Django Bootcamp - Day 0 - Info Session

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um so hey there what's up and here we go i'm on this of course is your best source for all things django i would love to say it's my website i'd love to say it's somebody else's website but at the end of the day is your best source documentation is fantastic the tutorial on here is also fantastic so there is a tutorial in the documentation so by all means if you have some python familiarity and after you watch this one you can absolutely jump in to that tutorial and get a lot out of it definitely a lot out of it trust me um because if you do that tutorial and you're really getting stuck in all those things that's what my live streams are going to really help clarify a bunch of things that are going on in that tutorial so in order to actually get django going we need to have python installed so if you don't have python installed i sort of assume that you do i have a couple blog posts that show you how to do it on windows or mac it actually doesn't matter what system that you're using i'm gonna be covering the generally the same commands for both machines um so yeah you can absolutely use windows mac or linux linux users typically know how to install things on the command line a little bit easier than mac and windows users in my experience so if you're on linux you can use this mac one as well i'm going to be using the text editor visual studio code or vs code for short this is actually where we're going to write a a lot of our code now what i'll be showing you is in a moment is actually how to create our django project and we'll talk a little bit about what's going on in that project in general um and we're gonna be using vs code so we'll also set up vs code for that now this is a text editor so it's really just writing our python code our html code and all the things that are related to our project so you don't have to use vs code you can use something like sublime text which was my long time favorite but vs code has surpassed that now i think there's a lot more features to vs go that are really nice py charm or pycharm is another one that a lot of people seem to like and there's many other text editors out there you shouldn't get held up too much or caught up too much on which text editors do you want to use just pick one and go for it now if you want to stick with me just just download vs code the two of the sublime text and vs code are free pycharm is not unfortunately so so just pick one download it and get it going okay so now what i want to do is actually show you how to start a django project this is actually really straightforward and simple to do but we're going to talk about a couple of things that are important when you are building one of these projects so first and foremost you need to open up your command line in this case i'm using the terminal program on mac if you're on windows you're going to want to use powershell so either one works just fine and if you installed python on windows you can probably just do python dash capital v and you'll probably see python 3.6 3.7 or 3.8 one of those versions showing up here now mac users as of now python 2.7 is the default python version so if you went through the tutorial you'll know that you have to type out python 3 to actually get the version that you want to use okay so really simple not that big of a deal but once we go into python 3 we can actually start to write python code in here like one plus one right so if i already lost you then you definitely want to go through that 30 days of python maybe the entire thing okay so let's go ahead and exit out of this and i'm going to clear out my screen here so now what i want to do is actually create the first django project now creating this is actually not that hard to do but if you haven't worked in the terminal if you haven't worked in the command line very much then you're going to want to start to get comfortable with this because all we're going to really be doing is typing out commands you don't really use your mouse that much on the command line itself so just keep that in mind but what vs code will do is it will make it a lot easier to switch between the files we want to work on than using something like the command line right that's just generally how a lot of developers do and there's some other features that are really cool too and i'll show you those so let's go ahead and list things out with ls now it doesn't matter what system you're on terminal and powershell ls should work if for some reason your windows is not working just use dir and you'll be able to list out everything that you are dir also is in lieu of using pwd so dir windows users you get uh both the path as to where you are currently located and all of this really cool other stuff so now we're going to want to make a directory called dev now my case i already have a directory called dev so mk der is actually how you make a directory and then you give some arbitrary name here i create a dev folder for all of my projects i always store them in there so let's go ahead and cd into that dev folder and again we'll list everything out now if you just created this folder you won't have all of this stuff right i have all this stuff because i create all sorts of projects on this particular user account so i'll go ahead and clear this out and now i'm going to go ahead and make dur and we'll call this dj boot camp as in django dash boot camp okay and then we're gonna cd into that dj bootcamp and now this is something that's absolutely critical we want to create something called a virtual environment if you're not aware virtual environments help python projects stay nice and isolated i'll give you an example of this if you had a different version of django on your system much like i probably do by running pip freeze i'll actually see this different version of django right so i have a bunch of things already installed in here and actually i don't even have django on there but i do have flasks so you see that flasks on there a virtual environment will isolate my project from what's on my system but it will also isolate it from other projects now this of course does not mean that it's perfectly isolated but it will at least treat it as isolated as possible so i'm going to clear this out and again i'm inside of my project here and i have nothing installed yet so there's a lot of different ways on how you can create a virtual environment so what i'm going to do is actually using python 3 dash m v e and v and period now a lot of you are like wait if you've seen me do other stuff i use pip env all the time the reason i'm using this is because everyone will for sure have this already ready and ready installed if you have python 3 in there so now of course remember back windows users you probably won't have to put the number three there you'll probably just type out python dash m v e and v and period so this dash m is module or the actual python module that is built into python that's what it's calling and v e and v is a virtual environment manager and then this last period here actually puts it in this directory right here if you gave it another name it would put it it would create a new directory and put it in that directory there's a lot of different ways on how people approach doing this i'm just going to do it like this i'll press enter and this is going to create all of the things related to this virtual environment to make it as isolated possible so if i list it out i see bin include lib and my configuration file for this virtual environment now if you're on actual windows you're going to see a little bit different of files here but generally the same so mac and linux users to activate this virtual environment you just do source bin activate you hit enter and there you go right so you now have a activated virtual environment and if i run pip freeze now it doesn't show anything so this is a clear thing about it uh windows users sorry i didn't mean to leave you out you'll just do scripts activate just like that that's how you activate your virtual environment on windows okay so the pip freeze shows me that i don't have any modules installed or any packages installed inside of this virtual environment so another way to do this is running python 3-m pip freeze but now that i actually have a virtual environment i actually shouldn't be calling python3-m like that because that actually calls my system-wide one instead what i should do is call python-m pip freeze and this is my virtual environment version of python now if you remember back earlier what i did with python v i actually had python 2 in there because that was my system mac version of python now we can all just type out python and and go forward python python python huh okay cool so if i haven't lost you yet now what we can do is actually create our django project so django dash admin is the actual command that we want to run if i hit enter i don't have this command yet right so i actually need to install django this is really easy to do there's several different ways on how to do it but it's really easy we use something like pip install and django the actual package we want to use so this is also very clearly on the django web frameworks documentation so if we go into download here and you'll see this all the time right you'll see this on all kinds of python projects if you haven't already but what we see right here is pip install django 3.1.1 right so that's actually how we're going to install django so we can use that command now if you just want to use the latest version of django running pip install django will certainly do that so pip install django forces downloads and installs our django project or rather django module or package itself and then we actually need to create our django project with this django dash admin now i will say it used to be django admin.pai it's no longer that so if you see an older tutorial using dot pi just remember that it's you don't need that anymore unless you have an older version of django which to me django is django it has evolved over the years but if you're a beginner and especially if you're here in this boot camp just remember that older versions of django aren't a whole lot different than what we've got today there certainly are differences but you can still learn a lot from those older ones so what we do here is we want to call this django admin command so i'll go ahead and do clear and we'll just do django admin and hit enter so now i get all of this stuff right so i have all sorts of built-in commands to django this is one of the primary reasons to use django django has a lot of built-in features that make it really easy and really fast to build highly functional applications this is a good example of that it already has all of these commands built in so a good one that is kind of cool to see right off the bat is send test email also shell right so you're familiar with python shell that's the django shell or the django managed shell so the ones we're going to be using right now are start project and start app so let's go ahead and start our project i'll do django dash admin start project and i'm going to call this dj underscore bootcamp now python itself let me actually just clear this out real quick make sure everyone can see this so django dash admin start project dj boot camp now python itself you do not want to use dashes inside of python instead you want to use snake case like this where there's an underscore in between the module names so i'm going to start this project and i'm going to put a period at the end if you don't put that period at the end it's going to create a new folder with that project information i hit enter i list everything out and what do you know i have manage.pi in here as well as a folder called djbootcamp so this is where my virtual environment related items are in here as well right so some tutorials sometimes you'll see them separated out in different ways all of that's totally okay i just wanted to make sure that you understand that the main things related to django are manage.pi and the project name that you just declared okay so what i want to do is i want to actually put this in a vs code so uh when mac users you can do this windows users just do i period and that will actually open up the folder that this project is in now i'm also going to open up vs code okay so here is a standard version of vs code you might have the start window on here this welcome window and if you do that's completely okay something like that um but basically what i want to do is i want to add this project in here so go ahead and open this folder up navigate back to that folder of dj boot camp and go ahead and hit open and there we go so i've got managed up high here this is a command that we will call a lot and then i also have so this python extension popped up this is actually a good time to talk about it vs code has a bunch of extensions that you can install just look for this little icon right here for extensions go in there look for the python extension and go ahead and install it um that is something i believe i do in 30 days of python but even if i don't that's how you do it right there okay cool so manage up high we don't actually really ever have to change this but we will call it fairly often and then we've got our django configuration here so the init file of course turns this into a python module the dj bootcamp into a python module asgi this is for asynchronous django something we are not going to be covering in this series because it starts to get to advanced territory that's just really outside the context of the things that we should be covering here next up is settings.pi so settings.pi has made a little bit of changes from previous versions we'll talk about this in a little bit next is urls urls is how we actually route every url path to django we definitely have to talk about this a lot when we get into the views portion of things so that's going to be coming next week in more detail wsgi this is the web server gateway interface this is the synchronous version of it the synchronous version of the asynchronous server gateway interface so wsgi is where we're going to be using a lot of our project as well so let's actually create and run our project so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to open up terminal inside of vs code to do this it's ctrl tilde so tilde if you're not familiar is this right here and we are going to use ctrl and tilde to open up this terminal in my case it's identical to this terminal right here one of the reasons you'd use the vs code one is so you don't actually have to leave vs code while you're running things and by default it's going to open up where your project actually lives and to save this project we also want to just do that real quick so i'm going to go ahead and save workspace as inside of where manage.pi is and we'll call this dj bootcamp dot code workspace okay so we'll save that and now inside of this terminal again we're going to pwd we're exactly where we need to be again windows users you'll use dir and again we'll use python dash m v e and v period well actually we don't need to do that right because we already have the virtual environment in there so this is a common thing that gets mistaken sometimes is you try to reactivate the or reinstall the virtual environment but after you install it one time it's ready to be reused so go ahead and do activate and now we're activated in vs code so i'm gonna clear this all out and i'm gonna run the first command that we need to use and this is python manage.pi if i hit enter here you'll actually see the exact same commands that we saw with django dash admin right so django admin also does this right so fans are identical except django uh py actually deals with r specific a bit um so now what i want to do is actually go back into vs code and i'm going to bring down my terminal a little bit i'm actually going to open up a another terminal here so i'm going to split it open and here is that other terminal i am in the exact same project another reason to actually use vs code is this right here so i'm going to go ahead and open it up a little bit more by closing down the explorer there i'm going to go ahead and activate my virtual environment with source bin activate of course if you're on um if you're on you know windows you'd use dot slash scripts that activate and now we're going to go ahead and create our first super user so python and we're going to go ahead and say create super user make sure it's all in one one command that's actually how you do it you hit enter and we get no such table auth user right so you'll also see this quite a bit because the actual tables themselves have not been created yet in the database so what that means is for django specifically that you can create the database tables yourself like you can go and do all those things manually or we can use django to manage it for us and that's one of the biggest reasons to use django is so that django manages all of these things for us so it's simple we just run python and migrate let me actually clear that up so python will migrate our database table right it will migrate our backend all the time so no matter what this actually runs the migrations if migrations need to happen we'll talk about that too next week in a lot more detail but once i actually run this notice that it's saying applying all this stuff so what django's doing here is it's telling our database make these tables make sure they exist so that django can actually run on top of it so now that we've got that i'm going to go ahead and clear it out again now i'll go ahead and run python create super user we hit enter and now you can declare your username i'm just going to use cfe you can add an email address if you want when you go into production this this is a little bit more important but it's not even that important for production the password you want to use just use a whatever password it actually does not matter what password you use in development and i'll show you that in just a moment too so i'm going to use a simple whatever password and see i still have my server running here right so with that server running i can actually go back into the server back into the admin url itself and i can log in with my user right so in my browser i i pretty much always use the same local username and user password so that's why my browser has it stored by all means do that as well but of course you don't want to do this on production ready code and production databases especially not um and of course when i say production i mean ready for real people to actually use this this right here real people cannot use as you probably already know and it's probably an intuitive sense but if you go to this url when your server's not running it's it's going to show nothing right okay so this is a django admin really really basic as default but one of the really nice things about django right out of the gates well of course is the django admin but also is actually managing users right here we can manage all of the users for our entire project that i think is really really cool okay so the next thing i want to show you before we start taking questions is getting back to practically zero in other words i'm going to delete this entire project and we're going to do this all over again but i'm not going to give as much context so by all means go ahead and do the same thing or just watch because it's just going to really just wrap up this entire thing in fact let's go ahead and do it all from scratch so i'm going to remove the django bootcamp itself so dj bootcamp okay so it removes that folder it moves everything so this is gonna just show you exactly it is what we're trying to do here so again we're gonna make a directory so make dur and this is gonna be d dj dash boot camp remember we use that dash little cd into there we will run python3 dash m v e and v period that's going to create that virtual environment for us okay now that that's there we'll activate the virtual environment and then we'll do pip install django and in my case i'm using 3.1.1 but either way it doesn't fully matter for this example you can use old versions of django as well and get exactly what it is that we're doing here not much has changed in the way of actually setting up a django project now i'll use django admin start project and we will call this the dj bootcamp okay and now that we've got that i'm gonna go ahead and open it up again and i'm gonna add this into my vs code folder here it's the same folder that it was so it's no big deal there and i'm gonna go ahead and file oops i hit it twice there we go so file and save workspace as yet again dj underscore bootcamp or dj dash bootcamp that file doesn't actually matter that much it says it already exists even though i should have already deleted it i'm just gonna go ahead and replace the one i had there okay so now i've got that project i'll go ahead and run python migrate oops i actually did not do the project correctly uh notice that i did not have that period there that good error to happen so i'm going to delete that project itself and then run the command again with that period at the end like i said you should do now when i list this out i can actually run it now the reason i knew that happened is because it's saying it can't open manage.pi so i see the dj bootcamps in there but manage.pi is not so that's how i was really easily able to identify the fact that i didn't do that period this comes with experience i promise you uh so now we'll go ahead and do python and migrate and then python create super user and again the same information that i used before and finally we'll go ahead and run that server again and the actual session ended right because i deleted the database that's one thing but i actually recreated the project altogether and then i'm gonna go ahead and type in that whatever password and now i'm back in i'm right back to where i started so i want you to get familiar or at least comfortable with the idea that you can just eradicate your entire project and start over especially if you're like getting code jumbled or something like that it's often a really good idea to just go and start a brand new project and i just wanted to really highlight how all of that's done another way to actually kind of get going from scratch is to rename db.sqlite3 or just delete that file run migrations and then you're off to it okay so that is how we set up a django project how we create a um admin user how we run our first migrations um now what i want to briefly talk about is this settings file so first and foremost if you aren't familiar with path lib it's a really good thing to learn python or django now uses path lib they used to use os but path lib is incredibly easy to follow i think so let me just declare what this base directory is well the base directory is where managed up high lives it pretty much always is that if you're using the django commands that i did if you're not using some other commands that actually build a django project which you totally could but in my case the bat the baster is where manage.pi lives by default and this actually shows us that so path of file so it's giving us the absolute path of settings up high that's what this resolving does the parent path for settings.pi is in the parent module is the name of our project it's where dj bootcamp is it's the folder that settings.pi lives in and then the parent of that the top level parent is that project that we created for a virtual environment so dj bootcamp that's the base directory secret key now it says to keep it secret in production absolutely you want to keep it secret in production when you're testing things out it doesn't matter that's also true with debug you want to keep it true so you get some errors while you're going through this next allowed host this is something we'll cover later but it's generally what's the domain that you want to allow for or the host url that you want allowed for installed apps this is something that we'll talk about a lot as well these are how we extend and really use django so we already saw the admin we already saw off we actually already saw a little bit about sessions as well because when i deleted the back end my admin session ended so logging in logging out actually applies two sessions as well as off middleware so middleware is a bunch of built-in security features to django well other features as well but a lot of security features to django that happens in between going to a page and that page responding to you so that's a request and response we'll talk about the details of that too i root url configuration this of course is what we already saw this url's.pi file this is just a declaration for where that lives and how we're going to map all of our urls and paths i realized that all of this stuff should be incredibly confusing if you've never used django before and i'm really glossing over it because we're going to get into it in detail later that's what the bootcamp is all about right templates this is a fundamental structure to using django's mvt as i mentioned at the very beginning of this we're going to be talking about templates a lot and templates have their own built-in processors and ways to do programming inside of the template itself which is really cool and it makes a another great aspect for django the wsgi so the web server gateway interface application as we mentioned is that wsgi file and specifically the declaration of application and then the another one that you will be really interested in knowing about is the database configuration this is the default configuration for django it says bayster slashdb.sqlite3 so notice that sqlite3 is in the same place as manage.pi that is showing us where that base directory is as well and this database if we change it here django will make a new one for us as long as we run migrate on there sql i3 is a really fast and easy way to prototype a lot of databases although you wouldn't necessarily use it in production we've got password validators this is password validation to make sure your passwords are pretty good now that doesn't always work unless you actually implement it here's some internationalization things so if you're in a different part of the world you can change this and the documentation shows you how to do that and then finally static files this is actually how we run images css and javascript that is something we'll talk about as well throughout this entire boot camp okay so that's it for the baseline setup of a django project so what i'm going to be doing now is actually taking questions and i think i'm a little far behind on the questions right so we've been talking for almost 40 minutes now so i'm definitely behind on the questions um so what i want to do is go back into like a typical live stream for the q a related to this now this was meant to give you a preview of what's to come this one probably went a lot faster than i will on other areas especially the first few days as i'm filling out how you guys are really getting this i think this might have been review for a lot of you anyway especially if you've seen some other of my series but the speed as to which it's going is important for well for my sanity honestly if i go any slower than this it's gonna be a slog for me and then i think you guys will start to feel that the other thing is you can always re-watch these live streams that's another reason why i'm making them completely on youtube is because if i was going to do this specific thing for 14 hours straight seven hours one day seven hours another day i i just don't know if i would be able to maintain any real level of energy to do that and answer a bunch of questions um so yeah that's a little note on the speed itself okay so now what i'm gonna do is start taking your questions let me just cue this up real fast thanks for coming out everyone really appreciate it i'm really excited about this because yeah i have a lot of videos covering this but the part that i don't have is answering individual questions in those videos in a live setting um and that i think is really cool about going live and the fact that i can talk to you guys around the world um i also realize you know this is probably not the best time per se for all of the live for everybody you know what i mean but um yeah thanks for coming out anyway okay cool so i'm gonna jump back into my questions here just like this hello everyone and let's see here sorry about that question that's an old one let's put one on we've got a super chat hey thanks so much i'm glad that you watched many of the tutorials thank you so much thanks for watching i appreciate it um so here we go i have some old questions this is a good question the link for the discord that's going to come much later once we actually get into the more individualized help right so those two days it's all about the individualization i'll have private discord for those 20 people and myself to really figure out problems together right i want i want us all to be helping each other out in that uh thanks for the question next one is this free um yes uh mostly free the streaming part is free but if you want my direct feedback on your project it is not unfortunately okay cool so let's see here get a lot of a lot of questions here i just got to clear out some of this really quick we'll watch the video after it's uploaded cool i have a lot of django series on absolutely this bootcamp is meant to answer your questions as soon as they're happening ideally as much as possible so feel free to ask questions related to this now it looks like i've been freezing or buffering a little bit sorry about that um i i have nothing else on the internet just this so i'm not sure why it's buffering maybe it's something related to youtube or the streaming software i don't know okay so um do we have any questions now i'm gonna go ahead and try and load some up maybe the maybe the current part of the boot camp um maybe this comment thing is not actually that ideal right at this moment because you know maybe some of the questions were answered i hope that they were uh but i'm happy to answer anything related to boot camp or if you want to get other things going please let me know hey how's it going welcome let's see here i'm going to jump into the live stream cool so i do have some newer newer ones towards the end i'm gonna load those up now okay so quick question will javascript play a main role in django javascript and django work really well together i think but javascript and jngo don't need each other to work well pretty much but uh i will cover a little bit about using javascript in this bootcamp but not a whole lot because this is much more about getting django going and all that thanks for the question are all the two of the 20 people going to build the same project together this is a good question so um what we will be doing is building the same project together during the streaming and the actual 20 people that that private event um that one is gonna be whatever you're you're having issue with or struggling with in relation to django so my goal is to have this streaming of two weeks to actually solve a lot of problems in relation to what you may be facing with your django projects but then the actual private one is going to be you know bring your own project and i'll do my best as well as the rest of us will also try and help actually solve problems with all of those projects so i will be pairing people up or most likely will be pairing people up uh to have like a buddy or maybe a couple of buddies as partners so that you guys can also give feedback directly on each other's projects so realistically i would love it if you brought your own project but even if you didn't and we were all using the same django bootcamp project that's totally okay what project will be covered in this boot camp um i did mention this towards the beginning so maybe came a little late um the project this also answers you know this question too we are going to be building a single page ecommerce application so when i say single page that means that we're not going to have a full built cart itself that's going to be outside the context of two weeks that's that'll just take well we just don't have enough time to do that really so a actual ecommerce single page application will be you'll be able to list a product or you could do the same method for many products but really it's just gonna be a one-click purchase type action that's it so that's where the single page sort of thing works out um and i'm not actually sure what credit card processing will do yet and even if we'll even get there because some of it does cover and require to use credit cards itself um but i i do intend to get to the credit card part at some point even if it's not in the actual boot camp itself so that's stripe brain trees something like that um so we'll we'll have polls and stuff like that uh later as we go further on this one thanks to the questions you guys let's see django rest framework i am not going to be covering django rest framework really in this boot camp maybe if some things really require it but this is meant to get from the very ground level covering all of the things that i talked about a little bit earlier so those things being let me just pull it up again oh thanks for the questions all right so let me load in some more questions you guys thank you so much um and if you actually ask the same question over and over i am not going to be able to get to that one you know what i mean uh oh this is a good question let me find it here how will i pick the 20 people uh this is going to be a first come first serve right so once we actually get through the first week i'll give a lot more details related to those 20 people so just make sure you subscribe on the channel to know exactly when the first few streams are going to be more than likely they'll be earlier than this right here more than likely they'll be at 10 a.m instead of 11 a.m um i just needed to do it at 11 a.m for this one in particular uh and i say 10 a.m as in 10 in the morning in california time that is best suited for me and hopefully it works for the vast majority of you as well so yeah willy wonka i know i know right these like copy and paste questions is is funny um no we will not be using the django rest framework because we're not really using a client maybe i have to do a a lot of these boot camps right so depending on how this boot camp does i'll just continuously do boot camps i think this live thing there's something to it right so whether it's these live q a's like we're doing now or if it's going to be actual live courses these boot camp type things where i'm live coding and then answering questions in this similar fashion um yeah maybe eventually we'll have to do just more and more django stuff but again it's going to depend all on how this boot camp does so if you have friends that are just dabbling in django and you want to give them like a little bit more information have them come have them come watch make sure they're subscribed so they know about it um but yeah i i do intend to do a lot more boot camps in the future but we'll see we'll see how this thing goes uh and how much we interact yeah good question um hello welcome uh basic python knowledge enough yes so i mentioned this at the very beginning um but the idea let me just pull up that slide i'll say what i think your basic knowledge needs to be and line foundation for what you should know but um you know uh i will be answering questions so even if you are struggling a bit with the python stuff and you show up just let me know then and i'll try and give you some advice as to how you can get up to speed with python and just be a little bit behind on the live stream and just watch it later type of thing you know what i mean thanks for the questions um sounds like stripe stripe is the the go-ahead um so i actually do have a poll for you guys let's see here let me just pull it up um pull up the pole all right and the poll is not working hang on one second here that you can answer that poll by all means uh to answer the polls themselves you just reply in the live chat with hashtag a b or c this one is going to change in just a minute it's just still working out the kinks on this as many of you who come to my live streams the live stream q a stuff uh probably already know and are already well aware of okay cool um so this is gonna be the actual poll i want to know from you guys that intend to actually come out so the reason i'm asking this is because um it will give me a better sense as to where everybody is in general so ideally i think ideally speaking you're like in the b column here like you have some familiarity you're not completely a beginner because django itself doesn't really tend that well for complete beginners and this boot camp is going to go just as fast as i did roughly speaking um so absolute beginners will probably face a little bit more challenges than uh than the rest of you um but you know it's all live streamed and it's all gonna be saved so be sure to you know come back and check it out whenever you need all right uh so i see i'm getting a lot of votes make sure you use the hashtag in front of it um and we will hopefully load this thing up in just a second there we go there's some of the votes um so yeah oh good yeah that that's approximately what the distribution i was looking for if you're in that a column then if you're zero to three months then i would say just just kind of let the the boot camp go you can watch it it's gonna be about an hour each time like this one um so you can totally watch it to see where the gaps in your knowledge are and literally just write questions down to yourself that's my best recommendation and not try to actually code and keep up with me because i think it will be a lot harder than uh than otherwise you know what i mean i don't know but but it's up to you i just i've just seen that as being um a pretty effective way to do it you know what i mean uh let's see i got someone saying no sound no sound huh um interesting so the no sound being i think that worked i don't know i got a couple of you saying uh no audio uh can you guys let me know if the audio is back i feel like the votes and stuff like that are showing that the audio is back um but maybe not sorry about that if the audio cut out did not intend that why is there no setup guide at the beginning of the stream i actually did talk about the set of guides themselves do you mean why didn't i actually go through and install my system if that's what you mean well that's actually a lot it's it's it's not a whole lot of fun to do that oh wow total blunder i see it i see the audio problem that is silly silly live stream mistake um give me one second you guys hear me wow okay so that was silly but you know what we're gonna go back so of course this is the django boot camp um [Laughter] wow this is why we test things out ideally in a live situation and not in the actual live stream itself totally missed a bunch of audio at the beginning so i'll just go through this again really fast for those of you who missed it and i'll link it hopefully earlier uh but anyway so my name is justin mitchell and i've been doing this since 2013 or so it's been a lot of fun um what we're going to be building is a single page e-commerce application um i think some of you probably got this from earlier i totally should have checked if the audio was on um with you before i actually even started talking but you know single page application i just mentioned this in general um these are the things that we're going to be covering django 3.1 model views templates oh wow that's simple that is a simple small little error and it's so silly um thank you for bearing with that so i definitely talked about that for a little bit of time so here's the schedule right um maybe you've pieced this together a little bit but we've got two weeks of streaming monday through friday 100 of it will be on youtube for free and then we'll have two days of direct feedback on your project this is going to be limited to 20 people um and it will cost about 200 us dollars and it's going to be limited to first come first serve i'll give a lot more context to that wow that was so incredibly silly i am so sorry about that guys um please continue to vote if you have some votes in there um yeah cool it's cool you could read the slides okay great um but you saw my mouth moving you're like hey uh that's silly i'm glad i made slides you know the audio thing um because like i i can i basically just didn't check to make sure before i went on the live stream for the actual slides themselves if the sound was in there what a silly amateur mistake first boot camp problems am i right okay um so let me answer some more questions yeah i i'll answer as many questions as possible with you guys um right now if you have any additional questions um by all means feel free to shoot them at me whether they're boot camp related or not that was just like the silliest thing here's a good question um so the timing of the live stream i did mention this a little bit ago in the q a um the timing i'm gonna be actually covering this at around 10 a.m california time so i think that's the easiest way for me because in the morning i'm a lot more high energy than i will be in later in the day because i think the vast majority of my time in california like i think around maybe even now it's really late for some people on the other side of the world so um 10 a.m just ends up working probably the best for all of us and i will actually schedule those though the entire schedule all that stuff will be on youtube for those videos at least before that that actual live stream happens so if i need to change one of the days or something like that i'll let you know about that cool answer the question uh let's see here is it free yes everything is going to be live stream for free all of it um the thing that won't be is the actual um you know 20 person private session with the discord and all that um that that stuff is going to be private it's going to be more of a one-on-one with me and as well as the rest of the cohort um this is for those of you who are struggling that are really ready to invest alongside of me to to actually make your project happen whatever that project ends up being you let me know on twitter that there's no audio uh thank you i'm assuming that's what you meant thank you i forgot my hat yeah my hats are i wear hats all the time so they actually get a little dirty uh and and then this one broke right so um i need to get i need to get a new hat and as you see it's a little dirty um because i literally wear it all day um so yeah i totally forgot it um cool so it looks like looks like uh uh uh the vast majority of you have quite a bit of experience with this and that's that's gonna be really good it's gonna be a lot easier for you if you do have quite a bit of experience um and i'm assuming that a lot of you are going to end up showing up maybe not we'll see either way i'm really excited about doing this can i make a tutorial on how to build a custom django admin page uh maybe eventually thanks for the suggestion that's not gonna be on the the boot camp though why django and not laravel um well uh there's a lot of reasons i'm not gonna get into but um this is a genuine boot camp well why why not ruby on rails you know like it's kind of a silly question maybe i shouldn't put this um can i do a streaming app in the future like make a streaming application that's a good question thank you for that and good suggestion okay so now we're moving into the territory of questions that are not related to the boot camp um what is better in my opinion django and vue or django react i think they're both probably equally as good i like react better because i know react better that's it uh yeah along these lines vue vs react versus angular um yeah i think that reactant view are my preference now angular is it's um a full-fledged front end so you can't build as small of components out of the gates as you can with view and react all right could you cover django built-in security and recommended additional security from third-party providers um yes i will actually make note of this for the boot camp um i think this is a good a good one that i should probably um probably include so we can we can talk quite a bit about it thanks for that question how do i ace a django senior engineer interview uh that's a good question maybe we need to actually interview some people that actually do these kinds of interviews like i should actually talk to those people to give you a really good um solid advice there i think danny field roy who wrote the book two scoops of django i think he has really good advice on interviewing for django positions uh because he's hired so many more django developers than i have uh so he would be a good one to check out 200 is too expensive yeah i totally understand that it's too expensive but this is going to be a lot of time that i'm going to be working with these people um so i realize that it's outside the budget for a lot of people but in all honesty if you can't afford it i totally understand and that's why i'm doing the live boot camp streaming for free so all of you can actually benefit at least from the education side um i just can't actually do a an entire weekend for free um it's just it's just very much outside the realm of what's possible um because i'm gonna be putting a lot of time in these projects i'm gonna be reviewing their code giving them direct feedback and all that so i mean that's just how it is right maybe in the future we'll be able to get sponsorship for this so like companies actually sponsoring the boot camp itself the entire thing and then the selection of the weekend people would be based off of a variety of metrics instead of a dollar amount hopefully i'll be able to do that at some point if you're interested in sponsoring if you know someone that is let me know just shoot me an email or tweet at me um i will definitely take this into serious consideration so there's my twitter right there for that so yeah um can i send you a link to do best organization in our django projects um there's a lot of different methodology for doing your django project i'll definitely be talking about that in the live stream as well um honestly the book two scoops of django pretty much any version of it is really really good for things related to organization uh the authors created django cookie cutter or cookie cutter django kind of going blank on the package itself um but they they have a very popular django package that they also write about uh best practices inside of django as well and i think i think they are like definitely definitely really good so i would check that out thanks for the question maester that's funny yes game of thrones for sure you learned a lot in one month watching my videos thank you winter is coming yeah i think 2020 is like the you know game of thrones winter right you know chronovirus is the night king or something and we will defeat him or arya will anyways i don't know thanks for watching um can i do something like 30 javascript yes i will be doing 30 days of javascript at some point just uh just not yet uh you know i can only do so much in a day i i really wish that there was a way to build an ai that could speak for me and i just say hey cover these concepts and it does it maybe at some point it will or it will actually take clips of me already talking about it because there's definitely that as well like like how cool would it be if you could highlight a piece of code and you can get an an explanation for that piece of code maybe a general explanation or a specific one if somebody actually talked about it me or anybody for that matter you know like that i think would be really really cool perhaps in the future yeah i mean um hey uh when will you do more ai stuff on tight ai um yeah it's the same same thing it's like i got to pick and choose what it is that i can work on at any given time and right now it's about helping you guys master and learn django so you can move to where you want to go i mean i definitely will cover many many other things as well including like the raspberry pi i got a really cool module for that that i i i want to cover outside of the uh outside of this as well so there's definitely a lot more coming as well as ai um i think there's a fundamental shift with ai that like i am still doing my best to fully understand it and all of that will be as a result the teaching part will most likely be on coding for entrepreneurs with some exceptions but um tight ai is going to be a big part of that future so thanks for the question let's see here thank you for the comment that's really nice okay db is sqli3 by default that's correct thanks for watching appreciate it can you follow the boot camp using ubuntu yes absolutely as long as you can get python installed and you can do everything that i just did you can totally totally follow the boot camp using umbud2 you remember learning my django five years ago now you're a go-lane developer awesome cool how do you like the golang that's a good uh it's an interesting one a lot of popularity around that how about a tutorial on aws um beanstalk with some ci cd so continuous integration and continuous deployment uh thanks for the suggestion i appreciate it oh this is like code specific but i like it um so request dot post and request that post is a query dictionary it's uh it can be converted into a python dictionary so in the way you wrote it is actually how you get any key value pair in there yes next one uh can we use mongodb with django absolutely can i just wrote a blog post on it actually it's called jongo it's djo in geo that is the way you integrate django with mongodb i probably need to make a video on it soon too thanks for that thanks for watching i'm not sure what you meant by this lyrics but thank you for getting pumped this is a good question is this django mvc or django rest this is actually django mvt um t is the template so model view template not model view controller it's not django rest because we're not doing the january framework we're not building a rest api in this stream the best django book you know i don't have a really good answer for that but the one that i recommend the most is two scoops of django any version of django pretty much um those are really good for a lot of really good practices but i don't think they cover the basics i think it's meant for somebody who's a little bit more experienced of a january developer uh so yeah thanks for the question cool looks like it looks like we have quite a few of you have a good amount of experience doing this and not very many of you have zero to three months which which is great um and i i guess i'm curious as to how many of you are actually going to um be showing up for this if it's the one of five years if that's the majority of you on the stream so i'll probably have to put this up again okay so trying to get back to more live stream stuff um you must have just shown up vs code is what i'm going to be using thank you for that which one of your uh django series would you suggest someone start with um so if you're doing the boot camp you could do the boot camp uh any of my try django series are meant for beginners right and the boot camp is gonna be very similar to like what i did today so even if you're just now showing up if you re-watch some of the stream um you'll you'll actually see generally what it is that we'll be doing yes will you cover django-based uh class-based views with customization like updating uh data into a model from an update view and stuff like that um will i be covering the django class based views in the view portion i might get there i also might not i'm not positive if i'm going to be covering class-based views just yet it really actually depends on how the first day goes on how far everyone feels like they've progressed in that single day which is going to be next monday uh best api or what for api best framework is faster ai or a fast api excuse me um but potentially it really depends on what it is that you're trying to do specifically so not necessarily uh always you can't it's really hard to make those blanket statements all together um so disadvantages of django there are a number of them one of them it's not fully asynchronous capable yet as in the django orm is not asynchronous that's one of them it also doesn't have a built-in rest api uh methodology for you have to use a third-party package called the django rest framework which is really really good but i think i think those two would be really nice if those um did come out the asynchronous orm they're definitely working on that so eventually that's going to happen i just don't know about the rest api built in stuff because you don't have to use the django rest framework for it but i think it it clarifies thing a lot better so thanks for showing up the boot camp the streaming portion of the boot camp is 100 free i'm gonna stream all of that right here on youtube and then i'm gonna have a 20 person limit for a weekend that you me and the rest of those people will be solving problems that you're having in your projects in general those will be 200 us dollars for those 20 people and it's gonna be first come first serve so even if there's only five of you that's it we'll be the six of us then and we'll solve those problems if there's two of you you're going to get a lot of attention but i think 20 is a good number because i'm going to have some of you guys pair off and you'll be able to solve problems together and then we'll also be working on solving problems together as well which i'm gonna give you direct feedback to your code and your project itself so i'm gonna actually review your code and give you uh you know a bunch of like nudges in the right direction i'm not going to be recoding everything for you though but yeah anyways thanks for the question i like this one what is the voting system i actually built this voting system specifically for these live streams so i've been doing live q and a's for the past few weeks and i really wanted to be able to pull everybody as well as having these comments so i created it just there um really simple perhaps there'll be a service at some point but as of now i just needed it for these live streams as a way to be a lot more interactive than me just um looking at the live stream itself and trying to answer in any given any given time why would a django test fail only when the full test suite is run but in um yeah i don't i don't know i don't know the actual problem that you're facing maybe if you tweet me your github repo and have some sort of readme in there that's saying what's going on maybe i can try and give it um give it a look uh let's see what which database we're gonna use um most likely we're gonna be using sql lite for the entire thing but honestly it's not that hard to integrate postgres mysql or mongodb those things are all pretty easy to integrate now so if we need to cover how to do those things as like an extra session perhaps that's something we'll end up doing it's really depend on how the first week goes in relation to the database itself but django handles all of the database transactions so regardless of what the database is django will adapt to it and work really well for all of the databases that's one of the huge advantages of using django uh thanks for that question i should be on you to be i am i am i have um i have a number of students on there just look for the teacher justin mitchell that's my name um i'm definitely on there and i have a number of courses on there are there any courses by you on a mooc website um my website so or uh has so just just get rid of um just get rid of youtube there that has everything that i've ever created as far as courses are concerned so check that out what happened to 30 days of python i actually just have one day left and i am not sure what to do yet that's why it's not done yet um i'm all ears for suggestions just tweet it to me of what your suggestion is um so yeah there's 29 days already finished on 30 days of python are these videos available offline is the question hopefully um they i mean if you can watch youtube offline then yes they will be available offline um so these these are the live streams and this video in particular are the exceptions to what's on my website so cfe.s or um that's only on youtube yeah so here's another one just wanted to drop by and say you started learning django by following my videos in 2016. nice ronald great to hear from you uh now you're freelancing since 2018 full time that is awesome here way to put in the work and make it happen two scoops of django 3.0 uh yeah so almost any version of two scoops of django is good because django has changed a little bit but not too much [Music] how many live streams am i planning to make for this bootcamp i think there will be a total of 10 and the actual content itself will probably be about 30 minutes maybe a little bit longer than that but then it'll be followed by q a much like what i did today uh when i actually started live streaming the content itself that's that's pretty much going to be the gist of it um yeah so thank you for that question will i collaborate with other youtubers to make some projects in the django in the future um that's probably a good idea i part of the reason i haven't collaborated with anyone really yet is the fact that it does take a lot of time to coordinate schedules on that collaboration which means that i'm not actually working on producing content or doing research um so everything that i build literally everything ends up being really good material for courses so all of the projects i've ever worked on end up turning into courses in one way or another so one of the things that i will be doing at some point is an electron course so electron using javascript and a django backend or a python backend all of those things i i learned and used for tidyi so working on that stuff actually allows me to build i think better content um but the collaborations would probably be great because then not only can i put in my own unique view on any given part but also like actually overlapping you know with with some of the content that a lot of us do and there are some really really great youtubers out there that make amazing content um you know i mean so i appreciate that question thank you all right let's see here jose which technologies concepts would you recommend a backend developer to learn first um so if you're trying to go into devops like building all of the infrastructure that runs an application like django that's probably outside the context of this right i don't think that's what you're asking i think you're asking how to build like a web application back-end so to do that you can probably start with python and then move into django or flask or fast api once you know python building a back-end web location is not really that hard to do it's just learning all of the little ins and outs of how to create a solid back-end that also has the ability to save users do the authentication thing and also save all the data in there so thanks for the question will i ever do a continuation of my tweet me project i'm guessing you mean tweet me two the one that i released a few months back um do i ever will i ever continue it maybe at some point but you know so many times when i get through a big project like that it's just like i want to be done with it for a while um and and when i mean a while it might be a year or longer uh before i actually revisit one of those projects because it just it just takes a lot of effort to actually put those things forward um and then i'm just ready uh to move on so i might actually revisit the tweetmeet2 project um i do have other concepts that relate to it that i can actually reference it's just not the project itself thanks for the question though appreciate it uh django class based views versus phone space views which one is good they're both great they do the same thing they render a view um function based views are a lot easier to get going if you've never actually built anything in django before class-based views just shortcut how that's all done using um you know crud so create retrieve update and destroy class-based views actually shortcut that quite a bit so i think they're both really good answer the question 30th day should be dedicated to where we go from here python project ideas showcase of popular apps and websites using python that's a really good idea um but i actually want that something like that to be like towards the end of the 30th day maybe the 31st day if you will um but sort of a wrap-up lesson that isn't exactly a project so i i do want to actually create another project for the 30th day so i do appreciate the suggestion though can there be a short tutorial on django and graphql yes so graphene is one of those projects that you can actually use to use the protocol of graphql that's that's what i recommend but thank you for the suggestions can you set up a reminder email list to get a reminder of the live stream because the youtube reminder does not work that well that is a great idea um let's see here on monday on monday i'll have something like that um but just keep in mind that on monday that's when it'll start so it's going to be monday through friday 10 a.m till about 11 11 30. somewhere in that range depending on how how many questions we get uh and then tuesday it's gonna be the same thing wednesday the same thing and so on um just make sure you're checking each day for the on my channel or or in your subscriptions for what's planned because i will absolutely put a plan out and i think part of the reason it was buried too is because i released literally all of my live streams so you guys can re-watch those things there i'm confident that i can get a good understanding information about django with your tutorial i really do think so and deploy a small speech recognition recognition recognizer silly using keras cool um i do think you can do that absolutely um i don't think that django is always the best tool for serving something like a machine learning model but actually use a much smaller framework than django but if you actually want to store a bunch of data you want to use a lot of the filter features that django has then by all means you totally could could but i wouldn't use it as your primary application for your users in the long run because once you hit scale the um serving the model through django might cobble up the actual django project itself too much oh excuse me okay look at this brad dennis and corey and telusco yeah i've seen his channel it's actually looks pretty cool oh i got something caught in my throat um yeah so those guys i probably should reach out and try and do some sort of collaboration with at some point because all of them cover cover amazing things and do a really really good job um and it's definitely worth checking out too that's why i put it on right now this is this comment it's even showing up is because i totally think that what they do is really important for all of us and and if we want to um progress the django community in general learning and supporting all of the django developers as well as the authors and teachers and all that is a really really good idea django is really close to being the most popular web framework in the world um among anything on github flask flask is not that far behind express js is not that far behind um because those are also amazing so i do also support those as well it's not like i'm just pure django because django's not the right solution for every tool thanks for those suggestions um do i have any courses i'm moving a website from a linux server to a windows server i do not i do actually not even recommend doing that unless you have a really good reason um but but as far as moving like a django project you'll you'll probably just need to run waitress uh instead of g unicorn to run it on a windows server where on linux you'll probably use unicorn thanks for that for that okay um so i'm gonna answer maybe a few more questions hopefully related to the actual bootcamp itself here's a good one uh what's going to be the time zone it's going to be uh uh pacific pacific time zone so the california time zone um i think it's what gmt plus 8 something like that um so that's the time zone that that it's going to be in always so if you're on here right now it's going to be if what three hours three hours prior to this pretty much answer the question um and the django admin page yeah so um okay well let's see if we have any more questions related to the bootcamp let me know otherwise i'm going to call this hey you built handshake from your tweet me 2 project cool awesome i need to check that out again hey what a suggestion i had to show this one that is pretty pretty interesting how to build a live voting system for your youtube live chat just like this one it's interesting but unfortunately maybe just the voting actually no not even that you know why um because the youtube api requires a oauth to actually authenticate which means that you need a full-on django project or some sort of web application in production to really do the authentication and that would be a three to six hour deal it would it would not be you know an hour hour and a half which is what i try to do with the 30 days of python but i really like that idea perhaps that will be a future course as well thanks for the question okay guys so um do we have any more questions related to the boot camp uh is the boot camp free yes it is here i'll just go ahead and rapid fire some of these questions they will not be on on on the screen any longer as well as those links let's get rid of that i'm just gonna rapid fire them so um please make a course on deep learning yes thank you for the suggestion i appreciate it victor you are the inspiration thank you for saying that rails is becoming less popular will get its legacy back i don't know maybe but the programming changes so often it's like a good idea to just you know make sure that you are resilient to this um is this boot camp free yes it's going to be all live stream for free just make sure you're subscribed to the channel and you have um alerts enabled that's pretty much it oh wow sorry guys i missed some of these live um these uh super chats thank you for this stuff data geek um marius here let me actually pull these things up i really gotta fix that little glitch here dave dave with the coffee again thanks dave appreciate it you got me yesterday um and yesterday funny thing enough maybe you're doing this or maybe it's just to give me coffee um yesterday was apparently national coffee day in the u.s i had no idea but you gave me coffee and that like really solidified it for me which is hilarious so thank you thank you so much um django esteem are you mixing justin with django it seems like it that's hilarious i've never seen that um justin doesn't actually end with an e it's just i n justine which is actually a girl's name ends with an e i see this a number of times from some of my international students it's uh always always gives me a chuckle when i see it because um it's probably just a one of those things you just don't know because you know names are funny like that thanks for those super chat guys sorry it took me so long to respond to them i'm usually i'm usually pretty good on responding those but this little comment thing that i have going um is actually a little bit more challenging when i get a lot of comments backed up so i put those those um those comments these are usually right at the top um i i do appreciate it so thank you guys um yesterday was your birthday happy birthday ready i don't know how to pronounce your first name but thank you for mentioning that halahala are you a jaw rule fan uh you're welcome for making it free i'm glad that um i i mean my goal is to really just help you guys out right so whatever that means now i have all sorts of responsibilities i need to take care of so i can't do everything for free as i would imagine most of you understand um but the other aspect of doing it for free is the fact that we've got so many um so many people around the world that can really benefit from learning this stuff and should and we need more django developers we mean more python developers we just need more developers in general so if i can help you get to the next level and then convince you that you should spend money and time investing in courses to just get you to the next level i would love it if they were my courses but you know there's a lot of really really good courses out there that are going to help you a lot because the thing about watching on youtube is you might be able to string together things for sure but when you actually put money down for a course then it's like in the back of your head oh my gosh i need to actually get value out of that i need to actually do something with it um i do this with with buying physical books right so i love this book andrew chass is my hero of or one of my heroes of ai and i buy those books the physical books as a reminder to be like i need to read that right it's right next to my desk i need to read it so that investment is constantly nagging at me right when you watch something for free you might absolutely get the information that you want but you but it's not nagging at you like it would if you actually purchased course courses and stuff like that and of course i would love it if you actually you know grabbed my courses but any course will do that for you and i recommend that you get in that habit if you can afford it and all of my free stuff is meant to help you maybe even land a job as a freelancer where you're starting to make some income and you actually will want to um will want to actually uh invest in all that um here here's a here's a really good question that i missed from uh gambo master that i actually think is a really good idea is can i arrange a test or something where the winner gets a 200 off so actually maybe there's some sort of competition we can do with everyone on the live stream that if the winner does the best then they actually get 200 off um the private boot camp or or basically going to the boot camp for free um so that is a potential this is a really good idea and it kind of goes along with the lines of things that are free or not um so yeah so when you do invest any amount of money the goal is to actually get something out of it um so i realized that i mean a big part of the reason i do youtube in general and so much on youtube is because not everyone can afford that but once you actually get some skills that you can use in freelancing then you'll start to earn money and you'll actually be able to start to afford those investments so yeah there's a little rant on that but i definitely definitely think that you guys should check out um this boot camp that's kind of the point right cool wow um how do you ban someone from the channel that just is spamming david rosen what is this bad idea are you saying the the winner of something i think maybe that's what you mean or you called it a stupid idea anyways yeah i think i'm gonna stick i think david's making a good point um that people will feel like crap for paying for it if if one person wins instead of somebody else um yeah so i i think it's an interesting idea but i think at the end of the day at least for this very first one um you know really thinking about it it's it's going to make a lot more sense that hey if you're going to invest in this invest in it and that's that right i don't want to have some gimmicks and all those sorts of things maybe maybe for like free memberships or something like that every once in a while uh but even that i'm hesitant to do it because the dollar amount is an investment for what you're doing but it also puts me on the hook to make sure that i'm giving you as much value as you possibly can in my opinion spending a weekend in this um yes it's gonna be 200 bucks but it's should be worth around two thousand dollars for you because if you try to hire someone with my skill set to give you direct code advice it's going to cost you a lot more than that like if you tried to hire a freelancer to do that so to me you're getting a huge bargain on this i know a lot of you don't necessarily feel that way but i totally totally get it and i totally get where you're coming from but honestly go on right now and try and get someone to hire someone to actually give you direct feedback on your code that generally knows for the problem areas that beginners have like i do um it's gonna be expensive it's gonna be really expensive so anyways thank you for um bearing with me on that little side rant about cost of things um so uh last few questions related to the bootcamp please let me know what you need time and effort is the only thing you need to invest yeah oh so this goes back to the the dollar amount thing or anything you can learn anything given the amount of time and effort you put into it absolutely but one of the things you can't learn is experience just from reading books sometimes you can sometimes you glean a lot of experience from these books if you actually do read all of it sometimes you glean a lot of this experience from courses as well but the thing is whenever you're learning something if you put the time and effort in you will absolutely be able to learn it but the real key thing to get good at it is to get a lot of experience and hopefully my experience in general actually shortcuts a lot of the challenges you might have so you can actually gain a lot of experience faster than you would otherwise but i do totally agree with you time and effort is really all you need to invest in yourself but adding in some dollars to actually buy courses will get you to the next level as well rant over i promise okay so discord server that will come later once we actually lock down um lock down the actual details for the private 101 chat and all that so thank you for that uh your course may be expensive but most people like me who learn things from you and get a job uh no one will ever forget how you help them and pay you back one day um yeah totally understand that thank you thank you for um thank you for uh coming in and saying that i mean that's again that's why i have a bunch of stuff on youtube um it's it's to literally help everybody as much as possible uh so yeah late late arrival how to join the boot camp it's gonna be live streamed on youtube how do you register for the 20 people private session basically um i need to come up with a name for that uh that will come later in the live stream yeah dave rosen removed it okay um yes can you buy a specific course instead of a complete membership on my website good question not yet thank you for that so the bootcamp just to reiterate the bootcamp all of the course part of things is going to be free it's going to be live streamed and at the end of it i'm going to be answering a bunch of questions very similar to this um but if i don't have any other questions related to the bootcamp i'm gonna go ahead and hop off of this live stream so thank you guys so much for coming out asking questions and watching the first portion of this uh once i actually put it live on youtube i'm probably just gonna jump right into the setting up process there as in i'm probably going to cut out the q and a part once it's on once it's live call it hectoberfest that's
Channel: CodingEntrepreneurs
Views: 33,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RUMohoZzNLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 58sec (5458 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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