DIY Twix Cookies

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- I'm very disappointed in you, Barry. (Barry giggling) (triumphant music) - Hello, everybody. - Hello! - I hope you are well, wherever you are in the world. Welcome to our kitchen, alright, Chlo? - Yes. - Give me some skin. Today we are making, what are you holding in your hand? - Legendary chocolate bar. Oh. - Oh! Twix cookies, okay. So imagine the three markers, that identify a Twix, which are the biscuit, the caramel and the chocolate, - And the chocolate. - which is melting on my fingers already. We're gonna do that in cookie format completely from scratch, the only thing we're not making from scratch, which I've done before with Phoebe is chocolate. - Okay, that's better, 'cause it might take us a while. - It might, 'cause you've got to roast the beans and all that. So we've got the butter, we've got the sugar, we've got the flour, some vanilla extract and what was that? - Baking powder. - It was, the only other thing we're gonna add in today is actually an egg white, which you can separate in a minute, which is gonna hopefully give it a mild bit of sweetness, just a teeny bit, but also some stability too. So just dump your butter in. Brilliant. (mixer whirring) Oh, good girl. Alright, (laughs) stop that. So you cream that together and did you just lift it up, 'cause it was stuck on the beaters? - Yes. - It just flicked off. - It's a hack. - We wanna keep it wet for now, so can you get the vanilla extract? The vanilla extract she weighed out off camera. Have you ever separated an egg before? I can't remember if you have. - Yes. - You have? - Ooh, I know what we need. (objects clattering) There's a gadget for that, Daddy. Oh, you wanna use that? - That's how we seperate it. - Well, that's a tool for doing it, but I was gonna try and get you to do it manually, you want to have a go manually? - No. - That's what they'll teach you at school one day. - We're learning about cooking in school, I'll bring in the whole drawer. - Alright. - Of hacks. - That's gonna get us to the whole like thing. (egg cracking) You push it in over the yolk and hold it and then turn it out, okay. - Like this. Oh no, I just ruined it. (Barry giggling) Yeah, I'm not good with that kind of stuff. That's why I've got Mum, Mummy to help you. Cracking an egg, take two. - You've got two halves of the shell and you pass it, so the egg white falls into one bowl and you just dump the yolk in there, okay. - If you were wearing a Fitbit, you would probably be on 10,000 steps by now, 'cause you're going like this. - If only steps were measured by hand movements, mate, yeah, that would be. Do you wanna crack the egg? Yeah, keep the yolk in one angle, that's it, that's it and then just take the lid off. No, no! (mellow melodic music) - Cracking an egg, take three. - You see that? We've finally, finally got an egg white. Pour that in. (egg white pouring) Good work, mate, look, go for flour and then you want to add the baking powder as well. Keep mixing, mate and you can see that's starting to dry up, isn't it? 'Cause that's what you want to do. We've got to actually cut these out with cookie cutters in a minute. So we've got a bit of a workstation going on here, haven't we? - Yes. - We've got the daughter. We've got some baking parchment, a rolling pin, a cookie cutter, a little spatula to help lift, some more flour, the tray we're gonna bake on, we'll preheat the oven in a minute. - With a Barry Lewis Baking Mat in stores by you, you can find it on Amazon. - They're not on Amazon at the moment, mate, I've ordered some more, they're on the way. - Oh, that's good. (Barry giggling) - And most importantly here is our dough. So Chloe, can you get some flour, just like pinch a little bit of flour out of that pot and sprinkle it onto that baking paper? Yeah, and you roll it out, that's it, mate and if you can see, this rolling pin, it's got these little round bits on, they actually help give you the height. So we're trying to get it about half an inch thick, alright. We've still got a bit of flour on this surface, right. - Oh, that's good. - It is, but what I would normally do is sprinkle a teeny bit on the cookie cutter, but I don't think we need it. You just want to put it on your face. Just gonna show you, push this in, little twisty twisty, okay. Straight like that, look at that. - Who says a girl can't have fun with flour on her face? - We'll just put it on our tray over there, okay. (laughs) You've got this. Boom. Well, let's jump to hopefully 10 of the cookies on the tray. But whilst you're doing that, Chloe, I'm gonna preheat the oven to 160 C fan, which is about 350 F or 180 C without a fan, alright and they only go in the oven for like eight minutes or so, you don't really want to brown them. - You just roll this bit. - I love how she's now teaching me. (laughing) Thanks, Chloe. - And as you can see, this is very thin. - [Barry] Alright, we have got so many of these made now, we've got two trays, so 16 and enough dough for how much you reckon we've got there to make, Chlo? - About... Four maybe. - [Barry] Yeah, we could do, couldn't we? But I think we'll just push on with these. The oven is preheated, so you can just play with your Play-Doh, alright? Do you know what, we could put them in the fridge for another day or just bake them again. - Just bake them today, Daddy, come on. - The other thing to say though is that with this, when I've made a dough like this in the past, if you make some indentations in it and chill it, you wanna make some shapes or put some fork marks in it or something like that, if you chill it in the fridge first, that will hold that shape, 'cause it's in there for so long, it'll bake it in as a funky, little pattern. What have you done? Brilliant. (laughing) It would bake that into it. They are only gonna be in there for a very short amount of time, so there's no point in starting the caramel step, because that does need a lot of concentration and safety. - People who like fidget toys, this is better than plastic. - We need to concentrate, make sure we don't burn them. Look at them, they look amazing. Puffed up, lovely, holding that shape. - They look nice. 11! - [Barry] 11 more? Oh my gosh. So you can make 27 of these, if we wanted to. - Yes, and the oven just beeped. - It did, so I'll get it out. But you were gonna make chocolate chip ones of these, weren't you? So I'll leave you to that, but that's something extra, because if you're making chocolate chip ones normally, you just want to put it probably in the dough, before you roll it out like that. But I think you're just gonna do faces or something? - Yeah, how do you do it? - Yeah, that's fine. It's not in the oven long enough to really burn it. As a random question, Chlo, people ask me this a lot. - Yes. - Is it weird you knowing that Daddy does videos, 'cause ever since you've been born, I've done them? - Well, it's fun, because every day, when I come home from school, well, most days, you've either filmed and there's different treats to try, that I've never had before, for an example, from America. - So you can see we've just got a little bit of brown there, just starting to come. Perhaps I've done it maybe one extra minute longer, because I really didn't want to show that. They will not look cooked, but they will firm up as they cool down. So just take them out the oven for five minutes like that, transfer them to a wire rack to fully cool. Let your kid just keep doing chocolate chip things. - Eyes and noses. - Nice. We shoved the other batch in the oven. All nice and baked in the oven, Chloe's cookies, I don't think you pressed them in, mate. They're kind of sat on the surface, which I've never seen before, but it works. (laughing) It just looks like loads of little faces or bowling balls, you're going 10-pin bowling. We're gonna make the caramel topping now, this is actually quite a dangerous step, so Chloe's just quite happily on the iPad, she's chilling out for a minute, exactly what these cookies are doing. So these are nice and cool. We need to make the caramel, sugar first in a pan. It's gonna get hot. So the first thing we'll do, we've got some butter to one side, we are gonna need some cream as well, but we're gonna get a pan and shimmy in some sugar. Now there is a vegan alternative to Twix, I did do a recipe on that. Yeah, if you look on the channel or on the website, vegan Twix tart. (stove clicking) You can actually do the caramel a couple of different ways, but one way is just by whizzing up dates and it is scary how similar that tastes, but we're going full out caramel. So over this heat, I'm gonna keep stirring the sugar and it looks just like powdery right now. We've been here before and then the fun happens. Look, almost there now, like sugary icebergs, but you do want to get it, so it's lump free, so keep going. There we go, so taking that down to a really low heat now, it's just the sugar in there still. In goes our butter. (butter sizzling loudly) (mellow melodic music) Over the heat now for a couple more minutes stirring, lovely, gorgeous colour on there. There we go, look at that and it almost looks like some specks of butter have survived. No, that got burned pretty quick. I know it looks a bit oil spilly, but that is normal, it's okay, it's sort of separated from itself a little bit from the sugar, but we're keeping it over that low heat. Only like a couple more minutes of stirring like that and it's time to add the cream, which will make it bubble again. There it is. (laughing) Nice. Let's face it, you wouldn't want to be poured into hot sugar either, please be careful. I'm so glad that I've a sort deep saucepan. There we go then, so let's pour it. Ooh, what a lovely colour. Once it's at room temperature, we'll chill it for a little bit, just to be able to spread it on our biscuits. Ouch, don't put your finger in that. - Taste test. Yeah, it's chocolate. - Taste test, yeah, it's chocolate. Did you say they're more like chocolate chunks? - Yes. (packet rustling) - 30-second blast in the microwave, yeah. (button clicking) (microwave beeping) (microwave whirring) 30 seconds stir, 30 seconds stir, yeah. - Got our chocolate ready. - The good thing is with the caramel still chilling, we can let this cool a teeny bit, so it spreads, but it'll speed up the setting time. So kind of room temperature melted chocolate is good. So we've got some spoons here, I've actually put the cookies in the fridge just to try and give them a nice sort of surface for the caramel to set. What I think we might do is give ourselves some space. - They're gonna fall. - They are gonna fall, yeah and we've got the caramel sauce here, so I've put it into a smaller pot, so it's easier to handle and put a little puddle in the middle of the cookie, but leave a little bit of the biscuit base showing, okay. Straight down into the middle. ♪ Duh duh duh ♪ And you can see how much that has firmed up compared to what it was, when it was warmer. - I'm a beginner. - You're doing very well, mate. Look at that, huh? That's cool. - My one doesn't look like a circle, it looks more like a blob. - That's fine. - I'm a beginner, so I'm proud. - Chocolate, this is a bit more runny, okay, 'cause we haven't put it in the fridge yet. Do you want to show a little bit of caramel, a little bit of chocolate and a little bit of biscuit? Well, that's what mine's look like, look like a sort of Jaffa Cake. You've done brilliant there, mate. - Yours is better. - Oh, I don't know, but we need to get them in the fridge to set them, so we'll do that and then you can taste it, alright? - That does look like a Jaffa Cake. - It does, we've made Twaffa Cakes. - (sighing) Dad jokes. - Just a little chill in the fridge. I think these have turned out blooming stonking. Here we go, are you ready? I think we pretty much nailed it though, haven't we? - Three, two, one, go. Mm! - Mm! - Mm mm mm! Mm mm mm mm mm mm mm. - Mm mm mm mm mm. Mm mm mm mm. - Mm. - The biscuit is delicate, melt in your mouth, the caramel is firm, nice sort of tang to it, slight caramelization. Of course it's caramel, but it's got that, mm! That burnt sugar vibe, not too burnt, oh, no, no. - Kick. - Yeah, milk chocolate on top as well soothes it, blankets it together and I love that you can see the three tiers. - Mm, please. - Well, now it is your turn to give it a go. We smashed that, didn't we? - Yes. - So do give it a try. If you want to cheat, you can but those ready made caramel, you could probably do caramel sauce, but it's a little bit runny and you see how that has held it shape like that. It's up to you. That really doesn't look a Jaffa Cake now, doesn't it? But thanks for your help, buddy. Thank you so much for watching. Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already and if you are, make sure your notifications are turned on to make sure you have all new uploads and do it, try it, send us photos on social media. - And. - Thanks for watching, guys. See you next time. - My thing! - Oh, bonus scene, have I got a surprise for you. ♪ Check your level player, no matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchen's for me, sideburns, moustache, goatee ♪ ♪ Maybe all three ♪ Are your eyes closed? - [Chloe] Yes. - Are your eyes really, really closed? - [Chloe] Yes. - Okay, open them. - I can't see properly. - Open your eyes. (laughing) Look! I know it's not the best surprise, but look, I turned your little face, I gave it a chocolate mouth. - Is it Ron Weasley? - It is, it is Ron Weasley. - It's Ron Weasley. - And got a little caramel hair, so you've got a Twix in that. Do you want to have a little try of that? - I feel bad for eating your mouth. (Barry laughing) I ate a mouth. - Well, there we go. (laughing) Look, look, it's pretty upset now. Looks a bit more like the Joker. ♪ So, guys, comment down below ♪ ♪ Another education, 'cause we only give one ♪ ♪ I think we should do another one ♪ ♪ So comment down below ♪ ♪ In the comments section down below ♪ See which one we should do, okay, we can do any one. - You know, you wouldn't tell that she's started watching YouTube videos in the last few years.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 71,910
Rating: 4.9577188 out of 5
Keywords: Twix Cookies, twix, cookies, twix cookies recipe, twix biscuits, homemade twix, millionaire shortbread, shortbread, homemade caramel, milk chocolate, billionaire shortbread, baking videos, baking recipes, barry lewis, cooking with kids, chloe, myvirginkitchen, virgin kitchen, my virgin kitchen, baking ideas, biscuits, what is a twix, chocolate, salted caramel, learn to cook, DIY twix, thumb cookies, cooking channel, cookery, baking, chocolate cookies, food, easy cookies, caramel, DIY
Id: MmH-UrNIu3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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