2 it's uh it's just a phenomenal product all right see you guys later bye now
Channel: Idaho Quadcopter
Views: 22,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DJI Mini 2 QuickShot and Panorama Demonstration at The Snake River Canyon, DJI Mini 2, DJI Mini 2 QuickShots, Mavic Mini 2, Mini 2 cinematic, Snake River Canyon, Dedication Pooint, Drone, Quadcopter, UAV, UAS, Best Drone 2020, Best Bargain drone, Mini 2 intelligent flight modes, Mini 2 Panorama
Id: 5-Ugq_O6MJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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