DJI Announced a Wireless Mic | Better than the Rode Wireless Go2??

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good morning we're just staying at a really nice hotel at least in the parking lot of one we slept here last night i actually slept really well did you sleep you always sleep really good in the van yeah no it's it's comfortable in here and also check this out dji mics this basically seems like the rode wireless go twos there's a few things i didn't love about the rode wireless go to so hopefully this is like it but better we'll see we got a usbc cable trs trs and two fluffy mic things here it is it's in one hard case and check that out and one thing i already like about it is that you can charge everything off of one usbc cable opposed to the roads so here you would charge the case and you got the connectors down there at the bottom and when you drop it in it just starts charging automatically so i already like that now there is a case just like this for the rode wireless go twos that i saw on amazon i haven't tried it out yet so i don't know if it's any good but it's an aftermarket thing they look like a big version of your air pods can you hand model it for us and show us the different pieces i don't think i have the right hands to be hand modeled so you have the option to clip it or to magnetize it oh oh that's nice did i find something you didn't know yeah i didn't know but that's nice it is kind of like the uh insta360 goat so far i'm really liking what i'm saying but i'm in desperate need for some coffee coffee time yeah [Music] all right so here is a close-up look at the transmitter so we have our microphone our trs input right there and it is a little bit smaller than the wireless go to you can see it's a little bit skinnier and the same height and the same thickness though you know you have your power button and your usbc same here you have your power and usbc but on this side we have a linking button as well as a record button so actually if i press this it vibrates and it tells me that it's already starting to record here so this should already be recording internally to its eight gigs we also have the mic fluffy cover it's not windy right now so we probably don't need it but i'll go ahead and attach it now it does twist on to attach so it's not going anywhere which is nice it attaches almost the same exact way that the rode wireless go to attaches so you attach it rotate it now one thing that does concern me a little bit is that record button right there it's pretty exposed so i imagine if it's in your pocket you might accidentally bump it opposed to the rode wireless go to i have it programmed so whenever it's turned on it's automatically recording so i have to actually press and hold this button down for a while to turn it off which makes it harder to accidentally cut but here let me switch between the microphones real quick this is the dji mic sound quality and i'm gonna switch it over now to the rode wireless go to microphone and i'm gonna go ahead and just switch it back a couple of times while i tell you about why we're in front of this albertsons terry actually you're you're better to tell the story so stand right here live from the palmdale albertson oh here you have to hold them at the same distance so that it's a fair comparison i'm going to switch between booboo all right just let me have fun being a news reporter this is a very special albertsons because this is where i got pita i came here to get taco seasoning and left with her so on your way in there was a lady standing there giving out a puppy right and you went over just to say hi and give peta a little pet but that's when these little kids came out and they asked if they could have the puppy and the lady said yeah sure and i was like pump the brakes where are your parents she was about to give out a puppy to these like little kids that with no adults around so that's when kerry's like i'm taking her right you just walked away with her oh yeah yeah i did i just walked away and that is how we have peta so the internal mic on both of these sound good but how about if we want to plug in a external microphone these are both the same loft mics it's the rode lavalier goes and they should in theory sound pretty much the same since it's the same microphone but let's test it out we're gonna attach it to dylan while he tells us about today's sponsor it's important to stay on top of things whether you're a content creator software developer in real estate or just trying to keep your life together is easy to set up templates that are customizable to whatever you need you ever hate it when a co-worker texts you about that thing they told you about that one time and a voice message that came you know during that video call that you really weren't paying attention to in a dm that you were looking at but it was the wrong person last thursday don't even stress about it acts as a home base making communication as simple as a straight line you know those power strips that you plug things into like you know your phone and your laptop and your microwave so you can eat hot pockets all day that's basically they integrate tools like gmail zoom zendesk and a whole list of others seamlessly and it's not going to burst into flames and make your landlord withhold your deposit like washing dishes and cleaning toilets some tasks are just tedious and lame but no more with automations with these automations you can do a lot like tell your clients when there's an update in your script or you know like remind people when your birthday is because you know they just forgot and they said your friend but wait what if you weren't paying attention anything i just said don't worry about it you slacker has 24 7 customer support and a help center so you can just pretend that you knew everything i was talking about so you ready to get fired up about work click the link below and start winning today all right so one of the things i want to test out is how this dji mic sound in wind so i have it hooked up right here and i also have the rode wireless go 2 hooked up right next to it so we can kind of compare now we're going about 20 miles per hour right now 22 miles per hour so i'm going to switch between the mics and you can hear for yourself hi gary how you doing today good it's a beautiful day yeah good day for a ride yeah yeah so right now we're going about 16 miles per hour and kerry also has both the dji mic and the road wireless i know can you guys tell the difference between the internal sound quality of these two different mics do you guys have a preference now one thing that is really really cool about the dji mic is that it can hook up directly to the dji action too using a usbc adapter so i have it plugged in right here i'll throw up a picture of what this looks like right now but with this usbc adapter i'm able to record two channels into this action too and it's a stereo signal so you can split up her channel from mine oh my god i'm out of breath it's really hard to vlog and cycle at the same time isn't it the only thing people are gonna hear from my channel is me like sniffling my nose on which microphone does carry sniffling sound better huh but yeah i gotta say i love that just with an action camera with a little attachment on the side of it we're able to get two clean audio channels so times like this is perfect carrie can talk and i could pick up her sound but here's the thing i like to have my audio channels on stereo separated so you can do a model track where it merges the two channels together but the problem is if i'm saying a line and then carry crashes in the bushes and you hear like oh uh uh but i was saying something very valuable at the time then it carries fall would ruin my audio why does this sound like you're making fun of him when i crash the mountain bike you okay you okay oh no you're okay you would have liked to have the sound effects of my head hitting the rocky the rocky trail i have my audio track on the left side and carries audio track on the right side so if you're not planning on doing any post to mix the two at all or you know switch between the channels then you probably want to just go off on just mono but stereo it's nice because you get that flexibility jerry what do you think about this setup here good audio is good from what i hear oh but i see what you did there i i forgot that it's there really since you started talking about audio you've kind of ruined some youtube channels for me because their audio is so bad and i'm like oh it's unbearable when their audio is bad it's unbearable it doesn't matter how good the footage is if the audio is bad but if you have good audio even if it's just like an action camera it's very easy to watch right well honestly i'm having a great time vlogging on this little camera and usually i wouldn't do it because of audio but with this little setup here i can make this work do these need to be close together or no so technically they're both transmitting to the receiver to the camera so we don't have to be close together but we should in general be close to the receiver but if we're recording internally the beauty of it is that even if we lose connection to this receiver it's still recording afterwards exactly i can go ahead and download the audio file off of these and then sync it to the camera now you're not as paranoid about losing connection to the receiver because you could always recover that audio so that is a big deal but one thing i did not like about the rode wireless go 2 is that you have to use their rode central app to download the audio off of the internal memory and you have to do one clip at a time and it's it's a hassle but with the dji mics it plugs in very easily shows up as a driving you can just copy paste all the way files so it's just one swoop download 10 audio clips if you want also the rode wireless go to a lot of times has issues on connecting to the computer it's very specific to what kind of usb cable you use i almost always have to use the spc cable that came with the rode wireless go to for it to work and if you use a usbc to usb c cable a lot of times the road would not want to connect oh it's actually weird because one works fine every time on just usb-c to usb-c but the other one doesn't and apparently that's a common issue but beauty with this dji mic is that pretty much any cable that i've connected it to it hooks up just fine it's kind of like a usb drive and just copy paste so the downloading the internal memory process way easier on the dji mic and i really do like the rode wireless go too and they really pioneered this so i i'm kind of rooting for them but at the same time it's like the dji mic has been a better experience so far it's been easier all right so let's go ahead and take a closer look at this case so this is the battery indicator for the case itself so you basically charge the case through the usbc and the battery of the case will charge up your transmitter and receiver it's just like how airpods work and then you have your two transmitters right here on the side and this right here in the middle is your receiver this basically has a slot right here to attach your connector so this is a hot shoe connector so you attach this if you want to mount it on top of a camera or you can use a lightning connector right here for your phone but this only does mono does not transmit a stereo signal for an iphone and then this is the usbc which is what we've been using for the action too so this just slides on the arrows kind of match up i slide this in here's the action two and that's the usbc port so that just attaches right there and just hangs off the side and yeah that's all you got to do pretty straightforward right what's nice is that this case is designed so you can still throw your receiver back in with the attachment still on so you don't have to pull it on and off every time and each one of these transmitters is supposed to have 14 hours of internal storage which is great the road uncompressed i think was seven so double the amount of storage that you can fit into here but slightly less battery life which makes sense because it's smaller they're claiming five and a half hours on each of these transmitters but if you use the case to recharge it in between takes they're saying about 15 hours is what you should be able to expect with the battery case this setup is definitely going to make me into a lazy vlogger i'm not going to want to take out any camera that weighs more than six ounces now this is very convenient and a lot of times carrie will say something and i'll be like hold on i need you to say it again and i'll get like the camera right up in her face with the viking grabber but now i don't have to worry about that isn't that nice yeah and then when i say it a second time it's all awkward because i'm saying it for a second time and then we'll be like never mind times like this where we're going hiking i was about to just be like i don't really feel like bringing a camera on our height which we're trying to do a lot more hiking because we're trying to get all healthy you know so hiking is good healthy body healthy mind right that's kind of a thing so the thing i'm personally most excited about with these dji mics is that they don't clip as easily so the rode wireless go to when you use the internal microphone it was very easy to have it distort by it being too loud but that would happen under normal use so here's a few examples of the rode wireless go clipping so i like that now i i really like or else you're gonna have one voice out of each rear yeah so it's kind of like that harsh distorted sound when something's too loud and that's just under normal use right so for me whenever i was using the rode wireless go to i always have to be kind of conscious to not be too loud or else i know that i'd clip the audio but here i haven't had any issues with that yet so i get to talk as loudly as i want i don't think you need to talk louder well actually i think when i started doing youtube i had to project my voice more so that the microphone could hear me but that kind of like transferred into my everyday life so i'm at starbucks like order can i have a nice coffee now i have ran into a few issues with these dji mics but usually i'm sorry cheeky there's a snake it scared me did it sink yeah and then i got scared and i stepped back and i stepped on chicks where is that sorry it didn't have uh the shaped head of a poisonous stick i was just surprised as all he was really little now i have run into a few issues with these mics but most likely that's because it's a pre-production version of the mics and also beta firmware the official one comes out in january so hopefully they flush out these issues by the time they come out but one of the issues i had is when i would plug in the transmitter into the a7 it sounded like this and also when we plugged in those rode lobs into these transmitters for that sponsorship segment a lot of times i would hear this high frequency pitch which sounded like this or you know like remind people when your birthday is because you know they just forgot and they said you're your friend yeah that was funny pretty cool did you see the first half right now okay just yeah i mean if you can't just do another take at it but i just need the first half up to but no more yeah i mean just try to do the whole thing sounded like some sort of weird interference and i also had some glitchiness in some of the internal recordings but again by the time this comes out hopefully all these things are ironed out and i'll put an update down there in the description if these things get resolved by the time this comes out it is really cool having multiple mics though i mean i feel like you could never have enough i've got one on carrie's got one on and also last week we met up with joshua he was filming some cars out there so i brought up my fpv drones and i was able to put one all myself so i could kind of talk over the flight and also we put one in the car so we could get the sound of the engine hey carrie what'd you think of the model s plaid slightly terrifying ready [Music] yeah that's a little faster than our car all right so let's go ahead and test out the range of these dji is supposed to have slightly better range 250 meters opposed to the roads 200 meters in my experimenting it did seem like the dji does a better job at maintaining that connection and also when i do lose connection it seems to be able to grab that signal again a little bit faster the road sometimes it will lose connection and i'll have to really bring it way in close for it to reconnect to the receiver all right so it looks like we're still in range i'm gonna put my body in between the receiver and this transmitter and usually that shortens the distance now of course these distances oh looks like the road actually just cut out but the dji is still good a lot of times if you put something in between you know the transmitter receiver it shortens that 250 meter distance pretty quickly all right so i went for a little hike and i am all the way up here now this range the road has completely cut out so it's not transmitting to the camera but the dji signal is still going strong so i love that longer range is always nice and you're really going to need to transmit this kind of distance but whenever you have obstructions and buildings and walls and doors and all that stuff it's always nice having a stronger signal this is a beautiful park though isn't it this is a lake hermann so it's where the zodiac killer used to come to murder people so welcome overall thoughts loving the microphone i really loved what rode did with the wireless go 2 and this seems to take pretty much all the features that the road had but added on top of that and made the audio clip less often which is a big deal this magnetic thing is awesome because i like to have my mic place down here i mean i guess i can take it and just clip it right here on a shirt but i feel like a lot of times this is a little bit too close so yeah one thing i would love to see is to be able to lock the record button on here so you can't accidentally cut it by throwing it in your pocket and having it bump around but anyways first impressions really really awesome and hopefully they fix some of these little quirks that it has right now before it releases and if they do this is gonna be like one of my favorite pieces of audio gear for sure i am going to head out of here now before the sun sets and i got stabbed to death so yeah see you guys later thanks for watching and stuff and happy thanksgiving if you're watching this right when this video comes out but uh other than that i don't know maybe merry christmas if you watch this later or i don't know what year you're watching this either so i don't know anyways thanks for watching and bye
Channel: Potato Jet
Views: 132,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: potato jet, potatojet, filmmaker, film maker, camera, cinematography, cinematographer, videography, videographer, gene nagata, dji mic, wireless microphone, wireless go ii, wireless go 2, wireless go, best wireless microphone, rode wireless go, rode wireless go 2, wireless microphone for youtube, rode wireless go ii, dji mic vs rode, dji mic vs rode wireless go ii, audio for youtube, dji wireless mic, best wireless microphone for iphone, dual transmitter wireless mic
Id: Bni9tXB0_cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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