DIY THRIFT FLIP DECOR (simple DIYS with common thrift store items) | XO, MaCenna

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back to my channel so our local Goodwill opened a little bit ago like a couple of weeks ago I think now but I hadn't made it over there just kind of giving them time to put new stuff out and really get all of the regulations and stuff for keeping us safe in order my goal was to find some things that I could flip but also things that were common at the thrift store that I saw a lot of or that I saw kind of potential in all the time but never really did anything with so these are gonna be really simple thrift flips that you can do with things that are really common at thrift stores so I thought that that would be really fun of the court to do if you guys don't already follow me on instagram at mackanolly I share even more of my kind of thrifting adventures and things that I find that don't really end up in any videos so definitely go check out my Instagram follow me there and let's get started [Music] okay so first up is this framed memory box Paris thing you could put pretty much anything in this like jewelry it doesn't have anything on it to hang it so it's I'm imagining it's not for the wall but you do see shadow box type frames like this sometimes so even though you don't find this particular item you do find frames and boxes so you can easily kind of make this with just adding a few hinges I got it for 399 the glass is cracked here but we're gonna be taking that out anyways also was very reminiscent of the frames the antique frames that I've been really obsessed with finding that I found through our thrifting trip in Texas and it had a very similar kind of design here in the goo I like that shape also guys even before the pandemic just in general you want to give everything a good cleaning so I go over it with some Lysol wipes before I even bring it in the house just to make sure that I'm getting off the grime just in general from things that have been donated and also we're saying stay for comments so my original plan with this guy was to actually break the glass and get it out of there now I would I went kind of like digging in my DIY studio and I found a piece of Kane I was like wait my friend Joe from love box he put a piece of keen on top of the glass on a huge cabinet that he worked on and it was so beautiful and he just used the gorilla super glue and it looked so cool so I was like will it kind of work with this too I kind of liked it it's a little bit different it's not so expected I guess and then we can just paint it a complementing color and then if we hate it we'll just break the glass and take it off no sometimes you just have to try stuff out so then I went digging in my spray paint collection and this is called ivory sole but that'll be really pretty kind of just light and fresh and airy or I have this burlap color too that would be a little more contrasting and then I was like oh but I really like it when it's really contrast this is like a really really really dark brown and then I had too many options and I started to not know what to do so I think the plan is to start with a light color I really do want it tonal I love that the hardware is gold so I'm gonna leave that goal but take this apart and then we're gonna bring it by keeping the glass it gives the cane something to stick to and then you won't even see that it's cracked because the cane is gonna completely cover it up and then we can find a solution for the inside of the glass I'm just taping off the glass so that we don't get any paint on the glass itself [Music] okay so it's already a huge improvement just being a prettier color it is a similar color but that one was kind of worn down and beat-up and a little bit crackled looking but now we definitely need to either put the cane on top of the glass to cover this or get rid of the glass completely and I think it'll make it more special if we do the cane what do you guys think I get that the styles are a little different like you've got this kind of a little bit more ornate frame going on and with the cane but it's supposed to say that it won't look good if we try so we're gonna cut it to size and then glue it down [Music] so we got a little piece perfectly to size don't want to use an extra piece of like wood like I have this scrap wood but it kind of helps to keep it down and glued down but you see how much stuff it kind of adds to the I just don't like that look I kind of want to just get away with just having the cane so we are going to attempt to not burn her fingers through the holes and just glue down the cane itself and then weight it down with something [Music] that was a fail I just pulled off all the hot glue the cane is so curved that I couldn't get it lat in time before the hot glue dried so peel it all off I think I have a better plan what I've done is I pulled off a strand on all the sides so two long pieces and then two short pieces I think a better plan is to lay this down first like that then put hot glue here and then lay the piece solid you know not woven into the cane on top has like a little bit of a finished egg I think that a better plan let's check [Music] okay that worked so much better now it has a cleaner edge around the side to remember the glass is broken and I used it as support for the King you can't see it from the top but you kind of can see it from the inside glass is broken right there on the corner barely - it's barely right I like that you can see through the cane webbing into what's in the box so if I cover it up with something else like either a piece of wood or a piece of felt or something you won't be able to see through it I can always go back later if it bothers me and like put a piece of felt and like completely cover it but I think for now I'm gonna leave it it's so bright [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] next up are these placemats I created these wall hangs for each side of my fireplace in my living room and you guys asked me about them all the time so the tutorial for those are actually in my living room makeover video so I'll link that for you guys but I've been wanting to recreate it in a little bit of a different way or color palette I got tons of beautiful colored yarn also on our thrifty trip from Texas I'm excited to do these so there was two of them for a dollar ninety-nine which is pretty good these are actually really nice I actually really like the misplace vest but we never really use placemats ever ever ever ever so something much more useful for me hits wall hangings for the last two that I made here's the smaller of the two and basically it's the half circle shape and on the back I cut an embroidery hoop in half hot glued it to the back of the placemat so that it would stand off the wall that happens or so and then it would give the space for the yarn to really like all freely it wouldn't be like so smashed up against the wall and then we just hot glued the yarn to the bottom of it keeping with that kind of idea this is a lot more loose weave think I have a different method obviously I don't have a spare embroidery hoop to cut up to do that what I do have are these dowels foot-long dowels thinking of hatching all of the yarn to the dowel and then gluing dowel to the placemat on the back and then once it's glued all of these like loose weave he says in the placemat will actually stay in place and then we can cut it off and it will be that half circle the only problem is is this dowel isn't quite as wide as the placemat I do have this obviously long dowel that I could just cut and then it would go all the way I hope you guys enjoy my thought process because this is it happens with three flips or any DIY really I have to work through it and make sense of it and like the flyswatter first step cut the dowel so mark where I need to cut it I'll be right back I'm gonna go out myself just give it a little Sam we're just gonna be working with our dowel and some yarn so now we need to decide what yarn that's a good thing I have a lot found some on our thrifting trip to Texas and then the rest of this actually that I had stashed away at my parents house because I did three really pretty wall hanging and every time I would go home to Texas I would fly so I never could really bring back a whole bunch of stuff so when I have too many options I just like to eliminate what I don't like I'm gonna wouldn't be here I had a lot of stuff I do like this one what am I supposed to do with you on the table I could totally abandon all color and then just do this thicker tan in the center and then do this kind of lighter color on each side let's do it why not taking one piece of yarn we're gonna attach ever all of the yarn to this rod using the larks head knot so it's got a loop at one end and then on the other side it's just too loose tails so you're gonna go over the pole underneath and then you're gonna pull these strands through the loop and then once you pull tight it creates the larks head knot and we're going to do that with every strand [Music] so right now I have sixteen dran on each side so that's 16 loops of 2 so if you had to count each piece it would be 32 bits hands you believe I got all this yarn for $1 apiece that's so crazy keep your eyes peeled at thrift stores and then you can just throw them in the freezer and it kills any weird uninvited buggy guests also I really like this wall hanging technique because it's super simple to do does he cost a lot and I feel like it makes a really pretty impact in a room of any kind of living room I have mine in my living room you guys have shared so many amazing color palettes that you've done you can match your decor which is so cool which I think it makes it really versatile okay well I actually really love this color palette like look how natural it looks and we need to glue it onto here so let me get the hot glue going I guess we should find the center and kind of just lightly mark where the center point is so I have a little little black marks here where I need to cut it so I need to glue above that little inspection so that it doesn't dry for me either I'm also gonna glue right here on the edges so that this last strand of yarn actually stays put we need to cut it and low the rod so that it covers the rod up so we need to kind of flip it [Music] I'm feeling like I want to try something a little different than I did last time thinking maybe taking some dark charcoal color and actually attaching it here in the center a layer on top to kind of build layers make it a little different what do you guys think I mean at least worth the shot and we could always take it at all okay doesn't look good okay let's go these lines start to go across so it gives me something to attach it to so under and create the larks head and then pull tight [Music] okay so now we just need to trim the bottom [Music] and for our last thrift slip I found a wastebasket that's a nice word for trashcan I always like to look at it ones like this that have like metal framing on the inside normally you find them with the metal pieces going straight up and down so vertically and also horizontally and I'm like ah I really don't like those horizontal ones this one only has them watch me take all this off and it's lying to myself this one appears to only have the metal going up and down which is the perfect structure to actually leave either macrame or rope or some kind of other material to make it really cute and I'm doing some room makeovers wink-wink coming soon this one was three ninety-nine I'm gonna cut off all of this I don't even know what this type of material is [Music] okay now we just have the frame part not that this basket was particularly ugly leaving and how it was applied to this frame which is kind of messy looking look a little prettier with a more uniform pattern or weave this is my favorite macrame I'll leave it link for you guys I always I have two bolts of this cuz it was out of stock for a while and then I reach and then we'll go from there so I'm just gonna not it around one of the poles over it through and through and just around it but I do like that it's looped around every one so it kind of creates like a little bit of an angle to pattern which is kind of cool [Music] okay so as I'm getting to the end of my first strand I'm realizing I'm like it needs something else like it needs either to switch up the pattern so it makes it just look like it's not all the same do a whole section of it like a different kind of weaving technique which would be kind of cool and then go back to this style of weaving at the top I have all of this yardage of tassel trim I've got it on super sale clearance at a craft store for yards for $1 make it really bogeying put this one on the top tie a new strand to this existing strand and keep going so for this next section I just wanted it to be a little more interesting so I'm just going in and out and in and out to make it just a little different than this bottom section so now I just want to finish off this top rim what's left from this strand and then just wrap it around [Music] okay I still don't think it's special enough is something about this middle section is it working for me so we do still have the fringe option I don't really think it looks good up here but if we did three rows of French here so one two three and just kept this on the inside so that it finished out the inside of it I think that might look kind of cool so we're just gonna we're going to hot glue it [Music] so I hope you guys enjoyed these simple flips I feel like you can easily find placemats a trash can of some sort that is wire or metal than the box frame is a little different but you can always find frames too so I hope that these gave you some ideas and I have tons other thrift slips on my channel I have a whole series and I've done big ones from furniture to really small projects like this and if you're not already subscribed I post new home decor DIY and thrift flips like this every Sunday so you're not going to miss them so hit that subscribe button in the little Bell notifications so you know exactly when I upload every week and say hi to Kinsley I gave her a bath and a haircut yesterday and we will see you guys next week bye guys look let me make it easier in myself [Music] Oh
Channel: XO, MaCenna
Views: 599,429
Rating: 4.9326625 out of 5
Keywords: diy, xo macenna, macenna lee, mckenna, home decor, interior design, come thrift with me, thrift flip, thrift flip decor, thrifting decor, decor on a budget, room decor on a budget, thrift haul, thrifting, thrift store haul
Id: w6zks_mhskA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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