DIY Ultimate Cold Plunge | How To Build Your Own Ice Bath Cold Therapy | Cheap Freezer Hacks & Tips

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[Music] here's a quick look at the overall setup off to the side there's an infrared sauna i painted the ceiling black added string lighting and a heater there are privacy curtains surrounding and the back added a towel rack and here's the chest freezer that acts as the cold plunge we'll go ahead and open it up and take a look you can also see that i've used cedar pallet wood to build raised decking and a cover for the utility sink [Music] so here's how i did it you'll need a large chest freezer 14.8 cubic feet is a good size or larger you can usually find good deals online at places like american freight especially if you search for scratched and dented chest freezers i got mine for about 350 dollars you definitely want to seal all of the seams to make sure it's completely waterproof don't use regular kitchen and bathroom caulk marine sealant is a really good option you want to tape all the borders to keep from making a mess and follow the directions carefully on whatever product you use now you could just stop there and technically you have a cold blind for somewhere in the 300 range which is pretty amazing but you'll probably want to add more options so i'm going to tell you all the different things i added and i'll supply links to all the different products in the video description if you really want to go the extra yard you can coat the entire inside with pond shield it's non-toxic it's built from marine life and it's super durable i also added color chips the type you usually see on garage floors to add some texture and a little color variation you definitely want to keep the water clean and you'll have to change the water constantly so you could add regular bleach or peroxide some people add pool or spa chemicals i chose to use an above ground pool and pump filter combination and an ozone generator there are lots of options here from basic aquarium and pond pumps and filters to above ground pool or spa pumps this is the above ground pump that i'm using and it comes with a filter this is the ozone generator it's a little overkill for this size because it's actually built for a spa but it does a good job killing bacteria and it helps keep the water clear it doesn't come with the plug for a standard receptacle so i had to modify that but it's pretty easy this is the ozone injector i'm using and basically it allows you to take the tubing from the ozone generator and connect it to your water line here's a diagram of how to connect the pump and the ozone generator together i've included a detailed version of this in the video description the water comes in here it goes to the pump where it gets filtered and it goes out at the venturi injector ozone is added and then it comes out into the cold plunge these are the ozone bubbles you can see them coming into the water line and i extended it with some piping so it goes down to the far side of the tank you'll need to cut away some of the freezer seal and lid for the water hoses to come through and you could add some rubber or insulation in the back to help seal up that opening i reduced the inch and a quarter pump hosing down to these three quarter inch tubes because they fit through better i attached the tubing to the sides of cable ties and you can either super glue or epoxy the cable tie mounts side of the tank i added a textured paint to the outside of the cold plunge it kind of gives it a stucco feel and fits in with the rustic setting this obviously isn't necessary but i like the way it looked this is the aquarium thermometer i used i glued it to the side of the freezer i like to keep mine around 50 degrees which is actually much colder than you'd expect but you know you can go lower if you can take it i only need to run the freezer for three to four hours at night to keep it down to temperature you want to make sure it's off when you're actually using it you could use any timers for this ours is indoors we just use cheap ones if yours is outside you should consider other options i only run the pump in the ozone generator for about a half an hour and i do this several times throughout the day you can adjust it as needed depending upon how many people use your cold plunge and how clean it stays you probably want to consider getting a regular aquarium net or a small pool skimmer so you can get any hair or any floating objects off the surface of the water you'll need to drain the freezer occasionally when you go to wash it all out you probably have a small drain at the bottom but it's going to take forever to get all the water out using that small drain so it's much quicker to siphon it out with a larger hose i use a regular sump hose they're not very expensive and they're pretty big i just took basic pallet wood which is typically made out of cedar and it's already water resistant and built a simple deck so that you're raised up out of the puddles while you're drying off and i built a simple cover for the utility sink because ours is in the basement it makes a nice area to set your coffee if you plunge in the morning or your beer in the evening so here's a final look at the whole setup i hope you enjoyed the ideas good luck with your own cold plunge setup and please leave me a comment about how yours is going if you want to learn more about health practices like this please subscribe to the channel and share with others [Music]
Channel: Hands-On Meditation
Views: 175,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY ultimate cold plunge, brown fat, diy ice bath, cold therapy, cold training, boost immune system, relieve stress, stress management, WHM, wim hof, wim hof method, wim hof technique, wim hof training, wim hoff, wim hof ice bath, easy cold plunge, how to cold plunge, how to ice bath, hands-on meditation, cryotherapy, cold exposure, how to build a cold plunge, diy cold plunge pool, cold plunge benefits, cold plunge freezer, cold plunge chest freezer, ice therapy
Id: TVXqbhXXhmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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