DIY Stay at Home Picnic | How to Make Rice Sandwiches

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning everybody hope you guys are having a great day wherever you are I just woke up so she's been out for a couple of hours and looking out the window it's a pretty nice day under normal circumstances we probably go out bike riding or have a picnic because it's the perfect weather not too cold not too hot and it's just really nice unfortunately we have to stay home like everyone else in the world what we could do though is have a picnic at home yeah why not first we got to do is we have to set up the picnic area so I'm gonna remove all the furniture and we're gonna put flowers all over obviously we can't go to the florist so we're gonna be using our artificial flowers that we have a lot of [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty I think this is the best I could do I'm pretty satisfied and now it's time to go into the kitchen and prepare the food for the picnic so for picnic I'm gonna make two types of Winkie dad's onion as it is a kind of rice bowl it's not molded how humid it first I'm gonna cook rice two cups of rice first water you should discuss to the line cup to to sit into this rice cooker spot southeast seven minutes all right I'm only going to be making a little bit so I'm gonna be using two potatoes two of these potatoes right here if you have one large potato that's fine for faster cooking I'm going to cut the potatoes into four actually you know what I'm gonna just cut them into smaller pieces that way I don't have to cut it later so we'll cut it into eight instead once again if you have a big potato just cut it into bite-size pieces okay I'm gonna add some salt to the water just to give it some flavor you can just dump into potatoes right now they're gonna cook it until the potatoes are soft I'm just gonna use a little bit I'm gonna peel the carrot please go ahead use that vegetable peeler I'm just a little bit too lazy to go get mine out okay I only need very little so thinly slice the carrots that's it that's all I'm gonna be using just eight slices like that and when I added some cucumber it cut off the end slice the cucumber's candy and they're gonna put the cucumbers into a bowl like so and let us sprinkle this with some salt and give it a mix and I'm gonna leave it like this for two to three minutes while my potatoes are cooking I'm gonna make my second dish once I get super easy dish I'm using a packet of sausage these sausages are on the small side but you can use whatever you can use hot dogs if you want just cut it up into smaller pieces I'm gonna cut this into two like that and this is a this is comfort food something that we used to eat where our kids add just a little bit of water just a tiny bit just like that to this and adding sugar I'm gonna add about two heaping tablespoons of sugar any soy sauce to this about three tablespoons of soy sauce and then I'm adding just a little bit of salt give this a mix dump in the sausages I'm gonna cook this with a simmer this bring it to boil first and then bring it down to a simmer and simmer it for about ten minutes okay so it's boiling now so you know put down the heat and then we're just gonna simmer it until the hotdogs the sausages take the flavoring of the sweet soy sauce poke one of the potatoes with your chopstick and if it goes in easily it's ready it does go in but I think it needs maybe three more minutes so we'll check our cucumbers right now as you can see there's our water coming out from the cucumber's so at this point I'm going to squeeze as much water out of these cucumbers as much as possible just squeeze squeeze look at that you see the water coming out can you see all that liquid okay so discard that liquid I'm gonna add in the sliced carrot to the potatoes we'll cook that a little bit just soften them up go into the ball yep dump the whole thing in Kewpie mayonnaise here not much left whoops that's the rice cooker by the way 16 minutes left and the rice should be done I want to get my things done before the rice is done so subtle she can get cooking right away okay I think I'm gonna use this whole tube because I don't have much left here so and this is your preference I like to put about maybe this is about three tablespoons four tablespoons and then to this on the a little bit of pepper okay and I'm gonna give this a mix mix it up like this and for me I like to smash some of the potatoes maybe a few of the potatoes just smash it just to make it creamy okay and now I'm gonna add in the cucumbers I'm gonna squeeze it out one more time because I'm pretty sure more waters gonna be coming out yeah okay you gotta dump that in and mix this up have you noticed I did not add any salt to this yet because the cucumber is already salty so I want to give it a taste before I add any additional salt hmm no salt necessary no sounds necessary yeah okay look at that it's creamy so easy to make now all I want to do is I'm gonna chill this in the refrigerator all right look at that guy's isn't it simmering look at that the sauce has become a little bit thick you want to see if that sauce usually for example if you have some rice with you this would go great right on top of the rice this sauce so good all right oh oh my gosh this just reminds me of my childhood look at that beautiful sauce this is like the easiest teriyaki sauce and you can make at home I prepare the onion you care about the tomato and ginger and garlic slice it I always love this garlic smell the one start or the ginger I use with skin the skin part is very nice ginger a favor this is Japanese Peter I love this one I have many Peters but this one is the easiest for me then so I said I sometimes use a chopper for this onion it's easy but what's difficult is cleaning the tool so now I don't use it okay set aside so next I'm gonna chop this tomato one tomato but I don't use water for cooking and this tomato is a spread flavor and make a death right habit tomato cookie I'm gonna make curry roux 2 tbsp of butter put 2 tbsp of the curry powder 2 tbsp of flour cooking a medium low heat so it looks like howdy-do okay Kali is done so what put into dish [Music] that smells so good I love the smell of curry and guess what the rice is finished cooking as well let's see what the rice looks like Oh perfect that's perfect like the tiny Panem oh all next with some olive oil inside like BAM put chopped garlic and ginger inside the Lisa flavor into the oil so in this frying pan I will play on the same thing pan put carrot and onion and [Music] stir-fry until money on is enough to come across through ten and cannot become a softer okay when you're on the couch and down in this plate I'm gonna add chapter tomato [Music] and the fight because they'll come from metal so okay I'm CEO tomato it's off to [Music] put ground okay so pay the ground pork inside it and how do you do I made [Music] at this point you should turn the vanity and in value well - teaspoon of salt and pepper and I add one stick of instant dashi powder so pace to become a little bit Japanese and mix well so well you can turn on the heat is born this point I could go no or two more minutes okay it is done and into the plate okay so today I'm gonna make two types of o- m next one is a star topology as I prepare the ingredients Preston before composing Eligius imitation crab romaine lettuce de kado and egg so first I'm gonna cook a good I'm gonna make egg omelette so crack one egg and add 1/2 teaspoon of sugar and a quarter teaspoon of salt Gregory I don't use so much salt inside the one egg just pinch it but today I'm gonna make the sandwich rice sandwich and rice doesn't have so much flavor has food flavors or tastes so I add salt inside egg to become an tastes better and a sprinkle some a little bit instant - dashi powder and mix Samiha a little bit oil turn down the heat to low or egg mixture and wait until this edge pad become dry okay becoming drier along this not yet do not wash do not rush it here is okay so order there I gonna make this one this am red square style then so whole Ford Ford [Music] ladies the edge part and for ya [Music] for Square object and flip once and cook for another 20 seconds okay okay take it out and put it down on the plate next I'm gonna slice this up Caudill cut into half you must take the fresh out use your spoon this rice squeeze lemon juice so let's compost funny first they you have plastic wrap on your cutting board and they see we did it Anya Anya plastic wrap then put some rice center of this nori seaweed and make it square you don't have to use so much rice so make the rice diamond shape good curry the dry care a pond on this rice this and spread on my sir and put another rice on the curry you don't need so much rice you don't need so much ice if you put so much rice it is impossible to mold or fold after this process then wrap with nori seaweed like this like this for do easier plastic wrap like this and leave it on the side for 10 minutes this time I will add ricotta into the rice mix into rice soup because the starter doesn't have taste so much so I want to add flavor into rice so sprinkle bigger case the rice soup and mix mix I love I love click OK okay so put this rice the center of this nori sheet and make it 2 square then put on red on rice just the right size and avocado sliced avocado in the imitation crab and put and put rice little better then forager order for or is it and remember the direction I will cut into how to make it beautiful please remember the direction direction of that the feeling okay so you have to cut this way we have to cut this way so I will left this one this side this side please remember this direction sorry I forgot to put lo mein lettuce but it's okay if this is just for Cara okay ten minutes past let's cut into half it so make it beautiful is it okay it's beautiful like green yellow and red so this one is a dry curry okay it's nice beautiful [Music] [Applause] [Music] nothing is why why Invisalign is Japanese life or Terry Jones or now ya gotta Assessor Hokkaido Hokkaido Hokkaido why don't--why yes using Hokkaido grapes Japanese wines are kind of expensive which is the reason why we don't drink it too often but today is a special occasion so yeah cheers everybody do you yeah I do ma this is good if that a great which we eat as it is the nyah-nyah-nyah is right yeah yeah yeah yeah hey Doc you mas stop stuffing with when you do it oh yes please which one should I try first I try the creep one you know what I'm gonna try the salad on a salad I mean although I have to say there is nothing salad D in here though it's cute it's a what avocado tamagoyaki and it's imitation crab and free it so why do you call it a salad mix is that looks like a salad feel like they're like moss balls first I thought maybe you might need mayonnaise in here but you actually don't need it and you've seasoned the rice with for the caucus so the perfect mmm would you cut him up - mm-hmm very well yeah well Yuki dazu is something that was very trending a few years back here in Japan these days I mean you still see them but you know it's not as trendy as it used to be but I think this is a great idea for picnics because they are convenient portable and you can get super creative with these and they can wrap it up much more up quitting's them only you do the dirty on here yeah yeah Pizza Tricolore one I sure will I sure will mmm Oh did it I think I like this one even more the first one mm-hmm you know dry curry is a basically Japanese style curry but it's not as liquidy it's crumbly like keema curry and I like that there's a little bit of chicken here all right I love all the little vegetables you have in here wash it so please try some of my data for a salad I keep wanting to say mashed potatoes I don't know I mean I wasn't wanted it's good mmm yeah I think it's a ticklish job you need a chunk of it but they told em I love that and try the cucumber because that makes it a little crispy as a little bit of crispness in your potato salad mmm it's good YUM and a sausage teriyaki sausage I'm very curious this is all staged yeah I hadn't seen this period is so stated I I went to Hawaii again dough came but I did not know this yeah I'm you would have to go to like a place called el Kazuya which is a place where they sell Japanese side dishes like this and they are kind of disappearing because you're old school how is it good it's pretty good right my mom used to make this for me all the time yeah we eat it with white rice little bit burnt or good II didn't put about always play sauce yes yes it's good hard to believe that it's just made with sugar and soy sauce right it's really really easy ma'am we call it cold I see Joel you cohosh enjoy you like burnt for you yeah it gives it a little umami I think and for dessert we have fresh strawberries because strawberries are in season Am I mmm oh it's all so easy [Music] mm-hmm I cannot get enough of strawberries during strawberries in so sweet uh hmm I'm so happy I'm gonna try these strawberries everyday while the season lasts just keep Jen this ain't a picnic oh you see this Cup why she just got look at I'll give him wine I was actually kind of cloudy now it was sunnier before but it's really really nice we you know open all our curtains to let the natural Sun come in and this is kind of nice sit on the floor all right yeah on the carpet yeah with all this lovely food mmm I love it thank you so much for watching guys hope you enjoyed this video see you next video bye [Music]
Channel: TabiEats
Views: 73,739
Rating: 4.9615383 out of 5
Keywords: tabieats, stayhome, 家にいよう, picnic, stay at home, DIY picnic, picnic ideas, japanese food, picnic food, rice ball, onigirazu, potato salad, quarantine ideas, things to do at home, how to, DIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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