DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You [Lyric Video]
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Channel: Proximity
Views: 919,989,892
Rating: 4.8685837 out of 5
Keywords: Proximity, DJ Snake, Justin Bieber, Let Me Love You, Lyric Video, DJ Snake Let Me Love You, Justin Bieber Let Me Love You, Official, Dj Snake Justin Bieber, DJ Snake Justin Bieber Let Me Love You, LMLY, DJ Snake LMLY, Justin Bieber LMLY, Never Let You Go, Don't You Give Up, Nah Nah Nah, Let Me Love You Lyric Video, LMLY Lyric Video, DJ Snake lyric video, justin bieber lyric video, Encore, DJ Snake Encore, Justin Bieber lyric video, Justin bieber let me love you lyric video, EDM
Id: SMs0GnYze34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 26sec (206 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2016
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I've already said this in two other threads today, but this is everything I wanted Cold Water to be. This song feels so much more like Lean On.
Honestly? Find it kinda boring. That synth worked in "Lean On", but here I just find it annoying
So it's basically a lazier version of Lean On?
Find someone that loves you as much as DJ Snake loves pan drum synths.
IMO this is the most generic song yet in the new wave of Bieber. Nothing distinctive, impressive, or memorable about this song whatsoever. It also has the most overused title/hook in the history of pop music.
Thought this was gonna be a taylor swift collab for a second there
Love this so much more than Cold Water.
Would love to see a single version with Selena. That would tear the charts apart.