DJI Air 3: The Complete Beginners Guide

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this is your complete beginner's guide to the DJI air 3 drone from start to finish I'm going to take you through all the parts in the Box how to get up in the air the basics of flying obstacle avoidance video and photo modes act to track Advanced modes all the new features of the air 3 and tons of tips and tricks over the next 45 or so minutes you can use the YouTube chapters along the bottom down there to go ahead and find the section you're most interested in for example if you're a more experienced flyer you can skip beyond the takeoff and get to some of the advanced features of the air 3. now I've got quite a bit of experience with drones more than a decade at this point and flying them and pushing them to the limits so I'm going to give you tons of quick tips and practical things along the way and in the case of the air 3 in particular I'm going to talk about what works well and some of the things you might need to be aware of okay so with all that out of the way the very first decision you need to make when you're buying this drone if you haven't bought it already is to go ahead and decide which controller to get you have basically two options not basically you only have two options at this point you have the DJI rc2 which is the one that has a screen built into it basically it self-contained so everything you need to fly the Drone is on this little controller right here or you have the DJI rcn2 note that all past DJI controllers are not compatible with the air 3. now as I said the most obvious difference is the fact that the rc2 has a screen built into it so it's self-contained also on the back you do have two additional custom buttons that you don't have on this controller here beyond that functionality wise they are basically identical across the board my personal preference is going with the RC or now the rc2 primarily because I do a lot of outdoor stuff and when I go somewhere I want to know that the controller in the Drone are just going to work as is I don't have to depend on the battery in my phone nor whether or not my phone has decided to like offload the apps or something like that or that I update it right like this is just a self-contained functional package on the flip side the one benefit to using your phone and this controller is that when you're done with the flight you will have low resolution not high resolution but low resolution copies of all your photos and videos already on your phone uh versus with this one here if I want to get to my phone for social sharing I got to download them but honestly got to download them anyways if you want the high res stuff and that's why you bought a thousand dollar drone so it's kind of a wash in that sense now after that choice is made the next thing you gotta decide is whether or not you want to fly more combo uh now in my general rule in life is that combos are just basically unnecessary upsells however for dji's drones that's like one of the few exceptions in the combo package you essentially get an extra carrying case bag I'll show that on the screen right now you get the Drone of course but you get this battery pack this charging station right here with two extra batteries you also get some extra props uh but again it's really about the batteries here and if you're looking at getting extra batteries just buy the combo and don't think anything of it the way this works is that you have three battery slots in there so I can press the button the back here pull them out like this and it will charge these sequentially that's the one downside so it will not charge them concurrently you plug a 90 watt charger in there ideally but it can be slower it's not a big deal and 90 Watts it'll take one hour per battery but what's cool is on the side there there's a USB port not only for charging this but also so other things you can plug in other things and basically turn this into one giant ass battery bank or you can double tap this button right here and this will go ahead and rebalance the batteries so what to do is if you have three batteries that are like 30-ish percent full it'll combine those into one battery that's totally full which is way more useful from a safety flying standpoint to have one full battery than three batteries at 30 percent Now battery wise DJI claims 46 minutes of flying time for the drones uh real talk here that's like 30 to 35 minutes uh 46 minutes is if you're flying without actually recording anything uh in in relatively still conditions uh more likely they'll have a little bit of wind like today and you're probably going to recording something because that's again why you bought a thousand dollar drone now if you don't buy the fly combo kit no big deal you can still plug in the USB port on the back here usb-c Port right into the back of the Drone and charge it up that way with that said let's go ahead and talk about getting this thing in the air the first thing you need to do is to go ahead and take one of these batteries right here so press the button to unlock it these are locked otherwise they're not going to fall out going to find that and we will go ahead and put it in the back of the Drone so it basically slides in like this and you'll hear it's not like that but like this and you'll hear a click there there is a button on the back of the battery to see the battery state so you see the four little dots that means the battery is full from there we'll go ahead and swing out the arms so basically go like this they just simply open up makes it a lot easier to travel with it and then on the front we have the gimbal the gimbal has a gimbal protected around it always always always use the gimbal protector when you're traveling with your drone think of the gimbal a little bit like a flower in the sense that a flower lives just fine when it's out doing its own thing and there's air blowing against it no problems like that and you can touch the gimbal no problem like this as long as it's powered off do not under any circumstances uh fiddle or touch the gimbal while the Drone is powered on that will eventually break your gimbal there's some safeguards in place where if it feels tension it'll stop and stuff like that like if you were to crash but as a general wool thumb do not touch the gimbal while the Drone is powered on now from a sensor standpoint one of the big advantages of the air 3 over something like the Mini 3 Pro Series is the obstacle voidance sensors while the Mini 3 Pro does have obstacle avoidance sensors for forward detection it lacks the ones on the side or effectively on the top as well here the way this works is there's two sets of sensors one right here in the back or two sets right there on the back are one set two you have the point and then two in the front and these form a 360 degree circle with some additional sensors on the bottom these are primarily ground detection sensors that can go ahead and see the ground detect how close it is so when it comes in for landing it just doesn't like slam into the ground if it comes in nice and slow but the reason these sensors are set off an angle not facing straight forward is they can get this kind of 360 degree bubble around the Drone and keep you from running into things and I'm going to show you trying to run into things and how that works in just a moment the last thing to note is that there's two different types of props on the bags that come in the Drone will say A and B but the main thing is that there's ones that have a tiny little bit of gray on there and ones have a tiny little bit of black on there and these keep you from putting the wrong set the props on the wrong Wings they have to match up to what's going on on the underside of the prop there general rule thumb is I always like to keep one extra full set of props in my drone bag at all times just because you never know what's going to happen I think of props as mostly disposable throw away cracked props because they cause vibrations in the Drone and you don't want that so let's get this powered on and up in the air to power on the Drone we're just going to press this button once and let go and then long hold it so I'll press it like this and then long hold it and you'll see it goes up the top and you'll see it starts kind of jiggling and then you'll hear a sound and then from there this gimbal will kind of wake up and eventually it'll stabilize itself nice and flat so the next piece is the controller I'm going to use a DJI rc2 for all the demos today so anytime you see the screen recording I'm recording it on the screen here the one downside of that is the screen recording maximum on this is 720p a little bit lower resolution that doesn't impact the drones recording that's still 4K and all that goodness but just so you're aware of that I've also got this Carabiner on the bottom right here just because I can grab it if I'm cycling I'll show you that a little later on but the way this works to turn on is the exact same as the Drone so you press the power button once and then long press it again and it turns on you want to fold up the antennas so go ahead and just get them all folded up there you go like that pretty straightforward I'm gonna go put this on the ground and the only spot that I have that's decent right now now generally speaking this won't be the best place for beginner to take off a drone but it's the only place I got out here this path isn't very wide and what I want to ensure is it's not going to hit anything when it takes off the grass like this isn't ideal to hit but it's not the end of the world there are two types of services you want to avoid taking off number one is sand sand is the enemy of your drone if you've got sand in your drone you're frankly better off having water on your drone so just do not take off on the beach if you have to put on a blanket hold it in your hand all that kind of stuff just we'll talk about that later on but do not take off on the sand or land on the sand the second surface is metal do not try to take off on the hood of your car or or a metal sewer grate or anything like that because that will mess up the compasses and it'll actually give you a warning about that but just be aware of those two things now after that there's two things you should double check on the Drone before you take off and what you do is you tap that little dot dot dot menu in the upper right hand corner there and you want to validate the optical avoidance that's currently set to either Bypass or break again we'll talk about obstacle avoidance in a second but basically bypass means it's going to go around something break means it's going to stop for something off means you're going to crash your drone and lose it so double check that setting right there the next thing to go ahead and double check if you slide down even further on is these three Auto rth altitudes so rth is returned to home it's as simple as that nothing fancy about that auto means automatic so automatic return to home altitude meaning if something goes wrong and it's going to automatically return to home what altitude should it go at and I prefer 100 meters which is basically you know 300ish or so feet so it's going to get above pretty much any tree or object around here it should go around if you want to minimize the chance of that happening the the next two ones you want to ensure are Max altitude and max distance so max distance I actually prefer to have it a little bit closer I'm not sure why that was set to No Limit but I'm going to bring that down to I don't know something like 2000 meters 3000 meters somewhere in that range well beyond what I want to actually fly at but that prevents any sort of weird flyaways from happening Max altitude is from a legal standpoint 120 meters note that if you are flying from a moving object like a car or boat Etc then you should set your max distance to probably unlimited because the max distance is based on your takeoff Point unless you update the home point and we might talk about that later on if I remember but the point being that if you go somewhere and you're flying Along on a boat or a car for Miles you go beyond this distance your drone will then return to the starting point and it's just a mess to deal with okay up at the top on the menu there you see a couple things starting off with that 98 that's the battery percentage 90 left next to that is the time remaining of set battery uh then next to that is the RC strength signal strength between the remote controller and the Drone next to that is what not the Obstacle of when this is enabled you will not see that being enabled until we get up in the air so right now it's red following that is the satellite's 27 satellites good deal don't take off with less than 13 satellites there's a general rule of thumb it'll basically be like orange or whatever below 13 so you don't worry about that and then the whole right side is all video and photo stuff that we're going to get to later on down the bottom left there that is speed and this stuff that again I'll show you once we're in the air with that we're gonna go ahead and get this thing finally in the air on the left hand side you see that little takeoff button right there we're just going to tap that once that brings up the take off menu and then you can long hold this and up it's going to go this is very very simple it's going to take itself up up to about a meter and a half or so and it's just going to hang out there so you can see it's hanging out right there I'm going to rotate it around so I want to show you something in the wind there we go it's going to rotate it for a second and go up a little bit and what you're going to notice right away is the fact that you're probably hearing that beeping that's because I'm too close to it from an obstacle avoidance sensor standpoint but you'll see that the drone looks a little bit tilty that's because of the slight bit of wind that we have right now but the gimbal is actually perfectly straight now I'm going to get this a little bit further up in the air out of the way just so we can have a conversation here cool thumb I recommend as soon as you get the Drone in the air get it at least a couple human Heights worth of a distance and elevation away from you uh just because it gives you space so no one's gonna run into it and things like that okay so with the Drone set I'm gonna use my hand down a little hat camera clip here the first one I've ever had a use for this uh to show you some of the controller moves and then we'll just get into like all the features all right now I'm not going to go super deep on this you're going to want to practice like an open football field or some sort of large field I had to get a good feel for it basically though your left hand stick right here is going to control two different things the first is going to control rotating the entire aircraft as if it's on a pivot so if I go left like this you'll see the whole thing just simply churns around staying stationary in one spot the same is true if I go right it turns the other direction the Drone is physically staying above the exact same Little Bush it's just rotating like this left and right the next bit here is to move left and right so this stick over here I go ahead and I can just simply move like this it's going to move left and then I go like this and it's going to move right after that we've got up and down press the left hand sticks to go up like this you'll see the Drone will go up and then press it down to go down like this and you'll see the Drone will go down lastly we have forward and back press this to go forward the right hand stick there we go just go forward and then pull it back to go back it is really as simple as that I know this will feel complex the first couple times you do this but eventually you get the hang of it and this allows you to then for example go up and forward like this there we go and now we're moving around that way so there are a few more buttons on the phone the controls that are worthwhile noting ah this one right here was of course our power button in the middle we have the mode selector there are three modes Cinema normal and Sport Cinema simply slows everything down so it makes it if you were to hold the different controls it'll slow everything down so it's more cinematic normal is what we're flying on right now and then sport mode is very very fast except obstacle avoidance is off so sport think of it's more like sporty rather than tracking Sports because yes you can go faster but it's not for like active track or any of the Folly modes because in that case obstacle avoidance is totally off so that's fine if you're out in the ocean go forth but otherwise don't go to sport mode unless you know what you're doing I'll show you a little bit later on how that works next is the return to home button and pause button so if I were to go ahead and press this once it's going to pause whatever action I'm doing because I'm not flying anywhere it's not going to do anything but if I was in the middle of a pre-programmed move that would pause it immediately useful for quick shots and master shots anything where it's automatically Flying Like You whoa whoa I gotta stop just hit that button boom it stops if you're flying manually all you need to do is let go of the controller so to show you this right here so if I'm doing something I'm just confused I feel like I'm gonna go in the water I don't know what's happening right here boom just let go always just let go it works out every time all right so with that then if I were to Long hold this button right here it'll go ahead and start returning the home so you can see it's going to fry to us and then go ahead and land and it's going to land in roughly the same spot I say roughly because while it's generally pretty precise once it gets closer you're going to see what's probably going to happen as to how precise it will be keeping in mind we took off on that path and just the side of the path is grass so really not an ideal place to land but I want to show you this nonetheless and I'm going to use the pause button to pause it probably at the last second so here we go you'll see right now it's just over the edge of the grass so it's not quite where I want it to be so I'm going to go ahead and use this pause button right about now there we go I'm pausing and saying no that's not where I want it to be but it's close enough uh again return to home if you've got to use it great go ahead and get to here for now though we're gonna get on with more flying bits so I'm gonna take it off move it out of the way and get it up again away from us so we can actually have a conversation now we can talk about some of those things in the bottom left hand side of the screen uh you see that little map icon there if we tap on that it shows us where we are and I can tap on it again to go ahead and get that bigger I've downloaded an offline map here you can download offline maps ahead of time on Wi-Fi for the reason you're going to you just go into the controller and you'll see the map option right there if you're on your phone the maps will come up automatically using your phone cellular signal and it'll show you where we've flown that little blue line right now we haven't flown very far so it's not going to show us very much we're going to go back to the main view there we're going to minimize that down by just tapping lower left hand corner and then you see H that's my height I'm at 8.4 meters in my distance 9.4 meters if you want to change those to feet for example you tap the dot dot dot up in the upper right hand corner and then we go into control and you'll see metric metric kilometers or imperial you would just change it to Imperial and now you'll see when you get back there I'm at 27 feet and 32 feet away from me the distance away from me right now I'm gonna go back to metric kilometers sorry but if I move the sticks forward here you'll see the speed goes up to uh 20 kilometers an hour and then if I go up you'll see my Ascent rate goes to again 15 or so kilometers an hour for my scent rate so you can see those two metrics right there so now that we've got the Drone I'm going to pull it down a little bit more next this tree right here I'm going to show you obstacle avoidance I'm going to bring my camera over there so we can see what's going on and there is the Drone to the left I'm just going to go up and down so you can see real quick what that looks like there we go and you can see the tree now I'm going to back up a little bit okay and I'm going to go straight towards the bush just point it straight forward and it's going to automatically fly over or around the bush depending how it wants to do that is the obstacle avoidance automatically happening it's gonna do one or two things it's going to go either left or the right of it or it's going to go over the top of it or even some combination thereof now if it's in a scenario where it can't go up because it detects that there is obstacles above it uh it'll try to go around something and eventually it'll stop and say hey I'm stuck in this little spot there and the same is true if we go sideways into something so I'm now going to go ahead and angle it so it goes straight into these trees sideways just like this and watch it's automatically going around and in front of them so it does not hit the trees and again it's all 360 Degrees all the way around now a couple things to note I'm in the middle of summer right now so everything is super green super visible it's bright and sunny out to late morning however if you're flying in the winter you need to be be aware that there's way less light these are using camera sensors not some sort of light or anything like that thus if it can't see the thing a primarily really thin branches without leaves on it orders close to Sunset any sort of Darker environment it will crash into it I promise you like it's my job to crash these things uh and basically I can tell you it'll crash into things okay a quick note from later me in the video if you are finding this sport interesting if you could just hit that like or subscribe button it really does help out this video and all the time and after I went to it uh quite a bit so with all the flying fundamentals out of the way let's dive into some of the video modes on the right hand side there is your control for recording something uh so you see that red button there that'll stop and start I can press it once that'll start recording there we go there's also a record button on the upper side upper left hand side there I can stop and start that way as well and then the right hand side will take a picture I will get to photos in just a moment as well you'll see there is a one and a three that's because there's two lenses on the air three there's a 1x lens and a 3X lens with different focal lengths on them and they both shoot in 4k but it's slightly different apertures so in the case of the main lens a 1x lens you have better low light performance than the 3x lens it's not dramatically so though as you'll find out it's really only notable when you get to basically completely dark environments but Sunset and stuff like that you can totally use either lens here's some like side by side footage between the two lenses and they work great the cool part about having a dedicated lens is you're not cropping into the frame so it's still Crystal Clear versus if you have something like the Mini 3 Pro with the single lens or the mavic 3 classic with a single lens you are cropping into those images so you're just zooming that's all you're doing just like on your phone when you pinch and zoom same thing it's not making that is clear versus the different Optical lens is like switching a lens on a camera so if I were to go ahead and tap that 3x right there it takes a second to go ahead and engage there we go I'm just going to move and reorient it towards the windmill and now I'm still recording at 4K down the bottom there you will see the resolutions so you see right now it says 4K 60 and plus 0.3 for the EV that's because I was filming last in a case where it's a bit more a little darker I'm going to go back to 0.0 for the EV that's your exposure compensation so I bump that up a little bit if I'm shooting in a darker environment and I reduce it if it's brighter right now it's kind of slightly overcast so that's fine and if I tap next to that I have uh res and FPS so res is of course the resolution and FPS is your frames per second generally speaking you're going to shoot either 30 frames per second or 60 frames per second the more frames per second you shoot the the more ability you have to slow it down so if you talk about slow-mo for example which DJI puts in a different area on the controller right here so I go back up I tap that little film strip icon these are the different modes and you see that within the video mode I have normal night and slow motion so if I tap a slow-mo mode there then the bottom I've got more resolution options I can tap it again and you'll see at 1080p I've got 100 frames per second in 200 frames per second generally speaking if you're broadcasting something it'll be at 30 frames per second which means you just divide these two and say oh I can slow it down three times as much at 100 frames per second or I can slow it down you know roughly six seven times as much at 200 frames per second in the case of 4K you can go up to 100 frames per second you can see here these examples of these boats that I've taken in slow-mo mode or these waves whatever I'm showing on the screen right now I have where I've slowed things down and gives that much more dramatic look to it going back to the normal mode though we'll tap the slow option we'll go back to normal you'll note there are some other options there for vertical so if I look there you'll see 1080 9 by 16. you'll notice on the screen it just went to the highlighted section being the middle unfortunately the air 3 does not have the ability to rotate the entire gimbal vertical like the Mini 3 Pro does so this means that in this case it's just simply taking a crop it does they'll give you a tiny bit extra resolution because of the way the sensor Works they expand on the top a tiny bit for this but it's very very minimal in general I would say just shoot in landscape mode unless you know you're absolutely positively only going to use the vertical side then get the tiny bit extra here and this is true as well if I go to 2.7 K again you can see just enough resolutions also generally speaking shooting the highest resolution again you bought a thousand dollars drone to do that don't friends don't let friends shoot in 1080P across the board it's just just not so awesome now we're going to go back to regular 4K mode there and we're going to shoot in 60 frames per second there we go and we can now go ahead and press that record button to start recording like that which we'll do and then on the bottom there is the gimbal switch so this one right here if I rotate this it'll go ahead and go down so you can see the gimb goes all the way down I can go faster if I just pull it harder it's going to go all the way down to 90 degrees pointing straight down and look looking at this bike path it's a little bit in front of us so we're not going to see us but I can back up and you can look at us so I will go ahead and just uh pull the Drone back here until it's over us almost there where are we on this path I can hear it above me there we go there's me and the bike we'll talk about the bike later on uh you can also use the C1 function button on the back to go ahead and change that so if I tap this once right there it'll go back up to Flat I tap it again it goes straight down again super handy because you know pointing straight down is a cool drone shot if there was some you know cyclist or something that I knew that was in control of the scene going along here it is kind of a neat shot to go straight down like that you can customize these by tapping the dot dot dot up there in the upper right hand corner and then you go down and you'll see button customization and this is just for the RC controller by the way not the one that has a phone and you'll see the two options there see one button C2 button I tap this and then I've got different features that I can use so I can do control I can do camera I can do different camera settings for example I plan waypoints Etc and you can customize these however you see fits and the same is true for the two different dials there that you see as well as the ability to do combination of buttons too that you see there as well in addition to the gimbal going down the gimbal also goes up so you can go up to 60 degrees up that is cool if you had for example a giant like Sequoia tree or a tall skyscraper or something like that where you started at the bottom and you're pointing up towards the top and as you Rose up you went like this uh lots of interesting ways to do that you'll find yourself being an up gimbal position at some point you'd be like oh yeah I'm enough gimbal that's kind of cool it's just nice you better have it there and again tap the lower left there middle left hand button to zero it out to zero degrees or not down 90 depending on which scenario you want also you have the zoom options so on the right hand side you can zoom in and out using this so if I were to go ahead and just re-center on the window right there I can go back and I can go forward this is on the 3x Zoom you do have to stop video if you want to switch between the two physical lenses so those are digital zooms if I go to the 1X lens now there we go uh now I can use the same Zoom as well to zoom all the way into 3x and then back again uh and yeah that's a digitally cropping in and cropping out uh I generally wouldn't use that I would just crop on whatever video editing app I'm using instead versus being forced into whatever I've cropped while it's flying next there are some Pro options here uh so I'm gonna just get this off my head so I don't listen to it so much there we go we'll go forward a little ways towards the windmill okay in lower right hand side you see where it says Auto if I tap that I get into the pro modes this is where I can configure all these things manually like shooting on a manual camera so I can tap anything here and I can say I'm going to change the white balance I'm going to go from 5500 which is daylight to this which will look horrible of course I just kind of want to show you that you can do that and go back to Auto for that I can go down here I can change the color profile uh so I can go to normal to hlg to D log d-log is basically an ungraded version of this so if I tap d-log really quick there we go I'm actually going to turn so I'm not facing the Sun so it's a little bit easier to see here so I'm just going to go this way that way you can see what this looks like okay lots of color on the screen right really pretty lily pads all that kind of stuff if I tap d-log it's going to look a little bit grayer now this allows you to color grade after the fact if you know what I'm talking about here then great you'll know how to use this feature and how to use it after the fact if you don't have any of what I'm talking about right now don't enable us it'll just make your life way more difficult this gives you much more range in editing in terms of processing colors but again it requires a lot more work and there's hlg which is basically kind of a HDR kind of equivalent and then you see above that my storage so on the SD card that I have in the aircraft I've got 200 256 Cent card in there I have 18 gigs left I use 256 egg cards I'll link to the card I use down below these are the card hard to use across everything they just work really well it's like 30 or so bucks for 256 gig card they're amazing definitely not sponsored you see below that the two recording formats h265 h264. uh just keep it on h.265 that'll save you a bit more space doesn't say anything from like how it looks it looks great uh 264 is mostly for really old computers that don't support this but if you just bought this expensive drone uh then likely your computer will support this just fine a computer is back like almost eight to ten years supports uh h.265 and then on the right hand side if you tap that little um circle thing you can then change your ISO and shutter and EV comp so ISO allows you to go ahead and manually modify that so I can just untap Auto and I can choose that I want the iso to be at again these are all things you can play with later on in shutter speed and then EV comp as well is the most common one to brighten up the image or darken the image if it's too bright out now I'm going to turn back off auto mode just so we're kind of all in one spot here you'll notice the top of our battery is now down to 34 note that it does generally speaking take more battery to hover than it does to fly around so right now I've been doing a lot of hovering before we gotten all these moves we're going to talk about photo moves and it'll probably swap batteries and get into all the automated moves and some of the good stuff here so to switch into photo modes you tap that right hand button where the film strip is there and you see photo there we go and now we have our photo menu single just taking a single photo I can press the button up here Boop take a photo or I can press the button on the screen and that's done at the bottom you'll see I have two different ways I can record this so if I select where I say format there's J plus raw there's jpeg or raw raw is a higher depth in terms of detail and what's recorded in it and then jpeg best raw is giving you both I always shoot both because sometimes I just want a quick shot to offload on my camera and off I go and sometimes I want the really high quality stuff I can edit later on in Lightroom and have all the raw original information in the photo so there's no technical difference in the resolutions they shoot uh just to be clear on that it's just the amount of information recorded to the file and then you still have the EV comp option there into the right you still have all of the manual photo options just like you saw on the video side that is all there as well I go ahead and untap that to get back out of that and then we go back up to that photo menu you have aeb or Auto exposure bracket that'll essentially expose the Shadows better as well as the Highlights better into one image some people don't like the look of it though so keep that in mind and then below that there is burst so again taking a bunch of photos generally speaking I don't find the burst super useful on drones or even action cameras these days because the frame rates are so high anyways that you know you're shooting at 60 frames per second that's way better than the burst is going to do so you might as well shoot that it's not quite as high resolution of course if you're shooting video but at 4K it's pretty darn close and you're more likely to not miss whatever it is you're trying to shoot so unless you have a lot of spare time and really really really want it to be in a raw photo mode or something like that don't shoot bursts just shoot slow-mo or whatever it is that you want and then you have time shot this is actually one of my favorite modes my secret favorite modes here for my but thanks for back a little bit uh secret favorite modes CC five second seven second Ten Second 15 second uh minor rum of this drone does not support two or three seconds like some of the other ones do to my bell there but what's cool about this though is if you are trying to shoot perhaps yourself and if regulations do allow you to put the controller down for a second and you want to ride through the frame or run to the frame or do whatever you're doing I get a family photo this is great because you just press this button and it's going to take a photo every five seconds like you see on the screen right there so I use this quite a bit actually for getting action shots of myself where I just set the whole frame up and then go through it and again you could just shoot video instead and that makes a lot of sense too but sometimes I really want the higher resolution if I'm gonna have that be like the Banger of a photo then I really want that high resolution of a photo compared to the video and then lastly there's the panel options so if we go down on the right hand side you'll see piano at the bottom there and what Pano is is Panorama and you see there's a couple options sphere 360 degree here pretty straightforward 180 degrees pretty straightforward as well it's got 180 degrees across in front of you and then you got a wide angle and then you have vertical so to show you the 180 here I'm just going to turn it this way this way so we're facing the window of course and I'll tap this and it's going to take a bunch of photos you're seeing it automatically doing that right now and then when it's done it's going to stitch those together and then you'll be able to see all this on the SD card as well and again you can change the options at the bottom right there if you needed to to go ahead and do compensation or whatever you might want to change on the photo settings on the right hand side note that it shows the percentage of that currently being done so it's a three percent right now and it needs to get to 100 to finish once it's 100 then you can go ahead and do we want to do the Drone from this point 50 to 100 is actually the stitching of the photo versus the zero to fifty percent was The Taking of the photos okay that's all finished up right there and we'll go back into normal photo mode here and just to show you like if this was me taking a photo or something first off I'm gonna get off of the timer there we go I'm going to take a photo of this windmill I'm gonna go to 3x I'm going to use the gimbal to rotate up a bit I'm going to rotate out so I get a little bit of the canal there there we go just like this and that's kind of my roughly like before like this ah perfect so this is a low battery rth uh so what's going to happen here in the next couple seconds it's going to automatically come back and fly to me uh now you see there we go it's going to fly back rth is again return to home there's two ways that we turn the home will automatically trigger the first is if the controller loses contact with the Drone you fly too far or whatever the case is I throw this on the canal in that case the Drone will detect after a little bit of time that it can't talk to control anymore it'll come back to me in the land so it's doing that now and I'll go ahead and basically fly normally up to 100 meters in this case there's no reason to go 100 meters to come back down again so it's going to 24 meters and we'll see how close it gets before I stop it at the very end here so it doesn't end up relatively close you know not exactly where I put it but you know in this case it's pretty darn close I'm gonna go ahead and move it just slightly backwards though so I'm going to use this to stick right here and we're go a little back and didn't quite go back fast enough but uh as you can see no big deal that I hit the grass is it ideal nah not really but I'm not super worried about it uh you can see on the props itself there's no damage because it's just the grass but if this back one here had hit say this rock or something like that it would have a slight crack in it uh you know there we go put it right there instead and we'll go ahead and swap batteries but no problems I don't see any damage there at all nothing going on all good so let's do a quick battery swapparoo change batteries we just pull it out like this I probably could have turned it off first but I'm not super worried about it and then we grab the next battery out of the pack here horses are watching us back there toss it in and then power back on there we go okay you see that we have 12 cents 13 satellites now we go to home Point updated now what home Point updated means it's really important here is it's telling me that it knows that this is the home point that it comes back to for the return to home if you don't have that home point so pass that 13 satellites then it won't know where to turn to home so if you were to fly away it'll probably actually update the return to home like over the canal right there which should be a bad place to land so that's useful you can always update if you want to after the fact so I'm going to show you that really quick before we go into the automated modes first I'm going to take off you can also take off by just holding these two sticks inwards and down and I'm just going to go up there we go I'm going to get off over to here there we go so just gonna put it out not over the river just in case I forget later on where it is or something goes wrong it's going to be in that Farmer's field over there which would be a pretty bad place to update the home point to but I want to show you how this works so I tap the upper right hand button there and I go out of the menu customization from earlier on and I go back to safety and I find a home point there we go update home point there so normally the safety and go down you'll see update home point and then this allows me to put that home point where it is right now or to drag it to somewhere else so I can say you know what I'm going to put it on this side of the river over there and then click OK all right now again that's useful if for some reason you've moved somewhere else if you're on a boat you're on a uh not a train but some object where you're going somewhere you can update the home point to your new location all right so with that all said let's go ahead and talk about the Three core automated modes which is quick shots Master shots and then we'll go into after track hyperlapse and waypoints and quick shots are amazing for beginners because it lets you like get amazing footage that makes you look like an advanced Throne pilot so I'm going to fly forward over here and we're gonna go check out this windmill I'm just going to do a quick look I'm going to increase my exposure comp by a third just because I like that look a little bit better uh now what quick shots are is ways to automatically get well quick shots so we're going to tap this right hand button right there and we're going to go down and you'll see a quick shots and there's a number of core quick shot modes you can see this one here right there is droney I basically as it's showing you on the screen you can see rocket there we go it's going to go basically straight up you can see Circle it's going to circle around something and remember you can always speed the footage up later on as they're doing in some of these examples right here there is the Helix which goes up and it circles at the same time there's Boomerang which as this shows right there kind of boomerangs out and back in again there is asteroid which makes a sphere Panorama thing use this sparingly it looks cool like a couple times and then it kind of gets old and those are the core modes so I'm going to show you for now we're going to do a drony on the uh windmills I'm gonna get that out of the way and the way this works I can go ahead and just simply highlight this there we go so I just draw I'm just drawing a circle around it it's or square around it sorry and the distance I wanna I can choose 30 40 50 80 100 Etc meters and this is how far it's going to go away uh we'll do 50 meters away and I'm going to start a little bit closer a little bit lower there we go like that a nice press the start button and now it's just gonna fly its thing I'm not gonna do anything it's going to do this and when it's done uh it'll have that video saved now in this mode it will start and stop the video recording automatically I will not do that in action track which I'll show you a little later on but for all the quick shot modes it's going to go ahead and just record it automatically do double check that your resolution at the bottom is what you want it to be by default DJI will redefault to 1080p uh the first time you open up the Drone so in this case you can see I've changed it to 4K 30 but do go ahead and make sure you have it on whatever resolution you want otherwise you'll have kind of sad Panda moments and you'll see at the end it'll return back to the same starting point you can cancel that if you want to if you're like you know I want to go do something else then just press the red X there and it goes somewhere else and again we can choose a different one if we want to so I can see Circle right now again I can just highlight this object like this and then I can see do I want to go to the right or the left around it I will choose to go to the left just because and I will choose the start and then off it will go and record this whole thing [Music] I won't make you sit through this entire thing I'll just let you know it's going to go around the circle and come back now I'm going to stop this here and I'm going to fly over instead to The Windmill and we're going to talk about master shots so I'm gonna tap this upper right hand button I'm going to choose master shots there we go and get close to it you see it's telling me to go draw a circle on that that's fine thank you for that information obviously it knows you want to draw a circle around this but it's just course just where I happen to be there we go pull back a little bit and we're going to highlight this I'm gonna explain what Master's office is once I got going uh and move that out of the way and there's a couple options at the bottom I have the width the length and the height so if I tap on each one of these I can adjust these and notice it'll adjust the time it was two minutes before and now it's 220 so a large width and then length and the height for a height we can go large as well there we go 240 and I've got my resolution set at 4K 30 which is fine and I'm going to hit start now walking back to the bike here as this goes uh it's going to start in doing something it's going to take two minutes and 40 seconds to complete this master shots and this is something where a lot of people especially Advanced Flyers don't understand the real value of Master shots which is not the pretty little 15 second video that it outputs at the end so a master shots is ostensibly used for is that at the end of this whole thing it'll give me this Montage you see it's shooting a bunch of different shots right now it's basically like the greatest hits of this windmill all these amazing automated shots uh it's doing that and it's going to stitch them all together in a 1 15 second with music and overlays and pretty things like that what's super cool here is that yes it gives you that little exciting 15 min second video but it also gives you 2 minutes and 40 seconds or however long you've set here worth of footage and you can see at the bottom it's showing you doing a circle close Circle medium it's showing you all these moves this is basically like a b-roll expert going off and getting you roughly 8 to 12 perfect executed moves of b-roll of this windmill there we go 2 minutes and 29 seconds and then from there I will show you later on back at the desk how we can get that into a master shots Fancy video or do whatever the heck you want with it all right so the last thing I want to show you on this little section here is a spotlight mode so I'm gonna go back to video and I'm going to choose these windmill itself I'm just going to highlight it again and in the bottom you see three options active track Spotlight or POI active track means it's going to actively follow me somewhere I'm going to show you that in live here in a second Spotlight means it's going to go ahead and hold on to this point the camera itself the camera is going to stay focused on the windmill no matter where I fly so I'm just going to record for a second to show you this and I'm just going to hold the right and you'll see the Drone is going ahead and staying focused on that windmill if I go up the Drone in a gimbal is staying focused on that windmill if I go down it's all staying focused this is really useful whether it's a physical object like this or a person that is moving because this way if you had a friend that's on a bicycle or car or whatever the case is use Spotlight highlight that person that object and then go ahead and do your drone moves the Drone will one keep you from hitting something using obstacle avoidance and two it'll keep it focused instead of the screen on the object that you're shooting it's an amazingly powerful feature that very few people use which is too bad because it's it's really really useful to ensure you get shots that aren't like constantly missing the subject the wrong way and all that kind of stuff likewise there's POI POI is what you expect here again I can Circle The Windmill there we go POI and then I can press go and you'll see it has the bottom there those two arrows going right or left if I were to slide that Arrow up it'll go faster now it'll move faster around the windmill here but again what's cool is you can use these while you're moving so you can use these on a moving object on a boat on a person car vehicle whatever the heck it is you can do that here not just for POI now you may be asking why would I use POI versus quick shots for just going around here and the reason is in this mode I can increase or decrease my altitude something like you know what I'm going to go ahead and go down like this slowly going down it's not it looks too fast to you but it is going down here slowly you can adjust that I can say I want to go up further if I want to I can pull the sticks back I can go closer if I go forward here uh so again because the speed that we're going it's not showing being super obvious to you but uh it is going ahead and doing that I'm going down now you can see it's clearly going down so you can adjust those parameters in real time uh as well as the speed which you can't do in quick shots quick shots is just it's 15 to 20 second thing it's one and done versus this allows you to do a bit more freedom around this and you can see it's slowly kind of getting a little bit offset here not a big deal I'm just going to kind of readjust that framing by hitting the left hand stick to adjust it back to the center there and then I go ahead and stop and I'll hit stop on the recording as well and it goes and stops in place okay so next up we've got access track and I've rearranged the bike a little bit so I can show you this all in real time now the way actual track Works we're going to select me as an object here first I'm going to get the bike out on the road ding dong yep didn't mean to do that but I did there we go uh and I will talk about the bike don't worry uh I'm gonna get myself in the frame what's cool is that you can use actual tracking either the one by or the three by lens the three by lens is amazing because it allows you to get that the Drone further away from things and be potentially in a safer environment so the way this works I just go ahead and select myself right there uh and you can see it sees me as a person uh automatically it should do this as well if it does not the way you can do this is tap the dot dot dots in the corner there and turn on subject scanning got turned off looks like there we go uh and let's see if I just wave there we go boom found me and this will go ahead and say okay that's a person there and then I'll turn on active track and I'm gonna stay to the right so this basically says do you want to shoot from the right side the front uh back Etc I'm gonna say choose the right and you have to press go you also have to press the recording button I never understand why now on this particular bike I have not set up my controller holder so I got throughout the Carabiner so I can just clip it on there but I do have an entire video on how to use the controllers on bikes on you can use it for motorcycle regular bikes any sort of mountain situation you want uh check that up in the corner there but at this point we just go it's gonna follow me so watch as we start pedaling here put that on okay and it'll start falling along or not sometimes it's a little bit finicky I may have been in the in the weeds there a bit I prefer just to Circle myself to be honest I find it works better but okay fine let's go from the right there we go press go and let's see if it goes this time come on there we go so now it's following us and it's as simple as that that is active track but what's cool that you can change the position as you see fit as you're going uh so I can go ahead and I can also pull it out or back so I can say you know what I want a bit more altitude there we go increasing that out like that and it's going to keep on following uh and this bike by the way this is called an urban air it's a cargo bike I live in the Netherlands power bikes are incredibly common in the Netherlands uh I don't always look like this but uh now you can see we just lost me there and we will get rolling down in my lowest on my SD card here should have offloaded beforehand and active track is struggling today the struggle is real let's see if we can get this work this time third time to charm or not this is by far the uh the worst it's ever done in all my tests all my other tests were like lukewarm okay but uh here we go now it's behind me it's usually the best place from a tracking standpoint it tends to do the best there uh and you can see it's following along uh I could change the the angle if I want to so go ahead and do that I just tap the middle and then tap the right hand side and off it will go to the right hand side and try to follow me from the right automatically there we go see now we're making progress now it's looking pretty good it's figured me out and this is what's cool about active track is you don't have to to do this you also don't have to take the Roku tour with you if your regulations allowed uh and you can use that with someone else as a as a friend or whatever the case may be uh it'll follow and it will avoid obstacles well hopefully anyways and now here is the value of the 3x lines I just did that on selected me and keep in mind I'm all in the 3x lens I'm not on a one by lens uh so I'm probably not gonna get the full windmill unless I would lower down a bunch I could do lower down more and get that in frame but it's a little bit tough uh and again as it got closer to the ground is that closer to objects it will go ahead and uh slow down so you can see you hear the bbbb that means it's getting close to an object which means it's going to slow down but I want to get the swimmable in the shot see if I can around the corner here and we'll call this section done still tracking still tracking come on get some windmill I need some windmill in the shot three two one more time there we go okay so next up we have hyperlapse uh hyperlapse allows you to basically shoot a time lapse while moving somewhere so we'll tap the film strip and we'll go to hyperlapse there we go so you see on the right hand side there are a couple different options free Circle course locked Waypoint uh free means that I can control where I want to go Circle means that's going to circle around something uh course lock means it's going to go ahead and maintain its course which is generally what I use and then Waypoint means it's going to have a set series of waypoints that follows along I'm going to go ahead and do course lock here there we go I'm going to tap the bottom there we go and then this will allow to go straight across this canal and now you see the interval there's two second intervals so how often is going to take a photo that then stitches together into a time lapse picture or time lapse video and then there's the length that is how long I want my end video to take so five seconds mean my end clip will be five seconds long and then the speed how fast do I want to go there we go let's go a little bit faster 5K an hour I'm gonna go a little more altitude here I will now lock this direction by pressing that lock icon and you'll see It'll take four minutes and 10 seconds to shoot this 125 frames I will hit the record button and off it goes it's as simple as that you can hear it taking photos and in four minutes and six seconds it'll be done now as we get to the end of the hyperlapse here you'll see there's an option that says Plus One S this means that hey you know what I want to keep on going I want to add another one second of end State footage I can do that by just tapping that plus 1s it'll go off and keep on going I'm just going to let it end because I don't have reasonably that much more footage but that's useful if you're like no no I want just a little bit more just tap that right there but obviously this is cool if you do it for longer with much more Dynamic clouds Sunset things like that now the next thing that's kind of similar to hyperlapse but very very different in terms of usage is waypoints now I'll go back to the normal video mode right there and you'll see the left hand side there's an option for a little squiggly line there and that's to plan a waypoint flight what waypoints allows you to do is to go ahead and set places where the Drone should be and which direction the camera should be pointed at altitude all that kind of stuff not only that particular day over and over again but perhaps over the course of a year or something like that maybe capturing a construction project or season so whatever the case may be so I'm going to show you this very briefly here I'm going to go down I'm going to make kind of a there's not a lot here to make a really exciting Waypoint course for but I will do that nonetheless I'm going to bring the Drone down just show you how this is going to work so we're going to start off here next to this tree over there that seems like a good place and you see it says to press the C1 button to add a waypoint c1's on the back there we'll go ahead and tap that once there we go okay and then I go ahead and go forward and we'll tap the next one and I'm actually shooting a tutorial on how to use it so okay teach people how to use them and this is a great place out in the middle of nowhere and enjoy have a good one so a very good example of just being super friendly I left the drone over there in the field while I was shooting this I had a quick talk just explaining what it was uh they're interested like no one's scared I wasn't like trying to follow them or anything like that just putting it over there so I'm gonna get to the next c one or next Waypoint here which I'm going to put over the river so I'm going to put it uh just over the river this is where I'm struggling to make this a really interesting shot so I'm going to put it right here over the river there we go and I'm going to press another Waypoint okay so you see the bottom it'll add the extra Waypoint there there we go and I'm gonna go down the river like that I'm gonna put another Waypoint right here okay and then I'm going to start to go up here add another Waypoint okay and now I'm gonna kind of rotate upwards and out so I'm going to add a waypoint here there we go and go up a little higher and add one more up here and I can control the gimbal too right so I can do this and go out a little ways and it's going to automatically go ahead and smooth out all those shots in between them so add one more right there perfect and then next I can go ahead and tap that uh dot option to change things so I want the global speed to be a heck of a lot faster I can change which cameras I want at the end of the flight I can say you want to return to home or to stop there what I want to do if it loses signal so if it loses signal I can say you know what I want to return a home hover or land uh in the end of the flight I can say hoverland I'm just going to tell it to hover there we go then I will hit go and now it's going to go to the starting point first so you can see it's going to fly itself right to the starting point now one thing is by default it will not automatically start recording unless I either set that in the menu or I've gone ahead and just press the recording button so I'm just going to do that now before I forget come on there we go uh so I don't forget to do that here we go so it's getting back to the same spot now I would caution that some of these spots aren't super precise especially altitude I've seen on the air 3 in particular that it's uh Precision on that isn't great so you can see right now it's like oh boom object detected Waypoint flight is suspended and this is where I try to get a little bit tricky but I thought that was plenty of room between these things it did not so I'm gonna go to the next uh see it's waypoints we'll start at Waypoint two instead there we go so we get to Waypoint two see if we'll go around it to get there I'm on you can do it fine we'll just manually fly it around it and this is where you realistically have to have a bit more uh flexibility in this so there we go Waypoint two we will start there there we're starting our our entire Journey and we'll let it do its thing and hopefully it won't cut plunk into the river you're going to see me there I am and it's going to go ahead and I think this is where Waypoint two begins right there you'll notice that the altitude it's a bit high right now I'm curious to see if a lower down hopefully not into the river itself uh there we go and again I wouldn't necessarily recommend doing something over water for your first Waypoint this close to the river but I'm gonna give it a roll so now it's cruising it's moving pretty darn fast uh you can see it's coming around the corner right here all this is automated I'm not I'm not touching anything it's doing it by itself uh recording it and it's going to the third Waypoint right now let's see if it'll hopefully it won't trip a low altitude warning here there we go now we're going up now let's start in the rotation you can see it's starting to rotate automatically uh capturing that in there now it's going to go through that fifth Waypoint right there boom which is where that Center that I wanted to show in the windmill and it's going to keep on rotating up and rotating towards the windmill because again it's smoothing out all these moves in between each one of these waypoints uh and at the ending in a couple seconds and there we go and that's automated I can do that over and over and over again again the world your oyster there uh and then when I'm done I'm one I'm gonna stop recording here and then left hand side I can go ahead and tap those little squiggly lines and I can say do you want to save these waypoints for future use yep save and exit if I tap that squeezy line again you can see on the left hand side there's that little list icon if I just tap that these are my some of my past waypoints that I've saved here or Waypoint flight plans and then I can go ahead and fly them obviously you don't want to fly them if they're far away so this one's you know 4K away Etc now I'm going to cancel this return to home and I'm going to show you sport mode so let's get the waypoints out of the way here there we go we'll start recording because of course we will and the sport mode the way access sport mode is just toggle to the right keeping in mind in sport mode there is no obstacle avoidance at this point it will fly directly into something but we can go really fast so I'm going to show you how much faster we can go here to about 70k an hour I'm gonna go ahead and Buzz myself there we go and this is where you can have some fun with approaches getting down nice and low and really kind of exposing this up slowly like this for example chasing a speedboat would be a good scenario where you want that extra speed up to 70k an hour to go ahead and pull off that and you don't have to worry about obstacle avoidance because of the fact that you're out in the open ocean now you can hear the beeping it means it's upset I'm going through 15 battery uh and if I were to ignore this eventually it will force its Landing uh starting around the 10 marker and if that happens you can go ahead and use the up arrows Etc or up joystick sorry to go ahead and kind of minimize that to a degree and you can change the direction but eventually it will forcefully land uh for you will not just fall to the sky I'm gonna pull this down and I'm going to show you uh an important skill so the way you hand catch something is a really useful skill that I feel like everyone should know how to do uh and I'll talk about why once I get a hand caught so we don't have a battery the first thing is you want to bring the Drone down to right in front of you and solar level so I'm gonna bring it down here there we go just like that okay a little higher should level and then all you're gonna do is bleach under grab it and flip it over uh so I'm gonna reach under grab it flip it over and it shuts off automatically now pretty little battery now the reason you want to go ahead and hand catch is that the scenario might not be okay for you to land uh for example if you're on a boat I would strongly recommend gang catching if you're on the beach hand tests you don't get in the sand if you're in snow hand catch uh windy environments generally better to hand catch there are two different ways you can hand catch something the first one is you can allow it to land on your hand you put your hand out and you land on it look if it's a calm day perhaps but this place is way safer and no it does not damage the props that's an urban legend simply does not damage in any way shape or form all you're doing is a second you turn it over anytime a DJI drone is turned over like a turtle uh the props will shut off there is no damage whatsoever there I talked with DJI about this many many times no problems at all and this is by far the safest way if it's very windy out waiting for a drone to slowly go down your hands like this you're gonna chop your hands which these props will hurt but they they won't they'll draw a little bit of blood maybe on your fingertips but they won't they won't do anything bad it's just like cutting paper cut of sorts but hand catching is an incredibly useful skill that I feel like everyone should do because you never know where you want to land your drone somewhere that isn't suitable for the main thing people do that screws up the hand catch sometimes is they will go ahead and put their hand out before the Drone lands let the Drone come down to your shoulders then reach under it and grab it do not reach under until it's at your shoulders otherwise the Drone will actually fly up away because it detects an object there now with that we are finally ready to jump inside and look very briefly uh at the app and some of the features there before wrapping things up now once you want that footage there are two options to get the footage off the Drone the first is to take the footage off of the SD card that's under this little rubber door right there but in some cases you may want it directly on your phone the fastest way to do that is Wi-Fi Direct where it connects from your phone to the Drone using Wi-Fi all of them make sure the controller is off otherwise this won't work at all so if you tap the album button right there in the upper right hand corner of that little lightning bolt option once you tap that it'll go ahead and start searching for your drone there we go we can see it right there if this is the very first time you've paired your drone it will ask you to double press this button just to Simply confirm it which is simply joining the Wi-Fi network of the Drone this is creating a direct connection between the Drone and your phone to allow you to download higher resolution photos and videos tap view album and you'll see your album pair you can go ahead and tap on something you can play it and you can choose what you want to download by just choosing this little download option in low Ray and corner and I do do a full or trim download if you just want a small slice of it now remember that Master shots we created earlier on you can see it has a master shots icon that start with that you know kind of Hollywood style clipboard there in fact each one of these clips has a small icon next to it indicating what sort of clip it is if we tap that one there you'll see that create master shots option it needs to download the clip first you can see the download status on lower right hand corner right there or back on the main Gallery page while it's doing that generally speaking it'll download about 30 megabytes per second now with that Master shots footage downloaded we can choose create master shots and there's a bunch of templates here that you can choose with different durations so I can say epic because this of course will be an epic whim if we wanted to or Cydia pop or whatever the case may be and there's music that comes with that as well and obviously that's pretty pretty epic stuff from there you go ahead and Export it out this will export a video file for that particular template style it's really as simple as that you can of course change a bunch of settings there if you'd like to and this doesn't impact the raw files that are on the Drone or on the SD card that two minutes and 30 seconds or so of footage that you can use for your own b-roll as you see fit [Music] thank you in addition in the lower right hand corner there's this create button right there this will pull even more templates basically different options for going and editing your footage or you can kind of manually pull that footage together or use that AI editor option there that's kind of beyond the scope I wanted to do for today's video uh but this you know it's kind of a starting point maybe for another video down the road okay so there you go a complete beginner's guide complete guide whatever the heck you want to call it for the air 3. I also have a similar one for the Mini 3 Pro up in the corner there and probably other ones for future GTI drones as well uh definitely check those out again if you found this video instrument useful go ahead and whack the like or subscribe button it really does help out the video and the channel quite a bit
Channel: DC Rainmaker
Views: 95,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DJI Air 3, DJI Air 3 Tips, DJI Air 3 how-to guide, DJI Air 3 Guide, DJI Air 3 Beginners Guide, DJI Air 3 review, DJI Air 3 Drone, dji drone, how to fly a drone
Id: _ABNFgRGnz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 57sec (3597 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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