Django Rest Authentication (SimpleJWT Exploration). Django rest framework project tutorial[12]

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alright guys so in this one I ought to show you how you can get help regarding the simple GWT module that we'll use for authentication so if you go through the documentation here they white outline everything you that's possible with with the module so one of the the common things are going to want to do is change like how long the token would be valid change like how that token is hashed add some details the token so you can find all this stuff here I will leave the link to the tip to the documentation in the description please feel free to take a look at them you can go to all these sections and know what's possible even have it tokens at a blacklist app that you can use to like manage user broke out and all that good stuff so what I want to do is go to settings and I want to show you a simple thing about how to change the lifetime of data and so here you see they show you what you need to define so I'm gonna copy just this part where we have the Refresh token refresh token lifetime and then they the access token left them so you can see that you can define which signing key you use you can see what you did the fields that you put in the token so all this the user folders you can put in the token so all this is possible you just need to know what your requirements are and this is the way you find it okay so for now for us we just do a simple thing this should I increase the the access token lifetime to like 10 minutes so in settings that py I'm gonna go anywhere here this it should be fine and then I'm gonna bring in the setting I'm gonna input time Delta yeah so input time alright so I put the time there then here you can pass the time time Delta n minutes will be 10 all right so it's gonna be the same thing this is gonna be imported from daytime which time Delta all right so this is how you do it take some time if you want to change more stuff this is how you do it and yeah so this will do it for the tutorial if it helped you please give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Cryce Truly
Views: 6,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ESYWl7Lc9Sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 28sec (148 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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