Diy Underground Sprinkler System // How NOT to install underground irrigation system

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[Music] foreign so yeah it's uh it's time to start digging in some dirt and running some new lines let the uh let the fun begin let me take this opportunity to state that i have absolutely no idea what i'm doing i got my degree from the university of youtube's on how to do this so we're just uh doing the best i can with what i've gathered on the intranets so it's on the internets you know it's true the one thing that i do know is that i need to actually mark where i want the heads to go which is where our friend comes in handy so i'm gonna go ahead and do that and then we're gonna start digging down to take out the rest of these lines and open up the box and start feeding some new lines into that and start running them where they need to go before the topsoil comes in [Music] [Applause] now the one thing i know for sure according to the sprinkler heads that i got that needs to be placed about 10 to 15 feet apart from each other so that's what i've done i've paced out about 15 feet in between each head and we'll see where that gets me so the question to ask is why why rip out what we already have and run new lines the answer is they just don't make sense anymore the previous homeowners they said that it was plumped and ready for a system to be put in but it was already here and i don't think they ever utilized it so um i'm tearing up all the old lines because they just they don't make sense anymore there were three lines that were going in the back right here starting here we had one two then three and they ran underneath or they do run underneath this concrete pad and i'm pretty sure there's heads under there but we're obviously not going to tear out the concrete pad we're leaving that there so we just snip the lines off and we'll run two new ones lucky for me the hard part's already done all the manifolds and everything electronics and all that stuff is already put together it's already ran to the system that's on the house right there so i don't have to do that all i have to do is run the new lines bury them and that's it nothing to it right no trips to home depot got everything that i need absolutely no more components i'm gonna need to put all this back together run my lines and bury them [Music] so by way of update first and foremost i got my own pair of sunglasses gave my wife's back to her second update all the crap that i got from home to pot just wasn't working and it's because this is a older system with older manifolds and connections and everything that they have at home depot just wasn't working and the adapters that i was going to get to fix the manifolds and the lines coming out it just wasn't working those parts and the components i had to go back to the drawing board that's what i'm trying to say so what we've done is just completely remove everything and redone all of our lines here manifolds we're keeping the same i'm assuming they're good but we won't find out for another couple of weeks when the secondary water is turned on same goes for the control box there although i might even just rip that out change that out put something fun a nice little smart wi-fi one up there i don't know but what i've done right now is put one inch to three quarter inch connectors on the manifolds and we're gonna run three quarter inch tubing out to all of our heads so in total i think we're going to have about 13 heads back here in the back we'll have seven that'll take care of this section over here probably do one in the middle here which we most likely won't use but it'll be there for peace of mind and then we'll do about six over in this area over here so all in about 13 heads six on one line six on the other and then the one 360 degree head in the middle here which will keep on its own zone which will operate on as needed basis so we're using these mini pro rotary heads which have the number one and a half pre-installed nozzles on them and that nozzle is going to give us about 30 psi it's going to have a radius of about 27 feet and should give us about one and a half gallons per minute and yes i have all that crap right here i'm not memorizing any of that are you kidding me so now comes the fun task gonna start running the lines out using our t connectors running swing pipes up to our elbows that'll connect to our sprinkler heads and then we'll get to trenching so in theory the new lines are now ran i only needed to do two because the heads that i've got they throw 27 feet so that i should have had to head coverage just fine and after running the lines and pacing off and looking and examining and i don't think i need the one in the middle here because between the heads that are going to long fence here and the corner there in the corner over here there should be plenty of overlap and i should not have to put the head right there in the middle where the oldest is standing so foreman came out and inspected my work i came to inspect yeah that's my job the inspector the designer the measure she does all the thinking because she's smarter than both of both of us combined so um i'm very impressed i he didn't give up yeah i was about to throw in the towel because uh this is stressful when you don't know what you're doing i was just afraid i was gonna screw everything up but uh we won't know that for another month when the water finally kicks on so now i guess the task is digging the trenches to bear these lines are you gonna do that take that as no i guess i'm going to rent some equipment so a couple of things camera died while i was finishing the trenching mature that massively excessively big machine for this size backyard but hey it made quick work of it so that part's done and two one thing about me is i very much like to do things bass backwards i probably should have dug the trenches and then ran the line instead of running the line and digging the trenches would have made things easier well this is my first rodeo so you know instead of asking somebody or researching it i just dive in and do things figure it out as i go along learn from the mistakes i had a mechanic one time tell me if you're not breaking something you're not learning so there's that all the lines have been ran i'm on the last little stretch here putting on the swing pipe to run up to the heads and burying the rest of the line and that's it i'm leaving a good amount of swing pipe sticking out of the ground and just taping off the ends so i don't get dirt down in the lines because i still have topsoil coming and then the sod is going to go down and after i put all that down that's when i'll connect the sprinkler heads and put them at the correct position i don't know how high they need to be how low or whatever so i figure bring in the topsoil spread that out level out this yard as best i can then bring in the sod throw that down and determine the height of the sprinkler heads after all of that i don't know if that's the correct order don't really care i'll like i said figure it out as i go along so back to it we do have some casualties from running that big old excessively large trencher for this size backyard broke this gotta fix it we cut the sprinkler control wire gotta fix that and we snap this line off the main which runs to the sprinkler over by the fence there so gotta fix that we also gotta straighten all this out level it out put some gravel down there put the box back over it absolutely no shortage of work that is for sure but we got a lot knocked out today all the lines are buried my swing pipes are sticking out of the ground ready to get heads thrown on them we're making progress i really appreciate everybody watching and commenting and subscribing to the channel from the last video that i uploaded that truly means a lot to me because i really miss making this type of content i miss interacting with all of you i just i miss it all i truly truly do and i truly truly appreciate everyone that's uh been following and watching liking subscribing all that good stuff so again i appreciate it if you liked the video hit the thumbs up subscribe to the channel turn the bell on for notifications all the good crap that comes with doing all of this appreciate you keep on keeping on and i will most certainly catch you in the next one
Channel: Castleberry
Views: 28,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy underground sprinkler system, diy underground sprinkler system cost, diy underground sprinkler system kit, sprinkler system, diy underground sprinklers, how to install sprinkler system, how to install sprinkler system for lawn, how to install sprinkler system in existing lawn, how to install sprinkler system in yard, quick snap sprinkler system, diy irrigation system, diy irrigation system for lawn, diy lawn care, diy lawn renovation, do it yourself, home improvement
Id: uEC4iG8NUpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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